

2017年5月15日发布 秋葵嫩果中含有一种黏性液质及阿拉伯聚糖、半乳聚糖、鼠李聚糖、蛋白质等,经常食用帮助消化、增强体力、保护肝脏、健胃整肠。  (一)秋葵的功效   【性味】淡;寒。   【归经】归肾、膀胱经。   【功能主治】利咽,通淋,下乳,调经。主咽喉肿痛,小便淋涩,产后乳汁稀少,月经不调。 秋葵含有特殊的具有藥效的成分,能補虛,對男性器質性疾病有輔助治療作用,是一種適宜的營養保健,享有「植物偉哥」之美譽。另外由於秋葵富含有鋅和硒等微量元素,能增強人體防癌抗癌。加上含有豐富的維生素C和可溶性纖維,不僅對皮膚具有保健作用,且能使皮膚美白、細嫩。 

 Benefits of okra, can a pregnent women eat okra, benefits of ladys finger, amino acid absorption in the small intestine, bhindi for joints, benefits of bindi, benefits of mother finger, benefit of lady finger, health benefits of lady finger in arabic video, how folic acid is used in neurotube formation, what is the benefits of ladys finger okra, google health benefits of okra, bamiya juice, folic acid na pagkain, okra uric acid, benefits of lady 。 Okra low in calories okra is aplenty with vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. Eating okra is much recommended for pregnant woman besides other for it is rich in folic acid which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb. Research revelations by the eminent nutritionists' state The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine. The fiber of okra has many superior qualities in maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal tract. okra helps reabsorb water and traps excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen.



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
