
如何生吃诺丽果是最好?一步一步做给你看。 The best way eat fresh Noni fruit juice.Cara makan buah noni

你吃过诺丽吗?这种气味不知道如何形容它。很多人怕吃诺丽果,但是它有方法吃不会有臭味。吃了诺丽果 身体感觉背部疼痛,很累那样,都很快会有改善。经常食用诺丽果汁有助于减少肥胖,减少心脏病和糖尿病并发症.Noni20多种疾病有改善作用。










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印度醋栗~(余甘子)神奇功效与作用.Health Benefits of Cermai Fruit (gooseberry, Phyllanthus acidus)

苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leavesBayam merah.

秋葵。(羊角豆)神奇的效果。Health Benefits of Okra lady's finger

假蒟.。他可治产后水肿,血崩。也可以补血,减肥。女性朋友产后一定要吃。Piper sarmentosumDaun KADUK

百香果.女人,知道它的好处!吃过它,像疯了爱上它。Benefits of Passion fruit . Buah markisa.

巴參菜(野菜)~功效与作用 . ( Talinum fruticosum ) BENEFITS OF “Waterleaf”,Manfaat GINSENG JAWA.

Regular consumption of noni juice can help reduce obesity and reduce heart disease and diabetes complications.Noni has an improved effect on more than 20 diseases.

Last year, I released a video about the efficacy of Noni, and I got a lot of comments from netizens, saying that eating Noni is really very effective. I also encouraged my friends around to eat more but most of them didn't dare to eat because it was very stinky.Including myself, also can’t eat at.

There is a way to eat non-smelling noni fruit,
Today I will share a method to stir the noni fruit into juice.First of all, I teach you how to choose Noni fruit.There are several different Noni fruit here, and everyone can see the changes, from the fruiting to the mature.How to choose non-smelling Noni fruit?Choose this, the white above, the yellow green below is the most standard, do not choose the whole cyan, because it is not suitable for eating.

This is a ripe noni fruit, pressed soft, juicy and the skin also falls off, this noni fruit is    very stinky.Today we choose a noni fruit like this, remember not to choose  too mature or too green.Take three noni fruit,the upper layer white, and the lower layer green is the best.

Wash it Three noni fruit.Put it in the juicer, add a glass of water, stir for a few seconds, and avoid the seeds smashing. This way the taste will be different.Then filter the seeds and pour them into the cup. This juice can be drunk immediately, which is more effective.You can also add sugar or honey to be more delicious.

There is another way to stir the juice for a few minutes until the seeds are completely smashed. In this way, the juice will be thicker and darker.Can be directly consumed, 
Tastes light and sour. This is stirred for a few minutes, the seeds are crushed, and there will be a slight sour taste.If you only stir for a minute or two, it tastes like white radish. add sugar or honey to be more delicious.

Noni juice is not suitable for people with very poor liver system and kidney system  consumed . breast-feeding women also are not suitable consumed.

If you are currently slouchy, back pain, tired every day, the body feel  very heavy, you can use the method in my video, three noni fruit blend into juice and drink every day , the fastest three hours, the slowest three days, your body will feel improve better.

If you are 60 years old, I recommend taking at least one noni fruit at intervals of three days because it can reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. 

 The Easy Way to Make Fresh Noni Juice

Noni juice has been credited with a vast array of benefits, including reducing pain, preventing cancer, alleviating diabetes, helping with memory and scaring away people who can't stand the smell. 

Today I share how to make fresh noni juice. Juicing noni fruit isn't particularly easy as the pulp holds in the juice, so I add some water to the blender and blend up noni fruit, then push the fruit pulp through a sieve. You still get a thick noni juice this way, so it's not good for you pulp-free aficionados, but it's good juice. 

Making noni juice only takes a few minutes for a small amount. I made over a gallon of fresh noni juice the evening I filmed this video and it took me about an hour. Using a juicer would probably work but I don't have one. Other people juice noni by letting the fruit turn to mush on the counter, then pressing out the juice with a fork. That's a little scarier, though noni seems to have a strange preservative effect which keeps it from spoiling like some fruit do. Even fruit flies don't like eating noni.

