
青葙子的应用与药方. Celosia argentea medicinal plant.Khasiat bunga jengger ayam.



。种子脂肪油为青葙子油,并含烟酸和硝酸钾、淀粉308%。所含脂肪油称为青葙子油脂(celosia oil)皂苷,糖苷和单宁



 Celosia argentea is a herbaceous plant grown locally in various regions across the globe, in Lagos of Nigeria it is known as Lagos spinach, and among the yorubas it is known as shoko yokoto. it’s had been discovered to have a lot of medicinal value apart from the nutritive value it is generally known for. It was reported that the Ethanolic extract yielded flavonoids, saponins, glycosides and tannins (kindayohan/celosia), this is the basis of it’s medicinal value and the ability to cure diverse diseases.
Here are some of the listed medicinal portion made from Celosia argentea:
· Stems and leaves of celosia, bruised and applied as poultice, is used for treating of infected sores, wounds and skin eruptions.· Poultice of leaves, smeared with honey, used as cooliing application to inflammed areas and painful affections such as buboes and abscesses.
· Seeds are used to relieve gastrointestinal disorders and are antipyretic, improves vision, relieves fever associated with liver ailments.· Seeds when in decoction or finely powdered, are considered antidiarrheal and aphrodisiac.
· The juice of the seeds forced into the nostrils is a cure for epistaxis.
· Whole plant used as antidote for snake-poison.· Root used for colic, gonorrhea and eczema.
· Decoction of the seeds with sugar is prescribed against dysentery.
· Flowers and seeds used for bloody stools, hemorrhoidal bleeding, leucorrhea and diarrhea. In Indian folk medicine, used for diabetes. Seeds traditionally used for treatment of jaundice, gonorrhea, wounds and fever.
· In Sri Lanka, leaves used for inflammations, fever and itching. Seeds used for fever and mouth sores.
· In China, flowers and seeds used in treatment of gastroenteritis and leucorrhea.(Kindayohan: philippine medicinal plant).Include celosia and other vegetables in your diet, it makes you healthier.
Khasiat Bunga Jengger Ayam untuk Kesehatan
1. Pendarahan rahim di luar waktu haid, caranya:
  • Siapkan bunga jengger ayam kering dan gilinglah hingga menjadi serbuk, ambil sebanyak 5 gram
  • Seduh dengan secangkir air panas, lalu tutuplah
  • Minumlah sekaligus setelah dingin, 3-4 kali dalam sehari.

2. Gangguan penglihatan, cara membuat ramuan herbal jengger ayam untuk mengatasi gangguan penglihatan adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Ambil batang, daun dan bunga jengger ayam secukupnya kemudian cuci bersih.
  • Tumbuk semua bahan hingga menjadi sebanyak 30 gram
  • Rebus dengan air sebanyak 400 cc hingga mendidih dan tersisa separuhnya
  • Saring dan minum selagi hangat, dan Anda juga dapat menambahkan madu murni secukupnya.
Tanaman Boroco dengan nama latin Celosia argentea ini memiliki banyak nama, yaitu: bayam ekor belanda, bayam kucing, kuntha, baya kasubiki, quail grass, qing riang zi, dll. Tanaman ini merupakan gulma dengan tinggi hanya mencapai 1 meter saja dengan bunga yang berwarna ungu. 
          Kandungan kimia yang terdapat pada daun Boroco adalah flavonoid dan polifenol. Kegunaan bunga Boroco ini, antara lain: obat muntah darah, obat cuci mata dan keputihan. Ramuan ini bisa dibuat dengan cara:
   Muntah darah.  30-60 kuntum  bunga Boroco, kemudian rebus bersama daging secukupnya menjadi sup, lalu dimakan
  Obat cuci mata (obat luar). Bunga Boroco 10-15 kuntum direbus, kemudian disaring. Kemudian gunakan untuk cuci mata
  Keputihan. 60 gram bunga Boroco dicampur dengan 60 gram daging, kemudian rebus. Konsumsi 2x sehari.


一点红~(羊蹄草)的功效.Medicinal used Emilia sonchifolia.manfaat tempuh wiyang.

