。适用於痢疾、肠炎、抗菌、消炎、消肿。适用于急性肠炎,尿道炎,咽喉炎,妇女子宫颈炎以及痈、疖、毒蛇咬伤。尤其对细菌性痢疾有卓效。 大便涩滞、便秘、淋证、麻疹不透、漆疮瘙痒,暑热等病症。
What are the health benefits of amaranth leaves?
* Provides energy: Highly packed with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin K, folate, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, amaranth leaves boost energy in the body.
* Prevents electrolyte imbalance: Amaranth leaves are terrific source of manganese, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus necessary for maintaining proper mineral balance in the body.
* Excellent gluten-free diet: Vegetarians with gluten-intolerance or those suffering from celiac diseases can meet daily recommended dose of protein from amaranth greens. Compared to other plant sources namely wheat, rye, rice and oats, Amaranth contains 30% more protein with complete set of amino acids.
* Improves digestion: High dietary fiber content (3 times that of wheat) in the greens improve digestive health and reduces constipation. It is easily digestible and good for both young ones and elders.
* Aids in weight management: Protein in the leaves help to reduce insulin levels in the blood and also release a hormone that lessen hunger pranks and prevent "binging catastrophe".
* Reduces bad cholesterol: One of the key benefits of amaranth leaves is cholesterol-lowering ability. Being fibrous, this leafy vegetable is effective in reducing LDL levels in the blood and promotes weight loss. Presence of tocotrienols (a type of vitamin E) also aids in cholesterol-lowering activity.
* Good for anemic patients: Iron-rich (5 times that of wheat) red amaranth leaves promote coagulation and increase hemoglobin content and red blood cell counts.
* Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease: Amaranth leaves are an excellent dietary source of phytosterols that lowers blood pressure and prevents heart ailments including stroke.
* Fight-off cancer: Presence of lysine (an essential amino acid) along with vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and vitamin C helps to fight against free radicals responsible for aging and formation of malignant cells.