
(帶狀疱疹) ?斬皮蛇的秘法 ?不用10元 ,一步一步做给你看,太容易了。Traditional method relief herpes zoster.

這個古傳斬皮蛇的秘法很簡單又方便,從始不再痛! 生蛇是一種皮膚病,西醫叫帶狀疱疹,中醫叫蛇串瘡,或者叫纏腰火丹,又稱蛇纏腰。

得了帶狀疱疹後果非常嚴重,如果病毒上眼或者入耳,就有可能引起眼盲和耳聾,并且發病時疼痛程度比女性分娩更痛,即使後期因爲治療疱疹痊愈了,也有可能留下後遺神經痛,伴随患者數月甚至數年。那麽,患了生蛇應該怎麽辦?怎麽預防生蛇發生? ❤关於w yestv 视频❤ 👉你一定会学到很多可以帮助自己也可以帮助你最爱的人。 👉分享给朋友会得到贵人帮助 👉一个分享可能改变他一生可能救了他人,功德無量自己都不知道。 👉支持w yestv 视频教学,你可以👇❤订阅、按赞、分享❤
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指甲花(散沫花) 用途。Lawsonia inermis plant。manfaat daun Inai )Pacar kuku。 https://youtu.be/h-3tHIJL3-4 白花丹用法。Plumbago zeylanica medicinal uses。manfaat daun encok。 https://youtu.be/zYkXVQpx1jI 印度醋栗~(余甘子)神奇功效与作用.Health Benefits of Cermai Fruit (gooseberry, Phyllanthus acidus) https://youtu.be/07-4vCxFabE 神奇植物~辣木的功效和食用方法。Health Benefits of moringa. Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2bvL... 苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leaves。Bayam merah. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4Vd0... 芒萁的功效与作用。 Dicranopteris linearis uses.Manfaat rumput Resam. https://youtu.be/vHfWz2Hg-1c 羅望子的功效与作用. Tamarind benefits .kegunaan Asam Jawa https://youtu.be/5azTY69VpqI
Do you want to know the easiest and most economical way to cure shingles?Here to share the ancestral secrets from someone, I hope you can get help. Hi,I am Yes.I once visited Singapore's aunt and learned that my aunt's friend told me that there is a secret recipe to treat the shingles.I think it is very suspicious. Is this recipe reliable ? For me, this secret recipe not only cure shingles, but also cure certain skin diseases.I won't say much,let’s start the demonstration right away.
Prepare a stone mortar, a underleaf pearl,a glass bottle,a white alcohol (30-70% concentration), the higher the concentration, the better.A underleaf pearl is enough. No need to clean.Break it into several pieces and put it into the stone mortar.
This is a mashed underleaf pearl.Put it in a glass jar.Next, add alcohol and cover the mashed underleaf pearl is enough.Then stir , finished product with a cotton swab, put it on the shingles, and then repeat it again, 5-6 times a day, and it will be healed in 6 days.Other skin diseases can also be used.Cover the finished product and put it in the refrigerator for storage.Use it when you need it.
This method is as simple as that.I asked my friend, is this method feasible? He said that his daughter had used it and healed in four days. It was painless and itchy.If you have other herbal recipes, please leave a message below and let me know. Hope can help more people.I hope this greatly benefited will be left to my aunt and this friend.I hope this video can help more people.See you next time.


指甲花(散沫花) 用途。Lawsonia inermis plant。manfaat daun Inai )Pacar kuku。

「天然」染髮劑! 不傷髮質又省了幾千塊!
2500多年前。 它在伊斯兰教中非常重要,它被用于许多仪式,特别是婚姻。 后一种用法也被印度教和佛教所采用。







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白花丹功效 Plumbago zeylanica medicinal usesmanfaat daun encok

印度醋栗~(余甘子)神奇功效与作用.Health Benefits of Cermai Fruit (gooseberry, Phyllanthus acidus)
神奇植物~辣木的功效和食用方法。Health Benefits of moringa. Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor

苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leavesBayam merah.

龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winged bean .Khasiat Kacang Botol
蕃薯葉 (地瓜葉)太好了,恨不得早点知道 ! .Health benefits of Sweet potato leaves.ubi jalar

2,500 years ago, humans used the plant behind me very early, whether it is Islamic religion, Hinduism or Buddhism, at the wedding, they will use the plant behind me.