学名: Emilia sonchifolia
英文名:  Tassel Flower
别名: 一点红、叶下红、羊蹄草。
科名: 菊科   Asteraceae







 你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅

七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

番石榴叶的功效与作用. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu .

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi

Medicinal  used tasselflower 

The young leaves are used as food in Java and Puerto Rico, however, in India and China, it is used medicinally.
We've read that in Nepal, lilac tasselflower is used to make beer and liquor. The plant is dried, powdered and mixed with flour to make a cake that is then fermented with yeast and distilled. But we couldn't find a primary source that backs that up. We did find that the plant is used as a vegetable — the leaves are used in salads while the whole plant is cooked and used as greens. That's fairly common in different parts of Asia.
Medicinal use of lilac tasselflower does vary a bit. In parts of Nepal, the flowerheads are chewed and kept in the mouth to prevent tooth decay.
In China, a tea made from the leaves is used to treat dysentery. The juice of the leaves is used to treat conjunctivitis. Lilac tasselflower also is used to stop bleeding, to break fevers, as a general anti-inflammatory agent and as a pain reliever. And more.
There's been some scientific research into how effective the plant might be in treating these conditions, almost all of which has been conducted at Asian and African universities. These studies have found that lilac tasselflower, which is full of terpines, tannins, flavonoids and alkaloids, does have some potential benefits at least under laboratory conditions. One study found that it enhanced white blood cell counts, useful in fighting infections, while another found it had promise as an anti-inflammatory agent and pain reliever

Apakah Anda pernah mendengar manfaat Tempuh Wiyang atau Temu Wiyang? Bahasa latin tanaman ini disebut Emilia Sonchifolia L., bahasa Inggris disebut Lilac Tasselflower atau Cupid's Shaving Brush. Tanaman ini juga mempunyai berbagai sebutan daerah daintaranya: Jonghe, Jombang, Kemondelan, Dalgiu, Centongan, Tespog, Serubung Gelang. Ada juga yang menyebutnya Minyawon, Ketiu, Jawi rawa, Sarap atau Sundilan. Di wilayah Indonesia Timur disebut Kaho mahiri, Gafu saru, Delo-delo, Linrapa dan Halmah.Tempuh wiyang telah digunakan sebagai campuran anti racun dan anti biotik pada industri farmasi. Tanaman ini tumbuh liar di Cina, Asia Tenggara, kemudian tersebar luar hingga ke Afrika, Australia, dan Amerika.Manfaat tempuh wiyang adalah sebagai ramuan obat di Cina yang disebut Ye xia Hong. Juga termasuk salah satu diantara "Sepuluh Bunga Suci" negara bagian Kerala di India, yang disebut sebagai Dasapushpam. Sementara di negara Vietnam, tempuh wiyang telah digunakan untuk pengobatan demam. Juga sebagai antibiotik sakit tenggorokan, diare, eksim dan sebagai penangkal untuk gigitan ular. 
Masih banyak manfaat tempuh wiyang yang tidak kita ketahui, diantaranya juga bisa mengobati flu, infeksi saluran napas, mengobati radang paru-paru, infeksi akibat luka seperti cantengan jempol kaki, dan sariawan. Juga mampu mengobati bisul dan memar, liver, sakit pada telinga, peluruh air seni, dan diare.


银花苋研究表明(银花苋)有抗菌,抗真菌,抗氧化,抗炎,驱虫,保肝,抗溃疡,抗尿路结石作用。Gomphrena Celosioides Mart health benefits

Gomphrena celosioides Mart.
鸡冠千日红、假千日红、野生千日红、伏生千日红、野生圆子花,匍千日紅界,野雞冠.雞冠莧.草蒿.野生圆子花.地錦莧.地錦草原產地: 巴西。今泛布熱帶至亞熱帶地區。
生代谢产物,包括 碳水化合物,灰分,粗纤维,维生素AC,生物碱,单宁酸,皂苷,类固醇,糖苷和还原糖 用法用量

Gomphrena Celosioides Mart
Plants from the Gomphrena Celosioides are used in folk medicine for their nutritional qualities and for the treatment of various disorders such as gastrointestinal and respiratory problems, skin infections, as well as some infectious diseases. Analysis has also revealed hydrocarbons, alcohols, steroids, terpenoids, ecdysteroids, flavonoids, saponins, amino acids, butacyanins, reducing sugar and ketoses  
Medicinal Uses: This weed also causes, it is claimed, skin problems in cattle, and hay fever, asthma and dermatitis in some people.

