
神奇辣木树植物.Health Benefits of Moringa leaves. Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor

Moringa oleifera Lamarck
辣木(MoringaDrumstick tree),性味:辛、微温、无毒。是多年生热带落叶乔木,原产印度北部,全世界约有14个品种,辣木.其实辣木籽刚开始吃的时候一定会有苦的感觉的,然后是回甜,再吃第2颗苦变很淡,吃第3颗的时候就不觉得苦了。可以配合蜂蜜一起吃,不但更营养,也更容易坚持吃下去。

5印度草医学认为辣木可预防300种疾病。特别是近几年辣木受到欧美等发达国家很多研究机构和消费者的关注和热捧。 经常食用辣木叶可增强免疫力、排毒、塑身、抗老化、抗癌、并对多种慢性及重大疾病都有极大的改善功效



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1. Powerhouse Of Antioxidants
The extract of moringa seeds are powerful and natural source of antioxidants which are free radical busters that rids the body of oxidative stress and protect cell damage and reduces risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes. And age related eye disorder. Moringa seeds are loaded with vitamin A, C, and B vitamins and minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc each of which are essential for a complete wellness. Like calcium is required from strong bone and teeth, iron is needed to reduce the risk of anemia; zinc is required for healthy sperm count and so on. Several anti-aging, anti-bacterial compounds, essential amino acids, phytonutrients, powerful anti-oxidants like quercetin works like anti-inflammatory drugs and hence consuming a healthy dose of moringa seeds can help us avert diseases and stay healthy
2. Lowers Blood Pressure
Some preliminary studies show that moringa can lower blood pressure reducing oxidizing lipids and safeguarding the heart tissues from getting damaged and also reduce the risk of heart disease .

3. Lowers Cholesterol
High cholesterol level has been linked to heart disease. Moringa seeds are rich in oleic acid (Monosaturated fatty acid) a healthy source of fat can reverse bad cholesterol, working as good cholesterol. This helps to keep cholesterol level down, reduces the risk of blood clot forming and hence tower the risk of cardiovascular disease 

4. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Some preliminary studies and research o done on animals reported that Moringa seeds can lower the level of blood sugar as the seeds have high concentration of zinc that enhances the secretion of insulin. When blood sugar regulation is normal, it helps to manage or prevent diabetes in a better way. Moringa seed therefore can be used for managing diabetes 

5. Reduces Joint Pain
Moringa seeds are high in calcium. Those suffering from joint pain can consume the moringa seed extract as a calcium supplement. The anti-inflammatory of moringa seed also relieves from bone disorders and joint pain by curbing inflammation 

6. Boosts Immunity
The high vitamin C content present in moringa seeds can acts as great immune booster. Power packed with antioxidants and powerful nutrients like vitamin A, C, E and several minerals, combined together works like antibodies to fight infection and diseases. The Studies have found the mooring seeds are effective in fighting against colon cancer and breast cancer. Vitamin A contained in the seeds also aids in improving eyesight and provides protection against eye disorders 

7. Treats Anemia
Moringa seeds being rich in iron are great solution for combating iron deficiency. Iron is essential for maintaining a healthy RBC count in the blood, enrich blood and carry oxygen to muscles, tissues and organs. Deficiency of iron can lead to anemia and other health problems like fatigue, lack of energy, headache, poor cognitive skills and even shortness of breath. Moringa seed contains iron almost 3times more than Spinach

8. Promotes Healthy, Beautiful Skin
Loaded with powerful nutrients like vitamin A, C, D, E and essential minerals like copper, calcium, zinc, silica, iron, magnesium and manganese, the oil extracted from moringa seed which contain more than 30 antioxidants contributes exceptionally in making the skin healthy. The oil is not just nourishes and moisturizes the skin but also has antiseptic properties which can successfully heal skin rashes, sunburn and other minor skin disorder

Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor Untuk Kesehatan Dan Khasiat Biji Buah Kelor

1. Mengandung Gizi Tinggi

Dalam setiap bagian tanaman kelor ternyata memiliki banyak manfaat dan khasiat loh. Mulai dari daun, bunga dan biji buah kelor memiliki manfaat yang tak sedikit. Diantaranya adalah kandungan gizi yang tinggi di dalamnya sehingga sangat bagus untuk kesehatan tubuh kita. Misalnya manfaat daun kelor, di sana ada terkandung gizi tinggi yang sangat bagus dan juga terdapat nutrisi yang bisa dijadikan sebagai sumber vitamin dan juga protein. Secara lebih detail, misalkan dalam satu cangkir daun kelor, maka kandungan nutrisi seperti di bawah ini :

- Vitamin B6 mampu menyuplai 19% dari kebutuhan Vitamin 6 harian dalam tubuh manusia
- Protein dengan kapasitas mencapai 2 gram
- Kandungan vitamin C mencapai 12% dari kebutuhan harian vitamin C pada tubuh normal manusia
- Kandungan zat besi mencapai 11% dari kebutuhan harian zat besi pada tubuh manusia
- Vitamin B2 atau riboflavin mencapai 11% dari kebutuhan harian vitamin B2 pada tubuh manusia
- Vitamin A atau beta karoten mencapai 9% dari perhitungan angka kecukupan gizi seimbang pada tubuh manusia
- Magnesium mencapai 8% dari angka kecukupan gizi seimbang pada tubuh manusia

Memang tanaman kelor kaya sekali akan manfaat yang bisa digunakan untuk tubuh manusia. Bukan saja daunnya yang bisa diambil manfaatnya, namun hampir semua bagian pada tanaman kelor bisa digunakan untuk kesehatan. Bahkan untuk daun kelor, banyak yang sudah menggunakannya sebagai bahan herbal pengobatan dengan cara diolah sampai menjadi bubuk yang halus. Dari bubuk ini kemudian diolah baik dijadikan dalam bentuk makanan maupun dalam bentuk obat yang sudah dikemas.

Bunga kelor sendiri juga memiliki nutrisi meski tak sebanyak pada daun kelor, namun meski nutrisi nya sedikit, buah kelor memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang sangat banyak. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa manfaat kelor, baik manfaat biji buah kelor, manfaat bunga kelor, ataupun manfaat daunnya yang sangat kaya sekali.



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你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
