
世界上难得的长寿岛,有很多人都喝这个“ 白树之王”,

波利尼西亚的祖先们把诺丽树称为“  白树之王,并将其神化为某种象征或具有灵力的神秘色彩的圣果,他们相信并利用诺丽树所有部分的药用价值,传统医师运用了的每一个部分﹕叶﹑根﹑树皮﹑种子﹑花及果子。它的根可降血压,种子具有通便作用,及缓解疼痛,花朵的提取物可治眼疾。而果实的价值更高,用于治疗海绵牙床、喉痛、月经不调、痛经和由细菌腐败引起的血液中毒、发烧、疟疾、黄热病、黄疸病、脾肿大、肝病、脚气病、咳嗽、肿瘤等几乎包括了可以想象到的各种疾病,从生殖系统问题到骨折,从感染发炎到体重、皮肤和头发等问题。

据现代医学研究证实,诺丽果富含227种有效的营养成分,其中包括13种维生素(ABCE)16种矿物质(钾、钠、锌、钙、铁、镁、磷、铜、硒等)8种微量元素,还包括9种人体所必需氨基酸在内的20多种氨基酸(是植物中含氨基酸种类最多的超强组合),10多种具有抗氧化作用的物 质,还含有东莨菪碱等多种生物碱、多醣体、多种酵素等极具医学价值的成分,是非常强效的天然综合营养素。

Morinda citrifolia Linn.


Traditional/Ethnobotanical uses
Polynesian healers have used noni fruits for thousands of years to help treat a variety of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, aches, pains, burns, arthritis, inflammation, tumors, the effects of aging, and parasitic, viral, and bacterial infections. Ancient healing manuscripts cite the fruit as a primary ingredient in natural healing formulations. 
General uses

Noni has traditionally been used for colds, flu, diabetes, anxiety, and high blood pressure, as well as for depression and anxiety. All plant parts are used for a variety of illnesses in Samoan culture, and noni is one of the most frequently used Hawaiian plant medicines. Claims that have not been proven in clinical trials include: the use of bark for the treatment of bacterial infections, cough, diarrhea in infants, and stomach ailments; the flowers for sore or irritated eyes, styes, conjunctivitis, ocular inflammation, and coughs; the fruit for asthma, wounds, broken bones, mouth and throat infections, tuberculosis, worms, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, eye ailments, arthritis, depression, seizures, bacterial and fungal infections, viruses, and as a tonic; the fresh fruit juice for cancer; the dried leaves used externally for infections, burns, children's chest colds, and inflammation, and internally for boils, pleurisy, inflamed gums, and arthritic pain; the fresh leaves used externally for burns and internally for fevers, hemorrhage, bacterial infections, and inflammation; and the roots for oral ulcerations, fevers, and cancerous swellings.


Health Benefits Of Kaffir Lime
1Lemons are high in VITAMIN C, a powerful antioxidant
2Lowering stroke risk
3lemon juice can help fight the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.
4Preventing asthma
5Boosting the immune system

The antibacterial and antioxidant qualities of kaffir limes make them powerful tools to boost the immune system. Not only does the topical application prevent infections and bacteria from accumulating on the skin, but when consumed, kaffir limes can help prevent a wide variety of gastrointestinal illnesses and stimulate the immune system via antioxidant effect 



Method of making papaya leaf juice
(Note: the leaves and seeds are toxic and relatively cool, extracare must be taken when medicinal)
(A) the 3 slices of papaya leaf, bear fruit for papaya tree isrequired to determine.
(B) to cut stems of papaya leaves, leaving only theleaves.
(C) place the leaves in Fruit juice machine mixing
(D) filtered out about a teaspoon of the juice.
(E) to maintain fresh, better not after juice extracting waterseepage, and immediately let patient drink.

