
自然界的維他命C果王( 西印度櫻桃好處)Barbodos cherry benefits。khasiat ceri Acerola。




發現酸溜溜的小果實,維他命C含量,竟然是目前眾多水果類之冠。 果實含有大量維他命C.此外果實可加工製成各種食品,如果凍、果汁、果糊、調製雞尾酒等

西印度樱桃果实 具有抗氧化劑、抗黴菌有幫助对痢疾、腹泻、肝病等有较好的辅助疗效




西印度樱桃含有維生素C.成熟/成熟越多,其中的維生素C就越少。 相反,最好在年輕時吃水,當水果仍然是綠色時。




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[長穗木 ]功效与作用.Medicinal uses of ( Blue porterweed ) Stachytarpheta jamaicensi . Pecut Kuda.

皇宮菜(木耳菜)的功效与作用.Health Benefits Of Basella Or Malabar spinach..


翅果鐵刀木(翅荚决明)的作用。 Health benefits of cassia alata.Kegunaan Pokok gelenggang.

苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

佛肚樹的功效与作用.Buddha Belly Plant medicinal uses(Jatropha podagrica).Tumbuhan jarak batang gajah.

This is Barbados Cherry.This kind of cherry has more than 100 varieties in the world. Its use value is also different.Other common names: Acerola, Barbados cherry, Jamaican cherry, Puerto Rican cherry

Barbados Cherry contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc., various vitamins and minerals.It also contains phytonutrients that are very beneficial to the human body.Eating two fruits a day is enough for the vitamin C content your body needs.Don't underestimate its small size, its vitamin C content is one of the champions of many fruits.

The fruit with lighter color has twice the vitamin C content than the deep red。A Barbados Cherry fruit, compared to guava, has a vitamin C that is 50 times higher.Compared with citrus, its vitamin C is 80 times higher.Barbados Cherry can be processed into a variety of foods, such as: jelly, juice, fruit paste, prepared into a cocktail.

Barbados Cherry fruit  have anti-oxidation and anti-microbial effects, and has good auxiliary effects on dysentery, diarrhea and liver diseases.

Barbados Cherry fruit contains high iron and is more suitable for pregnant women. It can effectively promote the regeneration of hemoglobin and also improve the anemia of pregnant women.

In Chinese medicine, Babardos Cherry when consume can increase body temperature  fruit, so a person who is often feel hot, a nosebleed and a dry cough is not suitable for excessive consumption.

In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are most suitable for eating this fruit. It can supplement the folic acid, prevent defects in fetal neurodevelopment, and promote the healthy development of the fetus.

Babardos Cherry  contains polyphenols that protect the body's DNA from free radical damage.

Babardos Cherry  contains anthocyanins, and experiments have shown that anthocyanins can inhibit and alleviate certain types of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation, bacterial infections and nerve damage, including neurasthenia types, central nervous and cerebral nerves.

Barbados cherries contain higher levels of protein, carotene, sugar, phosphorus and vitamin C than apples and pears.Especially iron, can effectively improve the skin, can remove wrinkle and spots, make the face skin more shiny and rosy.

If you have Parkinson's disease, your heart beats irregularly, you get cancer, or you have over 60 years old, don't know what fruit to eat, you can choose Barbados Cherry, not more than 12 a day, for health care, very good for body cells and nerves. Great help and improvement.

Sebiji ceri Acerola yang kecil juga mengandungi zat gizi: kalsium, besi, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, copper/tembaga ‎dan zinc. Kandungan magnesium, potassium dan B5 adalah 2 kali ganda melebihi oren, kandungan vitamin C-nya pula "luarbiasa" melebihi 65 kali ganda dari ‎oren, yakni menyamai dos saranan harian (RDI) dari U.S.FDA = 60 mg !!! ‎
Kepadatan Vitamin C Acerola – Nilai Tinggi Anti-Oksidan. Acerola sarat kandungan vitamin C. Semakin matang/ranum, ‎semakin kurang vitamin C di dalamnya. Justru, lebih baik di petik untuk di makan ketika masih muda, ketika buah masih berwarna hijau.

Jadi sapa2 yang selsema tu boleh lah makan buah nie sebab mampu mempercepat penyembuhan , dan yang lebih terkenal meningkatkan kesehatan otak atau mencegah Parkinson’s disease. unia.