I have gotten used to the taste and like it. Wikipedia claims it's bitter but it isn't - not really. The taste of noni is slightly sweet and cheesy - like a strong cheese - with black pepper undertones. Drinking noni juice is a unique experience but not a terrible one. I find it quite drinkable, though your mileage may vary. After you drink noni juice you feel healthy - it makes your whole body tingle. I've been drinking noni juice every day.


曼陀罗毒性作用和神秘西方传说。jimsonweed (jimson weed) or devil's snar poisonous plants and medicinal uses " Bahaya dan Manfaat Kecubung.




三国时期,李时珍在《本草纲目》中对曼陀罗有如下记载:八月采此花,七月采火麻子花,阴干,等分为末,热酒调服三钱,少顷昏昏如醉割疮灸火,先宜服此不觉痛也。,如宋代司马光在《涑水记闻》中载:五溪蛮反,杞以金 帛、官爵诱出之,因为设宴,饮以曼 陀罗酒,昏醉,尽杀之。这都强调了曼陀罗花作为蒙汗药有麻醉作用。

曼陀罗花(学名:Datura stramonium,英语:Thorn apple





曼陀罗花外表美丽,却有剧毒。曼陀罗性属阴寒,其花、叶、汁液具兴奋神经中枢的作用,味涩,其汁液提练之花油味淡,细嗅不易察觉,但却常在无意时嗅之清香,可用于香炉熏香之用(适量可提神,过多亦会中毒) 因其花汁有兴奋神经中枢的作用,故吞食可产生兴奋作用,并可出现幻觉。若误食过量可致神经中枢过度兴奋而突然逆转为抑制作用,使机体机能骤降,常致死亡。


曼陀羅中毒為誤食曼陀羅種子、果實、葉、花所致,其主要化學成分為莨菪鹼、東莨菪鹼及阿托品,生物鹼的毒性作用主要是對中樞神經先興奮後抑制, 阻斷乙酰膽鹼反應, 中毒後呈現交感神經高度興奮狀態。曼陀羅的主要中毒機制為麻痺副交感神經, 對中樞神經產生興奮作用, 尤其對下丘腦和延髓,特別是運動和語言功能產生興奮作用 。曼陀羅全株有毒,以種子毒性最強,嫩葉次之,乾葉的毒性比鮮葉小,曼陀羅中毒, 一般在食後半小時, 最快20 min出現症狀, 最遲不超過3 h, 症狀多在24 h內消失或基本消失, 嚴重者在24 h後進入暈睡、痙攣、紫紺,最後暈迷死亡。兒童食種子3-8粒即可中毒 。症狀與誤食後30~60分鐘出現頭暈、眼皮重、不說話、站立不穩、瞳孔放大、口部乾燥灼熱、吞嚥困難、產生幻覺、昏昏欲睡、體溫升高(有的體溫升高可高達40℃)、手腳發冷、肌肉麻痺等症狀。嚴重中毒者甚至會陷入昏迷,出現血壓下降、呼吸減弱等症狀,最後死於呼吸循環衰竭


組成:鮮白茅根56.3克  鮮甘蔗487.5克  椰子1個
組成:曼陀羅種子0.4~0.8克  米酒150.0毫升

組成:幹曼陀羅0.3克  薄荷葉5.0克
用法:切成絲狀,然後捲成煙卷,點燃,當煙吸。 1日1~2次,兒童禁用。

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Today I want to introduce you to a very toxic plant and have medicinal uses. Currently used in medicine, used as an anesthetic .In the ancient Western legends, this flower is very mysterious. In ancient times, the demon head, will use this flower to make love drops, which will make a person fall in love, even give up life.

This is Jimson Weed.Legend has it that every Jimson Weed lives with an elf.Elfs can fulfill your desires, but they also have the conditions to exchange, that is the blood of mankind! Just use your own blood to water the black enchanting mandala flower, the elf in the flower will help you realize your wish! They can only be watered with blood because they love this warm and deadly feeling.Common names for D. stramonium is hell's bells, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, pricklyburr, false castor oil plant,devil's cucumber,,and thornapple.Its taste is warm and toxic.The most poisonous place is its seeds and its flowers.

