
馬來西亞【鐵打華佗】不在。师傅的徒弟可以吗?这里有你,还没听过的事。为什么那么厉害!Master Chris Leong tak ada ,anak murid boleh ke?

馬來西亞【鐵打華佗】不在。师傅的徒弟可以吗?这里有你,还没听过的事。为什么那么厉害! Master Chris Leong tak ada ,anak murid boleh ke? ada yang anda tak tahu! sebelum anda pergi jumpa ,lebih baik lihat sini dulu. Is the master's apprentice possible? There is something you haven’t heard . xxx

麒麟花什么人最适合种?feng shui of Euphorbia milii plants.

麒麟花有 利於傢庭之中風水吗?
 【别名】 万年刺、千脚刺、鸟不宿、麒麟花、刺蓬花、刺仔花、有刺日日有

【来源】 大戟科大戟属植物 铁海棠 Euphorbia milii Ch. des Moulins,以 入药。全年可采,一般鲜用。
【性味】 苦、涩,平。有小毒。
【用法用量】 1015朵;外用适量,鲜茎、叶(去刺)捣烂敷患处。
误食引起口部、喉部及胃部不适,严重时有呕吐、腹泻、 衰弱等现象。



  • 麒麟花與其它部分大戟屬植物經研究具有殺蟲的效果,特別是針對蝸牛(Biomphalaria glabrataBiomphalaria tenagophila),因此在部分國家麒麟花的乳汁萃取液被用來當作環境殺蟲劑,預防經由蝸牛傳染的血吸蟲病。由於是直接將萃取液投放到環境中,因此毒殺的專一性非常重要,Eduardo (2000)即針對毒殺的物種專一性進行了研究,發現麒麟花乳汁的毒殺專一性,相較目前已被認可的同種類殺蟲劑Niclosamide較佳[5]Schall (2001)也發現不經過濾處理的乳汁抑制蝸牛生長的效果相當良好,且半數致死劑量也相當的低[3]
  • 麒麟花乳汁主要用途為殺蟲劑,經由食物鏈有可能會進入人體內,因此對於生殖毒性的評估相當重要。Souza (1997)經由動物實驗(rat)結果發現麒麟花乳汁口服對於母體的體重﹅吸收/著床率﹅胎兒存活率﹅胎兒重﹅胎兒骨骼重量等都有顯著的上升或下降的現象[4]
  • 在麒麟花乳汁的毒性研究中,Zamith (1996)Schall (1991)CHO cell line分別探討乳汁對於基因是否具有毒性,結果顯示並沒有對基因具有顯著強烈的毒性,即使添加了老鼠肝臟萃取物S9,也並沒有明顯地具有毒性的代謝物產生[6, 7]

  • 有毒成份
    • Milliamine A, B and C屬於diterpene ingenol類的化合物[8]
  • 中毒劑量
    • 不經過濾的麒麟花乳汁投於開放式空間(蝸牛大小約34-37 mm)LD50LD90分別為0.60.83 μg/mL[3]
    • 老鼠經口給藥,新生兒生長遲緩 125 mg/kg;胎兒致死劑量 250 mg/kg;胎兒骨骼畸形劑量 250 mg/kgNOAEL劑量為<125 mg/kg/day,骨骼畸形和致胎兒死亡的LOEL劑量為250 mg/kg/day[4]
生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

百香果.女人,知道他的好处!吃过他,像疯了爱上他。Benefits of Pass

黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca

磨盘草(帽仔盾草)~功效与作用.lndian mallow Traditional medicinal uses (lndian Abutilon)Manfaat Kembang Sore .

彩叶草~神奇的功效与作用.Health Benefits of coleus plant. AJAIB DAUN MIANA.


刺果番荔枝葉的吃法和功效。 graviola leaves benefits Daun sersak.

The sap/milk can cause burns and irritate the skin. if it 
 in your eyes it coul make you blind. please use caution when dealing with these plants! 

In the Chinese zodiac Red  Flower Euphorbia milii plants , is good for who   born in year Snake, cow, sheep that particular  year.in the  feng shui  Red  Flower Euphorbia milii plants the best place put in the south of door, there is a little sunshine.Born in year Snake, cow, and sheep put  Red  Flower Euphorbia milii plants in south of door. put the right places ,will increase the power of nature Good for career and wealth.


