
好吃的榴莲会变到不好吃 ! 为什么?传家告诉你!Is there really a secret to choosing delicious durian? Rahsia memilih durian yang sedap?

如何挑一个榴莲果肉多还是少? 如何选择比较容易开的榴莲? 今天我要告诉您七个原因,会影响榴莲果肉质量,是很多会吃榴莲的人都不知道的。看了这个视频,你就明白为什么会买到不会很好吃的榴莲回家?
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Is there really a secret to choosing a delicious durian ? In the market, you can see that many people are like this, sniffing durian.Use it to shake and listen.Can this method really select a delicious durian?

Today I want to tell you seven reasons that will affect the quality of durian.People call it durian head or durian tail, that is, when the durian starts to fall, the first one to 20th are called durian head.

The durian tail is what the durian on the durian tree is about to finish. The remaining twenty are called durian tails.

1.The quality of durian between durian head and durian tail may vary greatly.

2.If the root of durian tree is run over or cut, it will affect the quality of the pulp.

3.Incorrect fertilization will affect the quality of the pulp.

4.The influence of the weather, whether it is heavy rain or sun exposure for several days, will affect the quality of the pulp.

5.When the durian blooms, there are many animals that interfere, generally seen are squirrels and monkeys.When the durian is about to mature, the aroma lures the squirrel or monkey to eat, causing the durian to fall, so the quality of the pulp is also affected.

6.The timing of the durian drop is different. If the durian on the top is dropped, the unripe durian underneath will also be dropped. The durian that has been dropped has half-ripe pulp, which is one of the reasons for the quality impact.

7.The pesticide sprayed around the durian tree will also affect the quality of the pulp if it penetrates into the root of the durian tree.

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