
鬼针草(大花咸丰草) ~清热解毒抗炎治痢疾.Bidens pilosa~plant benefits.kegunaan bidens pilosa




据悉,由于该篇研究证实了这三种植物抽取物具有抗癌功效,日前已经发表在著名医学期刊Cancer  Research上,中研院正积极申请美国和中国台湾地区专利。



大花咸豐草 别名:三叶鬼针草,白花鬼针草,鬼钗草、鬼黄花,白花婆婆針、山东老鸦草、婆婆针、鬼骨针、盲肠草、跳虱草、豆渣,菜、叉婆子、引线包、针包草、一把针、刺儿鬼、鬼蒺藜,鬼菊、粘身草、咸丰草、脱力草。为菊科植物三叶鬼针草BidenspilosaL.的全草。夏、秋季采收,晒干或鲜用。主治:清热解毒;祛风除湿;活血消肿。主咽喉;肿痛;泄泻;痢疾;黄疸;肠痈;疔疮肿毒;蛇早咬伤;风湿痹痛;跌打损伤



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土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.
Common Name: Bidens, Butterfly Needles, Romerillo, Shepherds Needles
Bidens spp. are abundant “pest weeds” in Florida and indeed all over the world. There are more than 40 native species in the United States alone and over 230 worldwide.
These weedy plants thrive in warm climates and have traditions of medicinal and edible use wherever they are found. The botanical name, which describes the shape of the fruit (seed) comes from the Latin bis meaning two and dens meaning tooth. The bane of any hiker, Bidens is zoochorous, that is, it evolved to hitchhike on the fur of animals (and our socks). Some of its common names, such as Spanish needles and beggarticks, reflect this characteristic.
The dried leaves of various species have been used as a tobacco substitute, called “Fakahatchee Gold,” according to Daniel Austin in Florida Ethnobotany. Medicinal uses included treatment for colds and flu, hepatitis, bacterial infections, inflammation, and urinary tract infections. The Cherokee people used Bidens bipinnata to expel worms and chewed on the leaves to soothe a sore throat. In Florida the Seminole people used Bidens species, probably B. mitis according to Austin, for a variety of complaints including headaches, high fever, and diarrhea. B. pilosa, which is not native but is often confused (and in some texts synonymous) with Bidens alba, reportedly has constituents that can depress the central nervous system and lower blood sugar. Because Bidens species seem to contain an amazing number of chemicals with biological activity, various species are the subjects of ongoing research, including use as an antimalarial drug (B. pilosa). Bidens species contain some powerful chemical constituents and should not be used medicinally without the advice of a skilled herbalist or traditional healer.
However, occasional snacking is fine. The flowers and tender young leaves and of Bidens alba can be added to salads, and the more mature leaves can be boiled or steamed as a pot herb. A mild tea can be made from the flowers, which purportedly also make an interesting wine.
Antineoplasics phytotherapeutical composition based on Bidens alba, has properties that inhibit the growth of neoplasia.The presence of those properties in the extract and also in the fractions of plant have extreme importance in cancer treatment, with the possibility to obtain drugs with less collateral effects and less resistance development of the carcinogenic cells.
PLANT PART USED: Whole plant.
WESTERN FUNCTIONS REPORTED: ” Blood purifier” (infused); antibacterial; “antibiotic”; antidote; antidysenteric; antihemorrhagic; anti-infl ammatory; antimalarial; antimicrobial; antipyretic; astringent; carminative; circulation promoting; diuretic; emmenagogue; emollient; hepatoprotective; hypotensive; intoxicant; lactogogue; liver protective; mucous membrane tonic; prevents flu & colds; sialogogue; stagnant blood dispelling; stimulates childbirth; styptic; urogenital system tonic; vulnerary.
1) Cools and resolves the surface.
2) Clears heat and toxins, removes toxins, removes stagnation.
3) Invigorates blood.
4) Clears damp heat from the lower jiao.
5) Removes wind dampness.
6) Purges fire.
7) Reduces swelling [Taiwan].
Common Medicinal Uses : Colds and flu – Acute or chronic hepatitis – General bacterial infections – Inflammatory conditions – Urinary tract infections
USE AS FOOD: Young leaves sometimes eaten raw or steamed, but the taste can be a bit strong. In Zimbabwe the leaves are boiled with peanut butter and eaten. Bidens pilosa is eaten in Africa as a vegetable. Fermented with rice to make “sake.”

RANGE: Bidens pilosa is native to South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Philippines. There are 60 native species of Bidens in Hawai’i, and 19 of those are endemic.

1 条评论:

  1. 治疗癌症的范围更广,尽管无法与昭和草、金线连一样可以直接杀死癌细胞,但却能够抑制癌细胞血管增生,作用机转与最近几年治癌的标靶药物相似,让研究人员兴奋不已


香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
