
这是它生命的救命~草~(水蜈蚣)Kyllinga or rumput teki。“White Kyllinga”


Traditionally, people in many parts of the country have long been using Kyllinga as a remedy for menstruation, reducing pain during menstruation, fetal illnesses, abdominal pain, anti-sweat dehydration, in the form of boiled water as a remedy for mouth disease (as a mouthwash), heat, dysentery, medication for urinary tract, worm medicine, drug on diarrhea and ulcers.show high risk after biotransformation.

 In malaysia this india used Kyllinga to cure fever. at first he went to a wedding dinner from a friend.his name is morgan .morgan with a friend at a meal of many goat dishes and a drink of a beer from the coconut tree .After that he returned home.  morgan body feeling hot.then go to went bath. after that go to bed, midnight cough and  body feeling hot.At the morning  feel tired and go to see doctor .hot fever is over 40 degrees.After that taking medicines from the doctor's feeling good .The next day at night morgan take dinner with family .Fever suddenly came again at night .morgan again eat medicines from the doctor. for three weeks. morgan  fever at night. no fever in  the morning .morgan do not know what's been happening in his body.  fever in the night only. morgan went to see a specialist doctor .Doctor tell morgan is kidney  problem .The doctor asked him to stay at the hospital for treatmentof .morgan was very angry and go back home. Though from one chinese friend fever  has recovered after drink Kyllinga water. morgan follow what the Chinese friend say.After one week drinking boiled water with Kyllinga herb. drink three times a day. fever lost,  cough recover , body feeling fresh as before.now drink Kyllinga herb to keep body healthy.

火炬薑~的功效作用.(菲律宾蜡花)Health Benefit of Torch Ginger.Khasiat Bunga Kantan.

火炬薑 (Torch GingerPorcelain RoseWax Flower,學名Etlingera elatior)
Etlingera 這屬超過 100 品種 (Species),為多年生、香草類 (Herbs) 的植物。就因花序的形狀像火炬,俗名稱為火炬薑。它的成株通常可達 12呎高,葉子綠色,披針形;個別葉子五、六吋寬,可長至約 32英吋長。惟不同品種於不同地域成長,常有不同用途。最普遍的用途是截取新長莖株,剝去外面老鞘,幼嫩的莖心可生吃、烹煮,或作佐料、調味香料。又Etlingera 這屬香甜帶酸的果實,也可食用,特別適合烹飪新鮮的魚。有些品種更可做藥用,可治頭痛、腹痛。

在熱帶地區,火炬薑常年開花,花序從地下單獨長出,花梗約 3 5 呎高,而非開在枝葉的頂端。花色有紅色、粉紅、及白色 (較罕見)。這花序由臘質的苞片組成,真正的花開在苞片之上,形態類似松毬。新鮮的切花瓶插壽命約68天,留在株上的花,則可開更久。切花常和赫蕉花 (Heliconia) 及葉子組合併插。

根據馬來西亞Monash University 一博士論文,曾發表於 2009Food Science and Technology雜誌的分析資料,火炬薑的葉子含有高成份的咖啡酰奎寧酸  (Caffeoylquinic acids--CQA),包括綠原酸 (Chlorogenic acid--CGA)。綠原酸為一種抗氧化劑 (Antioxidant),據說有抗菌、抗過瀘性病毒、抗黴菌等功效,另有聲稱它具有預防或減輕第2型糖尿病、及心臟病的作用,且其毒性低、副作用少。此原料可作藥物、食品、飼料及化粧品的添加劑。

Khasiat Bunga Kantan
Dalam usaha mengumpul info khazanah herba di Malaysia, kami susun dan senaraikan pelbagai herba dan ulam yang terdapat di Malaysia. Moga ianya menjadi manafaat untuk semua. Amalan memakan ulam-ulaman segar oleh masyarakat kampung, menjadikan mereka hidup sihat sepanjang hayat. Moga ilmu dan khazanah ini tidak hilang di telan zaman.