Digalakkan Buah ini sesuai dimakan oleh orang-orang tua, wanita-wanita yang hamil, mereka yang berdiet, mereka yang memakan ubatan, perokok, peminum dan mereka yang terdedah pada kawasan-kawasan yang tercemar kerana kebolehannya dalam mengubati sel-sel badan.
Kajian yang tersiar dalam jurnal “Food Science and ‎Technology International” dan “Plant Foods and Human Nutrition” menyatakan, Acerola muda, ‎yakni belum matang/ranum, memiliki lebihan vitamin C, kandungan “polyphenol” didalamnya ‎melebihi kira-kira 2 kali ganda, lebih berkemampuan melindungi DNA tubuh dari ancaman radikal bebas.

Anthocyanidin adalah gerombolan molekeul flavonoid yang bermanfaat pada kesihatan tubuh. Eksperimen-eksperimen makmal menunjukkan bahawa anthocyanidin membantu menghalang dan ‎meringankan beberapa jenis penyakit termasuk kanser, kencing manis, penyakit kesakitan payudara ‎‎(fibrocystic disease), keradangan, jangkitan bakteria dan kakacauan saraf (neurological ‎impairments - jenis kemerosotan saraf yang berkaitan dengan sistem pusat saraf merangkumi otak ‎dan tulang belakang tubuh).

Anthocyanidin juga mempunyai nilai anti-keradangan yang ‎mengurang/merawat sakit kepala, memberi kesan yang sama sepertimana aspirin dan ibuprofen. ‎Juga membantu merawat demam dam sakit tekak/tenggorokan. ‎

Nilai anti-oksidan vitamin C dan bioflavonoid yang terkandung dalam Acerola mampu ‎membina dan memelihara collagen bagi menganjalkan ‎kulit, membantu pertumbuhan dan baik-pulih tisu-tisu tubuh, tisu-tisu penghubung dan saluran-‎saluran darah.

Acerola Menyihatkan Darah. Acerola mengandungi vitamin, zat gizi dan enzim ‎yang membantu tubuh menyerap zat besi, zat yang penting bagi pembinaan hemoglobin di dalam ‎tubuh. Zat besi membantu membekal oxygen kepada sel-sel, menghasilkan collagen, menstabilkan ‎fungsi dayatahan tubuh, dan menghalang anemia (kurang darah dan pucat). Menurut Acerola Untuk Diabetes. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa "asid chlorogenik" di dalam Acerola membantu ‎mengurangkan kadar gula dan mengawal tahap glukos dalam darah pada pesakit Kencing Manis “

马来西亚最可怕,最悲惨的神秘麻疯岛。 木蔻山岛故事(Pulau Jerejak) story。

以前,这个木蔻山岛 被称为最可怕,最悲惨的岛。在岛上被拘留的数千名麻疯病人生活得非常悲惨。这个岛被称为麻疯岛。

这次旅行是酒店的赞助商,邀请我们其中一人与youtuber一起拍摄,我们很荣幸被邀请拍摄。我很好奇木蔻山岛(Pulau Jerajak)已经存在了几十年。神会使用什么草药来帮助麻疯病人呢?




木蔻山岛Pulau Jerejak 已被打造成渡假村,而且也是槟城新的打卡地点、旅游景点,而且也充满大自然气息。如果您想找个人潮不多的地方旅游,不妨到那逛逛。


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上帝给穷人的防病~[牛筋草]Health Benefits of "GOOSE GRASS" or "PARAGIS".

牛筋草的功效与作用.Benefits of Paragis or Goose grass.Manfaat eleusine indica(Rumput Sambau )

苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

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土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.

In the past, this Pulau Jerajak Island was known as the most terrible and miserable island. Thousands of lepers who were detained on the island lived very miserably. This island is known as the island of leprosy.

This trip is a sponsor of the hotel and invites one of us to shoot with youtuber, we are honored to be invited to shoot. I am very curious that Pulau Jerajak has been around for decades. What herbs does God use to help leprosy patients?

The staff at the hotel was very welcoming, ready to drive and received us to the hotel lobby. Also prepared the pandan and ginger water, very delicious.

We ride bicycles and see the legendary mysterious leprosy prison under the guidance of a tour guide. Along the way, you can see several abandoned houses, a primary school and more than 20 graves, all of which were buried by leprosy.

After Malaysia became independent, it was called a small village. Later, the government ordered the closure of the place and moved to Johor. Therefore, for several years, Mudushan Island has no one to live in.

The leprosy prison is very gloomy.
There is a mysterious word in the dock, I am not convenient to say.

Pulau Jerejak has been built as a resort and is also a new checkpoint, tourist attraction and a natural atmosphere in Penang. If you are looking for a place where you can't find a place to visit, why not go there.

If you have a story about this island, please leave a message.

Previously, the island was known as the most horrible, scariest and miserably island.Thousands of lepers, who were detained on the island, lived very miserably.This island is known as Pulau Jerejak.

