英文名:Turkey Tangle Fo gfruit
学名:Phylanodiflora(L.)Greene.Verbenaceae /
Lippia nodifloa Rich.Var.Sarmentosa.Schou.Verbenaceae
Lippia nodifloa Rich.Var.Sarmentosa.Schou.Verbenaceae
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Family: Verbenaceae
Synonyms: Lippia nodiflora (L.) Rich.
Bengali/Vernacular Name: Bhui Okar, Karghas, Bakkan.
Description of the Plant:
A prostrate, much branched annual herb, often rooting at the nodes, up to 75 cm long. Leaves cuneate-spathulate, serrate, 2.5 cm long. Peduncles commonly axillary; heades 1.25 cm long, ovoid or cylindric. Flowers small, pinkish-purple to white.
Using Information:
The plant is diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and astringent to the bowels; good for ulcers, wounds, asthma, bronchitis; considered valuable in ischury, stoppage of the bowels and pain in the knee-joints. A poultice composed of the fresh plant is a good maturant for boils. Infusion of the leaves and tender stalks is given to children suffering from indigestion and to women after delivery. Chutney made from the leaves and fruits are eaten to relieve the irritation of internal piles (Yusuf et al. 2009).
Chemical Constituents:
Leaves contain tannin, fat, lactose, maltose, glucose, fructose, xylose, rutin, a waxy ester, β-sitosterol, a bitter substance and two glucosidic colouring matters, nodiflorin A and B. Nodifloridin A and B, nodifloretin, two new flavone glycoside - lippiflorin A and B have also been isolated from leaves (Ghani, 2003, Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1990 & 93)
Lippia Nodiflora is quite a popular plant in Tamil Nadu that goes by the name of poduthalai. It is a small creeping herb that produces white or purple flowers which get tubular as they mature. It is native to South America and the United States and can be found in all tropical countries. It is named poduthalai because it is considered to be an amazing home remedy for treating dandruff, we call dandruff podugu in Tamil. It is called frog fruit | Saw tooth Frog Fruit | Turkey Tangle in English, Bukkan in Hindi, Vakkan in Marathi and Vasir in Sanskrit. Phylla nodiflora | Poduthalai have these following medicinal uses: 1. It has wonderful anti bacterial properties making it very effective for treating all kinds of wounds when applied as a poultice. 2. It has anti inflammatory properties making it very effective as a home remedy for treating knee and joint pain. It also reduces piles inflammation when taken internally. 3. It has anti diabetic properties making it a very effective natural remedy for reducing blood sugar levels for diabetic patients. 4. It also has diuretic properties and people who are suffering from water retention will benefit drinking a water decoction of the plant. 5. It also has anti urolithiatoc properties (prevention of formation of kidney stones). It not only prevents, it also effectively treats existing stones. 6. Phyla nodiflora has anti proliferative properties and especially the stem and the leaf extract inhibits breast cancer cell growth. 7. It also has anti fungal properties making it very effective for treating fungal infections when applied topically as a poultice. Usually poduthalai was commonly found in Tamil Nadu but now it is not so common but you can get the plants from nurseries.