
有苹果香味的(蓝冠菊)有你可能不知道的作用。Health benefits of Brazilian Button Flower (Centratherum punctatum) Manfaat Tanaman Larkdaisy 。




學名:Centratherum punctatum Cass.    Tanaman Larkdaisy                            


有苹果香味的(蓝冠菊)有你可能不知道的作用。Health benefits of  Brazilian Button Flower (Centratherum punctatum)

Manfaat Tanaman Larkdaisy 。




:原產  於委內瑞拉。台灣各地普片觀賞栽培。









(一) 咽喉腫痛 : 藍冠菊加散血草搗汁服或水煎服。

(二) 癰疽腫毒 : 藍冠菊心葉加烏蘞莓葉.落地生根搗爛外敷。


有苹果香味的(蓝冠菊)有你可能不知道的作用。Health benefits of  Brazilian Button Flower (Centratherum punctatum)

Manfaat Tanaman Larkdaisy 。


This is Brazilian Button Flower.Others name including Pineapple Weed, Manaos Beauty,Bachelor's Button and Brazilian Buttons.

Generally, it is regarded as an ornamental plant.For planting in front or behind the house.It can be used fresh or dried.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effect of clearing away heat and reducing inflammation.

In the world, it has more than 20 varieties.

When the leaves are crushed, there will be a unique taste similar to apple or pineapple.

Therefore, some people use its leaves to extract essential oils and make perfumes.

Most of these plants can be found in open areas, roadsides or ditches under the big sun.

In Chinese medicine, it is not suitable for pregnant women.

Its leaves are eaten raw and will be bitter, pungent and cold.

This plant looks very beautiful and unique, but if you look closely, you can see that it actually has a lot of hairs.

Its rods are covered with hairs, so insects can't eat.

Look closely, its hair is very obvious.

You can look at its flowers. In general, insects do not eat, first because it has a bitter taste, and second because its small burrs can sting insects.

Although it has burrs, human skin does not feel tingling.

Its flowers are also hairy. Look carefully, the little flowers inside are all covered with burrs.

It has the effects of clearing heat and reducing inflammation, and is often used for sore throat, urethritis, traumatic bleeding, ulcer and swelling.

This plant is used to soak hot water to drink,can helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar.So it is not suitable for people with anemia.

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香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
