
东革阿里的功能....Tongkat Ali benefits

东革阿里之所以风行,尤其是在东南亚一代几乎家喻户晓,前马来西亚总统甚至亲自代言(因为马来西亚盛产,属于马来三宝之一) 购买东革阿里。Tongkat ali for sale AliExpress.com Product - GMP certified Eurycoma Longifolia Jack Tongkat Ali extract powder 50:1 500g free shiping for men's health Increase sexual desire科学研究(既有动物实验,也有人体临床实验)证实的功效结果: 1,补肾壮.阳,东革阿里显著促进人体自身睾酮素(一种雄性激素)的分泌(注意啊,是刺激、促进自身的新陈代谢,让您自己本身分泌足够多的雄性激素),雄性荷尔蒙爆表了,能不男人嘛!其实,所有的坚挺、持久、威猛,治痿、泄等等,基本都是源于这最根本的一点; 2,促进新陈代谢,增强血液循环(血液循环增强了,供血、供氧足了,身体自然好啊); 3,改善男同胞小蝌蚪的活力,形态,运动能力,让其不但长相壮硕威猛,跑得还快(这也就是很多人所说的东革阿里有效促进生育); 4,关节炎、骨质疏松(中医理论中有详细原理,基本点就是“肾藏精、主骨”); 5,痛风(被临床试验证实,但原理尚未完全清晰,一说东革阿里含有的Probenecid成分可以抑制尿酸合成); 6,抗前列腺炎、前列腺增生(其实,这个作用还得归功于其促进、提高了自身睾酮素水平);7,消炎、抗疟疾(这一点在潮湿的东南亚一带很被认可); 8,预防肿瘤、癌症(自身免疫功能、自愈修复功能强了,预防肿瘤自然水到渠成)。

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Traditionally, tongkat ali root was used as an aphrodisiac and remedy for age-related sexual disorders and symptoms of andropause. The root contains compounds that have repeatedly been shown in animal studies to stimulate libido, promote semen quality, and even support muscle growth.These effects have largely been attributed to increases in testosterone. In 2012, a study that consisted of seventy-six men, only 35% of whom had normal testosterone levels, was orchestrated. It was reported that after one month of supplementing with tongkat ali, the number of men in the group with normal testosterone levels jumped to over 90% A separate double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that men who consumed tongkat ali on a daily basis experienced improvements in erectile function, libido, and semen volume. Some even experienced fat loss. Tongkat Ali and Male Fertility Although not everyone who supplements with tongkat ali wants to increase their fertility, it is worth mentioning that tongkat ali’s hormone support benefits also promotes normal sperm quality. Sperm quality, measured by volume, concentration, and motility, can impact male fertility. In one study, seventy-five men who consumed tongkat ali every day were observed to experience significant improvements in sperm quality, improvements that lasted for months after the initial study. Almost 15% of the participants even reported new pregnancies.



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