Make sure to use raw leaf of papaya because it only will work as a remedy for dengue fever. You will need two raw leaves of papaya.
How to Prepare the Papaya Leaf Juice?First, take away the stems of papaya’s leaves and their fibrous portions.Second, squeeze out the juice from the leaves. Pour the juice in a glass and it is ready for consummation. You can consume this juice two times a day for optimum results.
The success of papaya leaf extract is shown in certain studies where the major number of patients experienced increase in the platelets level.
What makes this treatment so popular and convincing is the experience of people. This following text  provides two actual experiences of people, narrated by a doctor from India.One case included a son of a gentleman who was hospitalized due to dengue fever, with an alarming decline in the number of blood platelets. The transfusions of blood did not have any help and the condition was getting even worse.At last, the boy was given papaya leaf juice and within 24 hours the number of platelets rose from 15,000 to 135,000. It was an amazing moment for the whole medical personnel and the boy was finally allowed to return home.Another case included a lady in her thirties, who was hospitalized after 3 days of pain and temperature. The platelets were to 28,000 and even her lungs started to fill with water. The doctor claimed that it was her immune system that had to fight the fever until she was given the juice by a relative.


如何用沙梨果(buah kedondong)治感冒,心慌,消化不良。DIY方法。

科属:漆树科(Anacardiaceae) 槟榔great hog plum

它的廣東話是鐵沙梨,又稱沙梨果,馬來文正式名爲buah kedondong

Ambarella fruit to nourish the boneThe content of calcium in the fruit Ambarella is as high as 15 mg per 100 grams. With a high content of calcium in the fruit Ambarella Ambarella then dengna eat fruit regularly and we will regularly nourish our bones. And very good for those who like to exercise because the exercise will be easily absorbed calcium properly.

Ambarella fruit useful to maintain the beauty of your skin and bodyFor women, this is very useful information for all of you. No need to pay expensive to buy beauty products. With ambarell you will naturally beautiful skin without side effects. The way is often consume fruits that contain lots of vitamin C like Ambarella. Ambarella containing 30 to 50 mg of vitamin C in every 100 grams of Ambarella. the content can Ambarella petrified klit in the process of regeneration, and the most important is the fruit of Ambarella can increase collagen production in the skin. Vitamin C in fruit Ambarella serves as a natural antioxidant, so that you will always be maintained klit beauty. see also fruits for beauty

Ambarella fruit useful to prevent anemiaIf you often experience anemia or less blood, can Ambarella fruit may be the solution for you. Ambarella fruit contained in iron content is high enough. Iron is what can help the body produce red blood cells so that you avoid anemia.

Ambarella good fruit to cure coughMany communities in Asia, especially in Indonesia believe that the fruit can Ambarella very effective to cure cough. For the type of cough itself is a common cough or flu. The trick is

  • 3 Provide Ambarella ripe fruit.
  • Clean the Ambarella fruit by washing.
  • Grate the fruit Ambarella then squeeze the grated results without added water.
  • Give a little salt on the results of earlier juice, then you can drink it.
  • Do this 2 times a day, then your cough will be cured.







5.預防登革熱 (骨痛热症)




Research studies found that the phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaves act in synergy to display a strong antioxidant and immune enhancing impact in the bloodstream. Papain, alkaloids and phenolic compounds are responsible for their positive biological effects.
The enzymes papain and chymopapain are the two biologically active components of papaya. They aid in digesting proteins and are widely used for treating indigestion, bloating, and other digestive disorders. In addition, the alkaloid compounds, carpaine, pseudocarpaine and dehydrocarpaine demonstrate chemo-preventive effects.

Pure isolated alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives are used as basic medicinal agents because of their antispasmodic, analgesic, and bacterial properties. The phenolic compounds, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin and kaempferol exhibit potent antioxidant effect. Papaya leaves are also high in minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and manganese.Papaya leaves are known to contain very high amounts of vitamins A, C, E, K, the B vitamins and especially 


马来名:, Kedongdong.
英文名:Otaheite apple, Yellow Plum, Ambarella.
科属:漆树科(Anacardiaceae) 槟榔great hog plum

它的廣東話是鐵沙梨,又稱沙梨果,馬來文正式名爲buah kedondong

Ambarella fruit to nourish the boneThe content of calcium in the fruit Ambarella is as high as 15 mg per 100 grams. With a high content of calcium in the fruit Ambarella Ambarella then dengna eat fruit regularly and we will regularly nourish our bones. And very good for those who like to exercise because the exercise will be easily absorbed calcium properly.

