
消化不良,月经不调, 婦女暗病製作草药教學 ,一步一步做给你看。DIY Natural Remdey for Indigestion, irregular menstruation, women's disease。Cara guna Akar senduduk .


多花野牡丹(学名:Melastoma affine),或称基尖叶野牡丹



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黃花酢醬草的功效与作用.Oxalis corniculata 

上帝赐给人类的避难草.(白茅草)Cogon grass~Imperata cylindrica)。Manfaat Alang - Alang .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Iy83BNErg&lc=z23tflirfovst3unracdp434robujbbjzekpnnfc1qdw03c010c.1539516427153747

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi

火炭母的功效与作用。polygonum chinense medicinal uses Manfaat sembuluh

黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Black face general

【水龟草】有高血压,尿酸,肾脏问题的人一定要看。Benefits of Zebrine Pendula.

羅望子的功效与作用. Tamarind benefits .kegunaan Asam Jawa

Hi,everyone,I am Yes.Today I will teach you to use a root to specifically treat women's most annoying illness every month.This method can be said to be a mysterious health weapon for women.I will tell you step by step how to cook, how to use it, and what it is for.Then I will not say more, please continue to watch.

This is Melastoma affine root , also known by the common names blue tongue or native lassiandra, is a shrub of the Melastomataceae family.Its taste is sour, astringent and flat.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the roots of Nomadic Dan can help treat indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea,hemafecia, hemorrhinia, irregular menstruation, rheumatism, headache, and bruises.

In traditional Chinese medicine It is not suitable for pregnant women.This plant is usually easy to find in the sun near the Malaysian forest.now come with me and go find this tree by the forest.
Now let me show you, this is Melastoma affine  tree.These two Melastoma affine trees are quite large wild grazing trees.

This  Melastoma affine  tree is more difficult to pull.This tree is more large.

It takes about 10 minutes for the tree to be pulled up.As you can see, its roots are very long.Very difficult to pull.Need to use hoe.

Then take the roots home and wash them.This is the Melastoma affine roots has been washed.

Next, cut it down. Its roots are also very hard, and my chopping boards are broken.These two trees took me half an hour.

These are the cut roots of Melastoma affine . We use 150g, put in the pot, add water, and boil 4 bowls of water to make a bowl of water.Just start with a big fire, boil and turn to a small fire. You can also cook in a slow cooker, it doesn't matter for 10-12 hours.

This is the water of the boiling Melastoma affine roots . It's as simple as that, you can boil a medicine that is very helpful to women body.It's that simple. 
Do you guess this medicine will be difficult to drink? It looks dark brown.Do you guess it will be difficult to drink? Let me try it.The first bite will feel bitter and then become sweet and astringent. In the end it will become sweet. The taste is very special.It is not difficult to drink at all.After drinking this medicine, you must replenish plenty of water, or your throat will be very dry.

This method is suitable for people with diabetes, swollen feet, bleeding blood, irregular menstruation, menstrual flow, and menstruation in 3-4 months.Some traditional Malay folks will use this method to allow postnatal women to take it to speed up the healing of the wound.It can also speed up the contraction of the uterus.This method is also suitable for people who have indigestion or who often have diarrhea.Also very suitable for people with inflammation in the body leading to blood in the stool.The above method is taken twice a day, and after three days, it generally improves.It has a therapeutic and improving effect.

It can also help lower blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, such as swelling and pain caused by inflammation, is quite suitable and effective.

I’m here today, thank you for watching, see you next time

.Manfaat Akar senduduk
Bagi wanita yang baru lepas bersalin

 Keringkan akar senduduk kemudian rebus dan diminum sepanjang dalam pantang, hasilnya luka lepas bersalin akan segera sembuh dan mengecut sekaligus mengetatkan semula rahim

Membuang angin, lenguh sendi urat dan tulang – Air rebusan dari akar, batang dan daun dibuat mandian . Badan akan terasa lebih segar lenguh sendi tulang dan angin akan segera menghindar.

吃红毛丹对身体有什么好处?红毛丹有什么营养价值. Amazing Benefits Of Rambutan.Kebaikan Makan Rambutan .