Selalunya jambak bunga kantan yang masih muda dan belum mengembang merupakan perencah utama untuk membuat kuah laksa yang selalunya di sebalah utara. Ianya juga selalu diletakkan dalam lauk asam pedas atau tom yam sebagai pembangkit aroma.
Selain daripada digunakan dalam masakan ia juga mempunyai bahagian-bahagian yang berguna. Contohnya:

  • Mengubati penyakit bengkak-bengkak 


  • Menambah selera makan, mengurangkan rasa kurang bermaya dan sebagai ubat bagi menghilangkan lendir dan kahak pada tekak. 


  • Perisa dalam makanan


  • Bahan gubahan jambak-jambak bunga 


  • Mengubati sakit telinga 

Petua daripada bunga kantan seperti :

Mengilangkan bau badan

  1. Ambil beberapa batang pokok kantan segar, potong batangnya pendek-pendek 
  2. Tumbuk hingga lumat.  
  3. Rebus hingga mendidih dan biarkannya sejuk.  
  4. Air rebusan tersebut bolehlah digunakan untuk mandi.  
  5. Ia akan dapat menghilangkan bau badan yang kurang enak. 

Awet muda

  1. Dengan memakan bunga kantan akan membuatkan kita akan awet muda. 

Sakit telinga

  1. Rebus buah kantan selama beberapa minit. 
  2. Selepas airnya disejukkan, titikkan air tersebut ke dalam telinga. 
  3. Dikatakan jika diamalkan selalu, bukan sahaja setakat melegakan kesakitan akibat bengkak, malah mampu mengatasi masalah telinga berair. 

Menguatkan Tenaga Batin Lelaki 

  1. Rebus buahnya yang masak dan minum air rebusan
  2. Pastikan bertanya kepada pakar atau pengamal perubatan tradisional terlebih dahulu sebelum meminumnya kerana tanpa sukatan yang betul badan anda akan terasa kepanasan dan mungkin menimbulkan masalah lain. 

Luka dibadan 

  1. Anda bolehlah merebus daun kantan. 
  2. Air rebusan daun yang masih suam dikatakan boleh digunakan sebagai air pencuci luka dengan cara melumurkannya ke seluruh bahagian luka. 

Torch Ginger is a rather peculiar plant that is full of wax until it is cut where the bud releases an aromatic, floral, grassy fragrance. Incorporated with your everyday meals, the intake of raw ginger can help in a variety of ways which include reducing diabetes and hypertension.  For women, consuming it with the ginger’s bitter leaves can help relieve postpartum flatulence.

The ginger root itself has many healing properties. Being high in antioxidants, it can possibly help prevent some forms of cancers. The antiviral herb can be used as a decongestant and expectorant to fight respiratory problems and sinus infections. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help those who are suffering from arthritis. The plant helps to relieve indigestion, alleviates intestinal cramps, gastrointestinal problems, and reduce nausea (including morning sickness). It is also believed to be a natural libido enhancer, and help treat a loss of appetite.

水蜈蚣的功效作用. Kyllinga ~traditional medicinal uses. Teki Udel-udelan atau Rumput Kenop. 


 [转载需保留出处 - 苹果绿养生网] 水蜈蚣的

White Kyllinga
Kyllinga nemoralis (Hutch and Dalz) (Family; Cyperaceae) is a perennial herb, used in traditional folk medicine to treat many diseases and disorders. Leaves of the plant are used as antivenom, relief of malarial chills, pruritus of the skin, thirst attributable to fever and diabetes. The paste of rhizomes mixed with milk is used internally for worm infection and the rhizome alone is used to treat hepatopathy, splenopathy, fever, tumour and diabetes. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial activity of methanol extract of K. nemoralis. To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature documenting the in vitro antioxidant activity of K. nemoralis. This is the first study where we are reporting the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of methanol extract of K. nemoralis.

上帝给穷人的防病草.Goosegrass medicinal use.


组成:鲜牛筋草112.5克  食盐适量
组成:牛筋草37.5克  麻芝糊30.0克  桑叶18.8克  伤寒草18.8克  鸡香藤30.0克  鱼腥草37.5克(后下煎5~10分钟)

Goosegrass has a long history of domestic medicinal use and is also used widely by modern herbalists. A valuable diuretic, it is often taken to treat skin problems such as seborrhoea, eczema and psoriasis, and as a general detoxifying agent in serious illnesses such as cancer. The whole plant, excluding the root, is alterative, antiphlogistic, aperient, astringent, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary. It is harvested in May and June as it comes into flower and can be used fresh or dried for later use. It is used both internally and externally in the treatment of a wide range of ailments, including as a poultice for wounds, ulcers and many other skin problems, and as a decoction for insomnia and cases where a strong diuretic is beneficial. It has been shown of benefit in the treatment of glandular fever, ME, tonsillitis, hepatitis, cystitis etc. The plant is often used as part of a spring tonic drink with other herbs. A tea made from the plant has traditionally been used internally and externally in the treatment of cancer. One report says that it is better to use a juice of the plant rather than a tea. The effectiveness of this treatment has never been proved or disproved.

