
马来西亚华人和马来人用七星针治病製作教學.pereskia  bleo / pereskia grandifolia medicinal uses。JARUM TUJUH BILAH MERAWAT KANSER



这棵树至少有17种品种。 其中最受欢迎的是红色和橙色的七星针 树。


七星针 有消肿 活血 化瘀 功效,在80年代 新加坡和马来西亚华人民间

不论是生吃的叶,作饮食蔬菜,制成的茶的七星针  在马来西亚当地的三大种族有的传统医师相信它可以维持健康,排毒,预防癌症和/或治疗癌症,高血压,糖尿病,胃痛,肌肉疼痛和炎性疾病等。 如皮炎和风湿病有一定的作用。

七星针在马来民间相信它可帮助治 结肠癌,鼻癌和其他癌症。也可以治愈肾脏衰竭,高血压和糖尿病,并可以缓解头痛。它的方法使用开水煮7到10片叶子,然后用沸水煮沸。叶子煮沸后,就可以过滤并每天喝3到4次。您也可以将其他药物作为果汁饮料使用,每天可以食用2至3次,也可以使用其他替代方法。您还可以在果汁中添加一点水果混合物以增加风味,并使其在食用时更加美味。通过定期食用这些会致癌的药用植物,

禁忌: 七星针一般没有什么副作用,不过老年人,体制虚冷的人,體虛者,孕婦,平血的人




每个人的体质不一样,为了安全我不鼓励你跟着这种方法使用,最好请 指导会的医师,在你现在的体质全方面的指导你更有效治疗你现在的疾病。

七星针容易和方便食用,采折比较大叶子两三片,清洗叶片后,夹在面包生食,或者撕成小片当沙拉食用。七星针具有抗癌的功效,同时对于胃相关疾病,如消化不良、胃下垂、胃炎、胃灼熱、消化性潰瘍等有一定的疗效。其药用价值是得到新马一带中医师的肯定的。这种草药也收录在《馬來西亞草藥圖錄》中。民间亦用来治疗妇女子宫颈癌、卵巢癌,乳癌,有消肿 活血 化瘀 功效,视为癌症的救星。 对于胃病,只需煲水喝,也有疗效。民间亦用来治疗痔疮,用七片七星针叶子,越大片越好,加七粒红枣同煮,待温后喝,两天喝一次。





学名:Pereskia corrugata Cutak、Pereskia bleo(Kunth)DC.
英文名:Pereskia Rose Cactus、Rose Cactus、Wax Rose、Perescia

英文名 :Wax Rose, Rose Cactus.
学名:Pereskia Corrugata Cutak
pereskia sacharosa benefits
seven star needles plant health benefits




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白鹤灵芝草的功效。Rhinacanthus nasutus ~(Snake jasmine )medicinal uses。

黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca 。 Black face general

神奇树治感冒,气管炎,降胆固醇 製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看。DIY how to prepare Ficus septica leaves for medicinal uses。  

蘋婆 (鳳眼果)功效和好處。Health Benefits of Chinese Chesnut.( Sterculia monosperma)

黃花酢醬草的功效与作用.Oxalis corniculata uses.Manfaat Tanaman Semanggi。

pereskia bleo, has also been used traditionally by the local ethnic groups in Malaysia for treatment of various ailments. The leaveseither eaten raw,chewedor taken as a concoction brewed and drink as a tea made from the mature leaves (6–7 pieces) is claimed to treat diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism and for revitalizing the body. 
pereskia bleo

It is traditionally used as a dietary vegetable, barrier hedge, water purifier, and insect repellant and for maintaining health, detoxification, prevention of cancer, and/or treatment of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, stomach ache, muscle pain, and inflammatory diseases such as dermatitis and rheumatism.

Pereskia bleo (rose cactus or seven star needle) was effective against five types of cancer: cervical, colon, liver, ovarian and uterine cancers.

Kegunaan dan Rawatan.

