
香欖牛油果树神奇作用。Mimusops elengi - Medicinal Use。Manfaat Pokok Bunga Tanjung。

上帝创造了各种各样的植物。 每种植物都有自己的用途。這種植物和别的植物有很大的不一样用途。人类发现它有很特别的作用。

Mimusops elengi L.





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God created a variety of plants. Each plant has its own uses for humans. Today I will know that a plant has benefits for human teeth. It can cure Gingival bleeding, periodontitis.

This plant is from India .This is Mimusops elengi .Generally used as an ornamental plant.Maybe you can see it in the park or in the garden. English common names include Spanish cherry, medlar, and bullet wood.Some people also call it a monkey joy fruit because it is a fruit that monkeys like to eat.

The flowers of this plant can be used as flavors and spices. In general, Indians will add this flower to coconut oil to enhance the fragrance.Then spread on the hair, it will give off a unique fragrance.It tastes sweet and astringent.Put the flesh in hand and pinch it, feel the oil, but pinch to the end, the oil is gone, the rest is tiny particles, like salt.On the contrary, if it is an immature fruit, it is sticky at the end.Mature fruit, it is not astringent. If the unripe fruit is very astringent and bitter.Its fruit attracts animals and birds.

In ancient times,  some Indians used this fruit seed to squeeze oil and used to lights.In traditional folk, this leaf is used to treat dizziness, asthma, tonsillitis and pharyngitis caused by body heat.

This fruit can be eaten whether it is mature or green, and it can help reduce the effects of dysentery.The roots or skins of this tree are bitter and astringent.Use 100g of its skin and boil for 15minutes to half an hour. It can help relieve diarrhea and dysentery.

Some traditional folks use the dried fruits or seeds to cook 4 bowls of water into 1 bowl of water and rinse their mouths to improve the problem of loose teeth.

In Indonesia, some women use the young leaves of this tree  made into a dish to shrink the uterus and tighten the female.

Some Malay folks use mimusops elengi bark, 4 bowls of water to boil a bowl of water, gargle for 4 consecutive days,to help treat bad breath, gingivitis and toothache.

My share it here today, if you have any knowledge on how to use this plant please share it to everyone.Thank you for watching.see you on next video.

Common names
Bullet Wood
Spanish Cherry
The bullet wood (scientific name Mimusops elengi) is a tropical tree that grows in the forests of Southeast Asia, South Asia and northern Australia.

For natural oral hygiene and more durable teeth, prepare a solution with bullet wood and water and rinse your mouth with it. This will also strengthen your gums and refresh your breath.

Fruit pulp is also astringent even when sweet and has been used to fight dysentery. The bullet wood leaves have antipyretic effects and also work as painkillers.

Loose teeth and other dental conditions can be cured with hot water extracts of either the seeds or the dried fruits.

 Pregnant women can consume ripe fruits in order to accelerate childbirth; the fruits also double as an abortifacient. Hot aqueous extracts are also useful against menorrhagia. Loose teeth and other dental conditions can be cured with hot water extracts of either the seeds or the dried fruits .
The bark is astringent, bitter and tonic. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery
A decoction of the bark, sometimes mixed with the flowers, is used as a gargle to treat gum inflammation, toothache etc
It is also used to treat gonorrhoea, snakebites, fevers, wounds, scabies and eczema

It is often combined with tamarind bark (Tamarindus indica) then used as a lotion on skin complaints

The leaves are used to treat headache, toothache, wounds and sore eyes, and are smoked to cure infections of the nose and mouth

The young fruits have been employed in a gargle for treating sprue

The pounded seeds are used to cure obstinate constipatio

1. Merawat sakit gigi dan boleh menghilangkan nafas berbau. Kulit batang pokok direbus bersama air dan dibuat kumur selama empat hari
2. Merawat luka. Air rebusan kulit batang pokok digunakan untuk mencuci luka.
Kulit akarnya mengandung banyak tanin dan sedikit alkaloid yang tidak beracun.



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