Ambarella fruit useful to maintain the beauty of your skin and bodyFor women, this is very useful information for all of you. No need to pay expensive to buy beauty products. With ambarell you will naturally beautiful skin without side effects. The way is often consume fruits that contain lots of vitamin C like Ambarella. Ambarella containing 30 to 50 mg of vitamin C in every 100 grams of Ambarella. the content can Ambarella petrified klit in the process of regeneration, and the most important is the fruit of Ambarella can increase collagen production in the skin. Vitamin C in fruit Ambarella serves as a natural antioxidant, so that you will always be maintained klit beauty. see also fruits for beauty

Ambarella fruit useful to prevent anemiaIf you often experience anemia or less blood, can Ambarella fruit may be the solution for you. Ambarella fruit contained in iron content is high enough. Iron is what can help the body produce red blood cells so that you avoid anemia.



拉丁学名:Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith

【来 源】:为双子叶植物药姜科姜属植物红球姜的根茎。 
【功 效】:活血祛瘀、行气止痛、温中止泻、消积导滞。 

【主 治】:用治肝气郁滞引起的各种瘀血症;治气滞胃痛、腹痛、等;治中焦虚寒引起...
. Zingiber Zerumbet Smith brought all of it back, and after a lifetime of straight hair actually made it curly and lots thicker.  I deduced that any herb that could have such an effect on hair, as well as fingernails (mine got much stronger on the powder) must have other wonderful effects on the body. So I Googled it and saw scientific evidence that explained why it improved my general health so much. I believe this herb is one reason I am still alive after being poisoned by Aldara.
Following are a few excerpts from the scientific data as reported on the above website:
  • Suppresses free radical generation
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Suppresses cancer cell proliferation accompanied by apoptosis
  • Counters HIV activity
  • Treatment for leukemia
  • Treatment for tumours
Traditional Medicine with Lempuyang
In Indonesia , lempuyang often used as one of the main ingredients of the manufacture of herbal medicine known as herbal medicine puyangchilli. Medicine puyang chili is of course a lot of important benefits for our health. You can find these herbs in  chili puyang t who often  around housing or can be found traditional markets.
Part of spices named lempuyang the most commonly used is the root or rhizome, the same as the benefits of ginger, turmeric benefits and benefits galangal. Usually, rhizomes or tubers of lempuyang processed into herbal drinks puyangchilli, which has many benefits for our health.


拉丁学名:Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Smith



红球姜   【来 源】:为双子叶植物药姜科姜属植物红球姜的根茎。   【功 效】:活血祛瘀、行气止痛、温中止泻、消积导滞。   【主 治】:用治肝气郁滞引起的各种瘀血症;治气滞胃痛、腹痛、痛经等;治中焦虚寒引起的腹泄、消化不良等

The first  benefits of lempuyang for the health of our bodies are capable of preventing the emergence of cancer cells.  lempuyang is good to prevent cancer, because it is able to inhibit and prevent the growth of cancer cells in our body.For those of you who  disturbances in eating patterns, due to a lack of appetite, then you can try to eat herbs and potions are made using refined tubers or rhizomes of Zingiber. Rhizome of Zingiber contains almai and benefits to help increase appetite. Especially in children and also emreka who often suffer from eating disorders.Our bodies need food to get adequate nutrition so they can avoid a wide variety of health problems. Therefore, try to consume a concoction made using lempuyang that your appetite for the better and improving.Lempuyang also has benefits both to increase your metabolism. The body’s metabolism is needed to help process all kinds of nutrients in the body so as not to accumulate. One important benefit of the body’s metabolism more important is that it helps to keep in shape, so that your body always looks fresh and always eager to perform each activity.Lempuyang was also very good for our skin. Lempuyang can help to maintain skin moisture.  can prevent the emergence of symptoms of dry and rough skin, and wrinkles on the skin. With porters humidity is maintained, then you will be protected from other disorders of the skin, such as skin rough and scaly.