1. Merawat kanser terutama kanser kolon/usus besar, kanser hidung dan kanser yang lain.
2. Sakit Buah pinggang.
Tiga Cara Rawatan:
1. Masukkan 2 helai daun ke dalam air panas, dijadikan teh dan diminum.
2. Daunnya dimakan sebagai ulam 1-3 helai setiap hari.
3. Kisar daun menjadi lumat, dijadikan jus dan diminum.

Pokok jarum ini dipercayai dapat mencegah penyakit barah terutama barah usus dan barah hidung, menyembuhkan penyakit darah tinggi dan kencing manis serta dapat menghilangkan sakit kepala. Amalan memakan daun atau pucuknya sebagai ulam dapat melegakan sengal sendi dan menyegarkan badan. Selain memakan pucuknya, daun jarum tujuh bilah boleh direndam dan air rendaman itu dijadikan 

minuman kesihatan. 

Terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 17 spesies pokok ini. Antara yang paling digemari ialah pokok yang berbunga merah dan jingga. 

Untuk mengobati penyakit dalam seperti penyakit kanker, gagal ginjal, darah tinggi dan beberapa penyakit dalam lainnya, anda bisa mengolahnya dengan cara merebus daun tujuh duri ini dengan air mendidih. Cara mengolahnya adalah dengan mengambil 7 sampai 10 helai daun dan rebus dengan menggunakan air mendidih. Setelah daun tersebut direbus anda bisa menyaringnya lalu minum air rebusan daun tersebut 3 sampai 4 kali setiap hari secara rutin. Anda juga bisa menggunakan alternatif lain dengan mengolah tanaman obat ini sebagai minuman jus yang dapat dikonsumsi 2 sampai 3 kali sehari. Anda juga bisa menambahkan sedikit campuran buah-buahan ke dalam jus tersebut untuk menambah rasa dan agar lebih enak saat diminum. Dengan mengkonsumsi tanaman obat ini secara rutin maka penyakit kanker,


老天爷送给人类,有补血的天然野生水果桃金娘。 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa benefit 。Manfaat POKOK KEMUNTING。




桃金娘(拉丁学名:Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)  英文名:myrtle。













老天爷送给人类,有补血的天然野生水果桃金娘。 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa benefit 。Manfaat POKOK KEMUNTING。







药宜忌:大便秘结者禁服。 《台湾药用植物志》:儿童食之,或大便难下。








Orang-orang tua terdahulu sering merebus akarnya, untuk mengobati muntah darah.

Air rebusannya (lebih kurang 150 ml) diminum tiga kali sehari selama tiga hari. Kemunting juga bisa digunakan untuk mengobati sakit perut,cirit birit& dsentri.Ambillah pucuk daun, lalu direbus dan airnya diminum. Insya Allah sakit perut jadi sembuh. Bagi kaum ibu yang melahirkan, pucuk daun kemunting bisa digunakan untuk obat selepas bersalin. Lebih baik lagi jika dicampurkan dalam rebusan daun inai, daun hati-hati,boleh mengecilkan rahim.

Akar dan daun kemunting juga bisa mengobati keputihan pada wanita. Akar dan daun direbus, kemudian air rebusannya d minum.

Kemunting menghasilkan buah berbentuk beri yang bujur yang dimakan mentah atau boleh dibuat jem, jeli atau jus. Isi buah yang manis ini memang sedap dimakan. Buah yang masih mentah lazimnya rasanya Kelat,pokok yang ditanam akan menghasilkan buah manis berbanding dengan pokok yang tumbuh liar. Pokok kemunting juga mengandungi tar kayu yang digunakan sebagai pewarna hitam iaitu tujuan komestik untuk menghitamkan bulu kening dan juga mencuci gigi. Di percayai juga buah kemunting yang dimakan segar baik sebagai tonik penghadaman. Daun kemunting pula boleh digunakan sebagai ubat pupuk untuk luka dan menghentikan pendarahan kemdian mampu menyembuhkan luka-luka. Air rebusan daun yang diminum juga mampu menyembuhkan demam panas , melegakan sakit dan juga membantu dalam membersihkan tubuh badan kita. Bahagian akar kemunting yang direbus dijadikan rawatan pedih bawah dada dan mengatasi masaalah sistem penghadaman. Akar yang dicampur air mendidih boleh digunakan untuk rawatan mata atau dijadikan ubat pupuk pada dahi. Air rebusan akar juga bole merawat penyakit darah rendah...