上帝赠给穷人的免费草药.Health Benefits of "GOOSE GRASS" or "PARAGIS".


Health Benefits of "GOOSE GRASS" or ""PARAGIS
Tropical and subtropical regions. Distributed almost throughout the tropical world and extends significantly into the sub-tropics, especially in North America, Europe and Africa.
Mainly used as fodder. The whole plant, but especially the root, is depurative, diuretic, febrifuge, laxative and sudorific. It is also used in the treatment of liver complaints. The plant is a component of the ‘basic remedy’ in Vietnamese traditional medicine, it is also used in the treatment of influenza, hypertension, oliguria and retention of urine. The plant can be used fresh or dried. The stems are used to make mats, baskets etc.The plant is also used for paper manufacture. Decoction of the fresh plant used as a diuretic and for dysentery. Also used for the treatment of fever, Dandruff, Post-partum, Sprains and lumbago, Hemoptysis, hypertension, hemoptysis, asthma, jaundice etc.

番石榴叶对我们的头发有哪些好处?~diy~水煮.Benefits of Guava leaves~DIY.

  1 / 调节油脂分泌,促进头发快速生长
  2 / 杀菌,抗炎
  3 / 抗氧化性
  1 / 我们可以准备以下材料:
  • 部分番石榴叶
  • 1升水
  • 过滤器
  2 / 操作步骤:
  • 将水倒入锅中煮沸
  • 倒入准备好的番石榴叶
  • 水煮番石榴叶20分钟左右倒出
  • 将其冷却,用过滤器过滤出液体
  3 / 如何应用:
  • 先用洗发水清洗一遍头发,洗去头皮头发上的污垢(也可直接跳过)
  • 将头发擦至8成干时,将番石榴汁液涂抹于头皮头发上
  • 按摩头皮至少十分钟
  • 按摩结束后,将头发包裹在毛巾或者沐浴帽中,最少两个小时(也可过夜),然后用温水洗净。
  • 建议每周使用一到两次

百香果.女人,知道他的好处!吃过他,像疯了爱上他。Benefits of Pass
黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Blac
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 
迷失在野外什么草可以吃?也可以治蚊虫和蛇咬伤? plantain plant .
苦瓜叶泡水喝的功效与作用.Health benefits of Melon Leaf Tea Daun Peria katak.

諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni. 250  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YAhFquXCSM

Guava leaves are rich in vitamin B family, B6 can regulate the synthesis of fat and fatty acids, inhibit sebum secretion, can relieve seborrheic alopecia, B2 can contribute to cell and tissue repair, stimulate hair follicles, promote healthy hair, fast Grow. In addition, its rich in vitamin C, helps to improve collagen activity, make the hair tough, easy to break
Guava leaves can make your hair soft, shiny, so that your hair becomes thicker, and how to use guava leaves it, the easiest way is to do guava leaf lotion.
1 / We can prepare the following materials:
* Part of the guava leaves
* 1 liter of water
* filter
2 / steps:
* Pour the water into the pot and boil
* Pour the prepared pomegranate leaves
* Boiled guava leaves 20 minutes or so poured out
* Cool it and filter out the liquid with a filter

3 / how to apply:
* First wash with hair shampoo hair, wash away the scalp hair on the dirt (also can skip)
* When the hair is rubbed into 8 to dry, the guava juice is applied to the scalp hair
* Massage the scalp for at least ten minutes

* After the massage, wrap your hair in a towel or shower cap for at least two hours (and overnight) and wash with warm water.

蟛蜞菊的功效与作用.,Health Benefit of Wedelia trilobata .Manfaat Seruni Jalar.

