
飞机草的作用。 Chromolaena Odorata uses and side effects.Manfaat Daun Golkar。Manfaat Balakacida


鸡粪粪便被农民/蔬菜种植者用作肥料。 它吸引了作为常见病媒介的家蝇。  结果表明,喷雾施用的新鲜叶提取物可用于根除成年家蝇,家蝇和预防由昆虫带来的疾病的发生。

【拉丁名】:药材Herba Eupatorii Odorati原植物飞机草Eupatorium odoratum L.


【中药化学成分】:含挥发油、香豆精(Coumarin)、α-、β-和r-谷甾醇。挥发油中含d-和 l-泽兰烯(Eupatene)。叶还含三元醇 C25 H34 O5(熔点278~280℃)、茴香酸(Anisicacid)、鞣质、糖类。鲜枝叶含挥发油0.3%-0.4%,

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叶下珠。有肾结石,黄疸型肝炎的人一定要看!!Phyllanthus urinaria 。pokok Dukung Anak。

七葉蘭的主要价值和功效.Benefit of pandan leaves. Daun pandan khasiat.

含羞草.99%的人不知道他的功效..Mimosa pudica health benefits. Putri Malu。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUYfWYCq8Y4&index=1&list=PL4c3e0_XRdU_oWpj6BHeYipYWa7k8qgkj

黃花酢醬草的功效与作用.Oxalis corniculata 

上帝赐给人类的避难草.(白茅草)Cogon grass~(Imperata cylindrica)。Manfaat Alang - Alang .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Iy83BNErg&lc=z23tflirfovst3unracdp434robujbbjzekpnnfc1qdw03c010c.1539516427153747

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi。

火炭母的功效与作用。polygonum chinense medicinal uses。 Manfaat sembuluh。

地胆头,的功效很多人不知道!!(Elephantopus scaber L.)Tapak liman

刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

Hi,everyone,I am Yes.The weeds behind me are very strong.You can see it everywhere, in the flat or forest, in the wild, or near your home.It can be said to be a kind of green killer for farmers.However, current medicine has found that the oxygen in its leaves has the effect of accelerating the recovery of human cells.

The leaves are fluffy on the surface, underside and branches.I believe you must have seen this kind of grass.This is Eupatorium Odoratum.It's acrid flavor, warm-natured and has little poison.This grass, after burning, becomes like this and can be used as fertilizer.What is the use of this grass you can see almost every day?

In Chinese medicine, it has an insecticidal and hemostatic effect. Seen in the public, it is generally used to treat swelling and pain of bruises, trauma,bleeding and sores.

Although this grass is very common, you may not notice that the shape of the leaves of an entire plant varies.Some leaves have 3 sharp corners, some 6-7 corners, and some have no corners.

In Indonesia, some Malay folk believe that using its leaves, 15-20 leaves, washing it clean, and boiling three bowls of water into one bowl of water, taking it can help cure dysentery and lower blood sugar.If you have cold hands and feet,very weak, pregnant women or those with low blood pressure should never use these leaves.Because it will aggravate the body situation after use.

People with sensitive skin, if they encounter such leaves, they will cause redness, swelling, and blisters. If swallowed, they will cause vomiting and dizziness.If an animal takes it, it can cause diarrhea and even death.

That‘s all for today.See you again.Thank you.

Sifat Asal Pokok Kapalterbang
Keseluruhan pokok ini beracun dan boleh memudaratkan. Bahan aktif keracunan adalah Alkaloid pyrolizidin berserta dengan bahan-bahan ?-pinen, -cubebene, 7- dan 9-Angeloylretroneecine, intermedine, riderine dan 3′-acetylrinderine.

Kegunaan dan Khasiat
Dari segi perubatan tradisional daun dan bunganya boleh dijadikan ubat penahan darah. Ianya mesti digunakan secara luaran sahaja. Boleh juga digunakan sebagai racun serangga

Tumbuhan ini mempunyai banyak batang berspan dan boleh meninggi sehingga 2.5 m. Daunnya mempunyai bau.Daun dan bunga dilaporkan pernah diguna untuk merawat luka dan sebagai racun serangga.
Walau bagaimanapun, pokok ini juga boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada hati sekiranya termakan. Biasanya berlaku di kalangan kanak-kanak. Racun ini juga boleh berpindah dari ibu kepada anak dalam kandungan melalui uri. Simptom biasanya ditunjukkan melalui sakit perut yang teramat sangat, muntah dan hepatomegali (pembesaran hati). Simptom keracunan hanya dapat dikesan setelah beberapa hari atau minggu dari masa kejadian.

Selain daripada kegunaan perubatan daun kapal terbang juga boleh digunakan untuk mempercepatkan proses memeram buah-buahan seperti pisang dan cempedak.

Daun Golkar 

khasiatnat Daun Golkar 
  1. 20 Lembar Daun Golkar
  2. Gelas Besar Air Putih ( gelas ukuran untuk buat es teh di warung-warung )
  3. Cuci bersih Daun Golkarnya
  4. Rebus keduanya sampai airnya kira-kira menjadi 3 gelas
  5. Saring airnya & tunggu sampai dingin
6 Diminum 3x sehari ( pagi, siang, malam )Daun kopasanda atau daun golkar 
  • tanin
  • fenol
  • flavonoid
  • saponin
  • steroid
  • a-pinene

emiliki Efek Toksik Bagai Tanaman Kebun
Kandungan nitrat dalam tanaman kopasanda yang tinggi, yakni antara lima hingga enam kali di atas kadar racun atau toksik juga dapat menyebabkan aborsi bahkan kematian ternak serta dapat meracuni daun dan tunas muda tanaman kebun.


