
每天看到”金腰箭”,想不到在传统的加纳医学中拿它治疗癫痫!synedrella nodiflora uses(Horseherb)。Kegunaan Jotang Kuda。




你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅


木瓜葉的功效与作用。Papaya leaf  benefits . khasiat Daun batik.

諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.

魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan。

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. (family: Asteraceae) is an annual herb that grows to about 60–120 cm high. It is a native tropical American weed, but now dispersed pan-tropically and occurring throughout the West African region. In Ghana, the foliage is eaten by livestock, whereas in Indonesia, the foliage is eaten as a vegetable by some indigenous tribes. The plant has also been extensively used in Nigeria for cardiac problems, wound healing, and to stop bleeding. In Malaysia and Indonesia, it has been used for the treatment of headaches, earaches, stomachaches, and as a liniment for rheumatism.In traditional Ghanaian medicine, the whole plant is boiled and the aqueous extract drunk as required for the treatment of epilepsy. The leaves are used for the treatment of hiccup and threatened abortion. The whole plant extract has been reported to possess potent anti-inflammatory activity and central analgesic effects.We have also demonstrated in our laboratory that the hydro-ethanolic extract of the whole plant possess antinociceptive effects possibly mediated via adenosine

rgic mechanisms.To date there is little scientific evidence to support the traditional use of S. nodiflora in the treatment of epilepsy and the possible mechanisms involved. This study tested the general hypothesis that the plant S. nodiflora has anticonvulsant activity. We undertook to systematically evaluate the actions of an extract of S. nodiflora on chemically induced seizures and muscle tone in rodents. The hydro-ethanolic whole plant extract, similar to that traditionally used, was used in this study.

Jotang kuda (Synedrella nodiflora
Seringkali kita menemukan tanaman ini di semak belukar tanpa menyadari khasiatnya. Tanaman ini tumbuh secara liar di sebuah pekarangan kosong dan dianggap sebagai tanaman gulma. Tanaman ini terkadang juga dijadikan sebagai lalapan di Jawa Barat. Nama latin Jotang Kuda ini adalah Synedrella nodiflora. Tanaman ini juga memiliki banyak nama, antara lain: babadotan lalaki, jukut genjreng, bruwan, gletang warak, legetan, gofu makeang, dan rumput babi.
    Bagian yang dimanfaatkan adalah seluruh bagiannya karena mengandung saponin dan polifenol. Penyakit yang bisa diobati adalah sakit perut dan rematik. Cara pemanfaatan ramuan ini yaitu:
·        Sakit Perut. Ambil 10-15 lembar daun muda Jotang Kuda dan tambahkan kapur sirih secukupnya. Oleskan pada perut yang sakit

·        Rematik. Ambil 10-15 lembar daun muda Jotang Kuda. Haluskan dan tambahkan minyak zaitun atau minyak habatussauda. Kemudian oleskan pada bagian yang terasa nyeri karena rematik.


听了高人一 句话,吃了它!果然也活到100多歲,而頭髮烏黑亮麗、耳不聾,還能看清書上的小字。 The Legend of (eclipta prostrata)story. cerita urang aring .



你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅

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木瓜葉的功效与作用。Papaya leaf  benefits . khasiat Daun batik.
諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.
魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan。
刺果番荔枝葉的吃法和功效。 graviola leaves benefits 。Daun sersak.

2:46  Benefits Sky fruitBuah tunjuk langit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcn7yw6Kb4

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

According to legend, there was a man named Liu Jian Tang Dynasty, life immortal, I heard where the famous mountain fairy tracks, will visit. Kaiyuan (AD 713-741) In the early years of his life, Liu Jianyu touched a man who called himself a "vanityless child." He was touched by the perseverance of Liu Jian and took him to visit his own garden. The imaginary child said to him: "Immortality is impossible, but longevity is hopeless." The imaginary child points to a freshly green grass beside the pool and says: "Do not think that only the Ganoderma lucidum in the mountains is immortality, which The water is also long grass, I just eat this herb, live a hundred years old and hair still black, bright eyes. "When Liu Jiany on the way go back , the virtual child give  a pack of seed, let him go back and planted in the pool side, Paddy edge, seedlings grow to 20 cm later you can start taking. Tender when the food can be eaten, at summer  can be harvested fresh stems and leaves  drink every day with fresh goods about 100 grams. Winter with dried stems and leaves, 30 grams of Jianshui daily drink. Long-term adherence, there will be achieved. Liu Jian go home in accordance with the instructions of the imaginary child, planting, food, and really also live to more than 100 years old and hair not white,  also  still can read the book's small print. Because of this plant leaves dark green, Liu easy to give it the name of Mexican grass (eclipta prostrata).


