
它的花使用6天內失眠好了 。生姜加牵牛子煮著吃两天,臌胀, 便秘好了!不用5元。Cairo morning-glory (Ipomoea cairica)benefits。Manfaat BUNGA SERI PAGi.

比较容易找得到的植物,好多人看到它不懂的使用它。它的花有的人使用6天內失眠好了 。生姜加牵牛子煮著吃两天,臌胀, 便秘好了!不用5元。看了这个视频你一定了解如何使用牵牛子和它的花。

别名 番仔藤槭葉牽牛掌葉牽牛,朝顏、喇叭花 别名BUNGA SERI PAGI

Morning Glories

Ipomoea cairica - grow care and eat (Morning glory plant)

它的花使用6天內失眠好了 。生姜加牵牛子煮著吃两天,臌胀, 便秘好了!不用5元。Cairo morning-glory (Ipomoea cairica)benefits。Manfaat BUNGA SERI PAGi.







牵牛子粥 材料:生姜2片,粳米80克,牵牛子1克 做法:粳米洗净放入锅中,加清水、姜片熬成粥,牵牛子研末,倒入粥里,搅拌均匀即可。 功效:泻水消肿,通便下气,水肿、便秘患者都可以食用。

藥用 作為中藥,根或莖葉均可名為五葉藤,有清熱、解毒及利水通淋之用;花可止咳除蒸。建議用量:根或莖葉4.5–10克。  







紫玉盤(山梗子) 作用 。Health benefits of uvaria grandiflora 。tanaman  Uvaria grandiflora https://youtu.be/x8qnmFczq7s 吃仙人掌 ?有毒吗?它如何消除体内胆固醇 ?看这视频你就明白了?cactus poisonous ? cactus can reduce cholesterol in the body ? how? https://youtu.be/lF8wlRjF3V4 含羞草可说是失眠,放松焦虑和压力天然圣药。 製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看 .mimosa pudica health benefits.Akar putri malu. https://youtu.be/X59SI1c9CZE 蘋婆 (鳳眼果)功效和好處。Health Benefits of Chinese Chesnut.( Sterculia monosperma) https://youtu.be/mRwmk8prsSM 含羞草可说是失眠,放松焦虑和压力天然圣药。 製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看 .mimosa pudica health benefits.Akar putri malu.

https://youtu.be/X59SI1c9CZE 减肥 ,降血糖,降血压, 治便秘 ,提高人类的免疫力,製作教學 ,一步一步做给你看.(仙人掌叶片果汁)。DIY NOPALES / Cactus Juice. https://youtu.be/Hc8CKXSNdEM

Studies suggest antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antinociceptive, antimicrobial, mosquito larvicidal, a-glucosidase inhibitory, antioxidant, anticancer properties.

• No reported folkloric medicinal use in the Philippines.
• In Brazilian folk medicine, used for rheumatism and inflammation.

Insecticidal Potential on Dengue Vectors: Study evaluated the sublethal activities of I. cairica acethonilic extract against the life history trait of dengue vectors, Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti on late third instar larvae. Results showed significantly lower egg production (fecundity) and eggs hatchability (fertility) in Ae. albopictus There was also significant reduction of width of larval head capsule and wing length in both sexes of Aedes species. The reduced reproductive capacity suggests a potential as plant based insecticide to control dengue vectors. (21)

• Cytotoxicity Against HepG2 Cell Lines / Leaves: Study evaluated the anticancer activity of leaf extracts of ten Ipomoea Jacq. species on A 549 cell line and HepG2 cell line by SRB assay. Crude extract of leaves of Ipomoea species showed significant cytotoxic effect on HepG2 cell line and significant inhibitory effect on A549 cell line. Ipomoea cairica was the best growth inhibitor for HepG2 cell line. 


生吃沙薑有四个,你可能没有听过的好处。 HEALTH BENEFITS OF Sand Ginger。Manfaat makan Cekur .