紅毛丹学名:Nephelium lappaceum




除了营养价值,红毛丹还提供治疗功能。 食用这样的水果有助于杀死肠道寄生虫,有助于缓解腹泻和发烧的症状。

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芒萁的功效与作用。 Dicranopteris linearis uses.Manfaat rumput Resam.

羅望子的功效与作用. Tamarind benefits .kegunaan Asam Jawa

[長穗木 ]功效与作用.Medicinal uses of ( Blue porterweed ) Stachytarpheta jamaicensi . Pecut Kuda.

皇宮菜(木耳菜)的功效与作用.Health Benefits Of Basella Or Malabar spinach..


翅果鐵刀木(翅荚决明)的作用。 Health benefits of cassia alata.Kegunaan Pokok gelenggang.

诺丽果(海巴戟)叶营养和功能 Medicinal Benefits Of Morinda Citrifolia leaves Khasiat Daun Mengkudu.

If  your wife or daughter  morning sickness During pregnancy, mothers often experience dizziness and nausea. Rambutan can be one of the solutions to relieve this morning sickness because it tastes sweet.

Rambutan is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and rich minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.Rambutan taste Sweet to sour, sweet and delicious.

some people say  eat Rambutan is cool fruit. some people say  Rambutan is hot fruit.Rambutan is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and rich minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
Rambutan taste Sweet to sour, sweet and delicious.some people say eat Rambutan is cool fruit. some people say Rambutan is hot fruit.which one is right? the main point is  time plucking rambutan.if the   rambutan are taken from before the sun is known, the fruit is good sweet and delicious.it cooling the body.If rambutan plucking direct sunlight the fruit is eaten it can be hot quickly if you eat a lot of will cough.

Traditional Chinese medicine Believe that  rambutan good for blood circulation helps,Stop diarrhea, reduce the effect, etc.It can treat anemia, spleen and diarrheaIf you have dry mouth, inflammation of the tonsils, face acne, high blood pressure, periodontal disease, strong bad breath, constipation, hemorrhoids, should not eat more rambutan

Rambutan contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which have the effect of improving the body's immunity.

The high content of vitamin C in rambutan has a nourishing effect on the skin and the effect of hairdressing.

Rambutan is rich in iron and has a good therapeutic effect on dizziness and hypotension.

In addition to its nutritional value, Rambutan also provides therapeutic functions. Eating such fruits helps to kill intestinal parasites and helps relieve symptoms of diarrhea and fever.

A study in China mentioned that rambutan skin contains antidiabetic components.In the study, several diabetic rats were induced with phenolic extract of rambutan skin. The results showed a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Many people who do not know rambutan leaves are also very useful for women and men who want to look fresh and attractive.Its use is very simple and not complicated as it simply brushes the leaves with water and soaks on the hair for 10 to 15 minutes before washing. The result is that you can fix hair and hair problems.

1.Kebaikan Jika Makan Rambutan Untuk Kesihatan
  • Antioxidan yang tinggi

antioxidan membantu melawan pembentukan radikal bebas dalam badan, mencegah tekanan oksidatif dan melindungi sel-sel daripada kerosakan. Bukan itu sahaja, tetapi beerapa penyelidikan juga menunjukkan bahawa antioxidan boleh memainkan peranan dalam pencegahan penyakit dan boleh mengurangkan penyakit kronik seperti jantung dan kencing manis.
  • Meningkatkan tenaga
Karbohidrat dan protein dalam rambutan membantu untuk meningkatkan tenaga dan mengelakan perut kembung. Rambutan ini juga kaya dengan air yang membantu mendapatkan kembali tenaga yang hilang dan menghilangkan dahaga.
  • Membunuh parasit
Selain faedah nutrisi, rambutan juga menawarkan fungsi teraputik. Pengambilan buah-buahan seperti ini boleh membantu untuk membunuh parasit yang ada pada usus dam membantu melegakan gejala-gejala cirit birit dan demam.
Melembabkan kulit
Selain daripada kesihatan dalaman, rambutan juga berfungsi untuk kulit lembut. Kandungan airnya yang tinggi dapat mwnghidratkan kulit anda, hasil daripada itu kulit anda akan sentiasa lembut dan  licin. Hal ini kerana keupayaannya menyingkirkan radikal bebas dan dapat melindungi badan nada daripada kerosakan aksidatif. Satu lagi, kerana mempunyai vitamin A, elok untuk kulit kusam.
  • Meningkatkan metabolism 