- Studies have suggested antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-urolithiatic properties.
Parts used
Whole plant.
Phytochemical screening yielded steroids, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins, and tannins.
- Study of EA and ME yielded secondary metabolites which included alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, glycosides, and reducing sugars.
- Study of dried whole plants extracted by Soxhlet with n-hexane isolated aurantiamide and auratiamide acetate. (see study below) (4)
- In a study of primary metabolites, the maximum levels of soluble sugars, lipids, and phenols were found higher in the stem, starch and proteins in roots. (see study below) (5)
- Study for secondary metabolites yielded alkaloids, tannins, saponins steroids, glycosides, and reducing sugars. 
- Fractionation of methanol extract yielded 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethylpropenoate. (see studies below) (9)
- Study for proximate composition and vitamins content of various parts showed moisture, ash and crude fiber as highest in the stem (64.20±0.14, 8.26±0.00 and 18.66±0.01) respectively. Total protein and fat contents were highest in the leaf (0.44±0.00 and 0.52±0.00) respectively. Carbohydrate was highest in the root (33.21±0.63). Vitamins A and C were highest in the leaf (1.96±0.01 and 1.68±0.01) respectively.
- In southern Nigeria, used for treatment of skin diseases, worm infections and infectious diseases.
- In Trinidad and Tobago, plant used to treat diabetes, hypertension, kidney problems, and as heart tonic. (3)
- In Africa, used for treatment of jaundice and malaria.
- Whole plant juice along with Piper nigrum and lemon juice taken twice daily for 10 days to cure urolithiasis. 

• Anthelmintic / Antibacterial: Study evaluated EA and methanol extracts for anthelmintic and antibacterial activity. The extracts exhibited anthelmintic activities against Pheretima posthuma, Fasciola gigantica, and Taenia solium, comparable to reference compound piperazine citrate. Extracts also showed antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus subtilis. The ethyl acetate extract exhibited higher anthelmintic and antibacterial activity. 2• Aurantiamide / Antibacterial: Study of dried whole plants extracted by Soxhlet with n-hexane isolated aurantiamide and its acetate. The compounds were active against microorganisms even at very low concentrations. (4)
• Antibacterial: Study evaluated the primary metabolites and antimicrobial activities of G. celosioides against clinical isolates E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. A methanolic extract of leaf, stem, and root were most effective against the three test bacteria; the root showed significant activity against P. aeruginosa, and stem and leaves were maximum against E coli.(See constituents above) (5)
concentrations. 5• Hepatoprotective / Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity: Study showed hepatoprotective activity in carbon tetrachloride induced toxicity in rats. Possible mechanism of hepatoprotection could be due to antioxidant action in flavonoids. (6)
• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory: Study of aqueous leaf extract of Gomphrena celosioides showed anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in rat and mice, using the hot plate latency test and acetic acid induced writhing for analgesic evaluation and the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema for anti-inflammatory evaluation. (8)
• Antimicrobial / Anthelmintic / 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) Methylpropenoate: An EAE and ME showed inhibitory activity on S. aureus, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and S. typhi. ME was active against C. albicans, A. niger and Trichophyton spp. Ethyl acetate and methanol extracts showed activity against Fasciola gigantica, Taenia solium, and Pheretima posthuma. Fractionation of the ME yielded 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methylpropenoate which showed mild antimicrobial activity against test organisms. (9)
• Antioxidant / Acute Toxicity Testing: In vitro study showed an aqueous extract of Gc to possess strong free radical scavenging activity, low reducing power, and strong inhibition of lipid peroxidation. In vivo, the extract showed strong reducing power similar to vitamin C. The value of 1000 mg/kg as a slightly toxic substance shows the EA extract orally is almost not toxic. Intraperitoneally, it is slightly toxic. (10)
• Antifungal: Various extracts of G. celosioides were evaluated at different concentrations on Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans and Trichophyton rubrum. A methanol extract had fungicidal effect on the selected fungal isolates at concentration of 2000 µg/mL. Results suggest a potential natural source for the treatment of fungal diseases. (11)
• Extraction of Essential Oil by Green Extraction Technique: Study reports on super critical fluid extraction process which yielded a pure product with no need of additional solvent to extract bioactive ingredients from the herbs. Highest yield of essential oil was equal to 4.21gm/100gm. Results suggest a potential for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries to obtain highly pure essential oil using optimized conditions. The presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, glycosides, terpenes and reducing sugars provides good anti-fungal and antibacterial activity. (13)
• Anti-Ulcerogenic / Indomethacin Induced Gastric Ulcer / Leaves: Study evaluated the anti-ulcerogenic activity of ME of G. celosioides leaves in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcers in male Wistar rats. Results showed dose-dependent gastroprotective activity which was attributed possibly to the presence of flavonoids, phenolics and other antioxidant compounds. (17)
• Phytoremediative Potential / Heavy Metals: In a study of 12 plant species growing around the tailing dam of a gold mine, Gomphrena celosioides was one of five plants with BAF (Bioaccumulation Factor) and TF (Translocation Factor) >1 that showed applicability in extraction of studied heavy metal-polluted soils. (18)

