拉丁学名:Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith
科 属:姜科姜属
用 途:根茎能祛风解毒,治肚痛、腹泻,并可提取芳香油作调合香精原料;嫩茎叶可当蔬菜。
【来 源】:为双子叶植物药姜科姜属植物红球姜的根茎。
【功 效】:活血祛瘀、行气止痛、温中止泻、消积导滞。
【主 治】:用治肝气郁滞引起的各种瘀血症;治气滞胃痛、腹痛、等;治中焦虚寒引起...
. Zingiber Zerumbet Smith brought all of it back, and after a lifetime of straight hair actually made it curly and lots thicker. I deduced that any herb that could have such an effect on hair, as well as fingernails (mine got much stronger on the powder) must have other wonderful effects on the body. So I Googled it and saw scientific evidence that explained why it improved my general health so much. I believe this herb is one reason I am still alive after being poisoned by Aldara.
Following are a few excerpts from the scientific data as reported on the above website:
- Suppresses free radical generation
- Anti-inflammatory
- Suppresses cancer cell proliferation accompanied by apoptosis
- Counters HIV activity
- Treatment for leukemia
- Treatment for tumours
Traditional Medicine with Lempuyang
In Indonesia , lempuyang often used as one of the main ingredients of the manufacture of herbal medicine known as herbal medicine puyangchilli. Medicine puyang chili is of course a lot of important benefits for our health. You can find these herbs in chili puyang t who often around housing or can be found traditional markets.
Part of spices named lempuyang the most commonly used is the root or rhizome, the same as the benefits of ginger, turmeric benefits and benefits galangal. Usually, rhizomes or tubers of lempuyang processed into herbal drinks puyangchilli, which has many benefits for our health.