茑萝松(Ipomoea quamoclit,英文:cypress vine)茑萝又叫 密萝松,俗称五角星花、狮子草等,原产墨西哥,
含羞草.99%的人不知道他的功效..Mimosa pudica health benefits. Putri Malu。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUYfWYCq8Y4&index=1&list=PL4c3e0_XRdU_oWpj6BHeYipYWa7k8qgkj
黃花酢醬草的功效与作用.Oxalis corniculata uses.Manfaat Tanaman Semanggi。
(生姜)神奇秘方,治水咳,脾胃不好.一步一步做给你看。DIY. Treat flu ,Cold cough. The Making of Ginger Juice.
上帝赐给人类的避难草.(白茅草)Cogon grass~(Imperata cylindrica)。Manfaat Alang - Alang .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Iy83BNErg&lc=z23tflirfovst3unracdp434robujbbjzekpnnfc1qdw03c010c.1539516427153747
穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi。
Ipomoea quamoclit English common name (cypress vine, cypressvine morning glory, cardinal creeper, cardinal vine, star glory or hummingbird vine)
Leaves are reported to contain small amounts of alkaloids.
Traces of hydrocyanic acid are also present in roots, stems and flowers.
- Resin glycoside (convolvulin) fraction of the seeds provided five new glycosidic acids, quamoclinic acids B, C, D, E, and F, along with six organic acids, isobutyric, 2S-methylbutyric, tiglic, 2R,3R-nilic, 7S-hydroxydecanoic, and 7S-hydroxydodecanoic acids. (See studies below) (3)
- Phytochemical analysis of whole plant yielded alkaloids, carbohydrates, saponns, phytosterols, phenolic compounds, tannins flavonoids, proteins, amino acids, terpenoids, gums and mucilages.
- Resin glycoside (convolvulin) fraction of the seeds provided five new glycosidic acids, quamoclinic acids B, C, D, E, and F, along with six organic acids, isobutyric, 2S-methylbutyric, tiglic, 2R,3R-nilic, 7S-hydroxydecanoic, and 7S-hydroxydodecanoic acids. (See studies below) (3)
- Phytochemical analysis of whole plant yielded alkaloids, carbohydrates, saponns, phytosterols, phenolic compounds, tannins flavonoids, proteins, amino acids, terpenoids, gums and mucilages.
- In the Philippines, leaves are used as poultices for bleeding hemorrhoids.。- Crushed leaves used for carbuncles.
- Seeds reportedly used as laxative by the Sino-Annamites.。- In Queensland, used as purgative, as snuff, and for snake bites.
-In Queensland, used as purgative, as snuff, and for snake bites.
- In Spain, powdered roots used as sternutatory; pounded leaves used for hemorrhoids, ulcers and breast pain.- In Brazil, aerial parts used as depurative or antibiotic.
- Kani tribe in Kerala, apply leaf paste over the throat for splinters. (6)
- In the Antilles, roots are considered an effective sternutatory and the latex used for coryza.
- In Siddha medicine, leaves used for piles and diabetes; the leaf and 。 decoction used for fever.
- In Ayurveda, leaves are used for stabilizing the gravid uterus.
- Seeds reportedly used as laxative by the Sino-Annamites.。- In Queensland, used as purgative, as snuff, and for snake bites.
-In Queensland, used as purgative, as snuff, and for snake bites.
- In Spain, powdered roots used as sternutatory; pounded leaves used for hemorrhoids, ulcers and breast pain.- In Brazil, aerial parts used as depurative or antibiotic.
- Kani tribe in Kerala, apply leaf paste over the throat for splinters. (6)
- In the Antilles, roots are considered an effective sternutatory and the latex used for coryza.
- In Siddha medicine, leaves used for piles and diabetes; the leaf and 。 decoction used for fever.
- In Ayurveda, leaves are used for stabilizing the gravid uterus.
• New Glycosidic Acids: Study isolated two new glycosidic acids, quamoclinic acids G and H from the glycosidic acid fraction. (2)
• Glycosidic Acids: Alkaline hydrolysis of the ether-insoluble resin glycoside (convolvulin) fraction of the seeds yielded five new glycosidic acids, quamoclinic acids B, C, D, E, and F along with six organic acids. Quamoclinic acids E and F are the first examples of heptaglycosides of glycosidic acid. (See constituents above) (3)
• Anti-Diabetic: Study evaluated the anti-diabetic activity of whole plant of I. quamoclit against STZ-induced diabetic rats. A hydroalcoholic extract of whole plant showed significant reduction in blood glucose.
• Glycosidic Acids: Alkaline hydrolysis of the ether-insoluble resin glycoside (convolvulin) fraction of the seeds yielded five new glycosidic acids, quamoclinic acids B, C, D, E, and F along with six organic acids. Quamoclinic acids E and F are the first examples of heptaglycosides of glycosidic acid. (See constituents above) (3)
• Anti-Diabetic: Study evaluated the anti-diabetic activity of whole plant of I. quamoclit against STZ-induced diabetic rats. A hydroalcoholic extract of whole plant showed significant reduction in blood glucose.
Deskripsi Tanaman Rincik Bumi
Nama Daerah Tanaman Rincik Bumi
Rincik bumi, Sangga Langit, Bunga Tali-tali, Katilan
Tanaman rincik bumi adalah merambat yang sering kita jumpai di sekitar kita. Tanaman rincik bumi ini dapat ditemukan di halaman depan rumah, pinggir jalan, daerah tepi hutan, dan lain-lain. Nama latin tanaman rincik bumi adalah Ipomoea Quamoclit L. sedangkan dalam bahasa inggris tanaman rincik bumi ini memiliki nama Cypress Vine, Cardinal Climber, dan Star Glory. Ciri-ciri tanaman rincik bumi ini memiliki bentuk daun seperti jarum yang bergerombol serta bunga yang berwarna merah yang berbentuk bulat memanjang. andungan Tanaman Rincik Bumi
Tanaman rincik bumi mengandung flavonoid tanin, saponin tanin, dan flavonoid saponin.
Manfaat dan Khasiat Tanaman Rincik Bumi Bagi Kesehatan
- Tanaman rincik bumi berguna untuk menurunkan panas.
- Tanaman rincik bumi digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit wasir
- Tanaman rincik bumi berkhasiat untuk mengobati sakit wasir berdarah (hemorrhoid).
- Tanaman rincik bumi bermanfaat untuk menyembuhkan sakit borok.
5 Tanaman rincik bumi untuk mengobati luka koreng
Menurunkan panas. Atau juga perdarahan pada wasir (hemorrhoid), caranya: rebus 6 – 9 gr daun Rincik Bumi, minum atau gunakan untuk mencuci bagian yang sakit. Untuk pemakaian luar lumatkan daun, peras airnya, gunakan untuk mencuci bagian yang sakit.
Sedangkan obat wasir dengan materi alami. Pertama, panaskan 750 ml air memakai api kecil. Masukkan 9 gram daun rincik bumi ke dalamnya, tunggu hingga airnya berkurang 250 ml. Setelah air menjadi dingin, sebagian diminum dan sisanya dipakai untuk mencuci bab tubuh yang bermasalah. Atau sebagai obat luar, anda sanggup menerapkan daun katilan pada area yang sakit. Tentu saja sesudah melumatkan daunnya terlebih dahulu.