
如何使用和如何水煮印度枣叶茶 ?為什麼這種树葉可以流傳千年 ?Health benefits of Indian jujube leaves.manfaat daun bidara dan cara menggunakannya!





印度枣叶有九种功能,对人体有益。 1:可以保持心脏健康.2:加速伤口愈合.3:帮助睡眠障碍.4:有益于消化系统.5:降低患糖尿病的风险。 6:帮助减少痔疮的炎症.7:对皮肤健康有一定的影响.8:帮助月经。 9:帮助减肥。





巴參菜(野菜)~功效与作用 . ( Talinum fruticosum ) BENEFITS OF “Waterleaf”,Manfaat GINSENG JAWA.

土人参( 栌兰 ) ~功效与作用 . ( Talinum paniculatum ) BENEFITS OF Jewels of OparManfaat GINSENG JAWA.

苋菜的作用和功效。Health of benefits of amaranth leavesBayam merah.

龍豆, (四角豆)的功效。Health benefits of Winged bean .Khasiat Kacang Botol

蕃薯葉 (地瓜葉)太好了,恨不得早点知道 ! .Health benefits of Sweet potato leaves.ubi jalar
感谢每一个您!送您第二个难生病的秘方!Thank you all subscriber.

諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.

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Why in the Islamic religion, for thousands of years, it has been said that this tree originated from heaven?Why after the death of an Islamic religious person, must use this leaf to clean ? Why are women of Islamic religion encouraged to wash or bathe with such leaves after menstruation?

At the end of the show, I will teach you how to apply this leaf step by step, and let you know its benefits and disadvantages.In Islamic religion, this leaf is like a preservative. After a person dies, the body will send out a bad evil, also known as corpse. They believe that the leaves can wash away the bad corpses and also help the cells to regenerate, allowing the bodies to rot slowly.So they believe that this leaf is a natural preservative.Why said this tree from heaven? It is because in the Islamic  Bible, the place where the saints rest and chat is under this tree.

There are many varieties of Indian dates, which one has the effect of exorcism? This is the Arab date.Its tree body and thorns are long, the leaves are not so bright, and the ends of the leaves are pointed. This is the Arab date.

Indian jujube leaves have nine functions, which are helpful to the human body. 1Can maintain heart health.2: Accelerate wound healing.3: Help sleep disorders.4: Benefit the digestive system.5: Reduce the risk of diabetes. 6: Help reduce haemorrhoids  inflammation.7: It has a certain effect on skin health.8: Help menstruation. 9: Help to lose weight.

Using seven young leaves, add 600 ml of water and cook for 15 minutes.It's that simple.

The water looks red, how does it taste?The taste is astringent, sweet, just like ordinary tea.In Islam, it is usually used in this way, 7 leaves, 600ml water, boiled for 15 minutes, plus three kinds of spells and read three spells blessing, this way has the effect of driving away evil spirits.This leaf must be taken in moderation, usually with 7 leaves. Some people will want to sleep after drinking, and some people will feel vomiting.

research on the health effects of plants Using Indian jujube extract in high-fat white mice, it was found to help lower the liver's cholesterol and triglyceride levels.In conclusion, it can protects the liver.

This leaf is a natural sleeping pill, brewing a cup of Indian jujube tea and drinking it  three to four hours before going to bed.Don't drink if you want to work overtime, because it makes you unable to concentrate and sleep more. Therefore, this tea must be consumed at an appropriate time.

Daun bidara mengandung banyak mineral yang berguna dalam merawat kesihatan tulang mahupun kesihatan gigi.

1. Mengandungi antibakteria

Daun bidara memiliki antibakteria. Antibakteria memiliki banyak khasiat seperti mengubati penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria seperyi demam babi, pilek, influenza, demam burung bahkan HIV/AIDS.
2. Mengatasi penyakit perut

Daun bidara dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi tukak lambung (sejenis penyakit radang perut dan usus), gangguan pencernaan hingga kanser perut.

3. Mengubati penyakit diabetes

Daun bidara memiliki kandungan glikemik yang rendah sehingga bagus untuk mengubati diabetis tahap 1, 2 serta diabetis gestasional (diabetis yang dialami oleh ibu yang mengandung).
4. Mengatasi wajah kusam

5.. Mengatasi kulit kering

Kulit sensitif dan cenderung kering harus mendapat perawatan khusus, semoga tetap terhidrasi dan terjaga kelembabannya. Untuk merawat kecantikan wajah anda, cobalah masker bidara laut. Caranya tidak sulit, terapkan debu bidara laut pada kulit wajah dengan mencampurnya dengan air. Biarkan masker ini kering dengan sendirinya, kemudian basuh wajah anda dengan air hangat. Lakukan perawatan ini dua kali seminggu, untuk hasil maksimal. Penting dibaca: 

6. Mengobati luka gores

Daun bidara laut juga efektif untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka sayat atau gores. Pertama, jemur daun bidara laut hingga kering. Tumbuk daun ini hingga berbentuk bubuk, campur dengan air secukupnya. Aduk keduanya hingga terbentuk pasta lembut. Oleskan pasta ini pada luka di kulit.

7. Mengobati luka bakar

Ketika kulit anda mengalami luka bakar misalnya terkena knalpot kendaraan, obati dengan bidara laut. Petik pucuk daun bidara laut, basuh dengan air yang mengalir. Remas daunnya, kemudian balurkan pada kulit yang terbakar.



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