Pelbagai vitamin B yang terdapat di rambutan. Vitamin B adalah salah satu laluan untuk meningkatkan metabolik dalam badan dan membantu untuk bertenaga bertukar dari karbohidrat ke dalam tenaga yang boleh digunakan. Dengan hasil ini, badan akan akan mengekalkan tahap tenaga yang mantap sepanjang hari.
  • Rawatan masalah rambut
Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu khasiat rambutan ini, bukan sahaja isinya tetapi daunnya juga sangat berguna untuk wanita dan lelaki yang ingin kelihatan rambut segar dan menawan. Kegunaannya sangat mudah dan tidak merumikkan kerana hanya meramskan daunnya dengan air dan lumurkan ke atas rambut selama 10 hingga 15 minit sebelum dicuci. Hasil yang anda dapat memperbaiki masalah rambut dan rambut berkilau.

1. Antidiabetes
Tak hanya dagingnya yang bisa dinikmati, tapi Anda juga bisa mencicip kulit rambutan. Sebuah studi di China menyebutkan bahwa kulit rambutan mengandung komponen antidiabetes.

Dalam studi tersebut, beberapa ekor tikus diabetes diinduksi dengan ekstrak fenolik dari kulit rambutan. Hasilnya menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar glukosa darah. 

2. Atasi 'morning sickness' ibu hamil

Selama masa kehamilan, ibu kerap mengalami pusing dan mual. Rambutan bisa jadi salah satu solusi untuk meredakan morning sickness ini karena rasanya yang manis. 


月橘(七里香 )的功效与作用。Murraya paniculata medicinal uses. Manfaat pohon kemuning。








  1. 果實成熟可生吃或做為泡茶、煮湯類的香料,還可作藥材。 
2 木質細緻而堅硬,可作農具、手杖、刀柄和印材等。為台灣早期飯匙、拐杖、琴桿、嗩吶等生活器具、樂器等製作材料。
抗糖尿病/抗氧化剂/叶子 使糖尿病大鼠的血糖和血脂水平显着剂量依赖性降低。





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蒌叶~(荖葉)的功效与作用.Medicinal Benefits Of Betel Leaf. MANFAAT DAUN SIRIH.

白鹤灵芝草的功效。Rhinacanthus nasutus ~Snake jasmine medicinal uses

猫须草的作用及禁忌.喝了它会发生什么事 Benefits of Java tea..Manfaat Misai Kucing.

Study yielded eight highly oxygenated flavones, identified as gardenin A, gardenin C, gardenin E, 5-O-desmethylnobiletin, umhengerin, 5,3--dihydroxy-6,7,4'5'--tetramethoxyflavone and new compound, 5,3',5'-trihydroxy-6,7,4'-trimethoxyflavone

Mildly bitter-minty tasting and warming.
- Considered anti-herpetic, anti-diarrheal, aromatic, refrigerant, tonic and stomachic.
- Leaves are stimulant and astringent. 
- Leaves and flowers considered tonic and stomachic. 
- Studies have shown antioxidant, anti-amoebic, anti-giardial, antiplatelet aggregation, insecticidal, anti-diabetic, antinociceptive, antifungal, antibacterial, antifertiity, cytotoxic, nematicidal properties

Hi, everyone,I am Yes.beside me, this kind of plant. It is often seen in parks and on campus.in malaysia at 10pm night if you walk near this plant area. you will smell the aroma of this plant produces a very pleasant aroma.. until the sun goes out the pleasant aroma will be less .At 3 pm,If you walk back near this plant, the  pleasant aroma  smell is gone.

