
九重葛(三角梅)的作用。Bougainvillea uses.Manfaat Bunga Kertas Untuk Kesehatan。

Boug ainvillea spestabili
[性味] 苦;涩;性温
[归经] 肝经
[功能主治] 活血调经;化温止带。主血瘀经闭;月经不调;赤白带下
[用法用量] 内服:煎汤,9-15g

[各家论述] 《昆明民间常用草药》:调和气血。治妇女赤白带下,月经不调

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every part of bougainvillea may be used medicinally, from the stems, leaves, bracts to the flowers themselves. The leaves are employed by traditional healers for their anti-inflammatory properties. The flowers and bracts may be steeped in boiling water and consumed as tea that offers health benefits.
According to modern-day investigations, what makes bougainvillea possess certain medicinal properties is the presence of a few substances in the plant. Some of them are alkaloids that offer marked physiological effects on humans. Then there are also enzymes that bring about biochemical reactions. Bougainvillea also has a few amino acids.
Without further ado, here are some of the surprising health benefits of the beautiful bougainvillea:

It Helps Ease Cough
One of the most popular medicinal uses of bougainvillea is for cough relief, most especially in South America. The flowers and bracts are allowed to steep in boiling water for several minutes, and then consumed to promote breathing.

It Also Alleviates Sore Throat
The same tea out of bougainvillea flowers and bracts may also be consumed when you have a sore throat. The healthy drink’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can help you attain immediate relief.

It May be Used for Indigestion
You may consume the said tea when you are having a bout of indigestion. A lot of people in South America who have acid reflux also take bougainvillea tea in order to put their very uncomfortably tummy issue to an end.

It is Superb for Ulcers
Similarly, you may consume tea out of bougainvillea flowers and bracts if you have stomach ulcers. The anti-inflammatory properties of the beverage can help soothe the ulcerations, letting you attain relief from the pain they bring.

It Helps Put Diarrhea to an End
There is another GI benefit of bougainvillea, and that is managing diarrhea. Having diarrhea controlled is vital for the prevention of dehydration, which in itself comes with an assortment of complications.

It May be Beneficial for Diabetics
Another traditional medicinal use of bougainvillea is for controlling diabetes. It is said that bougainvillea leaf extracts help keep the levels of sugar in the blood from spiking, which is highly beneficial for those with diabetes.

It is Also Used for Hepatitis
Especially in South America, bougainvillea is employed for treating hepatitis. Since hepatitis is a very serious disease which is characterized by the inflammation of the liver, it’s important for you to seek the help of a doctor.

It Helps Raise the Blood Pressure
Hypotension or abnormally low blood pressure can be managed with the help of bougainvillea. Definitely, those with hypertension or high blood pressure should stay away from consuming bougainvillea flower and bract tea.

Manfaat Bunga Kertas Untuk Kesehatan

Bunga kertas memiliki banyak warna yang bermacam – macam dan indah di pandang mata. Dalam setiap batang bisa memiliki warna yang bermacam – macam karena bunga ini sangat mudah di setek. Bunga ini berasal dari benua Amerika yaitu negara Meksiko. Disebut bunga kertas karena bunga ini sangat tipis dan bunganya jika disentuh mirip sekali seperti menyantuh kertas.

Bunga ini banyak ditanam di pot – pot dan dijual sebagai bunga hias karena warnanya yang sangat indah. Bunga kertas tidak hanya indah tapi juga memiliki banyak manfaat di bidang kesehatan. Berikut ini manfaat bunga kertas di bidang kesehatan antara lain :
1. Mengatasi Keputihan
Keputihan yan tidak normal dan dalam batas yang berlebihan dapat diobati dengan meminum ramuan dari bunga kertas. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Bunga kertas di cuci
  • Kemudian rebus sebanyak dua gelas air setelah mendidih dapat disaring.
  • Minum satu gelas sehari.

3. Mengobati Hepatitis
Hepatitis adalah peradangan yang tejadi pada organ hati yag disebabkan oleh bahan kimia yang terdapat pada obat – obatan sehingga terjadi infeksi. Dalam masanya penyakit hepatitis yang kurang dari enam bulan disebut hepatitis akut. Sedangkan jika melebihi batas waktu enam bulan disebut hepatitis kronis. Cara mengobati hepatitis dengan menggunakan bunga kerta adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Ambil batang bunga kertas kemudian cuci sampai bersih.
  • Batang yang telah dicuci direbus dan air dari rebusannya dapat diminum satu gelas sehari.



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