英(外)文名:Karanda pickle berry
拉丁学名:Carissa carandas
营养研究报告含有 蛋白质,脂肪,.碳水化合物 ,纤维, 钙, 磷, 维生素A,维生素C和铁等
Karonda’s ripeness depends on its end use. If intended for use as a vegetable, the fruits should be plucked while still under ripe. This is apparent by the fruit’s greenish white color.
When fully ripe, no hint of white is present on the skin. These fruits are selected for canning, preserving and pickling. Some of the fruits grow dark red when fully ripe; others grow dark purple.
In its raw state, the fruit is sour and acidic with little sweetness. In its ripest phase it becomes a bit sweeter.
Nutritional Value of Karonda
A nutritional study published by the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources provides the following nutritional information per 100g of edible fruit:
0.39-1.1g Protein (negligible)
2.5-4.63g Fat
0.51-2.9g Carbs
0.62-1.81g Fiber
21mg Calcium
28mg Phosphorous
1619IU Vitamin A
9-11mg Ascorbic Acid
Health Benefits of Karonda
--As a blood sugar stabilizer
--as a guard against liver damage.
--Topical wound treatment (juice)
--Skin remedy
A report in the “International Journal of Food Sciences and Technology” states karonda’s extracts show potent antimicrobial activity.
The fruit of Karonda is an astringent, antiscorbutic and acts as a remedy for biliousness i.e. bad digestion, stomach pain and constipation. It is also a great cure for anemia. It is also used to treat skin conditions. Traditionally, it has been used to treat anorexia and insanity. Leaf decoction is used to treat fever, diarrhea, and earache. The roots serve as a stomachic, an anthelmintic medicine for itches and also as
- karonda
- Petik buah dari pokok
- Tumbuk kasar. Lagi best guna lesung batu.
- Tambahkan gula dan kicap, gaul sebaiknya.
- Makan. Uih, sedap tak terkata.
Nak lagi sedap, letak dulu dalam peti ais, bagi sejuk. Suami yang tak berapa gemar masam pun boleh layan.
Nama lain adalah karonda, karanda, kerenda (Malaysia), nam phrom atau namdaeng di Thailand, dan caramba, caranda, caraunda serta perunkila di Filipina. Nama lain yang dikenal adalah kismis bengal atau duri Kristus di India Selatan. Di Assam, tanaman ini disebut karja tenga, dan di Bengali disebut sebagai koromcha.Suku Bhil di Rajasthan memanfaatkan daun kerenda sebagai kertas tembakau. Di distrik Jashpur, misalnya, akar pohonnya digunakan untuk mengobati luka-luka pada sapi. Sementara itu suku Munda di Chota Nagpur menggunakan akar untuk mengobati rematik.
Penelitian yang dilakukan tim peneliti dari Universitas Aga Khan Pakistan, seperti dikutip dari researchgate.net, meneliti khasiat kerenda dalam mengobati sembelit dan diare. Hasilnya, di antaranya, menunjukkan ekstrak kerenda memberikan bukti jelas efektivitas ganda kerenda dalam sembelit dan diare.