Wedelia, Yellow Dots
  【功能主治】清热解毒;凉血散瘀。主感冒 发热;咽喉炎;扁桃体炎;肋腺炎;白喉;百日咳;气管炎;肺炎;肺结核咯血;鼻衄;尿血;传染性肝炎;痢疾;痔疮;疔疯人院肿毒

Wedelia medicinal plants is becoming popular in United States and Europe  and in most of the developing world, plants or herbal products have forever played important roles in the treatment of wounds, intestinal problems, coughs and sneezes, general torpor etc
in folk medicine, it is employed to treat backache, muscle cramps, rheumatism, stubborn wounds, sores and swellings, and arthritic painful joints . The Miskito Indians of eastern Nicaragua use leaves for treatment of kidney dysfunctioning, cold, stingray wounds, snakebite and purge .
in traditional medicine in the Caribbean and Central America against bronchitis, colds, abdominal pains, dysmenorrhea

苋菜有清热解毒,利窍止血等功效。Health benefits of amaranth leaves.

苋菜,原名:苋,别名:雁来红、老少年、老来少、三色苋,拉丁文名:Amaranthus tricolor , 苋科、苋属一年生草本,茎粗壮,绿色或红色,常分枝,幼时有毛或无毛。
。适用於痢疾、肠炎、抗菌、消炎、消肿。适用于急性肠炎,尿道炎,咽喉炎,妇女子宫颈炎以及痈、疖、毒蛇咬伤。尤其对细菌性痢疾有卓效。 大便涩滞、便秘、淋证、麻疹不透、漆疮瘙痒,暑热等病症。

What are the health benefits of amaranth leaves?
* Provides energy: Highly packed with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin K, folate, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, amaranth leaves boost energy in the body.
* Prevents electrolyte imbalance: Amaranth leaves are terrific source of manganese, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus necessary for maintaining proper mineral balance in the body.
* Excellent gluten-free diet: Vegetarians with gluten-intolerance or those suffering from celiac diseases can meet daily recommended dose of protein from amaranth greens. Compared to other plant sources namely wheat, rye, rice and oats, Amaranth contains 30% more protein with complete set of amino acids.
* Improves digestion: High dietary fiber content (3 times that of wheat) in the greens improve digestive health and reduces constipation. It is easily digestible and good for both young ones and elders.
* Aids in weight management: Protein in the leaves help to reduce insulin levels in the blood and also release a hormone that lessen hunger pranks and prevent "binging catastrophe".
* Reduces bad cholesterol: One of the key benefits of amaranth leaves is cholesterol-lowering ability. Being fibrous, this leafy vegetable is effective in reducing LDL levels in the blood and promotes weight loss. Presence of tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E) also aids in cholesterol-lowering activity.
* Good for anemic patients: Iron-rich (5 times that of wheat) red amaranth leaves promote coagulation and increase hemoglobin content and red blood cell counts.
* Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease: Amaranth leaves are an excellent dietary source of phytosterols that lowers blood pressure and prevents heart ailments including stroke.
* Fight-off cancer: Presence of lysine (an essential amino acid) along with vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and vitamin C helps to fight against free radicals responsible for aging and formation of malignant cells.

飞扬草的作用 ,大飞扬草,asthma-plant, (euphorbia hirta),(asthma plant),pokok ARA TANAH, SUSU NABI

Traditionally, the Euphorbia Hirta has been used as a medication to treat asthma since internal usage of the extract of the herb is known to be a bronchodilator (any substance that works to widen contracted bronchial tubes to assist breathing). In addition, this herb is also used as an expectorant (any substance that encourages discharge of phlegm), anti-spasmodic, anti-asthmatic, haemostatic (any substance that helps in stopping bleeding), pectoral (a substance that protects the chest), soporific (a substance that causes sleep), sedative, antithelminitic (any drug that helps to expel intestinal worms), dysenteric, and diuretic.
The Euphorbia Hirta is anodyne (a painkiller), carminative (a medicine that relieves flatulence), antipruritic (a substance that prevents itching), diuretic (a medication that increases flow of urine), depurative (a purgative), galactogogue (a substance that increases secretion of breast milk), and vermifuge (a substance that helps to expel parasites from the body, especially intestines).
semoga bermanfaat

Ara tanah merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh liar yang seringkali kita mengabaikan keadaannya, padahal ara tanah mempunai manfaat yang bagus untuk kesehatan dan membantu pengobatan khususnya secara alamiah.