There is a very good-looking drama called “Return Of The Condor Heroes". The little dragon girl martial arts is strong.She has also been framed by bad guy use Jimson Weed extract  as weapons to  poison the little dragon girl.
There are several varieties of Jimson Weed, generally visible, white flowers, purple flowers and yellow flowers.There are about 300 seeds in small Jimson Weed and 500 seeds in large ones.No matter its fruit, flowers, seeds and roots, it is toxic.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Li Shizhen wrote the following records in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" on the Jimson Weed [ used dry flowers and seeds in Moderate amount mixed with alcohol, Acupuncture or surgical operation is not painful.]Fresh leaves are more toxic than dry leaves.

traditional chinese medicine believe that  Jimson Weed  plants Can stop cough, blood, asthma, phlegm, anesthesia, hurricane pain; for chronic bronchitis, rheumatism, pain, bruises, bruises, snake wounds, hemorrhoids, stomach pain embolism.

Modern medical clinical experiments have proved that scopolamine, a major component of alkaloids contained in Datura flowers, has obvious sedative effects, dilated, inhibited glandular secretion, and excites the respiratory center, but has obvious inhibitory effects on the cerebral cortex and can expand capillaries. , improved microcirculation and anti-halation, has been widely used in the medical field for anesthesia

Jimson Weed  plants Flowers, leaves, and juice have the function of exciting nerve centers. Therefore, swallowing can produce excitatory effects, and hallucinations, dry mouth, flushing, fever, rapid heartbeat, deeper breathing, higher blood pressure, headache, dizziness, irritability, Illusory illusion, confusion, excessive consumption can cause excessive nervousness in the nerve center and suddenly reverse to inhibition, causing the body's function to plummet, often leading to death.

Children eating seeds 3-8 can be poisoned. Symptoms and dizziness 30~60 minutes after eating, dizziness, eyelids, no speech, unstable standing, pupil dilation, dry mouth burning, difficulty swallowing, hallucinations, drowsiness, elevated body temperature (some elevated body temperature) Can be as high as 40 ° C), cold hands and feet, muscle paralysis and other symptoms. Severe poisoning may even fall into a coma, with symptoms such as decreased blood pressure, decreased breathing, and finally death from respiratory and circulatory failure.

If poisonous by this plants  you can used 56.3 g of fresh Cogon grass roots, 487.5 g of fresh cane, 1 coconut Usage: First wash the Cogon root of fresh grass mixes sugarcane with cold water, crushes, natural juice extracts, consumed afterwards drink coconut water .consume three times a day,to reduce the toxins in the body.

In traditional malaysia, some  of the people know this plant. They take one or two of these crushing leaves, the green juice that comes out of the leaves rubbing it in the sore part, it reduces the painful part of the body.Some  people also know using this plant, crushing, the green juice that comes out mixed with Lime Stone Paste rub in neck section that is coughing in the night before bedtime. it can reduce symptoms of cough.Thank you so much for watching .Hope you can  like, SUBSCRIBE and Share enjoyed this video.See you next on  video.

Sejarah buah kecubung di beberapa daerah di Indonesia dikenal sebagai Kecubung, Kacubung, Cubung (Jawa dan Sunda), Kacobhung, Cobhung  Di Sumatera juga dikenal sebagai Toru Mabo, Kucubu, atau Kecubueng. Sedangkan nama tumbuhan ini dalam bahasa Inggris adalah Angel’s Trumpet, Devil’s Trumpet, atau Metel. Dan dalam bahasa latin (ilmiah) disebut Datura metel.

🍈 Bunga kecubung berbentuk seperti trompet dengan pelbagai saiz dan warna. Warna yang biasa dijumpai adalah putih, ungu dan kuning.

🍈 Buah dan biji kecubung beracun. Setiap buah mengandungi lebih kurang 500 biji ( rujuk gambar )

1. Untuk mengubati sakit gigi.
Caranya : Menggunakan serbuk buah yang telah kering.
2. Untuk rawatañ masalah asma.
Caranya : Ambil 10 helai daun kemudian hiris halus dan jemur hingga kering. Apabila kering, ia perlu dijadikan seperti rokok dengan membungkus dalam kulit jagung atau kertas putih.
3. Untuk penyakit resdung.
Caranya : Jemur biji kecubung lebih kurang 3 hari hingga nampak kering. Ambil tempurung buah yang telah dibelah dua, dikering dan dibersihkan. Tebuk lubang kecil di atasnya untuk dimasukkan hujung batang buluh seperti straw pada permukaan lubang tersebut. Pastikan buluh betul2 muat pada lubang yang ditebuk, dan hidu.
4. Untuk rawatan sakit pinggang dan sengal-sengal badan.
Caranya : Ambil 4 helai daun kecubung dan kemudian campur dengan kapur sirih secukupnya. Tumbuk hingga lumat dan sapukan pada bahagian yang sengal atau sakit.
5. Rawatan selsema & resdung