九重葛(三角梅)的作用。Bougainvillea uses.Manfaat Bunga Kertas Untuk Kesehatan。

Boug ainvillea spestabili
[性味] 苦;涩;性温
[归经] 肝经
[功能主治] 活血调经;化温止带。主血瘀经闭;月经不调;赤白带下
[用法用量] 内服:煎汤,9-15g

[各家论述] 《昆明民间常用草药》:调和气血。治妇女赤白带下,月经不调

上帝赐给人类的避难草.(白茅草)Cogon grass~Imperata cylindrica)。Manfaat Alang - Alang .

土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.

【水龟草】有高血压,尿酸,肾脏问题的人一定要看。Benefits of Zebrine Pendula.

(生姜)神奇秘方,治水咳,脾胃不好.一步一步做给你看。DIY. Treat flu ,Cold cough. The Making of Ginger Juice.

every part of bougainvillea may be used medicinally, from the stems, leaves, bracts to the flowers themselves. The leaves are employed by traditional healers for their anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers and bracts may be steeped in boiling water and consumed as tea that offers health benefits.
According to modern-day investigations, what makes bougainvillea possess certain medicinal properties is the presence of a few substances in the plant. Some of them are alkaloids that offer marked physiological effects on humans. Then there are also enzymes that bring about biochemical reactions. Bougainvillea also has a few amino acids.
Without further ado, here are some of the surprising health benefits of the beautiful bougainvillea:

It Helps Ease Cough
One of the most popular medicinal uses of bougainvillea is for cough relief, most especially in South America. The flowers and bracts are allowed to steep in boiling water for several minutes, and then consumed to promote breathing.

It Also Alleviates Sore Throat
The same tea out of bougainvillea flowers and bracts may also be consumed when you have a sore throat. The healthy drink’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can help you attain immediate relief.

It May be Used for Indigestion
You may consume the said tea when you are having a bout of indigestion. A lot of people in South America who have acid reflux also take bougainvillea tea in order to put their very uncomfortably tummy issue to an end.

It is Superb for Ulcers
Similarly, you may consume tea out of bougainvillea flowers and bracts if you have stomach ulcers. The anti-inflammatory properties of the beverage can help soothe the ulcerations, letting you attain relief from the pain they bring.

It Helps Put Diarrhea to an End
There is another GI benefit of bougainvillea, and that is managing diarrhea. Having diarrhea controlled is vital for the prevention of dehydration, which in itself comes with an assortment of complications.

It May be Beneficial for Diabetics
Another traditional medicinal use of bougainvillea is for controlling diabetes. It is said that bougainvillea leaf extracts help keep the levels of sugar in the blood from spiking, which is highly beneficial for those with diabetes.

It is Also Used for Hepatitis
Especially in South America, bougainvillea is employed for treating hepatitis. Since hepatitis is a very serious disease which is characterized by the inflammation of the liver, it’s important for you to seek the help of a doctor.

It Helps Raise the Blood Pressure
Hypotension or abnormally low blood pressure can be managed with the help of bougainvillea. Definitely, those with hypertension or high blood pressure should stay away from consuming bougainvillea flower and bract tea.

Manfaat Bunga Kertas Untuk Kesehatan

Bunga kertas memiliki banyak warna yang bermacam – macam dan indah di pandang mata. Dalam setiap batang bisa memiliki warna yang bermacam – macam karena bunga ini sangat mudah di setek. Bunga ini berasal dari benua Amerika yaitu negara Meksiko. Disebut bunga kertas karena bunga ini sangat tipis dan bunganya jika disentuh mirip sekali seperti menyantuh kertas.

Bunga ini banyak ditanam di pot – pot dan dijual sebagai bunga hias karena warnanya yang sangat indah. Bunga kertas tidak hanya indah tapi juga memiliki banyak manfaat di bidang kesehatan. Berikut ini manfaat bunga kertas di bidang kesehatan antara lain :
1. Mengatasi Keputihan
Keputihan yan tidak normal dan dalam batas yang berlebihan dapat diobati dengan meminum ramuan dari bunga kertas. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Bunga kertas di cuci
  • Kemudian rebus sebanyak dua gelas air setelah mendidih dapat disaring.
  • Minum satu gelas sehari.