Ara tanah dengan kata lain ialah Rumput Susu Kambing, Gelang Susu, Patikan Kebo, Keremak Susu, Asthma weed (English), Hairy Spurge, Cats hair, Fei-yang ts'ao. Nama saintifiknya ialah Euphorbia hirta. Tanaman ini termasuk kedalam keluarga EUPHORBIACEAE . Hati - hati dalam mengambil tanaman ini karena beracun yang terdapat dalam getah berwarna putihnya. Tumbuhan ini dalam farmakologi Cina dikatakan mempunyai rasa agak pahit dan masam dan sedikit sejuk (bertoksin). Ia bersifat anti-inflamasi, diuretik (peluruh kencing) dan anti-piretik. Kesan obatnya akan didapat dengan penggunaan seluruh tanaman, segar atau dikeringkan. Ada yang kelihatan hampir serupa dengannya tapi tidak memiliki getah. Rumput ini sangat popular sebagai obat tradisional bagi penyakit asma/ lelah serta masalah paru-paru. Ia kaya dengan berbagai kandungan kimia yang seperti myricyl alkohol, taraxerol, friedlin, beta amyrin, euforbol, triterperoid,eufol, tirukalol, eufosterol.Selain dari asma, dosis yang tepat sangat berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan tanaman ini.





It is an erect, small, ascending, annual plant which reaches a height of 50 cm. The stem is hairy and the leaves are oblong, elliptical. Flowers are small, crowded and numerous seen together in thick cymes about 1cm in diameter. The fruits are yellow in colour, three celled, hairy and have keeled capsules which are around 1-2 mm in diameter. They contain three four sided, brown, wrinkled and angular seeds.
This plant is known for its benefits in relieving female disorders. Other ailments like cough, coryza, respiratory ailments, asthma and bronchitis are also relieved with the help of Euphorbia Hirta. In India is has been used for relieving worm infestations usually seen in children, jaundice, gonorrhea, pimples, tumors and digestive problems.

Ara tanah dengan kata lain ialah Rumput Susu Kambing, Gelang Susu, Patikan Kebo, Keremak Susu, Asthma weed (English), Hairy Spurge, Cats hair, Fei-yang ts'ao. Nama saintifiknya ialah Euphorbia hirta. Tanaman ini termasuk kedalam keluarga EUPHORBIACEAE . Hati - hati dalam mengambil tanaman ini karena beracun yang terdapat dalam getah berwarna putihnya. Tumbuhan ini dalam farmakologi Cina dikatakan mempunyai rasa agak pahit dan masam dan sedikit sejuk (bertoksin). Ia bersifat anti-inflamasi, diuretik (peluruh kencing) dan anti-piretik. Kesan obatnya akan didapat dengan penggunaan seluruh tanaman, segar atau dikeringkan. Ada yang kelihatan hampir serupa dengannya tapi tidak memiliki getah. Rumput ini sangat popular sebagai obat tradisional bagi penyakit asma/ lelah serta masalah paru-paru. Ia kaya dengan berbagai kandungan kimia yang seperti myricyl alkohol, taraxerol, friedlin, beta amyrin, euforbol, triterperoid,eufol, tirukalol, eufosterol.Selain dari asma, dosis yang tepat sangat berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan tanaman ini.


.番石榴叶的功效. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu batu.

番石榴叶中医理论认为其性甘、涩、味平;有收敛止泻,消炎止血的作用。 民间广泛用于治疗腹泻、痢疾、外伤止血等。现代药理研究表明,番石榴叶具有强抗氧化能力,有抗金黄色葡萄球菌的作用,其浸剂能软化血管,降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇;同时具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲劳的功效;同时有助于延缓生物体的过氧化进程,可预防癌症,心脏病等慢性疾病。

Now we all know that guava  (amrood in Hindi) has been hailed as one of the super fruits as it provides several health benefits, but did you know that guava leaves are great for your well-being too? The young leaves of the guava tree can be brewed to make a magical tea, that has in fact been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and parts of South America.

 are a powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamin c, and flavonoids such as quercetin", says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. To make guava leaf tea, all you need to do is soak guava leaves in a cup of hot water and drink up!

