晚上则不太建议喝姜水,因为姜是宣发阳气的食物,而晚上则是应该养阴,收敛阳气的时候,所以在晚上食用姜,可能会刺激神经,从而影响睡眠和心脏功能,在中医的角度就有 “郁积内火,耗肺阴,伤肾水” 之说。
在中医学里,还有 “留姜皮则凉,去姜皮则热” 的理论。正如植物的皮和肉是一对阴阳配对,即姜肉性热,所以姜皮性凉。举个例子:如果受了风寒,需要喝姜汤发汗,因为去皮为好;而平日喝生姜红枣茶驱寒或者煮菜,则不去皮,以维持凉热平衡的药理作用;用药时则应该对症而作出选择
After you see the video and video I made Before 。you will know how to use ginger to cure many types of diseases。Later I'll teach how to make Ginger juice.
If you feel symptoms like flu ,Cold cough and feeling like fever will coming(body feel Cold ).This types of Ginger juice is good for you, when serve hot .
if the stomach is uncomfortable,body temperature down, bad smell of the mouth or want to lost weight.is very suitable for this types of Making Ginger Juice.if the stomach is uncomfortable ,no appetite,feel Cold,and feel tired.This types of Ginger Juice ,serve hot.is very good for you.Now you can see how to make Ginger Juice good for body temperature down.
Prepare ginger 130g to 150g.clean with water. Clean the ginger skin part. Remove the dirty skin out. Do not remove all the skin.
cut into slices of ginger. Prepare a pan,add 1.50 liters of water in a pan and add the sliced ginger.cook for 15 minutes.
Ginger juice can use treatment good for anti-diarrheal, anti-pyretic, anti-infective, anti-bacterial, anti-typhoid, anti-fungal, anti-hepatoxin and anti-cancer.
Remember ,Ginger Juice ,serve hot.
if there is stomach cancer, colon cancer.,this types of make Ginger juice is good for it. Drink four times a day.There is the most important stomach cancer patient is Ginger Juice serving hot.
while drinking, do not eat spicy, oily foods and best to stop eating meat.Eat vegetarian.if you drink until body it feels too hot. Can stop eating .Take eight leaves of andrographis leaves. Eat four times a day. if you eat until feel cold at night.Drink Ginger Juice back, for body temperature increases.if you drink ginger Juice, the body feels there is heat heat, after that sweat. it shows that ginger Juice is effective for the body.
Ancient times, there was a docktor, found a woman, the woman asked the docktor to go cure her husband was fainted three days. That time, many kinds of disease spread in the village. Did not know what type of disease spread in the village.
Doctor, tell her, cook Ginger juice for her husband to drink and take 3 kg Ginger crush it add water cook, for her husband bath and Ginger Juice serving hot. This is very important .when the time drinking and showering should with her son call her name.After one night,her husband got up and talked with her.