3. Mengobati Hepatitis
Hepatitis adalah peradangan yang tejadi pada organ hati yag disebabkan oleh bahan kimia yang terdapat pada obat – obatan sehingga terjadi infeksi. Dalam masanya penyakit hepatitis yang kurang dari enam bulan disebut hepatitis akut. Sedangkan jika melebihi batas waktu enam bulan disebut hepatitis kronis. Cara mengobati hepatitis dengan menggunakan bunga kerta adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Ambil batang bunga kertas kemudian cuci sampai bersih.
  • Batang yang telah dicuci direbus dan air dari rebusannya dapat diminum satu gelas sehari.


番龙眼功效与作用.Matoa fruit benefits ( Pometia)

中文名(Chinese Name):番龙眼
学名(Scientific Name):Pometia pinnata J. R. et G. Frost.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Pometia tomentosa (Bl.) Teysm. et Binn.  Irina tomentosa Blume  Pometia pinnata f. tomentosa (Blume) Jacobs
科属(Family & Genus):无患子科(Sapindaceae)番龙眼属

   Discover what happens if you plant Pinnata tree! If you plant this tree you will discover how amazing, it’s this plant. What happens when you plant Pinnata? Pinnata trees are amazing tropical trees with many benefits for humans. First of his discover benefits it’s this tree ability to help us with pollution problem. How? Pinnata tree can absorb carbon dioxide from the air, in this way cleaning the atmosphere, so get ride to pollution. We plant more of this trees outdoor we help our bodies to breath fresh air. 
Pomelia Pinnata tree wood it’s use in construction, furniture, but as firewood too.
Bark, leaves, fruits, gum, fruit peel and kernel of Pinnata it's used in traditional medicine to treat a host of conditions.
Pinnata fruit it’s edible, very tasty and sweet, being a pleasure to eating raw. 
Pomelia Pinnata names: Fijian Longan, Tava, matoa, taun tree, island lychee, Pometia pinnata tree, Matoa tree, Tava,  trường, Agupanga, Malugai, Tungaui, Kasai Tree, sibu, taun, taun tree, Megan, megan tree.
Matoa (Pometia pinnata) merupakan tanaman buah khas Papua, tergolong pohon besar dengan tinggi rata-rata 18 meter dengan diameter rata-rata maksimum 100 cm. 

Berikut 10 manfaat buah matoa bagi kesehatan :
1. Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh
Buah matoa dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Hal ini dikarenakan matoa merupakan buah buahan yang mengandung vitamin C. Dimana vitamin C dapat bertindak untuk menangkal radikal bebas dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Dengan daya tahan tubuh yang baik, maka Anda dapat terlindungi dari serangan berbagai penyakit.
2. Membantu Mengurangi Stres yang Anda Alami
Dalam buah matoa terkandung zat yang dapat berfungsi sebagai obat penenang. Sebuah penelitian juga menyatakan bahwa vitamin E dapat membantu mengatasi stres. Dengan begitu dengan mengkonsumsi buah matoa secara rutin dapat mengurangi stres yang Anda alami.
3. Mengurangi Risiko Kanker
Buah matoa mengandung antioksidan yang dapat mencegah pertumbuhan sel-sel kanker yang disebabkan karena radikal bebas.
4. Membantu Mengurangi Risiko Jantung
Kandungan vitamin C pada buah matoa juga dapat berguna untuk membantu mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung. Dengan begitu dengan mengkonsumsi buah matoa dapat membantu Anda dalam mencegah serangan jantung dan stroke yang menjadi salah satu penyakit mematikan yang ada di dunia.
5. Menjaga Kesehatan Kulit
Buah matoa mengandung vitamin E, yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan kulit. Selain itu, kulit Anda pun akan menjadi lebih halus. Oleh karena itu, untuk Anda yang menginginkan kondisi kulit yang lebih baik secara alami, Anda dapat mengkonsumsi buah matoa secara rutin.
6. Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif
Buah matoa dapat menjadi sumber energi alternatif karena memiliki kandungan fruktosa yang cukup tinggi. Hal ini lebih aman untuk penderita diabetes, daripada gula yang diperoleh melalui tebu selama dikonsumsi secara tidak berlebihan.
7. Melancarkan Pencernaan
Buah matoa mengandung serat yang dapat membantu memproses makanan yang Anda konsumsi sehingga dapat memperlancar pencernaan. Dengan begitu organ pencernaan Anda juga akan menjadi lebih sehat dan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit.
8. Mencegah Penuaan Dini
Buah matoa mengandung antioksidan yang tidak hanya dapat mencegah kerusakan akibat radikal bebas, tetapi juga dapat membantu dalam mencegah terjadinya penuaan dini. Dengan begitu buah matoa dapat membantu Anda untuk tetap terlihat awet muda.
9. Mengontrol Tekanan Darah
Buah matoa juga dapat membantu Anda dalam mencegah hipertensi. Dengan begitu, buah matoa sangat bermanfaat bagi Anda yang mengalami tekanan darah yang tidak stabil, serta membuat tekanan darah Anda menjadi lebih terkontrol dan stabil.
10. Menjaga Kesehatan Ginjal

