
还少丹~(黄细心)的作用。 (Punarnava)Boerhavia diffusa medicinal uses.

紅花黃細心學名Boerhavia coccinea Mill.,英文名Scarlet spiderling

别名:red spiderling;细黄心;还少丹;黄寿丹;鸡骨藤;老来青;披散黄细心;沙参;

【黄细心】活血散瘀调经止带健脾消疳脾肾虚 云南中药材




根中所含的次黄嘌呤-9-L-呋喃阿拉伯糖甙对大鼠和猫在体心脏有减慢心率和降压作用,对豚鼠离体心房有减慢心率和减弱收缩力作用。这些心血管作用不受双侧颈迷走神经切断、阿托品化或甲氧苄二胺 (mepyra-mine)处理影响,表明其降血压、减慢心率和减弱收缩力的作用是通过腺苷样机制中介的。根甲醇提取物中所含木脂素类(lignans)成分鹅掌楸甙对单个蛙心细胞有明显的Ca(2+)通道阻滞作用。

【拉丁名】:黄细心Boerhavia diffusa L本植物茎和根的浸出物,水、醇提取物等均有明显抗炎作用。本品根提取物对带有子宫内避孕器的行经期猴,能使子宫内膜水肿、炎症反应及腺体的弯曲程度减轻。


The juice of this plant has varied taste. It tastes sweet, bitter and astringent.  
这种植物的汁液味道各异。 它味道甜,苦和涩。

Medicinal properties of Punarnava or Boerhavia  diffusa

According to texts of ayurveda this plant alleviates all three doshas.
n Arthritis:  It helps to reduce inflammation and pain in joints .

In Indigestion: Punarnava acts as a carminative,  increases appetite, digests ama and reduces abdominal pain. It also relieves constipation.

In cough: It helps to reduce productive cough and asthma
Impotence: Seeds of this plant are used in Vajikarana Preparations. It increases hard erections and quality and quantity of semen. It rejuvenates male reproductive system.In Skin Diseases: It is very useful in skin diseases like scabies. It is considered as an excellent natural remedy for guinea worms
In Anaemia:  This plant combined with other herbal ingredients help in treating anemia
In Renal diseases: It acts as a diuretic and is used in ayurvedic preparations for renal calculi (kidney stone), Cystis and nephritis.
In liver disorders: Punarnava is widely used to rejuvenate liver and detoxify it. It helps in jaundice o r hepatitis. It is employed in Brazilian herbal medicine to stimulate the emptying of the gallbladder and for all types of liver disorders
In menorrhagia: Boerhavia  diffusa is used as an active ingredient in ayurvedic preparations  for menorrhagia  
Body Rejuvenation : It rejuvenates whole body and gives a new life and health (Hence the name Punarnava (New again)). It strengthens the body and normalizes doshas. This helps to boost the immunity to diseases.

According to ayurveda texts the plant punarnava (Boerhavia  diffusa) has hot potency. It tastes bitter and has the property of dryness. These qualities of punarnava help to reduce kapha and clear the blockage in tissue channels.Thus inflamattions like, joint pain etc, anaemia, ailments of lungs (like cough, asthama etc), and body pain gets reduced by Punarnava.
punarnavaBoerhavia diffusa

Note: Cardiac patients should use this herb under the supervision of a qualified doctor

Published on Aug 18, 2018
Punarnava Powder Benefits and its usage for the treatment of kidney, eyes, liver, weight loss and many more. The scientific name of Punarnava is Boerhavia Diffusa, and its English name is Spreading Hogweed. It is a flowering plant and is valued for its many medicinal properties and is used extensively in ayurveda. 

1. Benefits for Kidney
A healthy kidney means healthy blood. Punarnava is a diuretic and frequent urination clears the body of toxins and prevents kidney stones. Uric acid secretion is increased and so it prevents gout or helps in its treatment.

2. Benefits for Liver
A healthy liver translates as less toxins in the body. Punarnava detoxifies the liver. It stimulates the regular secretion of bile and thus leads to a person having a healthy liver. It is used in the treatment of jaundice, hepatitis, and other liver problems. It results in increased haemoglobin levels in the body. It protects the liver from the harmful effects of acetaminophen present in pain relievers.

3. Benefits for Eyes
Eyes serve as the lamp to the body. The juice of Punarnava's roots when applied directly to the eyes reduces redness of the eyes and can cure it of a number of infections, including conjunctivitis and night blindness. It improves eyesight and is used to treat watering of the eye and swelling.