Caranya : Sebaiknya ambil kelopak bunga kecubung dan jadikan seperti tembakau. Kelopak Bunga kecubung dibalut bersama daun nipah dan dihisap dengan mengeluarkan asap dihidung. Kesannya, hidung akan keluar lendir berketul-ketul. Dikatakan cara ini lebih mujarab dari cara di atas 
6. Ekstrak daun 
Digunakan sebagai racun untuk menghalau serangga
7. Daun dan ranting
Apabila dibakar, asap dapat menghalau serangga.
**Air kelapa adalah penawar yang baik untuk menghilangkan kesan mabuk jika termakan buah kecubung.


翠云草和玉皇大帝的传说。The uses of spring blue spikemoss (Selaginella uncinata )and legend story .Manfaa Paku Rane.




(学名:Selaginella uncinata),别名:

700-750 species 

  • 内服:煎汤,10-30g,鲜品可用至60g
  • 外用:适量,晒干或炒炭存性,研末,调敷;或鲜品捣敷


  • 治水肿:鲜翠云草二两。加水煎服,日服两次。忌盐一百天。(《福建民间草药》)
  • 治黄疸:鲜翠云草一至二两。酌加水煎,日服两次。(《福建民间草药》)
  • 治淋病:翠云草一两五钱。水煎服。(《湖南药物志》)
  • 治赤白痢:翠云草鲜根一至二两。酌加冰糖,冲开水炖服。(《福建民间草药》)
  • 治吐血:翠云草三钱。水煎服。(《百草镜》)
  • 治湿痰咳嗽:鲜翠云草一至二两。水煎服。
  • 治关节风湿痛:鲜翠云草二两。酒水煎服。
  • 治积伤胸胁闷痛:干翠云草一两。和墨鱼干同煮食。(方以下出《福建中草药》)



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皇宮菜(木耳菜)的功效与作用.Health Benefits Of Basella Or Malabar spinach..


翅果鐵刀木(翅荚决明)的作用。 Health benefits of cassia alata.Kegunaan Pokok gelenggang.

苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

佛肚樹的功效与作用.Buddha Belly Plant medicinal uses(Jatropha podagrica).Tumbuhan jarak batang gajah.

I am Yes.I came to climb the mountain a few days ago and found that the grass behind me, a lot of, is rarely seen, what is the grass? That is Selaginella Uncinata.Common name(s): Spikemoss, Peacock Moss

The place where the Selaginella Uncinata can be found proves that the place is very cool and the sun rarely shines, grow on the hillside.Very strange, the Selaginella Uncinatawill only grow in the middle of the mountain, not found on the downhill and uphill.

What are its characteristics? Let me show you there。It will fall leaves. You see, the dense leaves will fall, and then the small leaves here will become dense. This is what makes it special.Its leaves will show different colors and change with the light contact.Either blue or green.Few grasses are reflective like this.These little ones look like thorns, but they are not thorns, but the leaves that have just sprouted.

Its taste, sweet, bitter, awkward, cold.Put it in your hand, rub it, it will be broken.

Traditionally, it is used to treat jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, muscle and bone pain, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hemafecia, traumatic bleeding, scalding and snake bites.