鳢肠~(旱蓮草)”墨旱蓮”的功效與作用. Eclipta Alba (Karisalankanni )benefits and usages .Pertumbuhan Rambut dengan Minyak Urang-Aring

蓮草Eclipta prostrata)

 【主治】:補益肝腎 、凉血止血,清熱解毒。治眩暈耳鳴,肝腎陰虛,腰膝酸軟。可治各种吐血,陰虛血熱,吐血,尿血,血痢,崩漏下血,肠出血,外傷出血等症。有收斂、止血、排膿之效。捣汁涂眉发,能促进毛发生长,内服有乌发、黑发功效



2:46  Benefits Sky fruitBuah tunjuk langit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcn7yw6Kb4

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.

Eclipta Alba (Karisalankanni )benefits and usages

Eclipta Alba known as ‘Bhringraj’ in sanskrit/hindi and ‘kehraj‘ in Assamese and karisalankanni in Tamil.
It grows commonly in moist places as a weed all over the world. It is widely distributed throughout India, China, 
Bhringraj helps to improve hair growth and colour.
In india, it is grown along side of rice fields and its leaves are used in preparing food.
Infact eclipta alba extracts are known to grow hair faster than minoxidil.
Oil made with mixture of bhringraj’s juice helps hair growth and prevents premature greying.
It eliminates all wastage from stomach, intestines and cleans them.
Bhringraj for childless women
If any women doesn’t get pregnant easily, she can use these bhringraj leaves as flowers in her hair while having sex. This helps her become pregnant soon.
Alopecia Areata cure with Eclipta Alba
Collect entire bhringraj plant and crush it to make pulp/paste and apply it on effected area of scalp.
Repeat this step daily for 100 days and wash after 1 hour.New hair follicles will slowly emerge from bald areas.
Eclipta Alba cure for Jaundice
Mix 5 gms of bhringraj leaves, 5 gms black pepper, 50gms of buffallo curd and consume it 4-5 days withour fail to cure all types of jaundice.

Urang-aring, Eclipta alba

Cara Mempercepat Pertumbuhan Rambut dengan Minyak Urang-Aring
Selain selederi, urang-aring terkenal memiliki banyak khasiat ajaib untuk rambut manusia. Beberapa di antara manfaatnya bagi rambut adalah dapat menghindari rambut dari kerontokan, dan tentunya dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut. Berikut adalah cara untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut dengan minyak urang-aring:
  • Persiapkan daun urang-aring dan air secukupnya.
  • Rendam daun urang-aring di dalam air.
  • Selagi direndam dalam air, remaslah daun urang-aring tersebut hingga sarinya tercampur dengan air.
  • Oleskan pada rambut hingga mengenai kulit kepala.
  • Diamkan selama kurang lebih 1 jam, kemudian bilas dengan cara keramas.

Urang aring memiliki khasiat untuk mengatasi uban, dan cara membuat ramuan urang aring adalah sebagai berikut: ambil daun urang aring sebanyak satu genggam lalu haluskan dengan ditumbuk. Lalu rebus dengan mencampurkan dengan air sebanyak satu gelas. Tunggu hingga air mendidih, lalu dinginkan. Selanjutnya ambil air rebusan urang-aring, oleskan pada kulit kepala, sambil dipijat-pijat agar meresap ke dalam pori-pori. Lakukan 3 X seminggu.

Manfaat urang aring
Urang-aring menghasilkan zat pewarna hitam, dan cairannya digunakan untuk menghitamkan rambut dan untuk membuat tato. Daun urang-aring yang diremas-remas dalam air, kemudian digunakan untuk mendinginkan kepala serta untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut. Cairan urang-aring dioleskan pada kepala bayi agar lekas mendapatkan rambut yang hitam. Seduhan urang-aring dalam minyak kelapa digunakan sebagai minyak penyubur rambut.

Seluruh bagian tanaman baik segar maupun kering dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan baik sebagai obat luar maupun untuk obat penyakit dalam, seperti : Menghentikan perdarahan pada muntah darah (hematemesis), batuk darah (hemoptoe), mimisan (epistaxis), kencing darah (hematuria), berak darah (melena), perdarahan rahim (uterine bleeding)


很多人不知道它有降低糖尿病, 高血压 独特效果.”Tinospora crisp “amazing Benefits of Giloy.Tanaman Brotowali

學名:Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers


【性味】 味苦;微寒,涼
【归经】 肺;肝经





经期禁用,经期忌寒,本品性凉,不宜服用。吃太多会导致便秘,降低血糖水平。 所以如果你是糖尿病患者,并长期食用 定期监测你的血糖水平。 另外,如果您怀孕或哺乳,请避免使用

你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅

For business opportunities please email: 

木瓜葉的功效与作用。Papaya leaf  benefits . khasiat Daun batik.
諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.
魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan。
刺果番荔枝葉的吃法和功效。 graviola leaves benefits 。Daun sersak.

