發現酸溜溜的小果實,維他命C含量,竟然是目前眾多水果類之冠。 果實含有大量維他命C.此外果實可加工製成各種食品,如果凍、果汁、果糊、調製雞尾酒等
西印度樱桃果实 具有抗氧化劑、抗黴菌有幫助对痢疾、腹泻、肝病等有较好的辅助疗效
西印度樱桃含有維生素C.成熟/成熟越多,其中的維生素C就越少。 相反,最好在年輕時吃水,當水果仍然是綠色時。
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This is Barbados Cherry.This kind of cherry has more than 100 varieties in the world. Its use value is also different.Other common names: Acerola, Barbados cherry, Jamaican cherry, Puerto Rican cherry。
Barbados Cherry contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc., various vitamins and minerals.It also contains phytonutrients that are very beneficial to the human body.Eating two fruits a day is enough for the vitamin C content your body needs.Don't underestimate its small size, its vitamin C content is one of the champions of many fruits.
The fruit with lighter color has twice the vitamin C content than the deep red。A Barbados Cherry fruit, compared to guava, has a vitamin C that is 50 times higher.Compared with citrus, its vitamin C is 80 times higher.Barbados Cherry can be processed into a variety of foods, such as: jelly, juice, fruit paste, prepared into a cocktail.
Barbados Cherry fruit have anti-oxidation and anti-microbial effects, and has good auxiliary effects on dysentery, diarrhea and liver diseases.
Barbados Cherry fruit contains high iron and is more suitable for pregnant women. It can effectively promote the regeneration of hemoglobin and also improve the anemia of pregnant women.
In Chinese medicine, Babardos Cherry when consume can increase body temperature fruit, so a person who is often feel hot, a nosebleed and a dry cough is not suitable for excessive consumption.
Babardos Cherry contains anthocyanins, and experiments have shown that anthocyanins can inhibit and alleviate certain types of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation, bacterial infections and nerve damage, including neurasthenia types, central nervous and cerebral nerves.
Barbados cherries contain higher levels of protein, carotene, sugar, phosphorus and vitamin C than apples and pears.Especially iron, can effectively improve the skin, can remove wrinkle and spots, make the face skin more shiny and rosy.
If you have Parkinson's disease, your heart beats irregularly, you get cancer, or you have over 60 years old, don't know what fruit to eat, you can choose Barbados Cherry, not more than 12 a day, for health care, very good for body cells and nerves. Great help and improvement.
Kepadatan Vitamin C Acerola – Nilai Tinggi Anti-Oksidan. Acerola sarat kandungan vitamin C. Semakin matang/ranum, semakin kurang vitamin C di dalamnya. Justru, lebih baik di petik untuk di makan ketika masih muda, ketika buah masih berwarna hijau.
Jadi sapa2 yang selsema tu boleh lah makan buah nie sebab mampu mempercepat penyembuhan , dan yang lebih terkenal meningkatkan kesehatan otak atau mencegah Parkinson’s disease. unia.
Digalakkan Buah ini sesuai dimakan oleh orang-orang tua, wanita-wanita yang hamil, mereka yang berdiet, mereka yang memakan ubatan, perokok, peminum dan mereka yang terdedah pada kawasan-kawasan yang tercemar kerana kebolehannya dalam mengubati sel-sel badan.
Kajian yang tersiar dalam jurnal “Food Science and Technology International” dan “Plant Foods and Human Nutrition” menyatakan, Acerola muda, yakni belum matang/ranum, memiliki lebihan vitamin C, kandungan “polyphenol” didalamnya melebihi kira-kira 2 kali ganda, lebih berkemampuan melindungi DNA tubuh dari ancaman radikal bebas.