Buah matoa juga bermanfaat untuk ginjal, yang dapat membantu fungsi ginjal untuk dapat bekerja dengan baik. Dengan memiliki kondisi kesehatan ginjal yang baik, maka juga akan membuat organ tubuh Anda lainnya tetap sehat.


(生姜)神奇秘方,治水咳,脾胃不好.一步一步做给你看。DIY. Treat flu ,Cold cough. The Making of Ginger Juice. cara mengunakan Haiia merawat perbagai penyakit.



在中医学里,还有 “留姜皮则凉,去姜皮则热的理论。正如植物的皮和肉是一对阴阳配对,即姜肉性热,所以姜皮性凉。举个例子:如果受了风寒,需要喝姜汤发汗,因为去皮为好;而平日喝生姜红枣茶驱寒或者煮菜,则不去皮,以维持凉热平衡的药理作用;用药时则应该对症而作出选择



After you see the video and video I made Before you will know how to use ginger to cure many types of diseasesLater I'll teach how to make Ginger juice.
If you feel symptoms like flu ,Cold cough and feeling like  fever  will coming(body feel Cold ).This types of Ginger juice is good for you, when serve hot .
if the stomach is uncomfortable,body temperature down,   bad smell of the mouth or want to lost weight.is very suitable for this types of Making Ginger Juice.if the stomach is uncomfortable ,no appetite,feel Cold,and feel tired.This types of  Ginger Juice ,serve hot.is very good for you.Now you can see how to make Ginger Juice good for body temperature down.
Prepare ginger 130g to 150g.clean with water. Clean the ginger skin part. Remove the dirty skin out. Do not remove all the skin.
cut into slices of ginger. Prepare a pan,add 1.50 liters of water in a pan and add the sliced ginger.cook for 15 minutes.
Ginger juice can use treatment good for anti-diarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-infective, anti-bacterial, anti-typhoid, anti-fungal, anti-hepatoxin and anti-cancer.
Remember ,Ginger Juice ,serve hot.
if there is stomach cancer, colon cancer.,this types of make Ginger juice is good for it. Drink four times a day.There is the most important stomach cancer patient is Ginger Juice serving hot.
while drinking, do not eat spicy, oily foods and best to stop eating meat.Eat vegetarian.if you drink until body it feels too hot. Can stop eating .Take eight leaves of andrographis leaves. Eat four times a day. if you eat until feel cold at night.Drink Ginger Juice back, for body temperature increases.if you drink ginger Juice, the body feels there is heat heat, after that sweat. it shows that ginger Juice is effective for the body.
Ancient times, there was a docktor, found a woman, the woman asked the docktor to go cure her husband  was fainted three days. That time, many kinds  of disease spread in the village. Did not know what type of disease spread in the village.

Doctor, tell her, cook Ginger juice for her husband to drink and take 3 kg Ginger crush it add water cook, for her husband bath and Ginger Juice serving hot. This is very important .when the time drinking and showering should with her son call her name.After one night,her husband got up and talked with her.


如何治咳嗽,3种秘方。一步一步做给你看。3 Best Natural Cough Remedies For Dry Coughs.DIY. 3 cara paling senang merawat batuk.DIY.


