
印度醋栗~(余甘子)神奇功效与作用.Health Benefits of Cermai Fruit (gooseberry, Phyllanthus acidus)



苦楝树叶用法。Azadirachta indicaNeem leaf uses good for health).Kegunaan Daun mambu.

魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan

土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.

Here are some Health Benefits of Cermai Fruit (gooseberry, Phyllanthus acidus):
1. Overcoming Constipation

Prepare beans as much as 3/4 teaspoon cermai fruit, washed and finely ground. Pour 1/2 cup of hot water. While still warm add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir evenly smapai then drink as well. Apply 2 times a day. Prepare fresh leaves cermai much as 3 grams, washed and pounded jalus. Pour 1/2 cup hot water, then cooled. results steeping while drunk with dregs.
2. Asthma
Take 6 cermai fruit seeds, red onion 2 eggs, root kara (Dolichos lablab) 1/4 handheld, 8 grains of longan fruit, washed and pounded as needed. The materials are then boiled with 2 cups water to 1 1/2 cups tersisah. after cold filtered, and drunk with sugar water to taste. Unity 2 times, 3/4 cup each.
3. Coping with Cancer
Prepare cermai young leaves as much as 1/4 handheld, handheld third starfruit leaves, lote upas half finger, half finger chinese yam, palm sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. The material was then boiled in 3 cups water until 3/4 parts left behind. After chilling filtered, ready to be drunk. 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup enough.
4. Body slimming
Drink boiled water leaves Cermai Fruit. The drug is a powerful work, do not eat for a long time due to the effect of the content of leaves cermai worked very powerful. Use it sparingly.

Nutritional Content of Fruits Cermai

Judging from the uterus, Cermai fruit contains ascorbic acid that is high in calories, minerals, carbohydrates, crude fiber, kalisum, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, and ribloflavin within the meat.CermaiThe content of leaves Cermai

While within the leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and polyphenols. Then at the roots contain glucoside, Acid Galus, Samak substances, and toxic
Benefits Cermai

Here square measure the advantages of fruit cermai favorable for our health:

1. Treating Constipation

Cermai fruit for health advantages was the primary to treat constipation. as a result of it contains tons of ascorbic acid, fruit Cermai have advantages for digestion and constipation. similar to alternative fruits high in ascorbic acid, the fruit is appropriate to be consumed for colon cleansing.

2. Overcoming respiratory illness

For individuals with respiratory illness, the nice news for you. Cermai fruit as a result of it will treat respiratory illness. The trick with six items of fruit seeds merebuh Cermai with many glasses of water. Add onion, root kara, longan, and a touch sugar to style. Drink till the breath was recovered.

3. Relieve Cancer

The most superb, fruit Cermai additionally has advantages for our health, particularly for individuals with cancer. Treatment of cancer diseases is dear not sediki. however the consumption of fruit Cermai attempt to get sensible results. Boil the fruit Cermai with mixed leaves Belimbing, Bidara Upas, Gadung Cing, and sugar. Then drink.

4. Healthy Skin

Vitamin C contained in fruit Cermai advantages for our skin. The skin are going to be bright, clean and soft. ascorbic acid is crucial for skin health affairs. thus attempt to consume this fruit in any type for alimentation Cnya high. What a lot of for those that have issues with skin problem and boring skin.

5. As Slimming

Because digestion, Cermai fruit into items which will facilitate slimming. Did you recognize that food will build abdomen acid become thinner? Well, Cermai fruit that encompasses a bitter style can also build the abdomen becomes a lot of compact once consumed often. this can be as a result of it's supported tertaur digestion and appetency mitigated as a bitter style within the tongue.

6. Increase Immunity

Cermai fruit contains nutrients which will raise our system. Enough biological process supplement your diet routine. it's additionally thanks to the inhibitor flavonoids that build. however don't be too excessive consume.

7. Healthy Bones

Another profit is that the fruit Cermai to nourish the bones. atomic number 20 and iron contained during this fruit will facilitate to nourish the bones to continue sturdy and nonporous. The bones are going to be stronger.

8. sensible For Pertubuhan

Fruit Cermai be an honest fruit consumption and doesn't disturb the expansion. it's exactly this fruit could be a sensible fruit to assist growth as a result of several biological process content.