沙薑 沙薑 Kaempferia galanga)亦称三柰番鬱金三藾山辣埔薑花山柰

锌,钙,钾,铁,正丁醇,甘菊,乙酯 , 生物碱, 甲基丙烯酸和肉桂酸形式的香精油,





  • 内服:煎汤,3~6克;或入丸、散。
















Cekur atau cekur putih atau nama saintifiknya Kaempferia galanga Linn dari keluarga "Zingiberaceae" adalah sejenis tumbuhan tropika yang terdapat di Malaysia 

Rizom cekur mengandungi pati, air, zink, kalsium, kalium, zat besi, minyak atsiri berupa sineol, asid metil kanil dan asid cinnamik, etil aster, borneol, kamphene, paraeumarin, asid anisik, alkaloid dan gam

Ia popular di kalangan ibu-ibu yang baru bersalin bagi mengeluarkan angin dan menguncupkan rahim. Terdapat juga mereka yang memakannya bagi mengubati batuk, sakit tekak dan meredakan demam panas. Ia mempunyai bahan yang dapat bertindak sebagai antibakteria, antifungus dan antikeradangan. Dengan mengamalkan memakannya, ia dapat mencegah sakit, sengal tulang, awet muda dan dapat antioksidan

1.Manfaat pertama yang dapat diperoleh dari konsumsi kencur mentah setiap hari adalah membantu menjaga kualitas suara.

2. Menjaga kesehatan tubuh

Konsumsi kencur mentah setiap hari juga dapat membantu menjaga kualitas kesehatan tubuh serta meningkatkan kemampuan daya tahan atau imunitas tubuh.

3.Kandungan kencur yang memilik banyak minyak atsiri .Minyak atsiri tersebut dapat memberikan efek stimulan yang akan menjadi salah satu cara dalam mengatasi stres.

4.. Menjaga stamina

Manfaat lainnya yang dapat diperoleh ketika mengkonsumsi kencur mentah setiap hari adalah membantu dalam menjaga kondisi stamina.

5manfaat yang disebutkan tersebut menjadikan beberapa public figure melakukan aktivitas konsumsi kencur setiap hari.

In Malay folk, there is a very famous singer, his magic weapon is this

She eats this ginger raw every day to maintain his singing and make it more beautiful and sweet.

This is Sand Ginger.

Some call this aromatic gingerresurrection lily,capoor cutch

It is pungent, sweet, warm and non-toxic.

It can enter, heart, spleen, kidney, three meridians.

It contains essential oils in the form of cinnamic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, n-butanol, chamomile, ethyl ester, alkaloids, and methacrylic acid.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it can warm and dehumidify; promote qi 

In traditional Chinese medicine  People whose body always feels hot, stomach feels hot, high blood pressure, is not encouraged to take it.

Plant used for flavoring rice.

- Young leaves and tender young rhizomes can be eaten raw, steamed, or used in curries or cooked with chili paste as side dish. 

- In Thailand, rhizome is an ingredient for soups and curries.
- In Indonesia, used as a spice.


走马箭( 接骨草)功效。马来西亚和香港有不一样的说法. HEALTH BENEFITS OF SAMBUCUS JAVANICA .manfaat Tanaman Sangitan



走馬箭 治手脚无力和关节疼痛走马箭有通经络和活血止痛的作用,对人类的手脚无力和关节疼痛有明显的治疗作用,治疗时只需要把二两左右的走马煎加入适量清水进行煎制就可以,煎好以取出药液直接饮用,就能起到止痛和去除酸软的功效








【侗药】骂吝(Mal nyenl),尚骂吝(Sangp mal nyenl):




Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :

Luka terpukul, tulang patah, rematik, sakit kuning, beri-beri, disentri; Bronkhitis, rubela, bengkak (edema), keram/kejang, pegal linu; Erysipelas, sakit kuning.;


Akar, batang dan daun. Dijemur bila ingin disimpan.



- Luka terpukul.

- Tulang patah (frakture).

- Encok (rheumatism), pegal linu.

- Sakit kuning.

Batang dan daun:

- Bengkak karena penyakit ginjal (nephritic edema).

- Beri-beri.

- Disentri.

- Radang saluran napas kronis (bronkhitis kronis).

- Rubella.

- Erysipelas.

Seluruh tanaman:

- Keram / kejang pada kaki.

- Sakit pada tulang.

- Luka terpukul.

- Bengkak (edema) pada kaki.


Untuk minum: 30-60 g (yang segar 90-120 g), rebus atau minum air perasannya.