This is Lawsonia Inermis. This plant is a natural hair dye. It also known as hina, the henna tree, the mignonette tree, and the Egyptian privet There are two kinds of such plants that are generally visible. One is white flowers and the other is pink flowers.Which one is more fragrant? The answer is white flowers.It has a unique aroma, just like jasmine.Although this pink has aroma, it is a bit stinky.

In Islam, Lawsonia Inermis is used in many ceremonies, especially wedding banquets, for chromosomes, hair dyeing, and hand painting.In the Bally district of Rajasthan in India, it is the main producer of Lawsonia Inermis in the local area.There are more than one hundred producer factory in Sojat.

Lawsonia Inermis powder is a pure natural plant powder. Because Lawsonia Inermis powder has a strong dyeing ability, people collect Lawsonia Inermis's leaves, flowers or stalks, dry them and then grind them into powder.What other uses are there for this plant ?

In the traditional folk, its leaves are generally used as dyes.The leaves are chopped, and the external application has the effect of relieving pain and swelling.Its bark is used in Arabia to heal mental illness. Its seed extract has a slow excitatory effect on the brain.It can be used for treatments with poor memory or inadequate general mental function.It can also treat onychomycosis caused by mold.

The main component of hair is a protein called "keratin." Lawsonia Inermis can repair hair loss protein, provide hair nutrients, and increase hair moisturizing power, leaving hair moisturized.

Lawsonia Inermis has the effect of cleaning the scalp. For the maintenance of hair, the most important thing is to take care of the scalp first, such as the hair mask made of Lawsonia Inermis, because the Lawsonia Inermis can rectify the scalp pores and keep the scalp clean and healthy. Although Lawsonia Inermis can't help increase the amount of hair, it can maintain the scalp and make the hair have a healthy growth environment.

Lawsonia Inermis contains henna, which is a red-orange dye molecule. It penetrates into the gaps in the stratum corneum of the hair, fuses with the protein of the hair, and then dyes the hair. Henna is a mild hair coloring ingredient compared to the acidic hair dyes on the market. One characteristic when using henna to dye hair is that the effect of dyeing hair is not obvious from the beginning, but it takes a while to develop color slowly.

Lawsonia Inermis has a special clear fragrance and also has the effect of repelling pests and anti-fungal bacteria.

Thank you for watching.See you next time.

Inai (nama botaninya Lawsonia inermis), merupakan sejenis pohon berbunga yang mana daunnya digunakan untuk mewarnai kulit badan manusia, rambut, kuku, barangan kulit (contoh beg, uncang, talipinggang dsbnya.) dan juga pewarna untuk kain. Pokok inai boleh membesar sehingga ketinggian 2.6m.

Pacar Kuku (Lat: Lawsonia inermis L.) adalah tanaman yang berasal dari Afrika Timur Laut dan Asia Barat Daya. Termasuk suku Lythaceae (bahasa latin).

Pacar kuku di Indonesia juga paling dikenal sebagai pemerah kuku tradisional dengan cara menumbuk daun dengan kapur atau gambir untuk mewarnai merah kuku.Tidak hanya itu, dalam bentuk kering, apabila daunnya ditumbuk dengan air, maka dapat digunakan untuk mewarnai rambut.[3] Daun pacar kuku mengandung zat warna lawson yang dapat diekstrak sebagai kristal berwarna kungin jingga, digunakan untuk mewarnai wol dan sutera.Daun mengandung tanin  (± 4,5 %), digunakan untuk obat penghenti diare ; serbuk daun digunakan untuk obat luka. Bunga mengandung minyak atsiri yang berbau seperti trimetil amina, digunakan dalam kosmetika. Biji mengandung minyak (10,5%). Kayu kelabu, keras, digunakan untuk membuat barang-barang kecil dan tusuk gigi


白花丹功效 Plumbago zeylanica medicinal uses。manfaat daun encok。


白花丹全草及根含有白花丹醌( 多食中毒,可出现麻痹等。可引起流产。若皮肤中毒可用清水或硼酸水洗涤,糜烂时可用硼酸软膏敷患处,服鲜品中毒后服蛋清、糖水、活性炭。





治脾脏肿大(《岭南草药志》):白花丹根浸酒服。重症并取叶和糯米捣烂,制成汤丸大蒸熟,晚闻睡醒服l 丸。


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苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leavesBayam merah.

龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winged bean .Khasiat Kacang Botol
蕃薯葉 (地瓜葉)太好了,恨不得早点知道 ! .Health benefits of Sweet potato leaves.ubi jalar

秋葵。(羊角豆)神奇的效果。Health Benefits of Okra lady's finger

假蒟.。他可治产后水肿,血崩。也可以补血,减肥。女性朋友产后一定要吃。Piper sarmentosumDaun KADUK

百香果.女人,知道它的好处!吃过它,像疯了爱上它。Benefits of Passion fruit . Buah markisa.
巴參菜(野菜)~功效与作用 . ( Talinum fruticosum ) BENEFITS OF “Waterleaf”,Manfaat GINSENG JAWA.

土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.

苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leavesBayam merah.

Hi,everyone,I am Yes.When I was about 10 years old, my uncle often took me to go fishing. There are five kinds of grass on the edge of the river that make me very angry, because they will stick to the pants or clothes.One kind of this is these on my shirt.Sticking will not fall, and it will stick to your hand when you remove it by hand.What is this grass? 
This Is Plumbago zeylanica, commonly known as Ceylon leadwort, doctorbush, , wild leadwort, Chitrak, White leadwort .Malay call this tumbuhan encok.
It contains plumbagin, B-sitosterol, vanillic acid, and plumbagic acid.In traditional Chinese medicine, white dandelion has the effect of hurricane dehumidification, promoting qi and blood circulation, detoxificating and subdhing swelling.

In the folk, it is mostly used for rheumatism, pain, heart and stomach pain, hepatosplenomegaly, blood stasis, bruises, itching and poisonous snake bites.Use 5 pieces of white flower leaves, add some water, crush and spread on the hands, and there will be a burning sensation soon.

Plumbago zeylanica are toxic, and excessive intake can cause blood pressure to drop and heartbeat to stop.The leaves and branches of the white flower are in contact with the skin for a long time. If it is more than 3 hours, it will cause redness and peeling.If a pregnant woman accidentally takes it, it can cause paralysis and even lead to miscarriage.

In the traditional folk, some elderly people will use Plumbago zeylanica leaf, washed and smashed, add a little warm water, stir into a paste, and then apply it to the place where bruises, bloated or snake bites, and then wrapped in gauze. For half an hour, twice a day, can help detoxification and detumescence.

Daun encok (Plumbago zeylanica) adalah semak-semak yang tumbuh dari Afrika dan tersebar hingga Indonesia. Tumbuhan ini dikenal dengan nama bama (Bali), ki encok (Sunda), godong encok (Jawa), kareka (Madura), dan oporio (Timor). Tumbuhan ini sangatlah beracun, sehingga pada saat menurapkan tumbuhan ini janganlah terlalu lama, cukup 30 menit saja. Tumbuhan dari genus yang sama, yakni akar binasa (Plumbago indica) kemungkinan racunnya lebih kuat daripada daun encok.

 Di India, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk demam, diare, masalah pencernaan, pilek, masalah kulit seperti kusta/lepra, dan malaria。 Di Nepal, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk antivirus, dan di Taiwan, dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas anti-Heliobakteri.

Dalam pengobatan Ayurveda dan Sidda, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk formulasi obat-obatan. Di India, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk demam, diare, mengatasi masalah pencernaan, pilek, mengatasi masalah kulit seperti kusta/lepra, dan malaria.

Di Nepal, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk antivirus. Di Taiwan, dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas antiheliobakteri. Di Madras, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk antioksidan. Di Ethiopia, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah lambung. Di Nigeria, tumbuhan ini digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit parasit dan scabies.

Akarnya digunakan sebagai laksatif, ekspektoran, astringent, abortifacient, dan disentri. Tingtur dari kulit akar digunakan sebagai antiperiodik. Daunnya kaustik dan digunakan dalam pengobatan kudis.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