向天果的作用。Sky fruit HEALTH BENEFITS。Blah Tunjuk Langit.

向天果(学名Fructus Swietenia Macrophylla),《马来西亚草药目录》中记载:向天果树皮味苦涩、性凉可解热、收敛、种仁强壮。用法:糖尿病、体虚者,用鲜种子6—19克(敢_}并26克),水煎服,或研粉入胶囊服  向天果被誉为”植物之后”,其保健效益在所罗门群岛早已世代相传,当地居民服用向天果的历史已逾千年,用于治疗糖尿病、高血压、过敏性疾病、内分泌失调等 .20世纪末,凯尔国际联合马来亚医学院大学教授Dr. Mustafa Ali Mohd.和驻沙地阿拉伯药剂系博士Dr. Ossama Arafat对向天果进行深入科研实验研究;研究结果显示,向天果富含以下三大活性成分,拥有高效地改善高血压和血糖水平的功能。
2 活性成分
2.1 皂角苷:
  - 降低血糖改善症状;
  - 降低胆固醇,降血脂抑制肥胖;(皂解苷可抑制胆固醇在肠道的吸收,能降低血浆胆固醇,改善脂质代谢,并可预防因高脂肪膳食所造成的高血脂症。)
  - 降低血小板凝聚,避免形成血栓;(能调节机体的溶血系统,抑制血小板聚集,改善血凝,减少血栓形成,增加心脑血流量,提高机体抗缺氧功能。)
  - 改善血凝状况避免心肌梗塞;
  - 增强抗病力及增进体力;(增加白血球数量加吞噬细胞的吞噬能力。)
  - 提高免疫功能;
  - 抗癌抑制肿瘤。
2.2 黄酮类:
  - 有效促进血液循环
  - 预防脑血管阻塞引起中风、预防老人痴呆症;
  - 能降低脂肪在血管壁上的累积;
  - 能改善或降低血中胆固醇含量;
  - 能促使体内防止各组织发炎的自然抗体生成;
  - 能阻挠动脉硬化的形成;
  - 能清除体内过多的自由基;
  - 具有防止体内氧化作用的功能。
2.3 异黄酮:
  - 天然植物雌激素
  - 调理女性生理时钟
  - 舒缓更年期症状
  - 预防骨骼疏松症

3.1 调节血糖
3.2 调节血压
3.3 降低胆固醇
  向天果可抑制胆固醇在肠道的吸收,能降低血浆胆固醇, 改善脂质代谢,并可预防因高脂肪膳食所造成的高血脂症,起到降低血脂和胆固醇的作用。
3.4 调节人体机能
  向天果有助于调节人体各器官之间的内环境平衡,保障每个细胞的正常活动,促进微循环系统的血液流量,提高人体免疫能力,确保人体器官组织功能操作健全,能增进血液循环和防止血管阻塞,能够帮助预防心脏病和中风。对治疗糖尿病, 血压高、过敏性疾病、内分泌失调等有非常显著的功效;
  向天果还具有养生作用,对于壮阳益精, 消除疲劳,增强体力,排毒,修复组织,提高受孕率,扶正固体,活化细胞,美艳养颜,预防老化,强胃健肺,解酒保肝,益血补脉,健睥止泻,清毒排毒,调节血糖,养心安神等神奇功效。
Tunjuk Langit is naturally alkaline, thus it is effective to protect our body against bacteria or virus and also drowsiness and body fatigue. Overall, Tunjuk Langit has the following benefits:
• Normal healthy: Tunjuk Langit as a body detoxification, brain enhancer and sexual stimulant.
• Antipyretic: Treatment of fever due to infection of bacteria.
• Treatment of diet induced diabetes: Removal of fat and plaque in blood vessels of pancreas; stimulation of the production of insulin.
• Stroke and cardiovascular disease: Alkaloid content will thicken blood.
• Gout (excessive acid in body): Neutralizes the other acids in body.
• Strengthen immune system: Regulate immune function enhancement, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus.
• Respiratory system: Chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough crop.
• Nervous system: Lacks of sleep, fatigue, relieve stress, insomnia, migraine headache.
• Women’s problems: Delay of menopause and restore of healthy youthful appearance.
• Men’s problems: Prevention of erectile dysfunction due to increase blood flow in that vital area.
• Digestive System (Pancreatic included): Gastrointestinal ulcers, cirrhosis, acute and chronic hepatitis, hangover, etc.
• Cancer and tumor: High alkaloid concentration raises body pH above 8, retarding and killing cancer cell.
• Endocrine system (including metabolic disease): Diabetes, sterility, infertility, improves kidney function.
• Anti- aging: Elimination of reactive oxygen free radicals.