This trip is a hotel sponsor and invites one of us to shoot with youtuber, and we are honored to be invited to shoot.I am very curious about Pulau Jerajak, who has been around for decades. What herbs will the gods use to help leprosy patients
Finally ,came to the hotel’s jetty.The hotel staff was very welcoming, ready for the car and received us to the hotel lobby.Also prepared pandan plus ginger water, which is very delicious.Here is the room I live in.Is its scenery beautiful ? The environment is very good.Let's see what is inside.Very beautiful and comfortable.The toilet is also clean.The bathtub is below.

This is the view outside the balcony.The air is very fresh.

This is our youtuber riding a bicycle together, guided by a guide to see the legendary, mysterious leper prison. Along the way, you can see several abandoned houses, a primary school, and more than 20 graves, all of which are buried with leprosy.

After Malaysia’s independence, it was called a small village. Later, the government ordered the place to be closed and moved to Johor. So, for several years, this island is no one living.This is the church of Pulau Jerejak.In the age of war, the British built it, and it is now abandoned. The front is the previous jetty.

Here is the intersection into the prison of leprosy patients. This place is also very gloomy, and the tour guide does not encourage us to go in.This is where the leprosy is held. One is holding more than 50 leprosy patients. There are a total of 20. Pushed away, there are 3 left.The tour guide told me that the haystacks here should not be stepping on, because there will be many ghosts, which scared me a lot.Behind me is the place where lepers are dining.Behind that is the toilet.

It was dark, and we went back to the jetty and rested for 10 minutes before returning to the hotel.There is a mysterious god in the jetty, I can't say it. You can come and see, this mysterious word is unprecedented outside. It is a very gloomy place, so it is not encouraged to come in at night.

Here is a bar with an beach where you can enjoy a drink while enjoying the view.It is very beautiful and attractive.The bar give us a drink, very delicious. The scenery in the evening is beautiful, a lot of lighting, very romantic.Here is where we dine.

Three days and two nights, on the island, very rushed. I can't see the herbs that are generally visible, but I found that there are two things that help lepers.That is theGoose grass and the grass.Both grasses can be boiled. It can help strengthen the body's immunity, detoxification, anti-inflammatory, hypothermia, liver poisoning, and can help diuretic. After taking, it can relieve itching and relieve the onset of the disease.

On this island, I found something strange, this fishtail palm is generally 1km from the sea, but on this island, it is very close to the sea. What is the use of it ? Unplug its tree, the fibers inside, and a bunch of it, which can be used to make fire. If it rains, there are no fire-making materials on the island, and these fibers can be used.Its smoke can drive away mosquitoes, and it can also be used to cook food.
For leprosy patients, this leaf is also very useful.They will wrap the wound with its leaves and branches to prevent bacteria and flies from laying eggs.The core of the small fishtail palm is edible. Its taste is a bit astringent.If there is no food on the island, you can use this to feed your hunger.

If you have a story about this island, you are welcome to leave a message.Thank you for all the youtuber who travelled together and the hospitality of the hotel.


叢立孔雀椰子( 鱼尾葵)作用。Caryota mitis uses. Manfaat Pokok Dudar。

鱼尾葵 在孟加拉国,根和果实用于痔疮,男子气概,类风湿性关节炎和泻药。



叢立孔雀椰子( 鱼尾葵)
Fishtail Palm
短穗鱼尾葵  (学名:Caryota mitis)葯名:魚尾葵根別名:棕木Pokok Dudar
拉丁名:Caryota ochlandra Hance








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羅望子的功效与作用. Tamarind benefits .kegunaan Asam Jawa

[長穗木 ]功效与作用.Medicinal uses of ( Blue porterweed ) Stachytarpheta jamaicensi . Pecut Kuda.

皇宮菜(木耳菜)的功效与作用.Health Benefits Of Basella Or Malabar spinach..


翅果鐵刀木(翅荚决明)的作用。 Health benefits of cassia alata.Kegunaan Pokok gelenggang.

苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

佛肚樹的功效与作用.Buddha Belly Plant medicinal uses(Jatropha podagrica).Tumbuhan jarak batang gajah.

This is Fishtail Palm.Generally used as an ornamental plant. You can see this plant in southern Asia, southeast, tropical countries, Austria, Taiwan, China.

It has the ability to purify the air and absorb harmful gases from the air.In traditional Chinese medicine, this plant has the effect of helping to stop bleeding and strengthen bones.

