
神奇辣木树植物.Health Benefits of Moringa leaves. Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor

Moringa oleifera Lamarck
辣木(MoringaDrumstick tree),性味:辛、微温、无毒。是多年生热带落叶乔木,原产印度北部,全世界约有14个品种,辣木.其实辣木籽刚开始吃的时候一定会有苦的感觉的,然后是回甜,再吃第2颗苦变很淡,吃第3颗的时候就不觉得苦了。可以配合蜂蜜一起吃,不但更营养,也更容易坚持吃下去。

5印度草医学认为辣木可预防300种疾病。特别是近几年辣木受到欧美等发达国家很多研究机构和消费者的关注和热捧。 经常食用辣木叶可增强免疫力、排毒、塑身、抗老化、抗癌、并对多种慢性及重大疾病都有极大的改善功效



你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

泰国柠檬强化记忆力、提高思考反应的灵活度。你听过吗?Benefits Of Kaffir LimeJeruk purut

桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.
thank you. leave message.hope  can help you a lot.

番石榴叶的功效与作用. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu .

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi

1. Powerhouse Of Antioxidants
The extract of moringa seeds are powerful and natural source of antioxidants which are free radical busters that rids the body of oxidative stress and protect cell damage and reduces risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes. And age related eye disorder. Moringa seeds are loaded with vitamin A, C, and B vitamins and minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc each of which are essential for a complete wellness. Like calcium is required from strong bone and teeth, iron is needed to reduce the risk of anemia; zinc is required for healthy sperm count and so on. Several anti-aging, anti-bacterial compounds, essential amino acids, phytonutrients, powerful anti-oxidants like quercetin works like anti-inflammatory drugs and hence consuming a healthy dose of moringa seeds can help us avert diseases and stay healthy
2. Lowers Blood Pressure
Some preliminary studies show that moringa can lower blood pressure reducing oxidizing lipids and safeguarding the heart tissues from getting damaged and also reduce the risk of heart disease .

3. Lowers Cholesterol
High cholesterol level has been linked to heart disease. Moringa seeds are rich in oleic acid (Monosaturated fatty acid) a healthy source of fat can reverse bad cholesterol, working as good cholesterol. This helps to keep cholesterol level down, reduces the risk of blood clot forming and hence tower the risk of cardiovascular disease 

4. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Some preliminary studies and research o done on animals reported that Moringa seeds can lower the level of blood sugar as the seeds have high concentration of zinc that enhances the secretion of insulin. When blood sugar regulation is normal, it helps to manage or prevent diabetes in a better way. Moringa seed therefore can be used for managing diabetes 

5. Reduces Joint Pain
Moringa seeds are high in calcium. Those suffering from joint pain can consume the moringa seed extract as a calcium supplement. The anti-inflammatory of moringa seed also relieves from bone disorders and joint pain by curbing inflammation 

6. Boosts Immunity
The high vitamin C content present in moringa seeds can acts as great immune booster. Power packed with antioxidants and powerful nutrients like vitamin A, C, E and several minerals, combined together works like antibodies to fight infection and diseases. The Studies have found the mooring seeds are effective in fighting against colon cancer and breast cancer. Vitamin A contained in the seeds also aids in improving eyesight and provides protection against eye disorders 

7. Treats Anemia
Moringa seeds being rich in iron are great solution for combating iron deficiency. Iron is essential for maintaining a healthy RBC count in the blood, enrich blood and carry oxygen to muscles, tissues and organs. Deficiency of iron can lead to anemia and other health problems like fatigue, lack of energy, headache, poor cognitive skills and even shortness of breath. Moringa seed contains iron almost 3times more than Spinach

8. Promotes Healthy, Beautiful Skin
Loaded with powerful nutrients like vitamin A, C, D, E and essential minerals like copper, calcium, zinc, silica, iron, magnesium and manganese, the oil extracted from moringa seed which contain more than 30 antioxidants contributes exceptionally in making the skin healthy. The oil is not just nourishes and moisturizes the skin but also has antiseptic properties which can successfully heal skin rashes, sunburn and other minor skin disorder