2:46  Benefits Sky fruitBuah tunjuk langit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcn7yw6Kb4

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.
 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

“Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita’, which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality’, because of its abundant medicine properties. “The stem of Giloy is of maximum utility, but the root can also be used. 
Here are 10 reasons why this root deserves your attention:

1. Boosts Immunity
Dr. Ashutosh says, “Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity”. It is a powerhouse of antioxidant swhich fight free-radicals, keep your cells healthy and get rid of diseases. Giloy helps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that causes diseases and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections. “Giloy is used by experts in treating  heart related conditions, and is also found useful in treating infertility”.
Ashutosh2. Treats Chronic Fever

Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Baidyanath says, “Giloy helps get rid of recurrent fevers. Since Giloy is anti-pyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life threatening conditions like Dengue, Swine Flu and Malaria as well”.

3. Improves Digestion

“Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion and treating bowel related issues”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. T4. Treats Diabetes

According to Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital, “Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent and helps treat diabetes (particularly Type 2 diabetes)”. Giloy juice helps reduce high levels of blood sugar and works wonders.

4. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Did you know Giloy can be used as an adaptogenic herb as well? It helps reduce mental stress as well as anxiety. It helps get rid of toxins, boosts the memory, Fights Respiratory Problems

5. Treats Arthritis

“Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties that help treat Arthritis and its several symptoms. For joint pain, the powder from giloy stem can be boiled with milk and consumed”, says Dr. Ashutosh. It can be used along with ginger to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

6. Reduces Asthmatic Symptoms

Asthma causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, etc. which makes it very difficult to treat such a condition. “Chewing on giloy root helps asthma patients and is often recommended by experts”, adds Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital.

Note: There are no serious side-effects of consuming Giloy since it is a natural and safe herbal remedy. However, in some cases - the use of Giloy can cause constipation and lower blood sugar levels. So if you are diabetic and have been consuming Giloy on a long-term basis, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. Also, avoid Giloy if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

(Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers.hen jin t) 

Sinonim :
Tinospora rumphii, Boerl. T. tuberculata Beumee. Cocculus crispus, DC. Menispermum verrucosum. M.crispum, Linn. M.tuberculatum, Lamk. 

Nama Lokal :
Antawali, bratawali, putrawali, daun gadel (Jawa); Andawali (Sunda), Antawali (Bali); Shen jin teng (China).; 

Penyakit Yang Dapat Diobati :
Reumatik, Demam, Nafsu makan, Kencing manis; 

Tanaman Brotowali  (Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers.hen jin t)

1. Rheumatic arthritis, rheumatik sendi pinggul (sciatica), memar.
2. Demam, merangsang nafsu makan, demam kuning.
3. Kencing manis.

PEMAKAIAN : 10 - 15 gr , rebus , minum.
PEMAKAIAN LUAR : Air rebusan batang brotowali dipakai untuk cuci koreng, kudis, luka-luka.

1. Rheumatik : 1 jari batang brotowali dicuci dan potong-potong seperlunya, direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai menjadi 1 1/2 gelas. Setelah dingin  disaring, ditambah madu secukupnya, minum. Sehari 3 x 1/2 gelas.
2. Demam kuning (icteric) : 1 jari batang brotowali dicuci dan potong-potong, direbus dengan 3  gelas air sampai menjadi 1 1/2 gelas. Diminum dengan madu  secukupnya. Sehari 2 x 3/4 gelas. 
3. Demam : 2 jari batang brotowali direbus dengan 2 gelas air, sampai menjadi 1 gelas. Setelah dingin, diminum dengan madu secukupnya. Sehari 2x 1/2 gelas.
4. Kencing manis : 1/3 genggam daun sambiloto, 1/3 genggam daun kumis kucing, 3/4  jari ± 6 cm batang brotowali dicuci dan dipotong-potong, direbus dengan 3 gelas air sampai menjadi 2 gelas. Diminum setelah makan, sehari 2 X 1 gelas.
5. Kudis (scabies) : 3 jari batang brotowali, belerang sebesar kemiri, dicuci dan  ditumbuk halus, diremas dengan minyak kelapa seperlunya. Dipakai untuk melumas kulit yang terserang kudis. Sehari 2 x.