Pemakaian luar: Seluruh tanaman dicuci bersi lalu direbus, airnya dipakai untuk cuci atau mandi. Dapat juga seluruh tanaman setelah dicuci bersih lalu digiling halus sampai menjadi adonan seperti bubur. Tempelkan adonan tadi kebagian yang sakit. Digunakan untuk pengobatan bengkak terpukul, gatal (pruritus) dan ekzema.


1. Nephritic edigma, beri-beri:Seluruh tanaman sebanyak 30--60 g dicuci bersih, lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring lalu diminum.

2. Sakit kuning: Akar sangitan ditim dengan daging sapi, makan.

3. Bengkak terpukul, tulang patah: Akar sebanyak 20 g dicuci bersih, potong-potong seperlunya lalu direbus dengan air bersih sebayak 400 cc dan arak putih, sampai tersisa setengahnya. Tambahkan 30 g gula pasir, aduk sampai merata. Setelah dingin disaring, minum.

4. Bengkak terpukul. 60 g akar dicuci lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya. Rebus dengan 3gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, lalu diminum. Untuk luarnya, daun segar dicuci Ialu digiling halus. Bubuhkan kebagian tubuh yang sakit.

5. Rematik kronis, sakit pinggang, bengkak: 15-30 g herba setelah dicuci bersih, dipotong-potong seperlunya. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring, minum. Air rebusan, juga dapat dipakai untuk kompres dibagian yang sakit.

6. Rubella: Seluruh tumbuhan secukupnya dicuci bersih lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya. Godok dengan 3 liter air. Hangat-hangat dipakai untuk mandi.

Kandungan Tanaman Sangitan

Kandungan tanaman sangitan pada bagian daun, batang dan akar mengandung minyak esensial, asam ursolik, beta sitosterol, alfa amyrin palmitat, KNO, dan tanin.

Manfaat dan Khasiat Tanaman Sangitan Bagi Kesehatan

  1. Manfaat daun sangitan berguna dalam pengobatan sakit ginjal.
  2. Khasiat daun sangitan untuk mengobati sakit beri-beri.
  3. Akar tanaman sangitan digunakan dalam pengobatan bengkak dan memar, tulang patah, reumatik, pegal linu, dan sakit kuning.
  4. Tanaman sangitan bermanfaat untuk mengobati  keram, nyeri tulang, memar, kulit terbakar, bercak hitam di wajah, 
  5. Tanaman sangitan berkhasiat untuk menghaluskan kulit dan merangsang saraf.



– Melancarkan sirkulasi darah

– Duiretik

– Analgesi

– Menghilangkan bengkak

– Wanita hamil dilarang

Akar :  Menghilangkan kolik (antispasmodik) dan menghilangkan pembengkakan.

Batang dan daun  :    Peluruh kencing (diuretik), menghilangkan pembengkakan dan menghilangkan sakit (analgetik) serta melancarkan sirkulasi darah.

1 Beri-beri.

Seluruh tanaman sebanyak 30 – 60 gram dicuci bersih, lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya.  Rebus dengan  tiga gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas.  Setelah dingin disaring lalu diminum.

2 Sakit kuning.

Akar sangitan di tim dengan daging sapi, makan.

3 Bengkak terpukul, tulang patah.

     Akar  sebanyak 20 gram dicuci bersih, dipotong seperlunya lalu direbus dengan air sebanyak 6 gelas air, sampai tersisa setengahnya.  Tambahkan 30 g gula pasir, aduk sampai merata. Setelah dingin, saring, minum.

4 Rematik kronis, sakit pinggang, bengkak.

Akar 15 – 30 gram dicuci bersih, dipotong-potong seperlunya.  Rebus dengan 3 gelas air sampai tersisa satu gelas.  Setalah dingin disaring, lalu diminum.  Untuk luarnya daun segar dicuci lalu digiling halus.  Bubuhkan kebagian tubuh yang sakit.

6 Tulang patah.

Akar kering 30 direbus dan minum airnya.

7 Disentri.

     Batang dan daun 30 rebus atau minum air perasannya.

8 Radang saluran napas kronis (bronkhitis kronis).

Batang dan daun 30 rebus atau minum air perasannya.