 Sky fruit atau biasa disebut buah tunjuk langit, adalah buah yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan karena mengandung banyak protein, mineral, vitamin, enzim, karbohidrat, asam lemak esensial dan nutrisi penting lainnya untuk tubuh. Buah ini juga sering dikenal sebagai biji mahoni. Untuk mengonsumsinya, biji mahoni atau buah tunjuk langit harus dipecah terlebih dulu dengan palu dan kemudian ditumbuk menjadi bubuk halus. Berikut adalah khasiat buah tunjuk langit untuk kesehatan, seperti dilansir Boldsky.
 Buah tunjuk langit,  bermanfaat bagi kesehatan karena mengandung banyak protein, mineral, vitamin, enzim, karbohidrat, asam lemak esensial dan nutrisi penting lainnya untuk tubuh.
 buah tunjuk langit boleh mengubati alergi mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner.mengurangi rasa sakit saat menstruasi,mengubati  sembelit,Penyakit hati dan diabetes.Ia juga menyingkirkan bau mulu dan tekanan  karana stres .




2017年5月15日发布 秋葵嫩果中含有一种黏性液质及阿拉伯聚糖、半乳聚糖、鼠李聚糖、蛋白质等,经常食用帮助消化、增强体力、保护肝脏、健胃整肠。  (一)秋葵的功效   【性味】淡;寒。   【归经】归肾、膀胱经。   【功能主治】利咽,通淋,下乳,调经。主咽喉肿痛,小便淋涩,产后乳汁稀少,月经不调。 秋葵含有特殊的具有藥效的成分,能補虛,對男性器質性疾病有輔助治療作用,是一種適宜的營養保健,享有「植物偉哥」之美譽。另外由於秋葵富含有鋅和硒等微量元素,能增強人體防癌抗癌。加上含有豐富的維生素C和可溶性纖維,不僅對皮膚具有保健作用,且能使皮膚美白、細嫩。 

 Benefits of okra, can a pregnent women eat okra, benefits of ladys finger, amino acid absorption in the small intestine, bhindi for joints, benefits of bindi, benefits of mother finger, benefit of lady finger, health benefits of lady finger in arabic video, how folic acid is used in neurotube formation, what is the benefits of ladys finger okra, google health benefits of okra, bamiya juice, folic acid na pagkain, okra uric acid, benefits of lady 。 Okra low in calories okra is aplenty with vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. Eating okra is much recommended for pregnant woman besides other for it is rich in folic acid which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb. Research revelations by the eminent nutritionists' state The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine. The fiber of okra has many superior qualities in maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal tract. okra helps reabsorb water and traps excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen.



