【功能主治】清热解毒;凉血散瘀。主感冒 发热;咽喉炎;扁桃体炎;肋腺炎;白喉;百日咳;气管炎;肺炎;肺结核咯血;鼻衄;尿血;传染性肝炎;痢疾;痔疮;疔疯人院肿毒
Wedelia medicinal plants is becoming popular in United States and Europe and in most of the developing world, plants or herbal products have forever played important roles in the treatment of wounds, intestinal problems, coughs and sneezes, general torpor etc
in folk medicine, it is employed to treat backache, muscle cramps, rheumatism, stubborn wounds, sores and swellings, and arthritic painful joints . The Miskito Indians of eastern Nicaragua use leaves for treatment of kidney dysfunctioning, cold, stingray wounds, snakebite and purge .
in traditional medicine in the Caribbean and Central America against bronchitis, colds, abdominal pains, dysmenorrhea