全马马来西亚最流行的7种抗癌草药的问题 !The 7 most popular anti-cancer herbs in Malaysia!。

很多人问我,什么草药可以治愈癌症? 哪些草药可以治愈乳腺癌? 哪些草药可以治愈肝癌? 让我告诉您,在见到您和您的健康观察之前,每个医生都无法回答您真正想要的问题。





治疗 血癌、淋巴癌、肝癌、肺癌、尿酸、痔瘺。
治疗痔瘺/ 老鼠偷糞药方

治鼻出血,排尿困难,腹泻,支气管炎 製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看。DIY how to prepare Elephantopus scaber tea for medicinal uses。https://youtu.be/q3qjOi_jlrM

中文学名 地胆头
拉丁学名 Elephantopus scaber L.
别 称 苦地胆、天芥菜、鸡疴粘、土柴胡、马驾百兴、地胆头、磨地胆。

忧遁草贫穷病人的救星。clinacanthus nutans snake plant anticancer,。Sabah Snake Grass - Daun Belalai Gajah
【病例1】 5 歲患血癌吃憂遁草無副作用
8 歲的余凱銀在 5 歲時,被醫生判她患上血癌,曾進入緊急加護病房 3 個月,原因是發燒嚴重,同時白血球起落不平衡。

【病例2】 每天 200 片葉加水打汁喝,2 周後癌瘤奇跡消除
癌症患者,每天 3 次每次服用憂遁草鮮葉 100 片、青蘋果 1 個(連皮核);憂遁草總數量不能少於 300 片,否則不能達到抗癌功效。
容易反胃者,1 天 6 次,每次憂遁草鮮葉 50 片、青蘋果半個(連皮核)。
蔬菜、瓜、豆等占 65%,水果占 10%,小米 Millet 最佳,可配糙米、紅米,不吃白米。
1. 癌症患者應全面戒肉,尤其是牛肉、羊肉、雞肉、鴨肉、烏雞、乳鴿、鰻魚、鱔、野味、人工養魚。
2. 戒糖、肉類、蛋類、甜品、奶類及奶製品、花生及花生製品、白米及白米製品;酸性食物降低免疫力,容易令人生病。
糖類及奶類是癌細胞的營養,絕不能進食,戒所有糖類、黑糖、蜜糖、含糖飲品、牛奶、奶粉、起士、乳酪、巧克力、coffee-mate 等。

5 片爬树龙叶子( 叶子数量要单数 ),一包蜜枣,8段红色的药蔗 大约半尺长( 此甘蔗连叶子也呈红色 )慢火熬煮六个小时。连续喝几个月,肿瘤逐渐消失。

黑面将军 - 清热解毒的草药,据说对防癌有一定功效哦!!】
煮法很简单(煮好后的味道像凉茶, 不会难喝):
1. 黑面将军叶 1 把大约12枝,每枝大约2尺/60cm长(干品大约100g,生草药就200g, 生品或干品皆可),支干和叶子都切碎一起下去煮.
2. 红枣 1把(大约十来颗吧)剖开, 这样比较能出味。放红枣是为了平衡黑面将军的寒性。