Its roots and stems can treat colds, fever, cough, tuberculosis, chest pain, urinary dysfunction, external treatment of bruises and fracturesIts leaves, stems and fruit contain alkaloids and are also toxic.The stalk of Fishtail Palm contains a lot of starch, which can be used as a substitute for glutinous rice. The sapwood is hard and can be used as handicrafts and chopsticks.

The medulla of the stem contains starch and is edible. The young flower shaft contains sugar juice and can be cooked into molasses or fermented to make wine.The most poisonous place of the Fishtail Palm is its fruit. Inadvertently taking it will cause dizziness and vomiting because the fruit contains oxalate crystals.

 It will itch if it touches the skin. If the eyes touch it accidentally, it will feel itchy and painful. Wash your eyes with water and the symptoms will disappear after 12 hours.If you have a trauma, you can use the leaves of the Fishtail Palm to help heal and sterilize. However, you can't smash the leaves, because its juice touches the wound and it feels burnt.

In the folks of Thailand, the elderly use the fruit of the Fishtail Palm, boil water, bathe, and treat the body's itching.

In the folks of Bangladesh, the roots and fruits of the Fishtail Palm are used to treat hemorrhoids and rheumatoid arthritis. Its fruit is also used as a laxative.

Pokok Dudar atau juga dikenali sebagai Duduk adalah pokok yang ada di hutan Malaysia, dan nama botani pokok Dudar adalah Caryota mitis.
Dalam Perubatan tradisional, besarbesaran digunakan Bagi mengubati mereka Yang santau terkena.

Dari batangnya Yang gede, hitam, Dan KUAT, dipergunakan sebagai roda. Saat Terjadi kelangkaan Pangan, sagu berwarna putih Dari sarai dimakan. Tumbuhan Penyanyi also Dibuat sagu di Sarawak (di Tempat Inilah Beccari menemukan tumbuhan Penyanyi), Bangka Belitung, Dan Semenanjung Melayu. Walaupun Rasanya Agak pahit, tetapi Masih Tetap dimakan Di Palembang -kata Heyne (1922) -. dulu, serat batang Dari sarai dikeringkan untuk review dijadikan semacam kain Yang berserat spon Dan digunakan untuk review Menutup badan pencuri PADA zaman PT KARYA CIPTA PUTRA apabila hendak Mencuri

Sekalipun sagunya DAPAT dimakan, namun buah Dari sarai TIDAK DAPAT dimakan dikarenakan mengandung kristal oksalat Yang menyebabkan Gatal di kulit. Apabila Mengenai mata, mata DAPAT memerah Dan DAPAT menyebabkan sakit Dan Gatal. Namun, untuk review racun menghilangkan, dapatlah kitd gunakan pita Perekat. Sakit Dan Gatal DAPAT Menghilang perlahan Beroperasi sendirinya selama 12 jam. Barangsiapa Yang menelan buah sarai, can kitd gunakan Cairan dinginatau pencahar untuk review Mengurangi rasa sakit. Apabila TIDAK berkurang rasa sakitnya, can kitd gunakan analgesik. Namun, racun Dari asam oksalat Sendiri TIDAK Terlalu Berbahaya. Selain buah, daun Dan batang also Beracun. Daunnya Yang Berbulu Penyanyi menghasilkan racun Yang menyebabkan Gatal. 


神奇黎豆~(刺毛黧豆)的功效与作用.Mucuna pruriens benefits. Khasiat biji kara benguk.

根據印度北方省堪坡的國立醫學大學生化系研究成果顯示.黎豆所含的左旋多巴胺(L-Dopamine).1.可改善巴金森氏症患者的震顫和僵直症狀。 2.可改善老人的失眠障礙。3.可改善男性不育症.多巴胺作用於腦中的下視丘和腦下垂體前葉.產生「促性腺激素釋放激素」(GnRH). 「促黃體激素」和「促濾泡激素」.能控制精子的生成.換言之.腦中的多巴胺濃度愈高.愈能增加睪丸酮(即所謂的男性荷爾蒙或雄性素).進而主導男性的性行為。

別名虎豆、鼠豆的黎豆(Mucuna pruriens,又稱velvet bean),是印度傳統醫藥「印度草醫學」(Ayurveda)中常用的一種植物,最早是作為蛇毒解藥,因為黎豆具有能夠延緩血液凝固的特性。

學名:Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC var. utilis Bak. ex Burck                  科別:豆科.