第二类处理使用柠檬汁。采取一个新鲜的绿柠檬。切一半的新鲜绿色柠檬,准备使用。一个放在在冰箱里夜间使用。看到这张照片,这是我们的嘴巴。上面是牙齿,下面是舌头。然后用柠檬汁滴入这个地方。这是重点。不要马上吞下柠檬汁。让柠檬汁放置5分钟,然后吞下。因为它是抗感染的,抗菌的。最好的使间用在晚上,当你想睡觉。 3天后,如果还没有好转。 .用穿心莲药草。穿心莲草8片,新鲜叶片为食,新鲜生吃会更好或放入囊中
There is one friend asked me. How to treat  cough?Because her friend cough getting worse and have blood .so today I want to teach you how to cure cough. Prepare a 30g ginger Use this 3 types green lime also can and one PP Plastic Bag .1.PP Plastic Bag Wash with water.2.Cleanse Ginger put inside PP Plastic Bag crumbly or squeezed ginger (if you prefer) .3.After that pour the clean water inside PP Plastic Bag have Ginger and shake.After that ,  pour to a cup add sugar cane 3 tablespoons, stir it. Then add ice if you like,  and its ready for use .This is a way for making ginger fresh  juice , good for clearing a sore throat.improve digestion,reduce joint pain and cough. This  method Making Ginger Juice , one day drink three times.when  you drinking   Ginger Juice, drink slowly . after Tomorow, you  will  feel more comfortable and cough also getting   less.During treatment,

 it is better to stop eating meat, oily foods and spicy foods. if cough still not getting better after 3 day. second type treatment use lime. Take one  fresh green lime. cut half of the fresh green lime.one  ready for use .one store in the refrigerator for the night use. See this picture, this is  our mouth. on top is the teeth, the down is  tongue. then use Lemon juice to drip into the this place. I am rounded. This is the point. Do not swallow fast Lemon juice. Let Lemon juice in place for 5 minutes then  just swallow. because it is anti-infective, anti-bacterial. It is best  use at night.when you want to sleep. After 3 day, if also still not getting better.!  3. type treatment use   Andrographis Herb. Take 8 fresh leaves of Andrographis Herb.,  fresh  eat it is  better or put put it into the capsul.what is the best time to eat Andrographis Herb ?The best time to eat is while the body feels hot. The best time to eat Andrographis Herb is at 1pm to 7pm. One day  serve 3 times .Andrographis Herbs is a good treat for anti-diarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-infective, anti-bacterial, anti-typhoid, anti-fungal, anti-hepatoxin and anti-cancer. can said 90% cough will be cure . This 3 ingredients serve together on one day can said 90% cough will be cure on 15 days . some people three days, will not cough. some 7  day just will not cough This  is the most natural way for  treat cough and save money.

Ada satu kawan yang bertanya kepada saya. Bagaimana untuk merawat batuk? Kerana batuk rakannya semakin parah dan mempunyai darah. hari ini saya ingin mengajar anda bagaimana untuk menyembuhkan batuk. Sediakan 30g halia  satu Beg plastik PP .1.PP Pembungkus Beg plastik cuci dengan air.2.sediakan  Halia dan bersihkan.lepas itu, dimasukkan ke dalam PP Beg plastik yang tumbuk   halia gengan  halus (jika anda suka). Selepas itu tuangkan air bersih di dalam Beg plastik PP mempunyai Halia dan goncang.Selepas itu, tuangkan ke cawan tambah tebu 3 sudu besar, kacau. Kemudian tambah ais jika anda suka, dan sedia untuk minum. Ini adalah cara untuk membuat jus segar halia, baik untuk  sakit tekak. Memperbaiki penghadaman, mengurangkan sakit sendi dan batuk. satu hari minum tiga kali.Apabila  anda minum jangan cepat minum, minum perlahan-lahan. selepas esok hari, anda akan merasa lebih selesa dan batuk juga semakin kurang. Semasa rawatan, lebih baik berhenti makan daging, makanan berminyak dan makanan pedas. jika batuk masih tidak  baik selepas 3 hari. rawatan jenis kedua menggunakanlimau hijau. Ambil satu limau hijau segar. potong separuh limau segar sedia untuk digunakan .satu lagi simpan di dalam peti sejuk untuk kegunaan malam. Lihat gambar ini, ini adalah mulut kita. di atas adalah gigi, di bawah adalah lidah. kemudian gunakan jus Lemon untuk menetes ke tempat ini. Saya bulat. Inilah tempt yang penting untuk  titik. Jangan menelan jus Lemon cepat. Biarkan jus Lemon di tempat selama 5 minit. kemudian  menelan. kerana ia adalah ,anti-bakteria. masa yang paling baik digunakan pada waktu malam. Apabila anda mahu tidur. Selepas 3 hari, jika masih tidak menjadi lebih baik! yang ke 3. jenis rawatan menggunakan Andrographis Herb. iaitu hempedu bumi .Ambil 8 daun segar dari Andrographis Herb, segar makan terus lebih baik atau masukkan ke dalam capsul.