【拼音】Pá Shù Lónɡ
【拼音】Pá Shù Lónɡ

黑面将军 - 清热解毒的草药,据说对防癌有一定功效哦!!】
煮法很简单(煮好后的味道像凉茶, 不会难喝):
1. 黑面将军叶 1 把大约12枝,每枝大约2尺/60cm长(干品大约100g,生草药就200g, 生品或干品皆可),支干和叶子都切碎一起下去煮.
2. 红枣 1把(大约十来颗吧)剖开, 这样比较能出味。放红枣是为了平衡黑面将军的寒性。
3. 5000~6000cc水
把全部材料及水一起放进开大水壶内或大锅大火烧开后, 转最小火, 慢慢煮4小时就可以了(据说煮的越久就越能去除次草药的寒性, 所以我大多都煮5小时以上)。 煮好后可以加些黄糖或红糖调味。放凉后可以收在冰箱内喝 三两天, 很可口, 我们全家人都当凉茶喝。
刚开始饮用此茶时, 排便的次数会增加, 有的人会泻肚子, 但不会严重, 肚子不会绞疼。 建议开始时在周末或不打算出门时饮用, 才不会造成生活上和作业上的不便。饮用几次后, 排便多的现象就会停止。 但是如果停用久了, 再度饮用的话, 排便多的现象又会重新出现。但人会觉得很舒服, 轻快。

Many people ask me, what Herbs can cure  cancer ? what Herbs can cure breast cancer ? what Herbs can cure liver cancer ? Let me tell you that every doctor can’t answer the questions you really want before seeing you and Observation in Health of you.

Today I want to introduce you to the 7 most popular cancer herbs in Malaysia among the people.These 7 herbs, I will tell you, its advantages and disadvantages, and its special features.

First of all, I want to tell you that herbs that can help cure cancer are eaten by insects, some are grasshoppers or snails.

Let me show you, the herbal leaves eaten by insects, the first is Soursoup leaves. This is Leea Indica Leaves. And this Sabah Snake Grass, this is Rhaphidophora Decursiva, this is Black Face General, this is the seven needles, this is the Elephantopus Scaber.

These seven kinds of herbs that can help cure cancer have very strong vitality.According to my observation, the strongest is the Rhaphidophora Decursiva.It can grow slowly, climb the tree all the time, the leaves will not become smaller, and it grows very lush.

The vitality of the seven needles is also very strong. As long as its branches are on the soil, it can absorb the moisture and nutrients of the soil and make it strong.

In the folk, seven needles are used to treat female diseases.For example, breast cancer, uterine cancer. There are  some patients with cancer, and the digestive system is  poor. 

Especially women with uterine cancer ,when heard the news , would eat seven needles, but some of them would be more serious and some vomited ,could not eat at all.

seven needles leaves are sticky when you eat. Generally, young women use it to stir fruit juice and some are vomit when drinking. It is very difficult to drink and refuses to take it.

Therefore, not every uterine cancer patient is suitable for taking seven needles at the time.

Next is Black Face General.It is also indispensable for cancer patients, one of the herbs that helps cure cancer.Whether it is raining or under the sun, the leaves that grow out will always  so strong and shining.
People with sensitive skin will feel itchy if they touch the seven needles. But it has a unique feature, that is, it will give off a bit of fragrance after being boiled or dried.

Among the seven herbs,Black Face General is the easiest leaf to dry, and the weight is the heaviest. Even under the sun, its leaves will not turn yellow or wither, which is what makes it unique.

The leaves of Sabah Snake Grass are very soft, and can eaten raw, it is light and tasteless.If it is to be used to treat cancer, it is also very limited, because cancer patients need a large amount and fresh leaves of Sabah Snake Grass. Therefore, if you choose it to treat cancer, you should make sure that it is enough the leaves of Sabah Snake Grass is enough.

So this is the bottleneck for choosing Sabah Snake Grass. After taking it for a while, it may be out of stock and difficult to find. In the folk, there are also many people who use it to stir juice and drink.