To treat respiratory illness and cancer, particularly dahula please raise the doctor. Since the consequences square measure accepted will vary - betting on the condition of the sickness and therefore the patient. raise whether or not your condition is adequate for a given various intake. Cermai fruit that encompasses a form like fruit wines do have tons of nutrients, however his recommendation shouldn't additionally consume tons of fruit is what a lot of once overwhelming processed.

Carbohydrates don't seem to be such a lot creating this fruit isn't thus filling for consumption. initially look once wanting Cermai trees wherever fruit grows, we'll like a shot imagine the shape of growing fruit wines. Fruit Cermai typically berdampingin one another and grow lined up showing neatness. maturity is seen from the yellow color is completely different|completely different} - different. But still, like raw or too ripe, it'll stay bitter, fruit is full-grown in several countries together with in Indonesia thus we are able to get pleasure from the advantages of fruits cermai often.

Buah Cermai juga memiliki manfaat bagi kesehatan kita khususnya bagi penderita Kanker. Pengobatan pada penyakit Kanker memang memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Tetapi cobalah konsumsi buah Cermai untuk mendapat hasil yang cukup baik. Rebus buah Cermai dengan campuran daun Belimbing. Bidara Upas. Gadung Cing. dan gula. Kemudian minumlah secara rutin.

Berikut ini adalah Manfaat Cermai untuk kesehatan tubuh :

Manfaat buah cermai untuk Mengobati Sembelit
Manfaat buah cermai Untuk Mengatasi Asma
Manfaat buah cermai Untuk Meringankan Kanker
Manfaat buah cermai Untuk Menyehatkan Kulit
Manfaat buah cermai Untuk Pelangsing
Manfaat buah cermai untuk Menambah Kekebalan Tubuh

Manfaat buah cermai  Untuk Menyehatkan Tulang


小葉冷水麻(透明草)~功效与作用.Pilea microphylla medicinal uses.

學名:Pilea microphylla (L.) 中文学名
Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm.Artillery plant




() 癰瘡腫毒.無名腫毒 : 鮮小葉冷水麻全草搗爛.調紅糖少許.外敷患處。
() .燙傷 : 鮮小葉冷水麻全草適量.洗淨.搗爛絞汁.外塗患處

黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Black face general

刺果番荔枝葉的吃法和功效。 graviola leaves benefits Daun sersak.

忧遁草贫穷病人的救星。clinacanthus nutans snake plant anticancer,Sabah Snake Grass - Daun Belalai Gajah

Pilea microphylla also known as rockweed artillery plant, gunpowder plant or  brilhantina 
It has light green, almost succulent, stems and tiny 1/8" leaves which contribute to its other nickname, "Artillery Fern", though it is not related to ferns. It is grown as a ground cover in many areas.
– Entire plant infusion is used as a diuretic.
– Used for diarrhea and asthma.
– In the Antilles, sweetened decoction of roots used as diuretic.
– In Jamaica, entire plant used for women in labour; used for infertility and inflammation.
– In Brazil, used as a diuretic.
– In Guatemala, used for urinary problems.
– In Jamaican and Chinese medicine, used for diabetes.
– In western Panama, stem decoction drunk for diarrhea.
Study Findings
• Antioxidant / Radioprotective: An ethanolic extract of Pilea microphylla was found inhibit iron-induced lipid peroxidation. In screening for in vivo radioprotection in Swiss albino mice, it showed 80% protection. The fraction also protected livers of irradiated mice from depletion of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, provided general protection to the intestine from acute radiation effects.
• Non-Phenolic Antioxidant Activity: Results indicated that the antioxidant activity was not correlated with phenolic content and suggests that non-phenolic compounds may be responsible for the free radical scavenging activity.:。• Antibacterial: • Study found PM active against Staphylococcus aureus. • In one study, P. microphylla exhibited a variety of antimicrobial activity against pathogenic microorganisms. The majority of crude extracts were active against Gram-positive bacteria such as B. cereus, B. subtilis, and methicillin-resistant Staph aureus.
• Antioxidant: Screening study demonstrated P. microphylla contained different levels of total phenolic, total flavonoid and possessed diverse antioxidant properties. It was most potent when subjected to detailed free radical scavenging.
• Antioxidant / Antimicrobial / Toxicity Testing: In a testing of 9 extracts, the methanol extract showed the highest antioxidant activity. A chloroform extract showed highest total phenolic contents. An extract showed antibacterial activity against Gram+ and Gram- bacteria without antifungal and antiyeast activity. A hexane extract showed no toxicity against brine shrimp.
• Antidiabetic: Screening in alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed that Pilea microphylla had beneficial benefits on blood glucose levels in normal and diabetic rats and also demonstrated significant protection from other metabolic aberrations cause by alloxan.
• Antidiabetic: Study evaluated the antidiabetic potential of a flavonoid rich fraction in C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice. Study yielded flavonoids quercetin (reported DPP-IV inhibitor), rutin, chlorogenic acid (reported lipid lowering property) along with others (luteolin-7-O-glucoside, apigenin- 7-O-glucoside, isorhoifolin). An overall antidiabetic effect could be the result of a combination of several constituents acting in concert.