Apa  masa terbaik untuk makan Andrographis Herb? Masa terbaik untuk makan adalah ketika tubuh terasa panas. Masa terbaik untuk makan Andrographis Herb adalah pada pukul 1 hingga 7 malam. Satu hari makan 3 kali. Andrographis Herbs adalah ubat yang baik untuk anti-diarrheal, anti-pirus, anti-infeksi, anti-bakteria, anti-kepialu, anti-kulat, anti-hepatatoxin dan anti-kanser. boleh berkata batuk 90% akan menyembuhkan. Ini tiga bahan makan bersama dalam satu hari boleh berkata 90% batuk akan menyembuhkan pada 15 hari. Ada  orang tiga hari,  akan batuk. sesetengah 7 hari baru  batuk baik. Ini adalah cara yang paling semula jadi untuk merawat batuk dan menjimatkan wang.

(蓖麻籽)这种植物是世界上毒性最大的。Guinness World Records, this plant is most poisonous in the world.。kegunaan benih jaraK.






















The main chemical constituents of Castor Carrier Oil are: Ricinoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid (Omega-6 Fatty Acid), α-Linolenic Acid (Alpha-Linolenic Acid - Omega-3 Fatty Acid), Stearic Acid, and Palmitic Acid.

RICINOLEIC ACID is known to:
  • Relieve pain caused by muscle aches and joint pain
  • Soothe itching, swelling, inflammation, cuts, and fungal infections
  • Fight acne-causing bacteria and relieve acne-prone skin
  • Exhibit antimicrobial activity
  • Clear congestion
  • Boost circulation
  • Boost hair growth
  • Soften and hydrate both hair and skin with deep moisture while repairing breakage
  • Balance hormones
  • Eliminate bodily toxins by supporting the lymphatic system
  • Makes up almost 90% of Castor Oil
  • Have you heard of Ricinus Communis? This castor-oil-plant or castor bean is the species of species of perennial flowering plant in the spurge family or belongs to Euphorbiaceae. Castor plant itself has tall branched shrub which reaches a height of up to 4 m. Also, the leaves of Ricinus Communis are seen in spirals with coarsely toothed segments. It has the greenish or reddish purple fruits as well.
    The leaves of Ricinus communis plant contain the good nutritional value such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and minerals. Indeed, Ricinus communis contains the excellent nutrients in it.

    As the consequence, to give you more information, then we have listed Ricinus communis health benefits below.
    1. Promotes Digestive Health
    One of Ricinus communis health benefits is to promote the work of healthy digestion system. In this case, the oil and seed of Ricinus communis have been used for the natural treatment for certain digestion problems. Indeed, it has a role in preventing constipation and gut problems. Ricinus is due to the presence of laxative effect and Ricinoleic acid to promote the healthy intestinal system. Moreover, it takes part in promoting the fluid secretion as well. For the tips, to have healthy digestion, all you need is to add healthy foods such as Ricinus communis and fiber foods for the consumption for sure.

    2. Prevents Inflammation
    The oil of Ricinus communis has been used for external application to heal certain diseases. It becomes the natural treatment for inflammation of the middle ear and headaches as well. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory effects to heals body inflammation such as rheumatism.
    3. Treats Joint Pains
    Those, Ricinus communis oil can be applied to treat joint pains. stretch can heal the inflammation as well. To have this benefit, all you need it to apply the oil on the affected area. Such the great benefit, right?
    4. Treats Arthritis
    One of the abilities of Ricinus communis is to treat body inflammation. In this case, it will be valuable to treat arthritis which related to the inflammation. Moreover, the oil of Ricinus communis is also good to relieve other kinds of inflammation such as muscle aches and back ache as well.
    5. Treat Rheumatism
    As the consequence, the components in Ricinus communis can help to heal rheumatism. In this case, the presence of The Ricinoleic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid and other fatty acids can help to prevent inflammation such as rheumatism. Indeed, Ricinus communis has shown the positive result to treat certain diseases.