The Elephantopus Scaber is cleaned and eaten raw, and its roots have a sweet taste. Its leaves are hairy, and its roots are usually crushed or mixed with fruit juice and drink raw to cure cancer.

In general, using Elephantopus Scaber to treat cancer, the number of roots is also very limited, which is also an obstacle for cancer patients to choose it.

Its quantity is very small, and some people even bid for a RM300. 
jadi ia sukar di cari dan juga merupakan satu halangan.

Soursop Leaves can be said to be the most popular herbal medicine for cancer treatment in the world. There are 7 kinds of herbs, and it has the most fiber.

Leea Indica is an herbal medicine specially to treat blood cancer.But many young people with blood cancer, 20-35 years old, just don't like taking this leaf.Because it is bitter, it doesn't taste good. 

Therefore, many parents are very worried and do not know how to help their children treat blood cancer.

Among these 7 kinds of herbs, the most special ones are Soursop leaves and Leea Indica leaves.Very strange, red ants like to build nests on these two trees.

If you look closely, the Elephantopus Scaber, the Black-face General, seven needles, you can't see the ants crawling on these trees.

Unfortunately, among the seven herbs, the most pesticide is the Soursop leaf ,which is also the most used by people.

Many people ask me, can blood cancer be cured by eating only one kind of  leaf? There are some patients with blood cancer. After taking it, the situation improves. However, unfortunately, some young patients don like comsume bitter taste  and afraid to  ,then give up, simply do not drink, ignore, and eventually relapse.This is a problem that many parents do not know about.

If you choose only one herbal medicine to cure cancer, you must know your personal constitution and whether  can take it for a long time is also one of the problems.

For example, the elders are not afraid of bitterness and keep taking Leea Indica tea. The doctor judged that he could not live for more than 3 months, but he still lived for more than 10 years and everything is normal. Even if you recover, you need to abstain and know how to health care.

I have met some cancer patients and recovered, not taking good care of the body, eating indiscriminately, and eventually causing a relapse.

I want to tell you that if your family has cancer, you must take good care of the body and keep taking herbs to strengthen the immunity and fight cancer.

Therefore, before taking each Chinese herbal medicine, you must ask a physician to teach you how to use it, because it is not a short-term consumption, but a long-term. Everyone's physique will change, if you eat anything, so when you encounter any problems, you must consult a doctor to help you
.Don't eat it indiscriminately unless you understand your physique.

These 7 kinds of herbs all have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is not said which is the best.Before using herbs to treat you, I suggest you ask a herbalist, for guidance.
This is what I want to share with you, many years of experience.

Thanks for watching.See you again.
Many people ask me, what Herbs can cure  cancer ? what Herbs can cure breast cancer ? what Herbs can cure liver cancer ? Let me tell you that every doctor can’t answer the questions you really want before seeing you and Observation in Health of you.

Today I want to introduce you to the 7 most popular cancer herbs in Malaysia among the people.These 7 herbs, I will tell you, its advantages and disadvantages, and its special features.

First of all, I want to tell you that herbs that can help cure cancer are eaten by insects, some are grasshoppers or snails.

Let me show you, the herbal leaves eaten by insects, the first is Soursoup leaves. This is Leea Indica Leaves. And this Sabah Snake Grass, this is Rhaphidophora Decursiva, this is Black Face General, this is the seven needles, this is the Elephantopus Scaber.

These seven kinds of herbs that can help cure cancer have very strong vitality.According to my observation, the strongest is the Rhaphidophora Decursiva.It can grow slowly, climb the tree all the time, the leaves will not become smaller, and it grows very lush.

The vitality of the seven needles is also very strong. As long as its branches are on the soil, it can absorb the moisture and nutrients of the soil and make it strong.

In the folk, seven needles are used to treat female diseases.For example, breast cancer, uterine cancer. There are  some patients with cancer, and the digestive system is  poor. 