Some Chinese call this is Dragon Whiskers. Why? This is the story of a book stating from a thousand years ago .There is a rumour. In China, there was a writing. The Jade Emperor used to be a king. When he was thoroughly transform, a dragon flew down to carry the King to heaven. The Queen, the Prince and the soldiers are also anxious to follow the King, about 70 of them. Some soldiers accidentally broke the dragon whiskers and it fell to the ground. Later, when they went looking for it, they found that the dragon whiskers have turned into Selaginella Uncinata.

if you fall in bloody wounds you can use the Peacock Moss leaves to crush it add some little water paste in a wounded place, it will reduce the pain.

manfaat sayur paku selaginella untuk kesehatan :

1. Sebagai bahan baku pembuatan obat-obatan.
Beberapa jenis tumbuhan paku dimanfaatkan manusia sebagai bahan baku dalam membuat obat-obatan. Jenis-jenis tumbuhan paku tersebut diantaranya adalah :
- Lycopodium clavatum
- Aspidium sp
- Dryopteris filix-mas

2. Sebagai sayur-mayur yang sehat
Beberapa jenis tumbuhan paku seperti Marsilea crenata (semanggi) dan Salvinia natans (paku sampan  atau kiambang) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sayuran yang memiliki nutrisi yang baik untuk tubuh. Bisa dimakan langsung sebagai lalap atau pun dimasak sebagai sayur lodeh.

3. Sebagai Pupuk Hijau
Tumbuhan paku juga dapat kita manfaatkan untuk membuat pupuk hijau. Beberapa jenis tumbuhan paku yang dipakai untuk membuat pupuk ini diantaranya adalah Azolla pinnata yang bersimbiosis dengan anabaena azollae (gangang biru). Pupuk dari tumbuhan paku ini bisa menyuburkan tanaman sebagai alternatif pengganti pupuk kimia.

4. Mengurangi Resiko Kanker

Manfaat paku selaginella akan bisa mengurangi resiko kanker. Sayuran ini memang terkenal ampuhnya dalam penanganan kanker. Kandungan zat anti kanker ini tidak boleh anda lewatkan. Maka cepatlah segera konsumsi sayuran paku rane ini.

5. Mengatasi Gangguan Pencernaan

Manfaat Paku Selaginella juga bisa mengatasi gangguan pencernaan. Bila anda selama ini langganan kena gangguan pencernaan mungkin sebenarnya anda membutuhkan sayuran ini. Silahkan dibuktikan sendiri betapa ampuhnya paku rane ini sebagai obat gangguan cerna.

6. Meluruhkan Lemak Jahat

Paku Rane alias Paku Selaginella juga terkenal atas fungsinya untuk meluruhkan lemak jahat. Sayuran ini begitu ampuhnya dalam membuang timbunan lemak jahat yang berpotensi membuat anda obesitas bahkan kena serangan jantung dan stroke.

7. Menyembuhkan Hipertensi

Manfaat paku selaginella memang bagus untuk penyembuhan hipertensi. Khasiat sayuran ini begitu baik sekali dalam menangani sakit hipertensi yang fatal bisa menyebabkan kematian itu.

8. Mengatasi Hipotensi

Sayur paku selaginella juga diyakini akan mengatasi hipotensi. Kebalikan dari hipertensi, kalau hipotensi ini justru tekanan darah rendah. Efeknya sama saja. Sama-sama menyakitkan seperti Hipertensi. Maka anda memang segera membutuhkan sayuran paku bernama lain paku rane ini.

9. Anti Stress

Manfaat paku selaginella baik sekali untuk kesehatan psikis. Bisa menjadi anti stress yang ampuh untuk tubuh. Dengan sayuran ini, maka tubuh anda benar-benar bisa sembuh dari stress yang berkepanjangan.

Kandungan yang terdapat dalam tanaman paku selaginella bagus untuk menjaga kesehatan psikis. Dapat sebagai anti stress yang baik untuk tubuh.Selain manfaat yang sudah dijelaskan diatas, berikut merupakan manfaat lain dari kandungan yang terdapat dalam tanaman paku, diantaranya:
1. Dapat Mencegah Depresi
2. Dapat Menghilangkan Nyeri
3. Dapat Membuat Badan Jadi Bertenaga
4. Dapat Memperbaiki Sistem Imun
5. Dapat Membersihkan Usus
6. Dapat Mencegah Ambeien
7. Dapat Menghaluskan Kulit
8. Dapat Menghilangkan Lipatan Lemak
9. Dapat Meringankan Sakit Gigi
10. Dapat Membuat Badan Jadi Berisi
11. Dapat Memutihkan Kulit
12. Dapat Mengaluskan Kulit Wajah
13. Dapat Mencegah Kulit Berminyak
14. Dapat Menyegarkan Nafas
15. Dapat Mencegah Alergi

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