• Radioprotective / Cytoprotective / Antigenotoxicity: Study compared the cytoprotective and antigenotoxic activity of the polyphenolic fraction with its active polyphenolic constituents against g-radiation in V79 cells. Results showed radioprotection probably from a synergistic effect of the phytochemicals present in the herbal extract rather than any single component.• Phenolic Compounds and Prevention of Radiation-Induced DNA Damage / Antioxidant: Study yielded six phenolic compounds: quercetin-3-O-rutinoside 3-O-caffeoylquinic acid luteolin-7-O-glucoside apigenin-7-O-rutinoside apigenin-7-O-@b-d-glucopyranoside and quercetin. Pre-treatment with compounds 1-3 and 6 in V79 cells attenuated radiation-induced formation of reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, cytotoxicity and DNA damage, correlating the antioxidant activity of polyphenols with their radioprotective effects.


毛西番蓮~(野百香果)功效与作用. passiflora foetida uses.khasiat Buah Ulat Bulu.

Pokok Buah Ulat Bulu
毛西番蓮(學名:Passiflora foetida)又稱為小時計果、野百香果、龍珠果,常见于广西、广东、云南和台湾。毛西番蓮(Passiflora foetida)別名很多,有毛果西番蓮、龍珠果、龍爪瓜、毛蛉兒、小時計果、野百香果、龍吞珠,神仙果,番瓜子、番瓜子、香花果、天仙果、野仙桃、

毛西番蓮~(野百香果)功效与作用.  Passiflora foetida uses.khasiat  Buah Ulat Bulu.



  毛西番蓮的英文俗名是Herb of Tagua Passionflower,又稱Weed Passion FlowerHairy Passifolra。在中藥中名為龍珠果,是指西番蓮科植物的全株或果。夏末秋初時採收全株,洗凈,鮮用或曬乾。秋,冬季挖取根部,洗去泥紗,曬乾。

 叶及树脂中含黄酮类化合物,已确证的有:牡荆素(vitexin),异牡荆素(isovitexin),肥皂草苷(saponarin),荭草素(orientin),异荭草素(isoorientin),芹菜素-8-C-双葡萄糖苷(apigenin-8-C-diglucoside),霍香黄酮醇(pachypodol)4',7-O-二甲基柚素(4',7-O-dimethylnahringenin)3,5-二羟基-4,7-二甲氧基黄烷酮(3,5-dihydroxy-4,7-dimethoxynavanone)3,4'--O-甲基山奈酚(emanin-3,4'-di-O-methylkaempferol)5,3'-二羟基-74'-二甲氧基黄烷酮(5,3'-dihydroxy-7,4'-dimethoxyflavanone)5-羟基-7,4'-二甲氧基黄烷酮(5-hydroxy-7,4'-dimethoxynavanone)4'-O-甲基芹菜素(4'-O-methylapigenin)7,4'--O-甲基芹菜素(7,4'-di-O-methylapigenin)7,3,3'--O-甲基槲皮素(7,3,3'-tri-O-methylquercetin)7,3,4'--O-甲基槲皮素(7,3,4'-tri-O-methylquercetin)3,7,4'--O-甲基山茶酚(3,7,4'-tri-O-methyikaempferol)等。抗氧化剂,矿物质,维生素和纤维。种子油中富含亚麻酸(linolenic acid)和亚油酸(linoleic acid)





    1. 痈疽肿毒、疥疮、脚烂:


    2. 治肺热感冒:


    3. 治感冒发烧:


    4. 治痈疽:


    5. 治咳嗽:


百香果.女人,知道他的好处!吃过他,像疯了爱上他。Benefits of Pass

黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Blac

磨盘草(帽仔盾草)~功效与作用.lndian mallow Traditional medicinal uses (lndian Abutilon)Manfaat Kembang Sore .