4. Heart
A strong heart is central to healthy living. Since it clears away fluid retention in the body it reduces the load on the heart resulting in a healthier heart. It helps in the production of red blood cells. It protects against the enlargement of the heart.

5. Benefits for Skin
Healthy skin is essential for an active life. Punarnava is used in the treatment of scabies and guinea worms as well as in treating fungal infections. Punarnava can be used as a dressing for cuts and bruises as it helps in drying the wound and healing. It reduces swelling and the foul smell caused by skin disorders. Its roots are used in treating snake and rat bites.

6. Digestive system
We are what we eat, depending on our digestive system. Punarnava improves digestion and as a mild laxative is used to treat constipation while also increasing appetite. It is also good for several stomach disorders as it deworms the stomach, clearing the gut of dangerous worms while strengthening the stomach lining. It drastically decreases stomach pain caused by acidity. It has carminative properties and so treats flatulence.

7. Urinary tract
It is an antispasmodic relieving spasm. Because it is antimicrobial it cleans out infections in the urinary tract very fast. It can even be used to treat urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

8. Benefits for Reproductive system
Punarnava renews or reinvigorates the male sexual organ resulting in better quality of sperm and preventing erectile dysfunction. Its seeds have aphrodisiac properties increasing libido, or sexual drive. With its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect it relieves the symptoms of heavy periods in women. It is used in the treatment of abnormally heavy bleeding during periods and uterine fibroids.
9. Fights Weight Loss
One of the primary benefits of Punarnava is its ability to treat obesity and help in weight loss. It is one of the important ingredients in many herbal slimming formulas. It acts by removing extra fluid from the body. It also helps in the process of effective excretion. In the process it does not loose any electrolytes from the body. It also retains potassium while eliminating extra fluid.
 It is also works as a laxative. Due to all these properties, it helps in weight loss.

10. Stress Management
Punarnava has adaptogenic properties. It gives strength, energy and improves thinking ability. It helps in managing stress.

11. Respiratory system
Punarnava reduces the amount of phlegm and works as an expectorant removing mucus from the lungs and thus helps in the treatment of asthma.Punarnava
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Boerhavia diffusa adalah spesies tanaman berbunga Daun B. diffusa sering digunakan sebagai sayuran hijau di hampir sebagian daerah di India.

Boerhavia diffusa diyakini dapat meningkatkan dan melindungi penglihatan.Boerhavia diffusa  memiliki sifat diuretik dan digunakan oleh penderita diabetes untuk menurunkan gula darah. 

Boerhavia diffusa juga menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri, terutama terhadap bakteri Gram-negatif. Dari ekstrak daun Boerviaa diffusa telah menunjukkan sifat antioksidan dan hepatoprotektif pada model farmakologis. Zat Punarnavine yaitu alkaloid terisolasi dari B. diffusa memiliki/menunjukkan beberapa in vitro antikanker, antiestrogenik, imunomodulator, dan aktivitas antiamoeba.

 Khasiat dan manfaat Boerhaavia Diffusa diperoleh karena kandungan senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, steroid, triterpenoid, lipid, lignin, karbohidrat, protein dan glikoprotein.Boerhavia diffusa merupakan sumber antioksidan, dan mungkin efektif terhadap arsenik trioksida (obat yang efektif digunakan untuk melawan leukemia promyelocytic akut) diinduksi cardio toksisitas.

Adapun bagian yang dimanfaatkan adalah seluruh bagian tanaman. Seperti khasiat dan manfaat daun Boerhaavia diffusa adalah untuk mengobati dyspepsia, tumor, nyeri perut dan pembengkakan pankreas. Bijinya merupakan ekspektoran, karmonatif, berguna dalam pengobatan lumbago dan scabies. 

Khasiat dan manfaat akar Boerhaavia diffusa adalah untuk pengobatan penyakit gonorrhea, seluruh peradangan internal dan edema. Manfaat akarnya berperan sebagai diuretika dan berperan dalam pengobatan seluruh kelainan hati (termasuk jaundice dan hepatitis), nyeri kandung kemih dan batu di saluran kemih, kelainan saluran kemih, batu ginjal, cystitis dan nephritis.

Untuk mendapatkan khasiat dan manfaat Boerhaavia Diffusa sebagai obat luar dilakukan dengan cara mencuci daun kemudian digiling sampai lumat atau minyak hasil ekstrak (rebusan) buah. Oleskan pada bagian yang sakit.



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