6. Luka : Daun brotowali ditumbuk halus, letakkan pada luka, diganti 2 x perhari. Untuk mencuci luka, dipakai air rebusan batang brotowali.


“馬齒莧”~(寶釧菜)的功效与作用.(Portolaca oleracea) Traditional Uses of Purslane. Manfaat Daun krokot.

马齿苋(Portolaca oleracea),【名】安乐菜、酸米菜,五行草,五方草,瓜子菜,马生菜酸苋猪母菜豬母乳地马菜马蛇子菜长寿菜老鼠耳寶釧菜蚂蚱菜
据研究,它含有蛋白质、脂肪、胡萝卜素、核黄素、硫胺素、粗纤维、钾、铜、钙、磷、铁等,马齿苋中含大量去甲肾上腺素和多量钾盐,葡萄糖、果糖,並含有豐富的蘋果酸、檸檬酸、谷氨酸、天冬氨酸、丙氨酸、α亞麻仁酸、及人類不能有效在體內合成的「奧米加三」(Omega-3) 脂肪酸等足见营养之丰富,此菜自绿相间,鲜嫩脆爽,具有健脾益胃,解毒消肿的功效。对脾虚不欲饮食,疮疖肿毒,小便不利等病症患者有一定的辅助食疗作用.马齿苋还含有丰富的维生素A样物质,故能维持上皮组织如皮肤、角膜及结合膜的正常机能,增强视网膜感光性能,也参与体内许多氧化过程。马齿苋对大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌、伤寒杆菌等均有较强的抑制作用,特别是对痢疾杆菌的作用很强,所以.马齿菜适宜患有急慢性痢疾肠炎以及膀胱炎,尿道炎的人服食。

木瓜葉的功效与作用。Papaya leaf  benefits . khasiat Daun batik.
諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.
魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan。
刺果番荔枝葉的吃法和功效。 graviola leaves benefits 。Daun sersak.

2:46  Benefits Sky fruitBuah tunjuk langit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcn7yw6Kb4

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.
 Traditional Benefits Uses of Purslane
Active Ingredient and Substances: Purslane is a very nutritious plant that contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as proteins, sugars, and mucilage. It is a good source of vitamins A, B1 and C, nicotinamide and many minerals (magnesium, potassium, and nitrate).

The seeds are rich in starch and a fatty oil.
Traditional and Historical Uses of Purslane
In Europe, Iran, and India the herb has been used for its medicinal properties for at least 2000 years but it was probably used as a vegetable and cultivated long before that.
Purslane was known in ancient Egypt and is mentioned in Greek manuscripts as early as 600 BC. In ancient Rome, it was used as a remedy for sore eyes, dermatitis, inflammation, headache, abdominal pain, dysentery and intestinal worms.
It was highly regarded as a magical and medicinal herb in the times of the Roman Empire and Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) recommended that people should wear amulets containing purslane to keep evil and sickness at bay.
Pedanius Dioscorides (1st century. AD) recommended consuming the herb as a treatment for a toothache, headaches, inflammation, and indigestion.

In folk and traditional medicine, the herb has been usd as a remedy for many ailments, including high fever, diarrhea, and urinary tract infection. It has also been used as hemostatic and was thought to be good for the eyes and sore gums.

Pada daun krokot sendiri mempunyai k4ndung4n vitamin A, B komplek dan C, omega 3, tanin, I­noradrenalin, dopa, asam linoleat, KSO4, KCI, nicotinic acid, saponin, dopamin, noradrenalin, serta KNO3.

Mengatasi penyakit maag
Manfaat Krokot Untuk Kesehatan Badan Krokot tanaman liar ini bisa menolong menangani penyakit maag yang anda derita.
Langkah meraciknya juga mudah yaitu dengan mempersiapkan krokot yang tetap masih segar
lalu diuapkan selama 5 menit lalu dihaluskan dan diper4s dan air perasannya dapat
diminum 3 kali dalam satu hari.
Menghindar penyakit jantung
K4ndung4n omega 3 pada daun krokot yang termasuk cukup tinggi bisa  menolong
menghindar penyakit jantung koroner sampai sroke menyer4ng badan kita. Selain itu juga baik untuk dikonsumsi oleh anak­anak autism untuk membantu pergantian kecerdasan otak si anak.

Langkah mengonsumsinya untuk menghindar penyakit jantung yakni semua sisi tanaman krokot dibikin bersih di. tum. buk halus dan berikanlah air lalu diper4s dan disaring lantas untuk lebih fresh dapat ditambah dengan madu serta minum satu hari 2 kali.

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