彩叶草~神奇的功效与作用.Health Benefits of coleus plant. AJAIB DAUN MIANA.

Passiflora foetida (common names: wild maracuja, bush passion fruit,[1] marya-marya, wild water lemon,[2] stinking passionflower,[2] love-in-a-mist or running pop[2]
- Before maturity, the leaves and green fruit contain a cyanogenetic glucoside, and in excess can be dangerous to stock.
- Study yields maltol, phytosterols, cyanogenic glycoside, flavonoids and their glycosides.
- Phytochemical screening of leaves yielded sterols, polyterpenes, flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponosides. 
- Screening for nutritive value yielded crude protein (25.83 to 26.05%), crude fiber (9.55 to 9.61%), crude fat (2.87 to 2.98%), ash (28.55 to 28.84%), carbohydrate (40.46 to 40.69%), and moisture (1.79 to 1.96%). (20)
- Phytochemical screening of ethanol extract of leaves yielded saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, alkaloid, anthraquinones, steroid, and flavonoid. (20)foetida has yielded several active constituents like hydrocyanic acid, groups of flavonoids, harman alkaloids, passifloricins, α-pyrones, and vitexin. 
- Phytochemical screening yielded the presence of alkaloids, flavanoids, tannins, phenols, steroids, cardioglycosides, saponins and terpenoids. GC-MS analysis yielded 27 bioactive compounds in seed ethanolic extract of Passiflora foetida. (see study below) (30)
- Phytochemical screening of ethanol extract yielded saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, anthraquinones steroids, and flavonoid. (see study below) (31)
- Study for essential oil yielded 76 constituents with heahydrofarnesylacetaone (14.2%) as dominant compound. Other constituents in sizable amouns are ß-eudesmol (6.5%), germacrene D, caryophyllene oxide, and ß-cedrene. (36)

