
鐵西瓜(樹西瓜)Uses of Miracle Fruit (Calabash)MANFAAT Buah labu kayu .

为什么有人说这是奇迹水果? 怎么奇迹?樹西瓜果肉是白色的,如果你拿樹西瓜果肉水煮不到10分钟,可以看到它的水马上变黑色。还有它的花,果肉,树生也很奇怪。我不知道你有发觉吗?

別名:蒲瓜果, 炮彈果 ,无花果, 十字蒲瓜果樹 ,铁木瓜



鐵西瓜 果肉含維生素B1 C、蛋白質、鈣、鐵、鉀、納、醣等。

鐵西瓜可 治疗疟疾,发烧,如滋补,收敛,疼痛,身体虚弱,如牙膏中的粉末和缓解喉咙痛。 但是,高剂量会导致头痛,头晕和听力丧失。





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Crescentia alata variously called Mexican calabash, jícaro, morro, morrito, winged calabash,Miracle Fruit Calabash.is a species in the trumpet-flower family Bignoniaceae and in the calabash trees genus Crescentia, native to southern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica.It have more than 6 varieties species.

Miracle Fruit Calabash  contains vitamins B1, C, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, sugar, and the like.The shell is hard, the flesh is dug out, and the shell can be used as a scoop, fruit bowl or art carving, musical instrument, etc. after drying.

The flesh is white sponge-like, and the flesh becomes dark brown after contact with air. Inside  you can see the seed.,the taste it Slightly spicy and sweet. lt Weird taste  The flesh is white spong have toxic so not encouraged to eat fresh.Need to be cooked with fresh water just can be drink.
30 years ago,  in Asia is very popular in  used  for the treatment of diarrhea, abdominal pain, colds, bronchitis, asthma and dysuria. This fruit is used in the private sector to cure cancer, especially breast cancer, colon cancer and cervical cancer.

It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. So need to Take appropriate amount.However, high doses also can cause headaches, dizziness and hearing loss.

The first compound isolated from plants in the 1630s, was once an important drug for the treatment of malaria.

Miracle Fruit Calabash contains hydrocyanic acid which is considered as a purgative.
in Asia some of the people believe that Miracle Fruit Calabash and the leaves of Miracle Fruit Calabash  boil with water ,can reduce high blood pressure and diabetes disease.

in malaysia 20 years ago, Miracle Fruit Calabash is very popular, some of the people used Miracle Fruit Calabash to boil  for one and half water for drinking that is believed to be able to treat colon problems, some also believe it can treat  cancer, especially breast cancer, intestinal and cervical cancer.

But until now the study has not been scientifically proven, Calabash fruit can cure hypertension, and cancer. Maybe in  future will be proved.thank you for watching.

 Health Benefits of Calabash Tree

  • The pulp of the fruit has medicinal properties and acts as a remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma and cough.
  • It contains hydrocyanic acid which is considered as a purgative.
  • The syrup prepared from the pulp is used as a medicine for relieving disorders of the chest or respiratory tract and also to cure dysentery and stomach aches.
  • The leaves of the Calabash Tree are used to reduce blood pressure.
  • The decoction of the tree bark is used to clean wounds and also to treat hematomas and tumors.

Ornamental Uses of Calabash Tree

The dried shell of the fruit is used to make different musical instruments and ornaments. The shell is decorated with paintings and carvings and used to make cups, dishes and containers.

In Panama, where it is called totumo, the fruit is used for diarrhea and stomachaches. Also for respiratory ailments, bronchitis, cough, colds, toothaches. headaches, menstrual irregularities; as laxative, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge. The leaves are used for hypertension• Leaves used to lower blood pressure. Bark decoction used to clean wounds, treat hematomoas and tumors. Pulp syrup used to treat dysentery and stomachache

Antidiabetic: In a non experimental validation for antidiabetic activity, study yields cyanhidric acid believed to stimulate insulin release. 
Caution is advised against using the extract during pregnancy.

 Labu Kayu
Nama Saintifik:
Cinchona succirubra Pav. Ex Klotzsch
Cinchona pubescens Vahl, Cinchona cordifolia Mutis

Rawatan untuk malaria, demam, sebagai tonik, astringent, sakit urat, lemah tubuh badan, sebagai serbuk dalam ramuan ubat gigi dan melegakan sakit tekak. Namun, dos yang tinggi boleh menyebabkan sakit kepala, pening dan kehilangan pendengaran.
Sebagai racun semulajadi penghalau serangga seperti semut dan lain lain.

Cinchona succirubra misalannya mengandungi sebatian kimia quinine, sebatian kimia pertama yang dipisahkan dari tumbuhan pada tahun 1630-an Suatu masa dahulu ia merupakan ubat penting merawat malaria. Dakwaan bahawa buah labu kayu boleh mengubati penyakit darah tinggi, kanser masih belum terbukti secara saintifik.Crescentia cujeta
masyarakat cina lebih mengenali buah ini dari segi kegunaan dan khasiatnya. Mereka menggunakannya air rebusan buah tersebut bagi mencuci usus atau perut. Caranya ialah merebus buah tersebut termasuk kulit dan isinya sekali selama 1-2 jam. Kulitnya perlu diketuk bagi memudahkan proses rebusan. Ia boleh diminum untuk kesihatan seisi keluarga. Daripada maklumbalas, setelah air rebusan diminum, anda akan kerap ke tandas dan diikuti secara bergilir-gilir dengan ahli keluarga anda

Buah ini dikenali dengan nama buah lantong atau labu hutan dan mungkin juga ada nama yang lainnya.Diantara khasiat buah ini adalah awet muda dan mengubati penyakit kanser terutamanya kanser payu dara,usus dan pangkal rahim.Buah ini ada pokoknya kerana kalau dikatakan labu mungkin semua orang akan ingat ianya jenis seperti labu biasa yang tumbuh menjalar.Kulitnya keras dan isinya putih.



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