Especially women with uterine cancer ,when heard the news , would eat seven needles, but some of them would be more serious and some vomited ,could not eat at all.

seven needles leaves are sticky when you eat. Generally, young women use it to stir fruit juice and some are vomit when drinking. It is very difficult to drink and refuses to take it.

Therefore, not every uterine cancer patient is suitable for taking seven needles at the time.

Next is Black Face General.It is also indispensable for cancer patients, one of the herbs that helps cure cancer.Whether it is raining or under the sun, the leaves that grow out will always  so strong and shining.
People with sensitive skin will feel itchy if they touch the seven needles. But it has a unique feature, that is, it will give off a bit of fragrance after being boiled or dried.

Among the seven herbs,Black Face General is the easiest leaf to dry, and the weight is the heaviest. Even under the sun, its leaves will not turn yellow or wither, which is what makes it unique.

The leaves of Sabah Snake Grass are very soft, and can eaten raw, it is light and tasteless.If it is to be used to treat cancer, it is also very limited, because cancer patients need a large amount and fresh leaves of Sabah Snake Grass. Therefore, if you choose it to treat cancer, you should make sure that it is enough the leaves of Sabah Snake Grass is enough.
So this is the bottleneck for choosing Sabah Snake Grass. After taking it for a while, it may be out of stock and difficult to find. In the folk, there are also many people who use it to stir juice and drink.

The Elephantopus Scaber is cleaned and eaten raw, and its roots have a sweet taste. Its leaves are hairy, and its roots are usually crushed or mixed with fruit juice and drink raw to cure cancer.

In general, using Elephantopus Scaber to treat cancer, the number of roots is also very limited, which is also an obstacle for cancer patients to choose it.

Its quantity is very small, and some people even bid for a RM300. 
jadi ia sukar di cari dan juga merupakan satu halangan.

Soursop Leaves can be said to be the most popular herbal medicine for cancer treatment in the world. There are 7 kinds of herbs, and it has the most fiber.

Leea Indica is an herbal medicine specially to treat blood cancer.But many young people with blood cancer, 20-35 years old, just don't like taking this leaf.Because it is bitter, it doesn't taste good. 

Therefore, many parents are very worried and do not know how to help their children treat blood cancer.

Among these 7 kinds of herbs, the most special ones are Soursop leaves and Leea Indica leaves.Very strange, red ants like to build nests on these two trees.

If you look closely, the Elephantopus Scaber, the Black-face General, seven needles, you can't see the ants crawling on these trees.

Unfortunately, among the seven herbs, the most pesticide is the Soursop leaf ,which is also the most used by people.

Many people ask me, can blood cancer be cured by eating only one kind of  leaf? There are some patients with blood cancer. After taking it, the situation improves. However, unfortunately, some young patients don like comsume bitter taste  and afraid to  ,then give up, simply do not drink, ignore, and eventually relapse.This is a problem that many parents do not know about.

If you choose only one herbal medicine to cure cancer, you must know your personal constitution and whether  can take it for a long time is also one of the problems.

For example, the elders are not afraid of bitterness and keep taking Leea Indica tea. The doctor judged that he could not live for more than 3 months, but he still lived for more than 10 years and everything is normal. Even if you recover, you need to abstain and know how to health care.

I have met some cancer patients and recovered, not taking good care of the body, eating indiscriminately, and eventually causing a relapse.

I want to tell you that if your family has cancer, you must take good care of the body and keep taking herbs to strengthen the immunity and fight cancer.

Therefore, before taking each Chinese herbal medicine, you must ask a physician to teach you how to use it, because it is not a short-term consumption, but a long-term. Everyone's physique will change, if you eat anything, so when you encounter any problems, you must consult a doctor to help you
.Don't eat it indiscriminately unless you understand your physique.

These 7 kinds of herbs all have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is not said which is the best.Before using herbs to treat you, I suggest you ask a herbalist, for guidance.
This is what I want to share with you, many years of experience.

Thanks for watching.See you again.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