A decoction of Sambucus javanica, root of Angelica pubescens, gypsum, immature bitter orange and wine is taken orally to treat migraine accompanied with dizziness.


Sleeping on heated Sambucus javanica leaves can help to treat rheumatism.


Juice of Sambucus javanica roots (peeled) is taken orally with wine to treat edema (swelling caused by fluid retention),


A decoction of Sambucus javanica root is taken orally to treat extended lochia.


Medicated wine with Sambucus javanica root can be taken orally to treat a hard and painful lump in the abdomen.


Laxative urine

Relieve swelling and pain and circulation

The plant is used:

Roots, herbs and flowers are dried in the sun to dry when it will be stored

Method of treatment:

Bodies and swelling of the kidney disease beriberi:

Wash the herbs sangitan along with 30-60 g roots

Boil in 3 cups water to the remaining 1 cup

Strain when cool and drink well in the morning

Rheumatic, back pain, swelling due to hit:

Boil 15-30 g dried plant sangitan in 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass

Once cool, filtered and used for 2 drinks in the morning and afternoon


All vegetation cleared sufficiently

Cut off and boiled in 3-5 liters of water to boiling

Then used to warm bath


Chronic Rheumatism


- 15-30 gr fresh leaf Sangitan 

- 3 cups water

How to make:

After the leaves washed well, then cut into pieces as necessary and simmer until the water remains one glasses. Once cool, strain and drink. Do it for 14 consecutive days. 


吃洛神花的葉子, 六个你可能不知道好处。6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Roselle Leaves (Gongura).Manfaat DAUN ASAM PAYA

  洛神花的葉子是一种在印度发现的绿叶蔬菜。 它的准备在安德拉邦很有名。 它也可以在印度东北部的州使用。 这些叶子可以做成酸辣酱,洛神花的葉子鸡,洛神花的葉子酱和咸菜。 

这些叶子酸味也可以帮助减轻感冒,咳嗽和发烧的症状。 由于它含有丰富的维生素C,因此还可以增加食欲


吃洛神花的葉子, 六个你可能不知道好处。6  Amazing Health Benefits Of Roselle Leaves (Gongura).Manfaat  DAUN ASAM PAYA.


洛神花的葉子富含人体必需的维生素,铁,叶酸和抗氧化剂。 血红蛋白水平和免疫力低的人偶尔可以食用宫古拉制剂,以增强免疫力和改善血红蛋白水平。

1.洛神花的葉子膳食纤维含量很高,可以帮助改善您的消化系统健康。 膳食纤维在通过消化系统时会增加食物的体积,从而促进容易消化。 通过使肠蠕动正常化,宫古拉有助于预防消化系统问题,如便秘,腹胀,腹泻。

2.贫血是由血红蛋白或红细胞水平下降导致的症状,如疲劳,疲倦,心,虚弱和呼吸急促。 贡古拉是铁的丰富来源,有助于增加红细胞的产生,从而预防由铁缺乏引起的贫血.

3.洛神花的葉子具有显着的能力来降低体内不良胆固醇或低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的水平,并增加体内良好胆固醇或高密度脂蛋白(HDL)的水平。 该绿叶降低胆固醇的特性可以归因于大量纤维的存在。 通过控制血压和胆固醇水平,宫古拉在降低心脏病发作和其他心血管疾病的风险中起关键作用


洛神花的葉子含有高水平的维生素A,有助于改善视力。 贡古拉中的抗氧化剂有助于预防与年龄有关的黄斑变性和白内障。

5.食用它有助于优化您的免疫系统。 维生素C,通常称为抗坏血酸,在增强免疫系统和增加体内白细胞数量方面起着重要作用。 白细胞负责保护人体免受病原体,细菌和其他外来入侵

  1. 洛神花的葉子中存在的各种营养素,例如维生素和矿物质,对头发具有许多好处。 这些营养物质可增强头发,防止头发掉落。 Gongura可防止头发变干变暗。 它通常用作预防脱发的药

7.洛神花的葉子富含钙,镁和磷等矿物质,所有这些矿物质对于维持骨骼健康均至关重要。 富含这些矿物质的饮食可以帮助预防骨质流失和骨质疏松症。

Pulicha Kirai Plants 

Gongura or sorrel leaves is a perennial leaf that has many culinary and medicinal uses. It is very popular in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India and is used for making a large variety of dishes such as gongura pachadi, gongura chicken, gongura pickle, gongura dal, gongura pappu and many more. It has a very distinctive tangy taste and constitutes one of the main ingredients in Indian Andhra food recipes. Because of its sour taste, it is also known as sour leaves or sour grass / grabs. Gongura is a wonderful source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are beneficial to your overall health.

