
落地生根的功效与作用.Kataka-taka (Miracle Leaves) Traditional Medicinal Uses.Manfaat Cocor Bebek.



  • 【佤药】打不死,生根草:全株治疗腮腺炎,乳腺炎,痈肿疮疖,骨折《中佤药》。
  • 【傣药】亮胡埃(西傣) :叶、根治痢疾,腹泻,腰扭痛,便血,烧烫伤《滇药录》。完胡埃,枉吠:全株治乳痈,中. 耳炎,关节痛,疔疮,跌打损伤,外伤出血,烧烫伤;鲜根治腹泻,痢疾《滇省志》。完胡埃:全草治烧伤,烫伤,腹泻,痢疾《傣药志》。打不死,完胡埃:叶、根用于烧伤烫伤,腹泻,痢疾《傣药录》。
  • 【傈僳药】登麻喜:鲜叶、根治疗吐血,刀伤出血,胃痛,关节痛,咽喉肿痛,乳痈,疔疮,溃疡,烫伤《怒江药》。盖没:功用同傣族《滇省志》。
  • 【景颇药】Mi nye chi:治痈,疮,乳腺炎,跌打损伤,骨折,烧烫伤《德宏药录》。
  • 【德昂药】打不死:功用同傣族《滇省志》。南多:功用同景颇族《德宏药录》。
  • 【白药】打不死,接骨草:全草或根治吐血,刀伤出血,胃痛,关节痛,咽喉肿痛,乳痈,疔疮,溃疡,烫伤《大理资志》。【崩龙药】打不死:全草用于水火烫伤,跌打损伤,疮疡肿毒《德宏药志》。
  • 【壮药】沾些(canhcen) :治疗烧烫,痈疮肿毒。
《福建中草药》)治疔疮,痈骨折,无名肿毒:落地生根鲜叶一至二两。捣烂绞汁,调蜜饮服,渣(方以下出《》。敷治处。治喉风肿痛:落地生根鲜叶五片至十片。绞汁,含漱。治乳腺炎:落地生根鲜叶一至二两。 《泉州本草》)治溃疡:叶爆芽一斤(生捣汁晒干,取粉用),梅片五分。共末粉,消除患处。(《陆川本草》)治跌打损伤吐血:落地生根鲜叶七片。捣烂绞汁,调酒,赤砂糖,炖温服。治热性胃痛:地热根胃叶五片。捣烂绞汁调食食欲口服服。治关节肿痛落地生根鲜全草一两。水煎服。根治急性中耳炎:落地生根鲜叶,捣烂绞汁滴耳。(方以下出《福建中草药》)

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In many ancient medical records, the leaves of this plant have a good hemostatic effect. As long as you have a bruise and bleeding, crush  its leaves and applying it to a bloody place can play a good role in stopping bleeding.

This is Bryphyllum Pinnatum.There are countless plants in the world. Only this kind of plant is called not killing, and it can be said to be a unique and powerful plant.

Bryophyllum pinnatum commonly known as Miracle Leaf, air plant, cathedral bells, life plant and Goethe plant native to Madagascar which is a popular houseplant and has become naturalized in tropical and subtropical areas.  

This plant, whole grass can be used as medicine. Take a bite, it tastes light, slightly sour, astringent and coolThis plant is amazing, you can see that these young leaves,thrown on the soil, can easily survive.Or leave the whole leaf in a damp place and it will survive.

It contains malic acid, formic acid, biofilm, resin, citric acid, isocitric acid, fumaric acid, vitamin C and sitosterol.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it can help stop bleeding, clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation,relieving pain,extracting poisonous and promoting granulation.Generally used for external use, hemorrhoids,swollen poison, mastitis, erysipelas, traumatic bleeding, bruises, fractures, burns, otitis media and so on.

This plant is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and pregnant women.

Some People around the Caribbean will use this leaf to treat high blood pressure and kidney stones.

In traditional Indian folks, some elderly people use this leaf, crush and add the right amount of salt, twice a day to help relieve diarrhea and dysentery.If you have a weak gastralgia, you can use 5 of these leaves, mash and add the right amount of salt, twice a day, it can help relieve your gastralgia.

I will share it here today, see you on next video.

Take Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaf squeeze until it comes out water sweep in  at mosquito bites. It can relieve mosquito bites.

Its traditional use as a medicine largely stems from the nation of Trinidad and many of the surrounding islands where it was used to treat hypertension and kidney stones, and research suggests there may be other medicinal uses as well. 
For most treatments, it is suggested to take between 5-15 mL of leaf extract. However, more severe ailments may require a dosage of up to 30-40 mL. The extract can be mixed with water or honey and ingested. Some people also prefer to use dried leaves to make a tea.

tanaman cocor bebek
Daun cocor bebek memiliki kandungan damar, zat lendir, magnesium malat, kalsium oksalat, asam formiat, vitamin C, tannin, asam lemon, asam apel, serta glucoside. 

Bangun-bangun memiliki banyak nama yang berbeda di tiap-tiap daerah seperti torbangun (Batak), daun kambing (Madura), iwak (Bali), cumin (Jawa Tengah).

Kandungan: Apigenin, kalium, luteolin, minyak atsiri, quercetin, salvigenin, genkwanin, karotenoid yang tinggi, dan zat besi.
Khasiat: Mengobati penyakit malaria, mengatasi batu ginjal, kejang, asma, bronchitis, cekukan, tumor, kanker, mencegah efek radikal bebas, memperbanyak ASI, mengobati sakit gigi dll.

Cara membuat ramuan tanaman obat bangun-bangun:
Daun bangun-bangun bisa dikonsumsi langsung sebagai lalapan atau sayuran.
adalah salah satu tanaman yang sudah sejak lama digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional. Tanaman ini memiliki daun yang tebal dan sangat mudah tumbuh dari tunas daunnya. Memberi sensasi dingin dan rasanya sedikit asam.
Kandungan: Asam formiat, biofilin, damar, kalsium oksalat, magnesium malat, glikosida, tanin, damar, dan zat lendir.
Khasiat: Mengatasi sakit kepala, bisul, nyeri lambung, amandel, ambien, radang telinga luar, rematik, muntah darah, demam, disentri, asma dan nyeri dada, perut kembung, melancarkan menstruasi yang tidak teratur, sakit gigi



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
