
山菅兰(桔梗蘭)的用处和毒性。Dianella ensifolia Plants。 Khasiat dan Kegunaan Rumput Siak-Siak .


Dianella ensifolia (L.)DC.
,文:Campanula Orchid、Swordleaf Dianella  。Dianella tasmanica, commonly known as the Tasman Flax lily , Tasmanian Flax lily , Blue flax lily (Dianella),Dianella Tasmanica,Otway Flax Lily。




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Hi,everyone,I am Yes.More than a thousand years ago, humans have long known that poisonous plants are used to attack poisons and exert their medicinal properties.This method of attacking the virus is quite fast for bacterially infected skin diseases.

This is Dianella Ensifolia.Commonly known as the Tasman Flax lily , Tasmanian Flax lily , Blue flax lily (Dianella),Dianella Tasmanica,Otway Flax Lily。This plant likes to grow on hillsides, or on mountains.It is sweet and acrid flavor,warm in nature, very toxic.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of detoxification and detumescence.

Its leaves can be used to treat snake wounds, and its roots and stems can be ground into powder to treat skin abscesses, ringworm, and lymphadenitis.

The whole plant is poisonouus, especially the underground stem sap is the strongest.If accidentally ingested, it can cause loss of appetite, diarrhea, or nerve atrophy. Severe conditions can lead to dyspnea and death.If an animal eats it by mistake, it can lead to death.

In ancient times, the elderly living on the mountain would use its leaves and stems to make a paste, and put it into the rice, or put it on a rice bowl, and dried it as a rat poison.

In China and Thailand, some seniors and some old people use the leaves, roots and stems to burn into ash and make ointments to treat sores, pruritus, herpes sores and rheumatism.

In Indonesian folks, some elderly people use its roots, boil and take them to treat kidney stones.It can even treat women with vaginal discharge and difficulty in defecation.

If a person eats it by mistake, it can cause hiccups and even death due to difficulty breathing.In Guangzhou, herbalists introduced that its treatment method is to gavage fresh duck blood or fresh sheep blood until vomiting the poison to reduce body poisoning.

That's it for today, see you next time.Thank you.

Khasiat dan Kegunaan: 

Akar pokok siak yang telah dikeringkan dikunyah atau pes akarnya yang segar disapu pada perut bagi merawat kecacingan. Pokok herba ini dikatakan dapat mengubati penyakit batu karang dengan meminum air rebusan akarnya. Air rebusan tumbuhan ini juga digunakan untuk perawatan selepas bersalin. Abu akar dan daun pokok siak digunakan sebagai ubat sapu untuk merawat bisul, gatal, juandis, kudis herpes dan sakit urat. Rizom pokok siak ditumbuk dan digaul bersama nasi, jagung atau bahan makanan lain digunakan sebagai umpan untuk membunuh tikus.

 The ashes of the roots and leaves are applied as an ointment for treating boils, itch, jaundice, herpes sores and rheumatism
The whole plant is an ingredient in a treatment for chronic infections of the skin

Other Uses
The juice from the berries is a source of a pale blue dye

The pounded fresh rhizome, mixed with rice, is roasted and used for killing mice and rats

The aromatic rhizomes and roots are ingredients in cosmetics and perfume
The leaves are boiled and used for fumigations (incense)
- Poultices of roots applied to the abdomen as vermifuge.
- Used for dysentery.
- Roots used as postpartum tonic. Also used for leucorrhea and dysuria.
- Ashes of roots and leaves are ingredients in an ointment for herpes.
- Leaves used for poulticing wounds.
- In China, paste of plant applied to swellings.
- In Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, plant used for fatigue. In Indonesia, used for gastrointestinal infections, herpes, urogenital disorders, and skin infections. 
- In southern Thailand, roots used for kidney diseases. Preparations from whole plant used to relieve paralysis.
- In Indonesia, dried roots are chewed for deworming.
- Poultice of roots applied externally to the abdomen as vermifuge.
- Ashes of roots and leaves applied as ointment to treat boils, itches, herpetic sores and rheumatism.
- In Thailand, roots used for kidney diseases.
- Dry powdered rhizomes blended with vinegar applied locally for furunculosis and abscesses, lymphangitis, tuberculous lymphadenitis, tinea and traumatic injuries.
- In Malaysia, roots mixed with resin of Styrax and used as incense in healing and other rituals.
- In Madagascar, roots used for abdominal pain.
- Skin pigmentation: An ingredient in skin cream preparations as antioxidant and to reduce hyperpigmentation. Also used in skin whitening preparations.
- Poison: Reported use of roots as rat poison.
- Fumigant: Roots used for fumigation.
- Ceremonial Incense: Used as incense in Torajanese funeral ceremonies in South Central Celebes.



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