Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng.
别 称
药用功 效:泻火退热,止咳平喘;主 治:用于热病,发热;性味归经:苦、寒。入肺、胃、膀胱三经;用法用量:内服:煎汤,6-9克;中药化学成分:果实含玉蕊宁barringtonin、玉蕊醇R1,R2 (R1R2-barringgenol )。
玉蕊根可退热,果实可止咳。 5.藥用:性味:根:苦、涼。效用:根:清熱。治熱病發熱;葉:袪濕止癢。治皮膚搔癢,水痘;果實:止咳平喘,止瀉。治咳嗽,哮喘,腹瀉;種子:清熱利濕,退癀,止痛。治目赤腫痛,黃膽,腹痛,疝氣。
在马来西亚,幼嫩的嫩枝和叶子作为蔬菜生吃,具有药用价值。 在马来西亚,用作抗炎和抗癌。 叶子用于治疗高血压。 - 在南非,祖鲁人用这种水果来治疗疟疾。 研究表明抗肿瘤活性。
穗花棋盘脚树 大约50种品种
穗花,棋盘脚果肉在作为配菜吃之前需要去皮和切片。 水果还可用于预防皮肤刺激和治疗某些类型的皮肤病。
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Barringtonia asiatica
Common Names : Fish Poison Tree, Fish-killer Tree, Beach Barringtonia, Putat Gajah, Mindilla, Sea Putat, Barringtonia, Butun, Butong, Pertun, Putat Laut
- Seeds are used in colic and ophthalmia.
- Bark and leaves are used for rat and snake bits, on boils and gastric ulcers.
- Pulverized fruit used as snuff for hemicrania; combined with other remedies, applied for skin affections.
- Seeds, given with milk, used for colic; also used for parturition.
- Powdered fruit used as snuff to clear the nostrils; also applied externally, in combination with other remedies, for throat and skin eruptions.
- In Kerala, India, seeds traditionally used to treat cancer-type diseases.
- In Malaysia, used as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. Leaves used to treat high blood pressure.
- Bark and leaves are used for rat and snake bits, on boils and gastric ulcers.
- Pulverized fruit used as snuff for hemicrania; combined with other remedies, applied for skin affections.
- Seeds, given with milk, used for colic; also used for parturition.
- In Kerala, India, seeds traditionally used to treat cancer-type diseases.
- In Malaysia, used as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. Leaves used to treat high blood pressure.
The plant contains a toxin called saponin, concentrated mainly in the seeds but also found in other parts of the plant. According to Burkill, the leaves are used in a poultice for itching and chicken-pox, as well as to treat sore throats. The young leaves are eaten raw in Eastern Malaysia, and in the Philippines the fruits are used to poison wild pigs.
Fish poison: Bark is used as a fish poison. Seeds are used for intoxicating fish. Fruits reportedly used to poison wild pigs.
- Illuminant: Oil from the seed used as illuminant.
- Wood: In some places, used for making native huts. Light and soft, it is used for light construction, moldings, interior finish, house utensils, boxes, crates and wooden pallets.
- Fiber: Fibers used in making particle board and block board. Used for the production of pulp. In Kenya, bark utilized as cordage.
- Fuel: Provides suitable firewood.
- Tannin or dyestuff: Bark yields tannin
• Anti-Tumor / Non-Toxic: Study of methanolic seed extract on mice challenged with Dalton's Lymphoma Ascitic cells showed remarkable dose-dependent anti-DLA activity in mice in an efficacy better than standard drug, vincristine. The extract seemed devoid of acute and short-term toxicity.
Buahnya mempunyai rasa kelat dan perlu dikopek kemudian dihiris sebelum dimakan sebagai ulam. Buah putat juga boleh digunakan untuk mencegah kegatalan kulit dan mengubati beberapa jenis penyakit kulit.
Pucuknya yang dimakan sebagai ulam adalah baik untuk kesihatan kulit, dan melancarkan perjalanan darah. Putat adalah herba yang sesuai diamalkan untuk awet muda. Buahnya yang diparut dan dijadikan jus ataupun ditampalkan pada bahagian muka boleh melicinkan kulit. Akar putat yang direbus, diminum air rebusannya dipercayai boleh mengurangkan keputihan dan boleh menyejukkan badan kerana ia mengandungi saponin.
.Pegawai Pusat Sumber Genetik Tumbuhan, Institut Biosains Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), En.Tajuddin Abdul Manap memberitahu, ulam pucuk putat mampu memulihara kulit daripada penyakit gatal.
Buahnya pula yang mempunyai rasa kelat perlu dikopek dan dihiris-hiris sebelum dimakan begitu saja atau dibuat sambal.“Buah putat ini juga mencegah serangan gatal-gatal di samping boleh mengubati beberapa penyakit kulit lain,” katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.