This is Murraya paniculata common names include Orange jessamine, Jasmine orange,Chinese box, mock orange, mock lime, satinwood or Lakeview jasmine (mainly in Florida).

Taste: bitter, slightly warm, with little poison.in traditional Chinese believe that the Root  have detoxification, blood circulation, pain relief, diuretic, hurricane dehumidification.In the folk Uses Root for rheumatism, back pain, bruises, eczema, cramps, testicular swelling.Leaves: external application of sore tumors, intestinal fistula, menstruation.
 Bark used for skin disease, itching, arthritis, cough. Stems and leaves used for relief heart and stomach pain, intestinal disease, women's disease. Flower: After drying, tea can be anti-inflammatory and thirst-quenching.

In traditional Chinese this plant  it's not suitable for Pregnant woman consume. 

Some traditional Malay parents  used the leaves to punch paste on the skin  applied to the skin to reduce the rough surface so that the skin is smooth and shiny.

Take 15 g of dried root. slice small pieces, 3  glass water boil into one glass of water, consume 7 days, will relieve Rheumatic pain.

Take 20 grams of freshly cut  leaves, then boil in 3 cups of water until the water is left. Drink this herb 3 times a day. there are some traditional Malays who believe that they can lower cholesterol in the body.

Daun Kemuning memiliki manfaat untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, menghilangkan bengkak, anti-radang, penurun panas, antibakteri, dan penurun kadar kolesterol.

Menurut kajian jurnal ilmiah, daun kemuning memiliki efek farmakologis yang berkhasiat sebagai pemati rasa (anestesia), sedatif, anti-radang, antirematik, antitiroid, penghilang bengkak, pelangsing tubuh, pelancar peredaran darah, dan penghalus kulit. Selain itu, daun kemuning berkhasiat sebagai penurun kadar kolesterol dalam darah dengan kandungan kimia berupa tannin, flavanoid, steroid, dan alkaloid. Daun kemuning juga dilaporkan dalam beberapa karya ilmiah mempunyai aktivitas biologi sebagai obat penurun panas (antipiretik) dan antibakte

Daun kemuning memiliki kandungan bisabolene, methyl-anthranilate, cadinene, Carene-3, P-earyophyllene, geraniol, eugenol, s-guaiazulene, sitronelol, coumurrayin, metil salisilat-, tanin, paniculatin, serta osthole.
Pemanfaatan Daun Kemuning Secara tradisional digunakan sebagai penurun kolesterol adalah dengan cara mencuci 20 gram daun kemuning segar hingga bersih, lalu rebus dalam 3 gelas air hingga tersisa gelas air. Minum ramuan ini 3 kali sehari (Harmanto, 2005)
1,Mengobati Bisul
Akar kemuning kering sebanyak 30 g dicuci dan dipotong-potong seperlunya. Rebus dengan 3 gelas air bersih sampai air rebusannya tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring Lalu diminum. Sehari 2 kali, masing-masing 1/2 gelas.
2,Mengobati Reumatik, keseleo. memar
Akar kemuning kering sebanyak 15 - 30 g dicuci Lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya. Tambahkan arak dan air masing-masing 1 1/2 gelas. Lalu direbus sampai tersisa 1 gelas. Setelah dingin disaring. Minum 2 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/2 gelas. 
3. Infeksi saluran kencing

Daun kemuning segar sebanyak 35 g dicuci lalu tambahkan 3 gelas air bersih. Rebus sampai airnya tersisa separonya. Setelah dingin disaring dan diminum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing 1/2 gela


火鹤花(红掌)的用途。怎么养?有毒吗?为什么新加坡樟宜机场种很多 ?Anthurium flower plant care。


在新加坡樟宜机场全新Jewel「星耀樟宜」企劃項目上完美連結在一塊了!將於2019417日正式啟用的星耀樟宜,無疑又將新加坡樟宜機場再度大大往前推進,在這個外觀展現令人印象深刻的鋼鐵玻璃有機形式的建築結構中,其頂端位置將擁有世界級娛樂休閑景觀——星空花園(Canopy Park)及各項獨具匠心的遊樂設施與體驗,要讓乘客們完整體驗全球最佳機場的美名並非浪得虛名!  