• Anti-Inflammatory: Study evaluated the potential anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of G. celosioides utilizing carrageenan induced paw edema and CRP concentration in rat. Results showed significant anti-inflammatory activity at 200 mg/kbw of both extracts, comparable to Diclofenac 10mg/kg. There was increased CRP concentration (p<0.05). The ethanol extract showed more activity than the aqueous extract. 


圓仔花(千日紅)功效.gomphrena globosa medicinal uses .manfaat tumbuhan bunga kenop.

拉丁語學名:Gomphrena globosa
英語名: Globe amaranth Flower

中文 百日紅,千金紅,百日白,千日白,千年紅,呂宋菊,滾水花,沸水菊,長生花,蜻蜓紅, 千日草,圓仔花,火球花,紅繡球


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 Gomphrena Globosa L.
Here are some of the health benefits of Gomphrena Globosa: 1. Anti Bacterial Properties: It has wonderful anti bacterial properties. The whole plant methanol extract has been clinically proven to have anti bacterial properties against 5 "gram positive" bacteria that includes Bacillus Cereus and Staphylococcus Aureus. It has has anti bacterial properties against 8 "gram negative" bacteria that includes Escherichia Coli and Salmonella Typhi. 2. Anti Fungal Properties: the methanolic extract has has anti fungal properties against 3 fungal strains that includes Candida Albicans, Aspergillus Niger and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. 3. Antioxidant Properties: The methanolic extract of the whole plant showed significant anti oxidant properties.Staphylococcus Aureus Gomphrena globosa tea is very famous in many places and is consumed for it's wonderful antioxidant properties.Detoxifying & Purifying Properties: Gomphrena globosa is truly a detoxifying herb and helps get rid of toxins and helps purify our body. 5. For Treating High Blood Pressure & Diabetes: It has been traditionally used for reducing high blood pressure and blood sugar levels and this use has been proven through clinical research. Apart from the above mentioned medicinal uses, it has been traditionally used for treating gall stones, nose bleed, cough and oliguria .

Bunga kenop (Gomphrena globosa L.) adalah tanaman herba semusim yang juga di anggap gulma atau tanaman pengganggu oleh sebagian petani. Bunga ini dapat tumbuh secara liar dipematang sawah, pinggir jalan, selokan dan juga pekarangan. Namun karena mempunyai warna yang cukup menarik, tidak sedikit juga yang menjadikannya sebagai tanaman hias.
Bunganya berbentuk bonggol seperti bola dengan warna merah tua keungu-unguan, ada juga yang berwarna putih.
Bunga kenop memiliki sifat kimiawi berupa rasa manis dan netral, dapat digunakan untuk mengobati batuk, menghilangkan sesak (antiasthmatic), dan mengobati radang mata. Mengandung gomphresin I, II, III, V, VI. Bunga atau seluruh bagiannya bisa digunakan sebagai obat baik dalam kondisi segar maupun kering.
Penyakit yang bisa diobati dengan bunga kenop antara lain:
1. Asthma bronchial
Rebus 10 kuntum bunga kenop, tambahkan arak kuning, minum secara rutin 3 kali dalam sehari.
2. Buang air kecil tidak lancar
Rebus 3-10 gr bunga kenop lalu minum airnya
3. Panas pada anak (karena gangguan liver)
Rebus 7-14 kuntum bunga kenop segar lalu minum.
4. Dysentery
Rebus 10 kuntum bunga kenop segar, tambahkan arak kuning lalu minum.
5. Bronchitis crhonis
Buatlah ke dalam bentuk obat suntik lalu suntikkan pada titik akupuntur. 10% penderita merasakan timbul rasa kering di tenggorokan setelah disuntik, tetapi hanya sementara.
6. Radang saluran nafas akut dan menahun (acute and chronic bronchitis), batuk rejan (pertusis), radang mata, sakit kepala, dan mimpi buruk (night screaming)