據設在印度北方省(Uttar Pradesh)堪坡(Kanpur)的國立Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj醫學大學生物化學系研究小組成員馬蒂(Abbas Mahdi)今天向媒體發表成果表示,研究小組在6個月的時間裡,對400 名年齡在25-40歲的不育症男性,分階段給予黎豆子萃取物治療,得到了令人鼓舞的結果。
也有研究顯示,黎豆有抗憂鬱的效果,有興趣的人,不妨參閱這本書:Medicinal Plants:Chemistry and Properties ,作者為M. Daniel。不過提醒大家,黎豆不能過量服用,因為過量的多巴胺及黎豆含有的一些類似神經傳導物質的物質,例如血清素、5-HTP、尼古丁等等的物質,容易引發服用的人產生幻覺或者類似藥物濫用的感知扭曲,故黎豆有一個別名就叫瘋豆(Mad Bean)


() 腰脊痠痛 : 黎豆2~3.燉豬腰子服。
() 虎頭蜂螫傷 : 黎豆葉搗汁調黑糖.頻頻擦刷患處。

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黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Blac

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生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

泰国柠檬强化记忆力、提高思考反应的灵活度。你听过吗?Benefits Of Kaffir LimeJeruk purut

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山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

印度神花~狗牙花/马茶花. Crape Jasmine usesmanfaat mondokaki

Mucuna pruriens is a creeping vine that can be found growing in India, the Caribbean and tropical areas of Africa. This tropical plant is also often referred to as “velvet bean” due to the velvet-like coating of hairs that cover its seedpods. Do you know why they were able to make an itching powder from this plant? It’s because all it takes is touching its seed pods or young foliage to experience a severe itching and irritation of your skin!

 The seed powder of the leguminous plant, Mucuna pruriens has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine for diseases including parkinsonism. We have assessed the clinical effects and levodopa (L-dopa) pharmacokinetics following two different doses of mucuna preparation and compared them with standard L-dopa/carbidopa (LD/CD).

Research conducted at the C.S.M. Medical University in India investigated the effects of Mucuna pruriens on 75 men undergoing infertility screening compared to a control group of 75 healthy fertile men.

The study reveals that treatment with velvet bean significantly improved testosterone, luteinizing hormone, dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline levels in infertile men. In addition, sperm count and sperm motility were “significantly recovered” in the infertile men after treatment.

Some people in Brazil traditionalt the  Roots of Mucuna pruriens  used for paralysis and affections of the nervous system.
In India, young and tender pods are cooked and eaten.
In Brazil, toasted ground seeds used as coffee substitute.
- Roots used for paralysis and affections of the nervous system.
- In India, roots used as tonic.
- Infusion of root mixed with honey prescribed for cholera.
- In the West Indies, decoction of root used as powerful diuretic and kidney cleanser. Also, an ointment from the roots used for elephantiasis.
- In Suriname traditional medicine, ointment used for swollen glands.

masa kecil di kampung, tanaman kara benguk tentu tidak asing lagi. Bijinya yang sering dibuat tempe benguk atau dimainkan sebagai biji congklak ini ternyata punya beragam khasiat untuk bagi kejantanan pria.

Nama kara benguk (Mucuna pruriens) mungkin hanya populer di Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya. Namun tanaman ini sebenarnya bisa ditemukan di seluruh Indonesia meski namanya berbeda seperti kacang babi atau kacang kowas (Sunda), kekara juleh (Maluku) atau bhengok (Madura).

Selain di Indonesia, tanaman ini tersebar di hampir semua wilayah beriklim tropis mulai dari India, Thailand, Afrika hingga Amerika Tengah. Di negara lain, kara benguk juga dikenal dengan nama Velvet bean, Yokohama bean, Bengal bean, Buffalo bean atau Cowitch bean.

Jika di Indonesia kara benguk lebih sering diolah menjadi tempe benguk, beberapa tradisi di luar negeri punya cara sendiri untuk mengolahnya. Tak hanya cara pengolahannya yang unik, tujuan pengolahannya juga cukup menarik yakni untuk mendongkrak gairah seks pria.

Misalnya di Brazil, biji kara benguk disangrai, digerus hingga halus lalu diseduh dengan air panas seperti kopi. Masyarakat setempat meyakini kopi dari biji kara benguk mampu mengurangi gejala tremor atau gemetar pada parkinson serta bisa mengatasi impotensi.

Bukan hanya bijinya yang bisa dimanfaatkan, daun kara benguk yang sudah dikeringkan juga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan gairah seks pria. Caranya dengan merajangnya seperti tembakau, lalu dibakar dan dihisap dengan pipa atau dibungkus kertas rokok.

Khasiat biji kara benguk untuk kejantanan pria pernah dibuktikan dalam sebuah penelitian di India. Penelitian tersebut menyimpulkan, konsumsi 5 gram kara benguk rebus tiap hari bisa meningkatkan jumlah sel sperma sehingga makin poten untuk membuahi sel telur.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