属名 :花烛属
种拉丁名:Anthuri umandraeanum



火鹤花(Anthurium scherzerianumSchott

美国国家航空航天局于1989年对其进行了分析。他们发现,每种方法都有一种独特的方式可以自然清除对您的健康有负面影响的毒素。 要阅读NASA的完整报告,请访问此链接。 如果您不想阅读NASA的论文,我们总结了十大室内植物作为天然空气净化器。
如果您家中没有空气净化器,或者只是想采取额外的预防措施,我们建议您在家中最重要的区域添加一些室内植物。 这是改善家居空气质量的第一步。







生姜)神奇秘方,治水咳,脾胃不好.一步一步做给你看。DIY. Treat flu ,Cold cough. The Making of Ginger Juice.

自然界的維他命C果王( 西印度櫻桃好處)Barbodos cherry benefitskhasiat ceri Acerola

皇宮菜(木耳菜)的功效与作用.Health Benefits Of Basella Or Malabar spinach..

木蘋果 *(马来西亚无花果)煮法,一步一步做给你看。好喝也香治胃病良药。DIY@How to make Bael Fruit tea improve digestive system.

巴參菜(野菜)~功效与作用 . ( Talinum fruticosum ) BENEFITS OF “Waterleaf”,Manfaat GINSENG JAWA.

蒌叶~(荖葉)的功效与作用.Medicinal Benefits Of Betel Leaf. MANFAAT DAUN SIRIH.

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi

槟榔的主要功效和作用。Health Benefits of areca Manfaat Buah Pinang.

苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

Anthurium is a genus of about 1000species of flowering plants, the largest genus of the arum family, Araceae. General common names include anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower and laceleaf

analyzed by NASA in 1989. They found that each had a unique way to naturally cleanse the air of toxins that have a negative effect to your health. To read the full report from NASA, please visit this link. In case you didn’t want to read through NASA’s paper, we’ve summarized the top ten houseplants that act as natural air purifiers.
If you don’t have an air purifier in your home, or just want to take extra precautions, we would recommend adding a few of these houseplants to the most important areas of your home. It’s a great first step to improving the air quality inside your home.

Leaves and stems contain minute, sharp crystals, or raphides of calcium oxalate that can cause swelling and burning of the lips, mouth, and throat, and sometimes, difficulty swallowing and breathing. The calcium oxalate crystals can also cause irritation of the skin and eyes
Anthurium merupakan tanaman dari keluarga Araceae. Tanaman yang memiliki khas pada keindahan daunnya ini masih berkerabat dengan sejumlah tanaman hias populer lainnya seperti Aglaonema, Philodendron, keladi hias dan Alokasia. Dalam keluarga Araceae, anthurium adalah genus dengan jumlah jenis terbanyak yaitu sekitar 1000 jenis anggota marga anthurium.

Tapi jgn pulak terlebih air..tanda-tanda pokok terlebih air adalah daun bertukar menjadi kuning, manakala terkurang air pula adalah daun pokok menjadi layu..

Jenis Anturium di Indonesia
Anthurium sendiri pada dasarnya tumbuh pada batang phon lainnya, terutama pohon yan gsudah membusuk dan bersifat epifit. Namun demikian, anthurium juga dapat tumbuh pada media tanah biasa, dan dipelihara sebagai tanaman hias. Dari beberapa sumber yang diperoleh, di Indonesia ada kurang lebih 7 jenis spesies dari tanaman anthurium itu sendiri. Berikut ini adalah ke – tujuh spesies dari tanaman anthurium yang ada di Indonesia :

  • Anthurium Crystalinum atau yang sering kita kenal dengan nama tanaman kuping gajah
  • Anthurium Pedatoradiatum yang juga sering dikenal dengan nama tanaman wali songo
  • Anthurium Rafidooa
  • Anthurium Hibridum
  • Anthurium makrolobum
  • Anthurium Andreanum
  • Antrhurium Scherzerianum

Tanaman ini memerlukan kelembaban yang tinggi untuk hidup dengan sinar matahari 50%.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
