
磨盘草(帽仔盾草)~功效与作用.lndian mallow Traditional medicinal uses (lndian Abutilon)Manfaat Kembang Sore .

金花草,四米草、帽仔盾,耳响草,、印度苘麻,唐挡草、帽笼子、磨笼子,白麻, 冬葵子 , 帽子草
【用法用量】:内服: 15-30克,水煎服。 



In China and India, Abutilon indicum has long been used to treat diseases of the lungs, such as tuberculosis and all types of coughs and bronchitis. All parts of the plant are boiled down into a decoction and drunk as a strong tea that is said to relieve the symptoms and boost immunity in general. Seems to help give me a boost when I feel a bit under the weather.
Colds and fevers are other ailments the Abutilon indicum plant is said to help, in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. The aerial portions of this plant are simmered to produce an infusion that when consumed several times relieve the symptoms.Seeds of the Indian mallow plant are used in many parts of the world to help alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea and to rid the body of certain worms, such as threadworms. Seeds are crushed in a mortar and pestle and then simmered to make a tea, which is said to help the body rid itself of not only worms, but also of other irritants that can cause diarrhea.
Atibala has also been used as an anti-inflammatory drug for a very long time. These anti-inflammatory properties are highly useful in controlling arthritis and associated pains.
Tests on mice have shown that the regular administration of extracts of Atibala, controlled arthritis BETTER than standard drugs.
Unfortunately some members of society suffer from convulsions or seizures. They can occur due to involuntary and rapid contractions and relaxations of the body. Research has shown that these convulsions can be controlled and minimised by giving Atibala leaf medicine. Studies on rats with induced convulsions have conclusively shown the benefits of administering Atibala leaf extracts, which is very exciting, especially for people suffering from degenerative nerve diseases.
The leaf and root extracts of Atibala possess strong anti-bacterial/anti-microbial properties.
Tests on various bacterial and fungal strains have shown that Atibala extracts were effective in controlling those bacteria and fungi species which affect human health. Significant bacterial and fungal control was observed.
Indian mallow  use it for treating problems like constipation and gum related problems. Indian mallow also is a blood purifier and is rich in antioxidants. The antioxidant effect of abuliton Indicum has been proven through scientific research. Also the wound healing, anti ulcer activity, analgesic, hypoglycemic activity and anti inflammatory activity has been proven through research.  Side effects: This is considered a safe herb but still pregnant women should not consume it as it has not proven to be safe during pregnancy.Also diabetic patients should monitor their blood sugar levels closely when taking this herb.Indian mallow is beneficial in general debility, headache,muscular weakness, heart  diseases, bleeding  disorders and paralytic disorders.   Ayurvedic physicians commonly use Indian mallow in joint pain, debility after chronic disease, Hemiplegia and facial paralysis. The oil prepared from Atibala and Bala is beneficial in all types of disorders of the nervous system, joint disorders and muscular dystrophy.
Berikut ini beberapa cara pengobatan tradisional menggunakan ramuan bunga kembang sore. Bagian yang digunakan untuk pengobatan adalah seluruh tanaman. Untuk penyimpanan, herba setelah dicuci bersih lalu dipotong-potong seperlunya, kemudian dijemur sampai kering. 

Sakit gigi, gusi bengkak
Daun kembang sore direbus hingga mendidih, selagi masih hangat, air rebusannya dipakai untuk kumur-kumur. 
Obat Rematik
Rebusan herba ini dipakai untuk mandi atau sebagai kompres pada bagian tubuh yang sakit. 

Sakit telinga, pendengaran menurun
Ambil 60 g herba kembang sore segar atau 20-30 buah dicuci bersih lalu direbus dengan daging tanpa lemak. Setelah dingin airnya disaring lalu diminum. Lakukan setiap hari. 

Mengobati Bisul
Ambil 1 buah biji kering kemudian digiling menjadi bubuk, lalu diseduh dengan 1 cangkir air panas, hangat-hangat diminum. Daunnya setelah dicuci bersih dilumatkan dan tambahkan madu secukupnya, tempelkan pada bisul. 

Mengobati Wasir
Untuk mengobati wasir, ambil 150 g akar kembang sore, lalu direbus dengan air secukupnya sampai kental. Ambil airnya sebanyak 100 cc kemudian diminum. Sisanya diuapkan ke lubang dubur selagi panas. 



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