Rebus 9-15 gr bunga kenop lalu minum airnya.


佛肚樹的功效与作用.Buddha Belly Plant medicinal uses(Jatropha podagrica).Tumbuhan jarak batang gajah.

学名:Jatropha podagrica
英文名:Gout stalkAustralian bottle plant


- 在植物化学研究中,筛选次生代谢产物在叶,根,种子和茎中产生生物碱,单宁,黄酮,皂苷和酚。单宁比例为6.79%(叶),叶中皂苷含量为3.15%,种子含量为2.44%。叶片生物碱含量为0.33%,茎含0.15%,籽粒含量0.18%,根系含量0.26%。
 單方驗方:   1.喉火:狗牙瓣五錢,搗爛,加蛋清沖開水服。

这里有卖佛肚花种子~for  buy Jatropha podagrica seed

Jatropha Podagrica - Gout Plant - Purging-Nut - Goutystalk Nettlespurge -
 Buddha Belly Plant

All parts of the plant are poisonous, but particularly the seeds and the sap.

The stem, with its swollen base, is filled with a thin sap, contact with which can cause dermatitis. As mentioned above, the seeds are particularly toxic. Symptoms can include abdominal pain and a burning sensation in the mouth, followed by vomiting and diarrhoea. The effects are serious enough to require urgent medical assistance.

 The latex contains an alkaloid jatrophine, which is thought to have anti-cancerous properties. It is also used as an external application for skin diseases and rheumatism. A juice extracted from the leaves is used in some countries as an external application for haemorrhoids. The roots are also considered to be an antidote for snakebite.
The oil extracted from the seeds is a useful ingredient in soap-making. It is used in lamps, as it burns without making smoke. It is also being produced for bio-diesel. Jatropha oil-cake is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and is used as an organic manure. In Brazil, the seeds are used to expel intestinal worms, and  the leaves are burnt to fumigate houses against bed-bugs.

 jarak batang gajah.
Nama Lokal : Jarak batang gajah. Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati : Demam, bengkak terpukul, digigit ular biasa. Pemanfaatan : BAGIAN YANG DIPAKAI: Seluruh tanaman KEGUNAAN: – Demam – Bengkak terpukul – Digigit ular berbisa PEMAKAIAN: Untuk minum: 10-15 g direbus. Ampasnya digunakan untuk ditempelkan pada tempat yang sakit. Komposisi : SIFAT KIMIAWI DAN EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Manis, pahit, dingin. Menghilangkan sakit (analgetik), menghilangkan pembengkakan, menghilangkan racun dan membersihkan panas.


[鸭舌癀/过江藤]~一步步教你看了就能学会治疗头皮屑方法. Phyla nodiflora leaves treats dandruff S...

