
蛇莓~( 蛇泡草)的功效。Mock strawberry~ (Duchesnea indica ) medicinal uses.





水果和叶子已被证明含有:苹果酸,柠檬酸,类黄酮,类胡萝卜素和萜类化合物,糖,维生素C,花青素,叶酸, 镁,铜。



  • 天行熱盛,口中生瘡:蛇莓自然汁,搗絞一斗,煎取五升,稍稍飲之。
  • 蛇咬傷:蛇咬后,立即用新鮮的蛇莓搗爛敷在傷處,有很好的止血作用。(摘自《江西民间草药》咬傷,毒蟲咬傷:鮮蛇莓草,搗爛敷患處。)
  • 傷暑、感冒:干蛇莓25-40克,酌加水煎,日服二次。(摘自《福建民間草藥》)
  • 吐血咯血:鮮蛇莓草100-150克,搗爛絞汁一杯,冰糖少許燉服。(摘自《閩東本草》)
  • 咽喉腫痛:鮮蛇莓草燉湯內服及漱口。(摘自《閩東本草》)
  • 痢疾:鮮蛇莓全草50克,水煎服。(摘自江西《草藥手冊》)

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Duchesnea indica (sometimes called Potentilla indica), known commonly by the names mock strawberry, Indian strawberry, or false strawberry.The appearance of the snakeberry is very similar to the strawberry we usually eat, so it evokes the curiosity of many people.

mock strawberry  is a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine. If you high body temperature ,traditional Chinese medicine usually boil mock strawberry leaf for  drink, lt can achieve the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, and has a good effect on sore throat.

Snakeberry grows in the wild. Fruits and leaves  contain: malic acid, citric acid, flavonoids, carotenoids and terpenoids, sugar, vitamin C, anthocyanins, folic acid, magnesium, copper.It is used commercially on a small scale for gourmets and as a component of commercial jams, sauces, liqueurs, cosmetics and alternative medicine. Fruit has been used to condition and whiten skin against wrinkles and freckles.

Traditional Chinese  used mock strawberry for bring down heat of body, cooling blood, reduce swelling, detoxification. The Folk medicine Treatment of fever, epilepsy, cough, vomiting blood, sore throat, dysentery, carbuncles, hemorrhoids, snake bites, burns. 

The toxins of snake berry are rare, but if you eat a lot, I believe it will affect the body. The snakes like to rest underneath it. Most of the snakes and stalks have serpent spit. The snake's saliva is poisonous. The main ones are: 1. Blood circulation toxins. 2, neurotoxins. After poisoning, the first thing is feel muscle weakness, soreness,and severe damage to the heart and kidneys.

Modern medicine has also found that snake berry contains a small amount of toxins. The most important thing is that snake berry has also been found to contain anti-cancer and anti-tumor substances, and is now often used in the treatment of various neoplastic diseases, hepatitis, leukopenia, etc. Clinical treatment.

In Campania, Italy, leaf infusions are used as appetizers.Used in folk medicine elsewhere, for diabetes, Cancun, hypertension, tuberculosis, cancer and genitourinary problems.

 Take 100-150 grams of fresh snake berry grass,  smashed add a little  rock sugar , Stir  and drink.It can Treat high body temperature  , flu, and sore throat.



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你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