1. Diarrhea

According to a study published in the
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo
 People suffering from
diarrhoea who drink guava leaf tea may experience less abdominal pain, fewer and less watery stools, and a quicker recovery, according to Drugs.com. Add the leaves and root of guava to a cup of boiling water, strain the water and consume it on an empty stomach for quick relief.
2. Lowers Cholesterol

According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, study participants who drank guava leaf tea had lower Cholesterol levels after eight weeks.
3. Manages Diabetes

Japan has approved guava leaf tea as one of the foods for specified health uses to help with the prevention and treatment of Diabetes The compounds in the tea help regulate blood sugar levels after meals, by inhibiting the absorption of two types of sugars - sucrose and maltose. According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, guava leaf tea inhibits several different enzymes that convert carbohydrate  in the digestive tract into glucose, potentially slowing its uptake into your blood.

Kebanyakan orang tahu manfaat buah jambu biji, tapi kita tidak sadar bahwa daun jambu biji memiliki sifat obat dan menawarkan berbagai manfaat kesehatan. Mereka adalah antioksidan, memiliki antibakteri, anti-inflamasi, dan sebagai tanin. Daun jambu biji segar dianggap sebagai analgesik alami. Bahan kimia yang terkandaung dalam setiap lembar daun jambu biji seperti polifenol, karotenoid, flavonoid dan tanin yang sangat efektif dalam mengobati berbagai penyakit.
Karena efek samping dari penggunaan obat dan obat-obatan, tanaman herbal semakin banyak dicari untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit, dan daun jambu biji adalah salah satu dari mereka.
Hari ini terdapat suplemen daun jambu biji dalam kapsul atau teh dengan sifat obat.
Manfaat kesehatan dari daun jambu biji lebih rinci:
Membantu dalam penurunan berat badan:
Manfaat daun jambu biji dapat digunakan dalam membantu menurunkan berat badan secara alami dan sehat.
Bermanfaat untuk penderita diabetes:
Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Institut Pusat Yakult di Jepang, teh daun jambu biji efektif dalam menurunkan glukosa darah pada penderita diabetes dengan mengurangi aktivitas enzim alpha-glucosidase.
Selain mencegah penyerapan sukrosa dan maltosa dalam tubuh, mengurangi kadar gula darah.
Minum teh dari daun jambu biji selama 12 minggu menurunkan kadar gula darah tanpa meningkatkan produksi insulin.
Menurunkan kolesterol:
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi teh daun jambu biji selama 3 bulan dapat menyebabkan penurunan kolesterol LDL atau kolesterol buruk dan trigliserida, tanpa efek buruk pada HDL. Selain itu daun jambu adalah tonik besar untuk hati.
Pengobatan diare dan disentri:
Daun jambu biji merupakan obat herbal untuk diare dan disentri.
Untuk pengobatan diare, rebus 30 gram jambu biji dengan segenggam tepung beras dalam 1 atau 2 gelas air dan minum campuran ini dua kali sehari.
Dalam kasus disentri, memotong akar dan daun jambu biji lalu cuci bersih kemudian rebus selama 20 menit pada suhu 90 derajat. Saring airnya dan minum secukupnya sampai sembuh.
Membantu pencernaan:
Teh daun jambu biji merangsang produksi enzim pencernaan. Para agen antibakteri ampuh membunuh bakteri yang melapisi usus dan menghentikan proliferasi enzim bakteri beracun.
Daun jambu biji sangat bermanfaat dalam kasus keracunan makanan, serta bertindak sebagai penenang dan efektif dalam kasus muntah dan mual.


龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winged bean .Khasiat Kacang Botol



















嫩荚和嫩叶主要用作蔬菜,种子和地下块根主要作粮食,茎叶亦是优良的饲料和绿肥、种子及块根均可入药,对冠心病、动脉硬化、脑血管硬化、不孕、习惯性流产、口腔炎症、泌尿系统炎症、眼疾等19种疾病有良好疗效”四棱豆富含维生素及多种营养元素,具有降压、美容、助消化等食用和药用价值,效作超出其他豆类和一般蔬菜,被誉为“豆中之王。” 豆中之王。

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