在印度。 这种神奇的药草都用来治疗头皮屑,长期以来一直用于治疗泰米尔纳德邦的头皮屑。
在印度通常用鸭舌癀新鲜的叶子制作发油和头发。 如果你没有新鲜的叶子,也可以使用粉末来制作发束。


制作鸭舌癀发油,用新鲜鸭舌癀叶烧椰子油,直到失去它的含水量。 关掉,冷却,并用它作为头发油,以摆脱头皮屑。

Miracle herb that cures dandruff permanently & naturally at home fast. Best home remedy for dandruff! The herb that effectively treats dandruff is called Phyla Nodiflora. It is called Turkey Tangle in English, Poduthalai in Tamil and Bukan in Hindi. This amazing herb treats dandruff very very effectively and has long been used for treating dandruff in Tamil Nadu. What causes dandruff? Dandruff can be caused due to many reasons like shampooing too often, dry scalp, fungal infections and scalp problems like psoriasis and eczema. The best way to treat dandruff at home is with natural herbs that have anti septic and anti microbial properties and this herb is one of the best herbs for treating dandruff at home easily. We usually make a hair oil and hair pack with the fresh leaves. If you don't have access to the fresh leaves, you can make the hair pack using the powder too.



For making Phyla Nodiflora hair oil, boil coconut oil with fresh Phyla Nodiflora leaves till it loses it's water content. Switch off, cool and strain and use it as a hair oil to get rid of dandruff.


上帝给人类的神奇~草「过江藤/鸭舌癀」。“PHYLA NODIFLORA ”medicinal uses。

英文名:Turkey Tangle Fo                                                                                                                                                                                                               gfruit
学名:PhylanodifloraL.Greene.Verbenaceae /
Lippia nodifloa Rich.Var.Sarmentosa.Schou.Verbenaceae 


你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅

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百香果.女人,知道他的好处!吃过他,像疯了爱上他。Benefits of Pass
黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Blac
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

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桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

Family: Verbenaceae
Synonyms: Lippia nodiflora (L.) Rich.
Bengali/Vernacular Name: Bhui Okar, Karghas, Bakkan.

Description of the Plant:
A prostrate, much branched annual herb, often rooting at the nodes, up to 75 cm long. Leaves cuneate-spathulate, serrate, 2.5 cm long. Peduncles commonly axillary; heades 1.25 cm long, ovoid or cylindric. Flowers small, pinkish-purple to white.
Using Information:
The plant is diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and astringent to the bowels; good for ulcers, wounds, asthma, bronchitis; considered valuable in ischury, stoppage of the bowels and pain in the knee-joints. A poultice composed of the fresh plant is a good maturant for boils. Infusion of the leaves and tender stalks is given to children suffering from indigestion and to women after delivery. Chutney made from the leaves and fruits are eaten to relieve the irritation of internal piles (Yusuf et al. 2009).
Chemical Constituents:
Leaves contain tannin, fat, lactose, maltose, glucose, fructose, xylose, rutin, a waxy ester, β-sitosterol, a bitter substance and two glucosidic colouring matters, nodiflorin A and B. Nodifloridin A and B, nodifloretin, two new flavone glycoside - lippiflorin A and B have also been isolated from leaves (Ghani, 2003, Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1990 & 93)

 Lippia Nodiflora is quite a popular plant in Tamil Nadu that goes by the name of poduthalai. It is a small creeping herb that produces white or purple flowers which get tubular as they mature. It is native to South America and the United States and can be found in all tropical countries. It is named poduthalai because it is considered to be an amazing home remedy for treating dandruff, we call dandruff podugu in Tamil. It is called frog fruit | Saw tooth Frog Fruit | Turkey Tangle in English, Bukkan in Hindi, Vakkan in Marathi and Vasir in Sanskrit. Phylla nodiflora | Poduthalai have these following medicinal uses: 1. It has wonderful anti bacterial properties making it very effective for treating all kinds of wounds when applied as a poultice. 2. It has anti inflammatory properties making it very effective as a home remedy for treating knee and joint pain. It also reduces piles inflammation when taken internally. 3. It has anti diabetic properties making it a very effective natural remedy for reducing blood sugar levels for diabetic patients. 4. It also has diuretic properties and people who are suffering from water retention will benefit drinking a water decoction of the plant. 5. It also has anti urolithiatoc properties (prevention of formation of kidney stones). It not only prevents, it also effectively treats existing stones. 6. Phyla nodiflora has anti proliferative properties and especially the stem and the leaf extract inhibits breast cancer cell growth. 7. It also has anti fungal properties making it very effective for treating fungal infections when applied topically as a poultice. Usually poduthalai was commonly found in Tamil Nadu but now it is not so common but you can get the plants from nurseries.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