1.大自然被破坏,没用人会好过。2 大自然被破坏,好多事会发生3.大自然被破坏 ,家庭一定不好4.   大自然被破坏,会有很大怪事发生5.我们一定爱大自然6.我们要保护大自然7。大自然不好人类也会不好。这是大自然的力量也是大自然法则。

如何种植香茅。grow lemongrass at home.DIY方法。

如何种植香grow lemongrass at home.
自己種檸檬香茅step by step

Step1 從一整盆香茅裡,挑選健壯成熟的植株,由根部處剪下。
Step2 將下位枯黃的葉子拔掉,並將上方葉子剪掉,避免消耗水分。
Step3 直接在盆中或露地挖洞,將剪下來的根部插入,並稍微壓實周邊的土。

Step4 10天後,待根部長出之後,再施一點點肥即可。

You may have wondered how to grow lemongrass on your own. You can grow your own lemongrass plants, and in fact, growing lemongrass and propagating lemongrass is not all the difficult and you don’t have to have a great green thumb. Let’s take a look at how to grow lemongrass.

Growing lemongrass is as simple as taking your started plant out of the water and putting the rooted stalks into a pot containing all-purpose soil, with the crown just below the surface. Put this pot of lemongrass plants in a warm, sunny spot on a window ledge or out on your patio. Water it regularly. If you live in a warm climate, you can plant your lemongrass plants out in the backyard in a bog or pond. Plant lemongrass in a large pot that is at least 12 inches across, or use a 5-gallon bucket. Be sure to use a premium quality potting soil when growing lemongrass. Lemongrass grows tall, and pots can easily tip in windy weather, so place containers in a slightly protected location.


臭瘥草,狗貼耳,狗心草、折耳根 ,狗点耳
Amis Amisan
Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb
Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)


1. Diabetes Treatment
A comprehensive study by Kumar et al., (2014) on constant administration of ethanolic extract of Houttuynia cordata for a period of 3 weeks on diabetic rats showed a significant reduction of FPG level on these rats. Their finding suggests that Houttuynia cordata contains anti-diabetic properties thus can be a potential cure for diabetic patients. Interestingly, this plant is currently being experimented and examined in order to determine its pharmacological abilities in regulating blood sugar level in human beings. 2. Weight Management Studies reveal that Houttuynia cordata contains anti-obesity properties thus can be regularly eaten to shed excess weight. 3. Culinary purposes Houttuynia cordata serves as green vegetables for preparing and garnishing assorted meals such as salad and eromba etc. 4. Diuretic benefits Houttuynia cordata can be used for preparing traditional medicines that are used for treating diuresis. 5. Detoxification Ability Houttuynia cordata can be used for detoxifying the body systems due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. 6. Pneumonia treatment Houttuynia cordata can be used for treating pneumonia, abnormal lung symptoms and SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome). 7. Treatment of infectious diseases It can be used for treating infectious diseases due to its anti-viral and antibacterial properties. 8. Herpes treatment Houttuynia cordata can be given to patients suffering from herpes virus since the plant contains properties that are capable of inhibiting pseudorabies herpes virus. 9. Antipoison Properties Houttuynia cordata is also known as a poison-blocking plant due to its ability to neutralize poisonous substances.

