
山黃麻的功效與作用.Trema orientalis medicinal uses。Manfaat Tumbuhan Anggrung.

   拉丁学名:Trema orientalis
别名  麻桐树、麻络木、山麻、母子树、麻布树 ,山麻木

药材鉴别 性状鉴别 叶多皱缩,展平后,完整者呈卵形、卵状披针形或披针形,长618cm,先端长渐尖,基部心形或近截形,常稍斜,基部3出脉明显,边缘有小锯齿,上面有短硬毛而粗糙,下面密被淡黄色柔毛。质脆。气微,味涩。   


性味功能  味涩,微苦,性平。凉


  1. 山黄麻叶:止血。主外伤出血。
  2. 山黄麻根:散瘀,消肿,止血。跌打瘀肿。
  3. 山黄麻:散瘀消肿;止痛。主跌打损伤;瘀肿疼痛;腹痛

用法用量 内服:煎汤,1020g。外用:鲜品适量,捣烂敷或擦;压汁滴耳。   

主治用法  主治跌打瘀肿,外伤出血。多外用,捣烂敷或研粉敷患处。
参考配方  跌打瘀肿:山黄麻根皮捣烂,酒炒,外敷患处。


主治 主治兵洞烘洞飞暖(皮肤瘙痒,斑疹,疥癣,湿疹)兵洞飞暖龙(疔疮痈疖脓肿)埋蒙罕贺(漆树过敏)兵乎暖勒(耳痈流脓血)(咳嗽)习哈(腹泻呕叶)

Family: Cannabaceae
Common names: trema, pigeon wood (Eng.); hophout (Afr.); umVumvu, umVangazi, uPhakane (Xhosa); umSekeseke, umBhangabhanga, ifamu, iphubane, isikhwelamfene, ubathini, umbokhangabokhanga, umcebekhazana, umdindwa, umvangazi (Zulu); umBalalaqane 

- Bark contains a little tannin. - Study isolated three new compounds (dihydrophenanthrenes and phenyldihydroisocoumarin) from the extracts of trunk bark and root bark. - Study yielded the presence of tannins and phenolic compounds, fixed oils, fats, phytosterols, and flavonoids. Study yielded 8 compounds: ampelopsin F, (-) epicatechin, (+)-catechin, (+) syringaresinol, cinnamic acid among others.
- Study of extracts of trunk and root barks isolated 16 compounds, among them Methylswertianin, decussatin, glycosides of decussatin, sweroside, scopoletin, (-)- epicatechin, lupeol, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3,4-dihydroxy- benzoic acid, adian -5-en-3-one, 2a, 3a, 23-trihydroxyurs- 12-en-28-oic acid, 2a, 3b-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, b-sitosterol, 3-Ob-glucopyranosyl -b-sitosterol and hexa- cosanoic acid. (1)
- Study isolated from stem-bark of TO a new pentacyclic triterpenoid alcohol, trematol. (3)
- Phytochemical screening of powdered sample of plant yielded alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and cardiac glycosides. Proximate analysis yielded crude protein 4.20 ±1.00%, crude fiber 13.00 ±1.00%, ether extract 12.00 ±10.00%, ash 8.00 ±1.00%, dry Matter 89.00 ±10.00%. (22 )
- Studies have shown antibacterial, glucose-lowering, anticonvulsive, , analgesic, anti-inflammatry, iron- chelating properties. Studies have shown that antibacterial, reducing glucose, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, iron chelation properties. Parts used Bark, wood.
Uses Edibility

• Leaves and fruit reported eaten in African countries. • Young leaves eaten as spinach by the Zulus. Folkloric In the Philippines, juice obtained from macerating the soft wood is used for poulticing swellings. • Fruit, leaves, bark, stems, twigs and seeds Are used in traditional East and West Africa, Tanzania and Madagascar medicine. • Leaves and bark used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis, toothache, sore throat. Also used for gonorrhea, yellow fever, and as antidote to poisoning. • Bark infusion used • thysentery. • Stem bark used as vermifuge. • Leaves and bark are used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis, toothache, sore throat. Also used as an antidote to gonorrhea, yellow fever and poisoning. • Bark infusion for dysentery. • Stems are used as insect repellents. • In Cote-d'Ivoire, leaf decoction used for hypertension. In Côte d'Ivoire, leaf soup is used to treat high blood pressure. • In southwest Nigeria, bark used as hematinic. Decoction of a mixture of T. orientalis bark, X. aethiopica fruits, T. alnifolia bark , and H. madagascariensis bark drunk twice daily for anemia.
• Zulus use the roots and bark as traditional medicine.

- Veterinary: Leaf decoction used to deworm dogs.
- Fodder: Leaves, pods, and seeds used as fodder. In the Philippines, fed to cattle, goats, and water buffalo. High fiber content and toxins limit the use of leaf meal in feeds—the limitation can be overcome by extracting protein from (19) - Fuel: Coppices to provide for firewood and charcoal. (19) - Fiber: Appropriate for paper and pulp production. Paper has good tensile strength and folding endurance. (19) Studies
• Ethnobotanical Study / Blood Pressure Lowering: Trema orientalis was one of 33 species of plants used for treatment of hypertension. Used as a leaf decoction, its effect was attributed to polyphenols, potassium retention and the promotion of diuresis. (4)• Anti- Convulsive Effect: Study of a methanol extract from dried leaves showed anticonvulsive activity on tonic flexion and tonic extension. (6) • Glucose-Lowering: Study was done on the glucose-lowering effect of the aqueous stem bark extract in normal and streptozotocin-induced Results showed T. orientalis stem bark extract significantly reduced blood glucose in STZ-induced diabetic rats by a mechanism different from the of sulfonylurea agents.

Spesies       : Trema orientalis
Tumbuhan ini dalam bahasa jawa dikenal Anggrung, Bengkire bahasa Aceh, Bongkoreyon bahasa Batak, Mangkirai bahasa Minangkabau, dan Kuray dalam bahasa Sunda.
Kandungan Kimia
Adapun kandungan yang terdapat pada tumbuhan ini memiliki beberapa bahan kimia di antaranya saponin, flavonoid, dan polifenol. dan berkhasiat sebagai obat antidiare dan antispasmodik.

Bagian daun anggrung dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengobati beberapa penyakit sebagai berikut.

  • Mengobati batuk 
    Cara pengolahannya : Cuci bersih 10 gr daun anggrung segar lalu rebus dengan 2-3 gelas air selama 25 menit. Setelah dingin saring, buat menjadi 2 gelas. lalu minum saat pagi dan sore hari. 
  • Diare

  • Cuci berish 8 gram daun segar, campur dengan 2 gelas air, lalu rebus. Setelah 25 menit, saring, dan buat menjadi 2 gelas. Minumlah 2 kali sehari di waktu pagi dan sore hari masing-masing satu gelas.
  • Masuk Angin, Nyeri Perut dan disentri 
    Cuci bersih 5 gram akar, campur dengan 2 gelas air, lalu rebus. Setelah 25 menit. dinginkan rebusan, lalu saring dan buat menjadi 2 gelas. Minum 2 kali sehari di waktu pagi dan sore hari masing-masing satu gelas. 



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