- Leaves and roots are emmenagogue.
- Flowers are pectoral.
- Studies have shown antibacterial, hepatoprotective, estrogenic, antioxidant, anti-osteoporotic, antidiabetic, antiproliferative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antiepileptic, antiulcer, nootropic, antihypertensive, anthelmintic, antidermatophytic properties.
Parts used
Leaves, fruits, and flowers.
The sweetish pulp is edible when ripe.
- Infusion of leaves and roots used for hysteria.
- Plant used for itchy conditions.
- Decoction of fruit used for asthma and biliousness.
- Decoction of leaves and roots used as emmenagogue.
- Fruit used as emetic.
- Leaves applied to the head for headaches and giddiness.
- In India, traditionally used for diarrhea, throat and ear infections, liver disorders, tumors, itches, fever and skin diseases and for wound dressing.- In Malaysia, used for treatment of asthma.
- In Argentina, used to treat epilepsy.- In Africa, used gas, colds, and pregnancy to keep the baby active.
- In French Guiana, decoction of leaf and bark mixed with the same of Annona glabra as anthelmintic for flatworms and nematodes. Decoction of fresh whole plant drunk as children's anthelmintic, for intestinal nematodes and flatworms. Decoction of dried plant used for colds and chest colds. In NW guyana, used for treatment of tuberculosis, worms, coughs and colds. (6) 
- In Brazil, used as lotion or poultice for erysipelas and skin diseases with inflammation. (7)
• Antibacterial / Leaves: Study of PF showed the leaf extracts to have remarkable activity against all four tested bacterial pathogens (Pseudomonas putida, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella flexneri, and Streptococcus pyogenes) compared to the fruit extracts. Study supports the traditional use of the herbal extracts against a variety of diseases – diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, ear and throat infections. (1)
• Antibacterial / Roots: Study for in vitro antibacterial activity of roots of P foetida showed the methanol extract to have significant activity against K pneumonia, P aeruginosa and E coli with levofloxacin, amikacin and sparfloxacin as standard antibiotics. (4) 
• Antiproliferative: One of nine selected Thai medicinal plants tested, the aerial parts of Passiflora foetida showed antiproliferative activity against SLBR3 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line. (2) 
• Hepatoprotective: The ethanolic extract of fruits of Passiflora foetida significantly reduced the biomarkers of hepatic injury (SGOT, SGPT, Alk Phos, GGTP). Results indicate the fruits of Pf possess hepatoprotective activity, a property that may be attributed to the presence of flavonoids. (3)
• Estrogenic Effects / Toxicity Study: Study evaluated oral acute toxicity and potential estrogenic activity of various extracts of Passiflora foetida leaves in female Wistar rats. Oral LD50 of three extracts were greater than 5000 mg/kg with no observed behavioral abnormality. Results showed an estrogenic effect with disruption followed by blockage of estrous cycle at the estrous phase, with uterotrophic activity and increase of 17ß estradiol-induced uterotrophic effect. (7)
• Analgesic / Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: An ethanolic extract of leaves showed highly significant analgesic activity and highly significant anti-inflammatory effect. (8)
• Neuroprotective Against Cerebral Ischemia: Study evaluated an alcoholic extract for neuroprotective effect against brain damage and impairment in cerebral ischemia induced by MCA occlusion in male Wistar rats. Results showed decreased brain infarct volume in both cortical and subcortical structures, together with enhancement of neurological score and improved sensory response to both mechanical and temperature stimuli. (9)
• Harmaline / Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Effect: Harmaline, a beta carboline alkaloid was extracted from Passiflora leaf material. Harmaline was found to have monoamine oxidase inhibitory effect, useful for antidepressant activity. Study presents an economic, rapid, and effective separation method of harmaline from Passiflora. (10) 
• Antiepileptic / Analgesic / Leaves: Study evaluated a leaf extract for antiepileptic and analgesic activity. A methanol extract of leaves showed dose-dependent anti-epileptic activity in Maximum electricshock induced and pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions. Extract showed good analgesic activity with peripheral and central nervous system mechanisms.• Antidepressant / Leaves: Study evaluated a methanolic extract of leaves for antidepressant activity in mice. Results showed dose-dependent decrease in immobility time in both tail suspension and forced swim tests, with effects comparable to fluoxetine and imipramine. Results showed antidepressant effects in vivo, with therapeutic interest for use in the treatment of patients with depressive disorders. 
• Antimicrobial: Study evaluated the antimicrobial activity of ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts of leaf, root, and fruits of P. foetida against various pathogenic microorganisms. Results showed both extracts to have broad spectrum activity and very effective activity against both gram positive and gram negative organisms. Disc diffusion study yielded secondary metabolities that showed potent inhibitory activity against multidrug resistant pathogenic microorganisms like S. aureus. (see constituents above) 
• Antihypertensive: Study evaluated various extracts of P. foetida for antihypertensive activity. An ethyl acetate extract showed significant anti-hypertensive activity, which may be due to activation of NO-dependent vasodilation and also due to the presence of flavonoids in the EA extract.   
• Memory Enhancement: Study evaluated the effect of P. foetida on spatial memory both in normal and cognitive deficit conditions. Results showed the Passiflora foetida extract is a potential cognitive enhancer in both normal and cognitive deficit conditions. However, the underlying mechanism and active ingredients have yet to be determined. 
• Antiulcer / Antioxidant: Study evaluated the effects of an ethanolic extract of whole plant on ethanol and aspirin-induced gastric ulcer models. Results showed significant reduction of ulcer index and significantly increased gastric pH of both ethanol and aspirin-induced ulcer rats. There was significant reduction in lipid peroxidation and increased in reduced glutathione levels. 

Letup-letup; istilah saintifik (Passiflora foetida) (lain-lain nama: maracuja liar, Buah markisa belukar,marya-marya, limau air liar,bunga markisa busuk,love-in-a-mist atau running pop
Pokok Buah Ulat Bulu – Passiflora foetida
Pokok ini merayap dan memanjat menggunakan sulur paut. Daun dan batangnya diselaputi bulu halus. Batang dan daunnya berminyak dan apabila tersentuh pokok ini mengeluarkan bau.

Buahnya kecil sebesar guli bewarna hijau dan apabila masak bertukar menjadi kuning. Ia diselaputi lapisan bersabut dan berbulu sebab itu ia dipanggil Buah Ulat Bulu. Isinya berbiji kecil diselaputi palpa yang rasa manis dan masam seperti buah markisa. Rasanya enak.

Pucuk pokok buah ulat bulu ini enak dimasak sayur air (sayur manis) yang dicampur dengan pucuk kayu manis, pucuk keledek dan lain-lain. Antara khasiatnya adalah ia boleh membuatkan anda merasa tenang.