Gongura Nutrition Facts

All varieties of gongura provide several nutritional benefits. It is a great choice for low-calorie and low-fat diets. It is a good source of carbohydrates, fiber and protein. It is also an excellent source of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin C.  Gongura is rich in essential minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It also provides you with many beneficial organic compounds such as flavonoids, anthocyanins and polyphenolic acids.

Gongura leaves health benefitsGongura improves digestive health

Gongura is high in dietary fiber that can help improve your digestive health. Dietary fiber promotes easy digestion by adding bulk to food as it passes through the digestive system. By normalizing the bowel movements, gongura helps in preventing digestive problems like constipation, bloating and diarrhea. Gongura also contains active antioxidant compounds known as anthraquinones that provides additional support to your digestive health. These compounds increase fluid secretion and muscular activity in the intestines, which in turn stimulates the passage of food through your digestive tract. This helps in preventing constipation.

Did you know? Hibsicus Cannabinus is scientific name for Gongura. Gongura in tamil is Pulichai Kerrai.  Ambadi is what Gongura called in Marathi or Gujarati. In Hindi it is called Pitwa. In Bengali it is known as Mestapat. Sorrel leaves in Kannada means Pundi. 

Pulicha keerai prevents anemia

Anemia is a condition caused by decreased levels of hemoglobin or red blood cells leading to symptoms such as fatigue, weariness, heart palpitations, weakness and shortness of breath. Gongura, being a rich source of iron, helps in increasing the production of red blood cells, thus preventing anemia caused by iron deficiency.

Gongura lowers high blood pressure

Studies suggest that increasing your intake of potassium and magnesium can help regulate blood pressure levels. Gongura is a great source of potassium and magnesium, making it a suitable remedy for hypertension. Potassium is a mineral that functions as a vasodilator and diuretic. It relaxes the arteries and blood vessels, thus reducing the stress on them and reducing blood pressure.

Gongura prevents cancer

Free radicals are responsible for converting the normal and healthy cells in our bodies to cancerous cells. Gongura is full of antioxidant compounds like polyphenolic compounds, anthocyanins and flavonoids, all of which have the amazing ability to scavenge the free radicals and protect your body from oxidation damage. Gongura has also been found to promote apoptosis, the process of programmed cell death of tumor cells.

Gongura aids in weight loss

Gongura leaves are low in calories and fat. They are rich in fiber that satiates your hunger and makes you feel full for a long period of time. They also have diuretic properties that prevent fluid retention by increasing the frequency of urination. This helps in preventing weight gain due to water retention. The nutrients in gongura provide the essential nourishment to your body without adding extra calories.

Gongura detoxifies the body

Gongura is rich in flavonoids and other antioxidants that promote detoxification and cleansing of your body. It has purgative and diuretic properties that help in flushing out the harmful toxins formed in the body. The protocatechuic acid found in gongura leaves also aids in the detoxification of the body. For this reason, gongura infused water or gongura tea are often used for cleansing the body.

Gongura and skin benefits

Gongura is found to have anti-microbial and anti-allergic properties. It is high in Vitamin C that benefits the skin in many ways. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that destroy the free radical and prevent early aging. It also increases the production of collagen that improves the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. When used as a face pack, gongura tightens the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Dried gongura leaves are beneficial in treating many skin problems like itching, rashes and ringworms.

Pulicha keerai health benefits for hair

The various nutrients like vitamins and minerals present in gongura provide many benefits to your hair. These nutrients strengthen the hair and prevents hair fall. Gongura prevents the hair from becoming dry and dull. It is often used as a remedy for preventing baldness.

Gongura eliminates cold sores

The active component in gongura such as flavonoids, oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins have been found to help in getting rid of cold sores and fever blisters.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
