拉丁学名:Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith
用 途:根茎能祛风解毒,肚痛、腹泻,并可提取芳香油作调合香精原料;嫩茎叶可当蔬菜。
红球姜 【来 源】:为双子叶植物药姜科姜属植物红球姜的根茎。 【功 效】:活血祛瘀、行气止痛、温中止泻、消积导滞。 【主 治】:用治肝气郁滞引起的各种瘀血症;治气滞胃痛、腹痛、痛经等;治中焦虚寒引起的腹泄、消化不良等
红球姜 【来 源】:为双子叶植物药姜科姜属植物红球姜的根茎。 【功 效】:活血祛瘀、行气止痛、温中止泻、消积导滞。 【主 治】:用治肝气郁滞引起的各种瘀血症;治气滞胃痛、腹痛、痛经等;治中焦虚寒引起的腹泄、消化不良等
The first benefits of lempuyang for the health of our bodies are capable of preventing the emergence of cancer cells. lempuyang is good to prevent cancer, because it is able to inhibit and prevent the growth of cancer cells in our body.For those of you who disturbances in eating patterns, due to a lack of appetite, then you can try to eat herbs and potions are made using refined tubers or rhizomes of Zingiber. Rhizome of Zingiber contains almai and benefits to help increase appetite. Especially in children and also emreka who often suffer from eating disorders.Our bodies need food to get adequate nutrition so they can avoid a wide variety of health problems. Therefore, try to consume a concoction made using lempuyang that your appetite for the better and improving.Lempuyang also has benefits both to increase your metabolism. The body’s metabolism is needed to help process all kinds of nutrients in the body so as not to accumulate. One important benefit of the body’s metabolism more important is that it helps to keep in shape, so that your body always looks fresh and always eager to perform each activity.Lempuyang was also very good for our skin. Lempuyang can help to maintain skin moisture. can prevent the emergence of symptoms of dry and rough skin, and wrinkles on the skin. With porters humidity is maintained, then you will be protected from other disorders of the skin, such as skin rough and scaly.