Akarnya digunakan untuk melegakan kejang otot dan juga digunakan untuk tenangkan orang yang diserang histeria. Daun yang dilumatkan digunakan untuk mengurangkan bengkak apabila tercedera.


Buah, bunga dan daun mempunyai pelbagai ciri perubatan seperti diguna dalam bentuk losyen atau pes untuk penyakit keradangan kulit. Rendaman panas (Hot infusion) dari tumbuhan kering baik untuk kegunaan sakit tekak.

Daun mempunyai ciri-ciri perubatan dan digunakan dalam merawat tekanan perasaan (neurasthenia), tidak boleh tidur malam (insomnia), kedatangan haid terlalu awal (early menstruation), pembengkakan teramat disebabkan pembentungan air dalam sel (edema), gatal-gatal dan batuk.

Oeh kerana daun mengandungi bahan penenang maka rebusan airnya diberikan kepada pesakit histeria dan disapukan dibahagian kepala untuk meredakan pening dan sakit kepala. Air rebusannya juga digunakan untuk untuk meredakan masalah perut (biliousness) dan asma.

- Di India, secara tradisinya ia digunakan untuk cirit-birit, sakit tekak dan jangkitan telinga, gangguan hati, tumor, gatal-gatal, demam, penyakit kulit dan untuk pembalut luka.
- Di Malaysia, ia digunakan untuk merawat penyakit asma. 
- Di Argentina, ia digunakan untuk merawat penyakit sawan (epilepsy).

Bunga Passiflora adalah herba pilihan untuk merawat insomnia, ia membantu seseorang itu mendapat tidur yang lebih baik. Ia jg mempunyai kesan yang baik terhadap sistem saraf sekali gus mengurangkan tekanan.
PASSIFLORA SEBAGAI HERBA ANTI-KEKEJANGAN Passiflora adalah ubat penyembuh kesakitan, terutamanya kepada jenis penyakit saraf (neuralgic), ia turut melegakan kesakitan pada saraf dan kekejangan otot semasa haid (spasmodic dysmenorrhoea), kesakitan pada rektum, sakit jantung, muka dan lain-lain bentuk kesakitan kekejangan otot disepanjang urat (neuralgia).Ia mengelakkan terjadinya kesakitan dari tindak-balas reflex yang menyakitkan semasa kehamilan dan menopaus dan lain-lain bentuk kesakitan yang disertai atau tidak dengan tindakan kekejangan otot (spasmodic action). Sakit atau sakit saraf kepala, sakit kepala dari kelesuan (debility), atau dari kebengkakan serebrum sering dilegakan dengan Passiflora. Dalam semua kes seperti ini, ia menunjukkan kekurangan ketegangan otot normal (atony) dibeberapa bahagian atau fungsi.

Panduan rawatan

A. Gatal Pada Kulit
1. Ambil beberapa batang pokok ulat bulu. Pastikan anda mengambil seluruh bahagian pokok ulat bulu termasuklah bahagian akarnya sekali. 
2. Seperti biasa, bersihkanlah dulu keseluruhan bahagian pokok tersebut. 
3. Kemudian, rebuskan pokok ulat bulu sehingga mendidih. 
4. Setelah mendidih, biarkan air rebusan itu sehingga suam. 
5. Akhir sekali, sapukanlah air rebusan tersebut pada bahagian kulit anda yang terasa gatal.

B. Melegakan Batuk
1. Sama seperti langkah no. 1 hingga 4 untuk cara merawat gatal kulit di atas. 
2. Apa yang membezakannya, anda perlu minum air rebusan tu secara perlahan-lahan.

C. Merawat Luka
1. Dapatkan beberapa helai daun pokok ulat bulu. 
2. Bersihkan daun ulat bulu tadi dan lumatkannya. 
3. Bubuh atau tepek daun ulat bulu yang telah dilumatkan pada bahagian badan anda yang luka.

ambil pucuknya dan celurkan. kemudian buat ulam cicah budu. em...sedapnya..mansi-manis je rasanya. sebenarnya ia dapat mengurangkan rasa sakit jantung. nenek saya selalu amalkannya. saya dan adik pun sentap sama. tapi sekarang ni problem sebab susah nak cari.

