
小飛蓬叶可帮助降血糖,治排尿困难,腹泻。。。好喝的茶。Conyza canadensis medicinal uses.


小蓬草( 小飞蓬)的功效与作用 小飞蓬的常见用法





二、治結膜炎 小飛蓬性涼,入肝、膽經,兼具消炎殺菌的功效。對治療結膜炎亦有較好療效。可採魚膽草(小飛蓬)鮮葉,搗汁,滴眼(慎用!謹遵醫囑!)。此方《雲南中草藥》有載。

三、治牙痛 小飛蓬性涼、消炎抗菌、散瘀消腫,對治療熱性牙齦腫痛亦有不錯的療效。可取新鮮魚膽草(小飛蓬)適量,洗淨,搗碎,含牙痛處。此方《雲南中草藥》有載。
四、治慢性膽囊炎 《福建藥物志》載“主治膽囊炎,肝炎,腎炎,中暑,喉痛,蛔蟲病,關節痛” 可見小飛蓬治膽囊炎亦是有其史料依據的。可取小白酒草(小飛蓬)18克,鬼針草15克,兩面針和南五味子根各6克。水煎服。




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Medicinal uses of Conyza Canadensis (Canadian Fleabane or Horseweed)
Canadian horseweed is astringent, antirheumatic, diuretic, balsamic, emmenagogue, styptic, vermifuge and tonic.
Horseweed is especially suitable for dysentery, diarrhea, internal hemorrhoids and hemorrhage. Native Americans boiled the root to make a tea for menstrual irregularities and burned to create a smoke that warded off insects.
Furthermore, Canadian horseweed has also been recommended for rheumatism and bladder problems. It is excellent for colon trouble, cholera and summer complaint.
Good for kidney gravel, tuberculosis, diabetes, hemorrhages of the stomach, fevers, nosebleeds, cystitis, bronchitis, dropsy, inflammation of  throat and coughs.

Medicinal use of Canada Fleabane: In traditional North American herbal medicine, Canada fleabane was boiled to make steam for sweat lodges, taken as a snuff to stimulate sneezing during the course of a cold and burned to create a smoke that warded off insects. Nowadays it is valued most for its astringency, being used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal problems such as diarrhoea and dysentery. It is said to be a very effective treatment for bleeding haemorrhoids. The whole plant is antirheumatic, astringent, balsamic, diuretic, emmenagogue, styptic, tonic and vermifuge. It can be harvested at any time that it is in flower and is best used when fresh. The dried herb should not be stored for more than a year. The seeds can also be used. An infusion of the plant has been used to treat diarrhoea and internal haemorrhages or applied externally to treat gonorrhoea and bleeding piles. The leaves are experimentally hypoglycaemic. The essential oil found in the leaves is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and internal haemorrhages. It is a uterine stimulant and is also said to be valuable in the treatment of inflamed tonsils plus ulceration and inflammation of the throat. A tea of the boiled roots is used to treat menstrual irregularities. A homeopathic remedy is made from the plant. It is used in the treatment of haemorrhoids and painful menstruation
The leaves of this plant, 30-50 grams, are washed clean, boiled for about half an hour, filtered and allowed to warm before taking,it can help relieve dysentery and diarrhea.

This is Conyza Canadensis.Also known as Horseweed.The plant next to me can usually be found in the wilderness, fields, and roadsides.Strange to say, this kind of plant can be seen nearby where pigs and horses are raised.

Tea of the boiled roots is used to treat menstrual irregularities.
Homeopathic remedy is made from the plant.It is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and painful menstruation.It was used by most Native North Americans tribes to treat various illnesses, including diarrhea, fever, running nose, rhinitis, but also used to arrest bleedings or to relieve stomach aches, earaches or headaches

Conyza canadensis Common names include horseweed, Canadian horseweed, Canadian fleabane, coltstail, marestailbutterweed,Flea Wort, Pride weed, Daisy Fleabane, Philadelphia Fleabane, Sweet Scabious, Frost weed, Field weed and Mourning Widow. During the 1980s and 1990s, pig breeding near homes prevailed in Malaysia.At that time, children would use this plant to play and feed pigs, and pigs also loved to eat.Whole grass contains volatile oils, limonene, linalool, linoleyl acetate, and pyrethroid.It taste cool, slightly bitter and pungent.Belong to the meridian of liver, gallbladder, stomach and large intestine.

Indigenous tribe of North America, the Lakotas, prepared an herbal tea using the entire horseweed plant to treat children suffering from sore mouths as well as adults who faced problems in passing urine.
Skin contact with the plant can cause dermatitis in some people.
Avoid use during Pregnancy and breast feeding.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, clearing heat, dispersing stasis and swelling.In folks, it is generally used to treat heat stroke, sore throat, joint pain, enteritis, nephritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, tapeworm, bruises, topical treatment of traumatic bleeding and psoriasis.

For the treatment of hot tooth swelling and pain,it has a good effect.To treat toothache, just use fresh leaves, smash it, and apply it to the toothache to help sterilize and reduce swelling.

Experiments have shown that its leaves can lower blood sugar. Essential oils in the leaves can be used to treat diarrhea, dysentery and internal bleeding.

Among the traditional herbs in North America, some Canadian women use its roots, boil them, and drink them as tea to treat irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, and hemorrhoids.The Lakotas, an indigenous tribe in North America, use whole grass, boiled, sugared, and tea-drinking to treat children's oral soreness and dysuria in young people.

In folk, this grass is also quite popular for the treatment of psoriasis.The cure is to mash its leaves and apply it to a place with psoriasis, two or three times a day, until it heals.

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