    6. Treats Allergy
    One of the great Ricinus communis health benefits is to treat allergy. At this point, oil of Ricinus communis can help to deal with this problem. You can apply the thin layer of oil to the affected area and leave it for a few hours. Then, with the regular use of it, Ricinus communis will help you to get rid of allergies.

    7. Prevents Infections
    It is shown that the presence of the anti-inflammatory effect in Ricinus communis can help to prevent infections. At this point, it shows the positive result in treating urinary tract infections. As the consequence, you can apply the oil of Ricinus Communis on the affected part to reduce vaginal and urinary infections.

    8. Treats A Sore Throat
    One of Ricinus communis health benefits is to treat a sore throat which related to the inflammation. In China, the medicine made of Ricinus communis have helped people to treat a sore throat and ulcers as well. Thus, if you want to have such a great natural treatment, then having Ricinus communis is such a great way to do.
    9. Treats Menstrual Disorders
    For those women who have menstrual disorders, then it is recommended to have Ricinus communis oil as it will help you to deal with this problem. It turns out that the presence of ricinoleic acid in this one can help you treat the delayed, painful, or obstructed menstruation. Moreover, it can relieve the pain during menstruation period as well.
    10. Acts as Birth Control
    Ricin contained in Ricinus communis will help to control the birth. It turns out that it has effects to in this benefit due to the presence of ricin in seeds of Ricinus Communis. Moreover, you have to take this one in small doses. Otherwise, the usage for pregnant women can lead to abortion.
    11. Promotes Lactation
    The next health benefit provided by Ricinus communis is to promote lactation. In this case, it acts as galactagogues to stimulate the milk secretion. The oil of Ricinus communis can help to increase the milk quantity as it contains the fatty acids. Therefore, it is recommended for women who do breastfeeding to have Ricinus Communis in order to promote lactation for sure.
    12. Prevents Insomnia
    Have you ever suffered from insomnia? Then, to treat this kind of problems, Ricinus communis is something that can be taken into account. For this case, you can apply the ricinus communis oil on the eyelids before sleeping. As a result, it will make you relax and induce sleep. Moreover, it is also recommended to consume milk before bed time to ensure that you will have a good sleep quality then.

    13. Cures Wounds and Burns
    If you suffer from wounds and burns, then having Ricinus communis can help you a lot. At this point, the oil made of Ricinus communis can help you to heal bruises and wounds. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, then it will prevent the infections on wounds and burns. As the consequence, you can apply the oil to the affected area for having the good natural treatment.
    14. Boosts Circulation
    It is known that oil of Ricinus communis can help to boost circulation. In this case, it is being responsible for pumping blood to and from the heart. It also promotes the oxygen transport to the cells and detoxes the body as well. As a result, it will also promote the balancing hormones naturally which may lead to the libido improvement.
    Manfaat Khasiat Daun dan Buah Tanaman Jarak

    Di Jawa Barat disebut 'Kaliki'. Di Sumatera, jarak dikenal dengan nama Dulang ada juga yang menyebutnya dengan Gloah. Di Madura, jarak disebut dengan Kalek. Tanaman ini merupakan sumber minyak jarak, dan mengandung zat ricin, sejenis toksin yang mematikan. Pohon jarak merupakan satu-satunya tumbuhan yang bijinya kaya akan asam lemak hidroksi, yaitu asam ricinoleat.

