
红雀珊瑚功效与作用.Euphorbia tithymaloides medicinal use.Manfaat Sig-sag atau Penawar Lilin.




红雀珊瑚功效与作用.Euphorbia tithymaloides medicinal use.Manfaat Sig-sag 




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“Devils Backbone, Veldit Grape, or Cissus Quadrangularis as it’s called is a wonderful herb which helps with healing broken bones, lowering blood glucose and cholesterol, helps with pain and inflammation, and can also help with weight loss and obesity.”  

Where it Grows - This plant which has white flowers and grows to be 4 feet tall grows in the Southern United States, Arabia, Asia, India, Africa, South America and other places in the world as a house plant. And it’s been used successfully for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Pain and Inflammation - Because Devils Backbone is full of lots of great vitamin C which is a great antioxidant, it’s able to reduce inflammation and also help with pain. Many feel that Devils Backbone is just as effective as many of the over-the-counter pain relievers.

Healing Broken Bones - Many studies have been done showing that Devil’s Backbone increases the absorption of calcium. Studies with dogs with broken bones showed that broken bones healed within 21 days, where as those that were only given a placebo took much longer to heal. And studies with rats show that bones healed 50% faster with Devils Backbone. And studies with people show that Devil’s Backbone may increase healing by 40%. In the Journal Phramatech it was shown that normal bone healing took 6 weeks… but with Devil’s Backbone it took 4 weeks. 
ealing Broken Bones 
Weight Loss and Obesity - Studies with Devils Backbone over eight weeks showed increased weight loss compared to the normal group. In fact they lost 187% more weight than the placebo group. Devil’s Backbone works by blocking cortisol from interfering with fat loss… and when we are stressed we produce lots of cortisol which is a stress hormone. 

Type 2 Diabetes - Devil’s Backbone lowers blood glucose, and it also helps to lower the chances of coming down with obesity which leads to type 2 diabetes. 
 Lowers Cholesterol - Studies show that Devil’s Backbone also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides both of which are important for those who are trying to lose weight. 
Lower Blood Pressure - Studies show that Devil’s Backbone can lower blood pressure. 
Body Builders - Because Devils Backbone helps with fat loss, it’s also been used by body builders to increase fat loss and increase lean muscle mass. Some feel it’s a good stress compound that also helps as a good anabolic agent to build lean muscle mass. It works by stopping cortisol from interfering with fat loss. Some also use Devil’s Backbone in conjunction with green tea and chromium for body building.

Osteoporosis - Studies show that because Devils Backbone increases calcium absorption it helps with osteoporosis.

Heart Disease - Because Devil’s Backbone lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and helps with weight loss and obesity, it also helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Gastric Ulcers - Devil’s Backbone is a good antibacterial agent which may be helpful in reducing the bacteria which causes gastric ulcers.

Side Effects - At this time there are no real side effects to the Devils Backbone. Unless one takes very large amounts which causes nausea and headaches。

 Sig-sag ini mempunyai nama latin atau ilmiah Euphorbia tithymaloides yang masih keluarga dari Euphorbiaceae. Penawar lilin ini banyak ditanamn di pagar-pagar dan juga halaman dengan fungsi sebagai hiasan.Manfaat Sig-sag atau Penawar Lilin Bagi Kesehatan :
  • Mengurangi dan mengobati pembengkakan.
  • Bersifat hemostatik (Menghentikan pendarahan).
  • Mengeluarkan dan membersihkan racun.
  • Mempercepat penyembuhan luka / borok.
  • Menyembuhkan luka akibat gigitan lipan.
  • Mempercepat penuaan bisul.
  • Mengatasi mata merah bengkak.
Kebanyakan dari beberapa jenisnya mempunyai kandungan racun berbahaya bagi tubuh, sehingga penggunaan sebagai obat terbatas pada bagian luar tubuh saja. Jadi, butuh kehati-hatian untuk menggunakan getah sig-sag ini sebagai obat. Tanaman ini masih dibilang dalam klasifikasi kerajaan plantae.
Kandungan Kimia dan Efek Farmakologis
Pohon sig sag mempunyai rasa asam, sedikit kelat, bersifat dingin, dan agak beracun. Beberapa bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam pohon sig sag, di antaranya epifiiedelanol acetate, i-dotriacontanol, dan beta-sitosterol. Efek farmakologis pohon sig-sag, di antaranya antiradang, menghilangkan bengkak (anti-swelling), menghentikan pendarahan (hemostatic), menurunkan panas, dan membersihkan racun, bisul, borok, koreng, tulang patah (fraktur), luka berdarah, gigitan kelabang, gigitan lipan, serta mata merah dan bengkak.
Bagian yang Digunakan dan Pemanfaatannya
Seluruh bagian tumbuhan pohon sig-sag segar dapat digunakan untuk mengobati beberapa penyakit berikut.

  • Mengobati Bengkak karena Terpukul, Tulang Patah (fraktur), dan Gigitan Lipan atau Serangga. Cuci bersih 7gr tumbuhan pohon sig sag segar, rebus dengan 4 gelas air sampai tersisa 2 gelas. Setelah dingin, minum air rebusannya 2 kali sehari masing-masing 1 gelas. Cara lainnya, giling tumbuhan pohon sig sag sampai halus, lalu balurkan hasil gilingan pada bagian tubuh yang sakit 2 kali sehari.



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你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