Pokok letup-letup atau juga dikenali sebagai pokok ulat bulu merupakan tumbuhan liar yang sering dijumpai di kawasan semak samun atau dibatas-batas sungai. Pokok menjalar yang yang dikenali dalam nama saitifik, Passiflora foetida, ini berasal daripada Amerika selatan dan Barat India dan merupakan tumbuhan yang terkenal dikalangan penduduk kampung kerana pucuk daunnya boleh dijadikan ulam dan buahnya boleh dimakan.

Ini antara khasiatnya..

1. Saluran jantung tersumbat.
Ubat jantung, ambilkan empat 40 helai blander dijadikan jus. minum tanpa campur apa2. salah satu petua dan ubat untuk jantung kita Amalkan meminum air daun pokok ulat bulu dgn cara 'blender' daun yang muda dan dicampur dengan susu tepung. Daunnya boleh dibuat ubat sakit jantung dengan memakannya sebagai ulaman dan biasanya pagi-pagi dalam sehelai dua setelah dibersihkan terlebih dahulu.

2. Ubat penyakit asma
Ambil daun dan batangnya, rebus minum air dia atau ambilkan daunnya dicampur dengan kapur sirih lalu dihancurkan dengan menggunakan kedua-dua tapak tangan. basahkan dengan air. Selepas itu gumpalkan pada tapak tangan sehingga keluar air berwarna hijau keputih-putihan serta berbuih. sapukan bahagian dada, perut dan belakang.

3. Daunnya ubati kurap
Hancurkan daun dan letak dikurap

4. Turunkan suhu badan panas
Gunakan buahnya dengan cara makan tarus atau buat jus jika deman terutamanya kanak-kanak

5. Turunkan bacaan darah 
Amalkan air rebusan daun, buah dan akarnya. berfungsi cuci darah.

6. Masalah kencing kotor ketika hamil
Amalkan minum air rebusan pokok buah ulat bulu ni. Ambil dari akar sampai pucuknya.

7. Merawat kanser
Pucuknya yang muda dicampur dengan 4 biji beras dan tunas kunyit digiling dengan tempurung kelapa, sampai lumat kemudiannya ditampalkan pada bisul ataupun yang ada kenser payu dara insya Allah cepat sembuh.

8. Kekuningan pada bayi baru lahir
Ada kawan berbangsa cina bagitau pokok ni dijemur sampai kering pastu buat mandian utk bayi yang baru lahir.

Ambilkan akarnya dan akar samalu dan bakar kemudiannya abuknya campurkan dengan kapur sirih. Dan gaulkan menggunakan minyak kelapa. Kemudiannya gosuk pada kepala orang yang pingsan akibat gila babi. Cepat dia sedar.

10. Daunnya boleh guna untuk ubat jerawat.

11. Strok
Siew Ngan Chong: ya sadiah betul waktu aku sakit dulu senget mulut dulu aku memang minum dan makan sayur tu. tanaman ini bagus untuk nerve orang yang stroke. Amalkan, iya sangat membantu.

12. Untuk cerdas dan cergas.
Saya masukan dalam cawan/ gelas campur air + limau nipis, gula ckit.

13. Merawat pasang surut (Hernia).

14. Mengubati kencing manis
Batang dan akarnya direbus, minum sehari 3x, amalkan selalu.

15. Sakit sendi lutut (ATHRITIS)
Gumpalkan daun dengan kapur makan, tampalkan pada lutut

16. Kencing tidak lawas
Minum air rebusan daun ulat bulu.

17. Menurunkan kolestrol
Dengan cara memakan daunnya 2 helai sekali makan dan tiga kali sehari

18. Merawat darah tinggi dan kecing manis
Rebus daunnya dan minum air.

19. Untuk tambah darah
Untuk tambah darah bagi mereka yang kurang darah, buang daun dan buah tu. masakkan batangnya sahaja dan air tu diminum. selalu amalkan meminum air rebusan tu, in sha Allah darah akan bertambah.
20. Kes pesakit talesamia 
Minum air rebusan daun, darah dalam badan akan bertambah. kulit dan muka tidak kelihatan pucat.

21. Penawar untuk termakan racun
Sepohon pokok ini termasuk akarnya boleh juga jadi penawar untuk orang yang termakan racun dan orang yang keracunan makanan

Lepas makan buah ini tidak boleh minum kopi ya. Pernah terjadi keracunan

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