POTENTIATED PLU KOW Houttuynia Cordata Thunb
In the province of Chiang Mai, Thailand near one of the most Holy sites named Doi Suthep one may observe the Buddhist Monks harvesting Plu Kow for medicinal use. Traditionally, Chinese medicine uses Plu Kow to treat fever, inflammation and as a detoxfier. In Korea the leaves of Plu Kow is used to treat high blood pressure, cancer and arteriosclerosis. Thai medicine uses Plu Kow to treat dermatitis, Cancer, respiratory infections, dysentery, sexually transmitted diseases, hemorrhoids, measles, wounds and more.
The research on Plu Kow has until now been limited to countries in Asia like India, Thailand, China and Korea. Now that Plu Kow has been “discovered” by the western world, we hope that the research will continue of the medicinal effects of this amazing plant.
Of the 126 research reports designated to Plu Kow dating back to 1908, most of the research has taken place between 1983 until present day.
By the year of 2003, there have been more than 17 certifications and patents which include Plu Kow relating to antibodies and immune system.
Findings were related to basically 2 categories:
1Curing allergic reactions like asthma, food allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and atopic dermatitis.
2Treatment of immunodeficiency diseases
The most recent scientific findings beneficial effects such as:
1Plu Kow’s ability to help prevent cell replication by promoting DNA fragmentation ( Chain termination during DNA replication)2Plu Kow’s ability to contribute to boost our immune system enough to kill infected viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.
DNA Fragmentation
Cancer cells, Viruses and some bacteria have genes that suppress programmed cell death leading to unchecked replication. There are viruses like Herpes complex 1 that block apoptosis ( genetically programmed cell death). Successful viral replication involves evasion of host defenses and circumvention of the natural mechanisms that limit replication by killing infected cells.
The bodies emergency response to viral infections is for our immune system to target the replicatory viral DNA and induce an early cell death. Viruses have adapted by evolving survival promoting strategies to evade or delay early adoptosis. There are even some viruses that intentionally induce adoptosis in their late stages so that they may more easily spread to nearby cells. At this late stage in adoptosis, components of the cell become wrapped or encased in membrane bound adoptopic bodies that are then easily absorbed into the nearby cells and the virus “hitches” a ride. Cancer does the same basic process.
A Healthy cell has the natural ability to repair itself by removing the bad, deficient or damaged atoms and replace them with a new strand of Healthy atoms. All viruses ( HIV, many Cancers and some bacteria) have lost this DNA repair mechanism. Studies have found that Plu Kow may help halt the DNA Replication by turning on the DNA Fragmentation process, and not interfere or affect healthy cell replication.
The “American Journal of Chinese Medicine” reported that Plu Kow reduced viral RNA synthesis and virus induced caspase 3 activity. The studies indications were that Plu Kow affected adoptotic processes in EV71 by inhibiting viral replication (Vol 37, Issue 1, 2009 by Lin et.al). Essential oils in the Plu Kow plant have been found to effectively terminate the DNA chain during DNA replication. So, understand that the biological mechanism here is not aimed at destroying the target pathogen, but rather inhibiting its process of replication and not harming its host.
Autolysis is the process of self destruction or self digestion of the cell via the enzymes that exist within the cell. Autolysis is aided by lysosomal, an enzyme that aids in the digestion of cells and Lysosomal synthesis is increased by the essential oils found in Plu Kow!
Anti-Viral effects of Plu Kow
Western Chemical therapies stop viral infections by killing the host cellsHowever, Anti-viral therapies include substances that can be derived from plants. Evaporated oil from Plu Kow leaves has been shown to resist the influenza virus in nursing cells and has been shown to kill the herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), influenza virus and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) without destroying the host cells.The “American Journal of Chinese Medicine” refers to scientific studies indicating that out of 22 tested medicinal herbs, only Plu Kow nuturalized (Enterovirus 71) activity and induced antiviral effects.  (Vol 37, Issue 1, 2000, by Lin et al.)Houttuynia cordata is distinguished for its ability to invade the entire farmland and spread closely all over the ground. When this plant eventually invades a farmland, it usually proves difficult to destroy except when tackled with tough elimination methods. The plant is capable of growing approximately up to 80cm tall with the distal part protruding vertically. Houttuynia cordata is characterised by greenish-yellowish color leaves that often grows up to 10 cm long × 6 cm wide in shady places and moist areas. The leaves are alternated with heart-shaped appearance while the stem usually produces adventitious roots. The plant bears horizontal rhizomes, which connect the erect aerial stems with each other.

The cordate alternate leaves have a sheathing base, which is synonymous with certain species of Piper (Piperaceae). The inflorescences of Houttuynia cordata comprises of dense spikes of very tiny flowers without petals, with each of the inflorescence bearing four white bracts at the base. Below are some of the amazing benefits of Houttuynia cordata you ought to be aware oInjections of Plu Kow have been found to exert a direct inhibitory activity against various forms of herpes and that Plu Kow was one of the eight compounds selected to treat SARS in China.Daun Kirinyuh

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
