
四方藤在印度的吃法 和作用, cissus quadrangularis benefits。pokok ubat buasir。

自古以来就被用作药用植物四方藤已被用于各种阿育吠陀经典药物治疗骨折和受伤的韧带和肌腱在siddha医学它被认为是一种补药和镇痛药, 并被认为可以帮助治愈骨折,因此它的名字asthisamharaka(防止骨骼破坏)。 阿萨姆人和Meghalaya和孟加拉国的Garo部落已将C. quadrangularis用作骨折的药用植物。有多种保健功效:治疗消化不良,骨折和扭伤,是一种最好的驱虫药物,治疗绒毛,月经问题,也是治疗耳痛的最佳方法。用于肥胖,糖尿病,被称为代谢综合征的心脏病风险因子簇和高胆固醇。 它还用于骨折,痛风,类风湿性关节炎,过敏,食欲不振(厌食症),弱骨(骨质疏松症),坏血病,癌症,胃部不适,痔疮,消化性溃疡病(PUD),月经期疼痛,哮喘 ,癫痫,疟疾,伤口愈合和疼痛也用于健美补充剂作为合成代谢类固醇的替代品。
四方藤的一些最重要的健康益处包括减少炎症,增强骨骼强度,改善呼吸状况,增强免疫系统,缓解疼痛,缓解月经问题,保护你的牙齿,预防糖尿病,优化心血管功能和帮助 与减肥问题。
四方藤活性成分如此强大,包括一系列类胡萝卜素,三萜类化合物,维生素和矿物质。四方藤降低胆固醇水平直接相关,可能是由于其对体内代谢因子的强烈影响。 通过减少身体内的胆固醇,四方藤可以帮助保护心血管系统免受过度劳累,动脉粥样硬化,心脏病,中风,中风和血压升高。强壮的骨头

研究揭示了四方藤刺激成骨细胞的产生,成骨细胞是负责骨骼生长的细胞。 这种植物通常也被建议作为一种草药,以帮助那些最近骨折的人加速治疗过程。四方藤中发现的某些有机化合物的一般抗炎特性可以帮助减轻整个身体的肿胀和刺激,但最确切的研究集中在它在治疗或减轻痔疮症状中的作用。 这种痛苦的状况是一个难以解决的问题,但是四方藤补充剂和该敏感区域炎症减少之间存在明确的相关性。四方藤中发现的高水平的抗坏血酸,意味着你的身体获得了一个额外的防御盾,抵御体内的病原体和外来物质,以及额外的抗氧化保护。 抗坏血酸(通常称为维生素C)刺激白血球产生,抵抗感染和疾病,从而改善您的整体健康状况
Cissus quadrangularis has been used as a medicinal plant since antiquity.[citation needed] Cissus has been used in various Ayurvedic classical medicines to heal broken bones and injured ligaments and tendons.[citation needed] In siddha medicine it is considered a tonic and analgesic, and is believed to help heal broken bones, thus its name asthisamharaka (that which prevents the destruction of bones). The Assamese people and the Garo tribe of Meghalaya and Bangladesh have used C. quadrangularis as a medicinal plant for bone fracture.

 Cissus quadrangularis has multiple health benefits: It treats indigestion, fractures and sprains, is a best worming medicine, treats piles, menstrual problems and is also the best home remedy for ear pain. 
Cissus quadrangularis is used for obesity, diabetes, a cluster of heart disease risk factors called "metabolic syndrome," and high cholesterol. It has also been used for bone fractures, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, loss of appetite (anorexia), weak bones (osteoporosis), scurvy, cancer, upset stomach, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), painful menstrual periods, asthma, seizures, malaria, wound healing, and pain.Cissus quadrangularis. 
Cissus quadrangularis is also used in bodybuilding supplements as an alternative to anabolic steroids.
Some of the most important health benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis include its ability to reduce inflammation, boost bone strength, improve respiratory conditions, strengthen the immune system, soothe pain, ease menstrual issues, protect your teeth, prevent diabetes, optimizing cardiovascular function, and help with weight  loss.
  • Health Benefits of Cissus Quadrangularis
    • Weight Loss
    • Heart Health
    • Strong Bones
    • Reduced Inflammation
    • Respiratory Disorders
    • Diabetes Prevention
    • Immunity
    • Wound Healing
    • Dental Care
Relief from Menstruation CrampsWeight Loss
The most valuable and commonly quoted benefit of Cissus quadrangularis is its significant and proven impact on weight loss. For people combining dietary changes and exercise to promote healthy weight loss, adding Cissus quadrangularis can further boost those efforts by helping to suppress the appetite and stimulating the metabolism to burn weight calories faster and use nutrients more efficiently. In dozens of studies over the past decade, Cissus quadrangularis consistently displays fat-burning powers, making it a hot new item in the weight loss markets everywhere.
Heart Health
In conjunction with the benefits above, Cissus quadrangularis has also been directly linked to lower cholesterol levels, possibly due to its strong impact on metabolic factors in the body. By reducing “bad” cholesterol in the body, Cissus quadrangularis can help to protect your cardiovascular system from an excess strain, atherosclerosis, heart, attacks, strokes, and elevated blood pressure.Strong Bones
Cissus quadrangularis actually affects bone health in a very important way. This surprisingly powerful can help to prevent the degradation of bone matter in the body and stimulate bone growth. To be more specific, research has revealed that Cissus quadrangularis stimulates the production of osteoblasts, which are the cells in the body responsible for growing bone. This plant is also commonly suggested as an herbal remedy for people who have recently broken bones as a way to speed the healing process.
Reduced Inflammation
The general anti-inflammatory properties of certain organic compounds found in Cissus quadrangularis can help reduce swelling and irritation throughout the body, but the most conclusive studies have focused on its role in treating or lessening the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This painful condition is a difficult one to solve, but there is a definite correlation between Cissus quadrangularis supplements and reduced inflammation in that sensitive area.
Respiratory Disorders
The effects of Cissus quadrangularis are sometimes akin to steroids for your system, and when it comes to the respiratory system and conditions like asthma, supplementation with Cissus quadrangularis can prevent attacks or lessen their severity.
Diabetes Prevention
One of the unique benefits of Cissus quadrangularis is its ability to lower blood sugar levels in the body. This is done by regulating the release of blood sugar from the nutritional intake and ensuring that glucose and insulin levels remain optimal in the blood. The plant’s role in weight loss also helps in this case, as obesity is closely linked to Type II diabetes.
The high levels of ascorbic acid found in Cissus quadrangularis mean that your body gets an extra defensive shield against pathogens and foreign substances in the body, as well as additional antioxidant protection. Ascorbic acid, more commonly known as vitamin C, stimulates the production of white blood cells to fight infections and illness, thereby improving your overall health.Remove the Cissus quadrangularis leaf , then cut into smaller pieces. Put them in capsules, take 1 ~ 2 pils after meals 3 times a day. Drink a lot of water. can reduce Osteoporosis.
Do the same if you want to lose weight. take Two capsules after breakfast, continue to take for 10 weeks. Drink a lot of water.Stem (skin removed)Cut in pieces, juice mixed with sandalwood, honey and ghee is given in empty stomach in the morning for 3- 6 days.can reduce Heavy bleeding during periods.

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你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