    Mengobati koreng, ambil 20 biji jarak dan buang kulitnya, lumatkan menjadi berbentuk bubur, ditambah sedikit garam, aduk hingga rata. Setelah itu langsung ditempelkan pada bagian yang sakit. Lakukan 2 kali sehari. Kelumpuhan otot wajah, caranya adalah lumatkan biji jarak, tempelkan pada sendi Mandibular dan lengkungan mulut, satu kali sehari dan lakukan sampai sembuh. Untuk bengkak, daun jarak dikukus hingga layu, kemudian dibungkus dan diletakkan pada bagian yang sakit. Penyakit Hernia: Lumatkan daun jarak ditambah sedikit garam, kemudian tempelkan di titik tengah telapak kaki. Mengobati koreng: Daun segar direndam dengan air panas, kemudian ditempelkan ke bagian yang sakit.
    Ambil daun Jarak yang tua dan segar, di cuci bersih kemudian di tumbuk halus dan ditambah dengan air secukupnya. Oleskan pada bagian tubuh yang sakit atau terkena exim, gatal, dan sebagainya. Atau bisa juga di compres dan biarkan selama beberapa jam lalu diganti dengan yang baru. Gejala intoksikasi pemakaian Jarak adalah sakit kepala, muntaber, panas, leukositosis, keringat dingin, kejang-kejang, prostration. Sementara efek sampingnya adalah nyeri perut, gatal diseluruh tubuh, eksim, biduran, serak, pembengkakan pangkal tenggorokan, gatal pada tenggorokan, pengelupasan kulit telapak tangan dan kaki, menggigil, dan demam. Cara menghilangkan toksin pada biji dan daun jarak bisa dilakukan dengan cara memanaskan 100°C atau lebih selama 20 menit atau cukup direbus selama 2 jam. Namun, khasiat antikanker-nya menghilang jika dipanaskan.Biasanya dikenal juga kaliki atau kalek.
    ematik dan mampu menenangkan. Pada bijinya terasa manis, pedas namun netral. Biji jarak banyak digunakan sebagai obat kanker rahim, hernia, rematik, TBC dsb.Cara Mengolah dan Meramu Tanaman Jarak:
    1. Untuk Mengobati Penyakit Koreng:
    • Siapkanlah sebanyak 20 biji jarak
    • Buanglah kulitnya
    • Lumatlanlah menjadi berbentuk bubur,
    • Tambahkanlah sedikit garam dan aduklah rata
    • Tempelkanlah di tempat sakit 2 kali sehari.
    2. Untuk Menyembuhkan Penyakit Prolapsus uterus dan rectum:
    • Siapkanlah biji jarak
    • Lumatkanlah biji tersebut
    • Tempelkanlah pada titik Pai hui yang terletak di kepala.
    3. Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan melahirkan dan retensi placenta:
    • Siapkanlah biji jarak
    • Lumatkanlah biji tersebut
    • Tempelkanlah ke titik akupunktur Yungchuan (VIII/1 = K-1) yang terletak di tengah-tengah telapak kaki.
    4. Untuk Menyembuhkan Kelumpuhan otot wajah:
    • Siapkanlah biji jarak
    • Lumatkanlah biji tersebut
    • Tempelkanlah pada sendi mandibular dan lengkungan mulut, 1 x hari, selama 10 hari.
    5. Untuk Mengobati Bengkak
    • Siapkanlah daun dari tanaman jarak
    • Kukuslah daun tersebut sampai matang
    • Bungkuslah dan tempatkanlah ke bagian yang sakit.
    7. Untuk Mengobati Penyakit Hernia:
    • Siapkanlah daun jarak, dan sedikit garam
    • Lumatkanlah semua bahan tadi
    • Tempelkanlah di titik tengah telapak kaki.
    8. Untuk Mengobati Penyakit Koreng;
    • Siapkanlah daun segar jarak
    • Rendamlah dalam air panas sampai lemas
    • Tempelkanlah ke tempat sakit.
    9. Untuk Mengobati Penyakit rheumatik persendian, epilepsi (Ayan)
    • Siapkanlah akar dari tanaman jarak sebanyak 15 – 30 gram
    • Rebuslah semua bahan tadi
    • Minumlah hasilnya
    Peringatan Penting:
    Biji jarak memiliki efek samping, di antaranya adalah nyeri perut, gatal pada liang kemaluan, gatal seluruh tubuh,
    Ju menyebabkan eczema, biduran (Urticaria), serak, pembengkakan larynx, gatal pada tenggorokan, pengelupasan kulit telapak tangan dan kaki, menggigil, demam, yang hilang dengan obat-obat symptomatik.
    Penting diingat bahwa biji segar dari tanaman jarak adalah sangat beracun, yang bisa dihilangkan dengan cara direbus selama 2 jam atau dengan pemanasan 100 derajat Celcius selama 20 menit.
    Jika diolah secara tidak benar bisa menimbulkan keracunan dengan gejala: sakit kepala, muntah berak, panas,
    leukositosis, gambaran darah putih bergeser kekiri, produksi kencing terhenti, keringat dingin, kejang-kejang, prostration, meninggal.
    Kematian dapat terjadi dengan menelan 20 biji jarak pada orang dewasa dan 2 – 7 biji pada anak-anak.
    Cara menghilangkan racunnya dilakukan dengan memanaskan 100 derajat Celcius atau lebih selama 20 menit atau direbus selama 2 jam.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