銳葉小槐花 (茉草)風水去陰避邪法和功效 。Desmodium caudatum uses and Feng Shui.

民間傳言: 小槐花具驅邪效用.民間療法中,小槐花常用於治療小兒疳積、咳嗽及肺疾等症。一般若感身體不適、運勢不順、惡夢不吉、陰邪













(一) 小兒疳積 : 小槐花根30克.與豬瘦肉同炖.喝湯吃肉。

(二) 婦女白帶 : 小槐花根一至一兩半.水煎服或炖豬粉腸吃。

(三) 潰瘍糜爛 : 小槐花葉研粉.麻油調敷。

第一方:小槐花根100克。水,酒煎服。主治:胃癌,食管癌。 第二方:小槐花根15克,六月雪根30克,野蕎麥根30克。酒水各半煎服。主治:風濕腰疼。 第三方:小槐花根15克,鐵線草15克。水煎服,白糖為引。主治:赤白痢疾。

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野甘草的功效与作用.Scoparia dulcis Traditional uses .Manfaat Scoparia dulcis

山黃麻的功效與作用.Trema orientalis medicinal uses。Manfaat Tumbuhan Anggrung.

还少丹~(紅花黄细心)的作用。 (Punarnava)Boerhavia diffusa medicinal uses

叶下珠。有肾结石,黄疸型肝炎的人一定要看!!Phyllanthus urinaria 。pokok Dukung Anak。

七葉蘭的主要价值和功效.Benefit of pandan leaves. Daun pandan khasiat.

含羞草.99%的人不知道他的功效..Mimosa pudica health benefits. Putri Malu。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUYfWYCq8Y4&index=1&list=PL4c3e0_XRdU_oWpj6BHeYipYWa7k8qgkj

小红葱~(獨腳絲茅)[穷人的田七].Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia).Manfaat Bawang Dayak (Bawang Berlian).
There is an ornamental plant that has been circulating for millennia, and it can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine.In ancient times, this plant was rumored to be used in front of homes or for bathing to help drive away evil.

In China, Taiwan, Malaysia, some elderly people think that this plant can drive away evil.Ohwia caudata, formerly placed in the genus Desmodium (as D. caudatum), is a deciduous nitrogen fixing plant in the family Fabaceae.This is Ohwia Caudata.It can be found on hillsides, roadsides, and haystacks.It is slightly bitter,sweet and mild natured.

In religion buddha believe that Every July, the ghost gate opens. In a palace temple in Miaoli, Taiwan, this kind of grass will be given to believers to take home to keep them safe and drive away evil.In Fengshui's method of avoiding evil, it’s branches and leaves, wherever you go to funeral, wilderness, shade, strange house, etc, can be taken with you to play a role of eliminating evil and avoid evil.

After leaving the above unlucky place, on the way home, it is necessary to discard the grass to avoid personal disadvantage.If you often have nightmares, Feng Shui teachers will recommend you to bathe with this grass to cure some evil spirits.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it can clearing heat and promoting diuresis, detoxify, expel wind, dissipate blood stasis, and kill insects.Generally used to treat colds and fever, pediatric dysentery. gastroenteritis, dysentery ,rheumatoid arthritis.It can also cure mastitis, scabies.

In the folk, if some seniors meet their own children or neighbor children, do not sleep at night, and cry more than a few times, they will use this kind of grass to soak the children in order to easily fall asleep.This method works for more than 60%.

野路葵 (馬松子) 天然野草外用内服良药 .Benefits of Melochia corchorifolia.






野路葵 (馬松子,假絡麻,木達地黃,野棉花秸)

學名:Melochia corchorifolia L.     Chocolateweed, Redweed



叶片的植物化学分析显示,存在三萜烯(弗里德林,弗里德利诺和β-amyrin),黄酮糖苷(hibifolintriflinmelocorin),脂肪族化合物,类黄酮(vitexinrobunin),β-D-谷甾醇及其硬脂酸酯, β-D-葡萄糖苷和生物碱。



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In ancient times, humans knew the medicinal value of weeds, which can help relieve many human illnesses.

What is this weed? It has seeds and leaves are very small.There is a grid around the leaves.These are dried seeds, black grains.

This is Melochia Corchorifolia.This plant needs a lot of sunlight. It grows on flat ground, hillsides, and roadsides.

There is a tree called Sword Poison Wood whose bark exudes toxic milk. In Africa, this milk is used to coat swords for hunting purposes.If they accidentally hit the toxin, they will use the leaves and roots of Melochia Corchorifolia to bite and stick to the poisoned wound to detoxify.

Its leaves contain flavonoid glycosides, aliphatic compounds, flavonoids, Beta-sitosterol, alkaloids and more.It is acrid flavor, mild, and non-toxic.In traditional Chinese medicine, its roots and leaves can be used as medicine to relieve itching and rash.Traditionally, it is generally used to treat itchy skin, ringworm, eczema, itchy lower body and some skin inflammation.Has a good effect.

In East Africa, people eat its leaves raw to relieve stomach problems, and seeds used to boil water can cure stomach pain.

 Study evaluated have found that its extract contains active ingredients that kill eggs and insects.

In Tamil Nadu, India, the people use its leaves, boil soup, drink on an empty stomach, and drink it twice a day to treat dysentery.Some people believe that its leaves can lower blood sugar.

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香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