Manfaat Biji Buah Kelor Untuk Kesehatan Dan Khasiat Biji Buah Kelor

1. Mengandung Gizi Tinggi

Dalam setiap bagian tanaman kelor ternyata memiliki banyak manfaat dan khasiat loh. Mulai dari daun, bunga dan biji buah kelor memiliki manfaat yang tak sedikit. Diantaranya adalah kandungan gizi yang tinggi di dalamnya sehingga sangat bagus untuk kesehatan tubuh kita. Misalnya manfaat daun kelor, di sana ada terkandung gizi tinggi yang sangat bagus dan juga terdapat nutrisi yang bisa dijadikan sebagai sumber vitamin dan juga protein. Secara lebih detail, misalkan dalam satu cangkir daun kelor, maka kandungan nutrisi seperti di bawah ini :

- Vitamin B6 mampu menyuplai 19% dari kebutuhan Vitamin 6 harian dalam tubuh manusia
- Protein dengan kapasitas mencapai 2 gram
- Kandungan vitamin C mencapai 12% dari kebutuhan harian vitamin C pada tubuh normal manusia
- Kandungan zat besi mencapai 11% dari kebutuhan harian zat besi pada tubuh manusia
- Vitamin B2 atau riboflavin mencapai 11% dari kebutuhan harian vitamin B2 pada tubuh manusia
- Vitamin A atau beta karoten mencapai 9% dari perhitungan angka kecukupan gizi seimbang pada tubuh manusia
- Magnesium mencapai 8% dari angka kecukupan gizi seimbang pada tubuh manusia

Memang tanaman kelor kaya sekali akan manfaat yang bisa digunakan untuk tubuh manusia. Bukan saja daunnya yang bisa diambil manfaatnya, namun hampir semua bagian pada tanaman kelor bisa digunakan untuk kesehatan. Bahkan untuk daun kelor, banyak yang sudah menggunakannya sebagai bahan herbal pengobatan dengan cara diolah sampai menjadi bubuk yang halus. Dari bubuk ini kemudian diolah baik dijadikan dalam bentuk makanan maupun dalam bentuk obat yang sudah dikemas.

Bunga kelor sendiri juga memiliki nutrisi meski tak sebanyak pada daun kelor, namun meski nutrisi nya sedikit, buah kelor memiliki kandungan vitamin C yang sangat banyak. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa manfaat kelor, baik manfaat biji buah kelor, manfaat bunga kelor, ataupun manfaat daunnya yang sangat kaya sekali.


东革阿里的功能....Tongkat Ali benefits

东革阿里之所以风行,尤其是在东南亚一代几乎家喻户晓,前马来西亚总统甚至亲自代言(因为马来西亚盛产,属于马来三宝之一) 购买东革阿里。Tongkat ali for sale AliExpress.com Product - GMP certified Eurycoma Longifolia Jack Tongkat Ali extract powder 50:1 500g free shiping for men's health Increase sexual desire科学研究(既有动物实验,也有人体临床实验)证实的功效结果: 1,补肾壮.阳,东革阿里显著促进人体自身睾酮素(一种雄性激素)的分泌(注意啊,是刺激、促进自身的新陈代谢,让您自己本身分泌足够多的雄性激素),雄性荷尔蒙爆表了,能不男人嘛!其实,所有的坚挺、持久、威猛,治痿、泄等等,基本都是源于这最根本的一点; 2,促进新陈代谢,增强血液循环(血液循环增强了,供血、供氧足了,身体自然好啊); 3,改善男同胞小蝌蚪的活力,形态,运动能力,让其不但长相壮硕威猛,跑得还快(这也就是很多人所说的东革阿里有效促进生育); 4,关节炎、骨质疏松(中医理论中有详细原理,基本点就是“肾藏精、主骨”); 5,痛风(被临床试验证实,但原理尚未完全清晰,一说东革阿里含有的Probenecid成分可以抑制尿酸合成); 6,抗前列腺炎、前列腺增生(其实,这个作用还得归功于其促进、提高了自身睾酮素水平);7,消炎、抗疟疾(这一点在潮湿的东南亚一带很被认可); 8,预防肿瘤、癌症(自身免疫功能、自愈修复功能强了,预防肿瘤自然水到渠成)。

tongkat ali for  sale ~   http://amzn.to/2h3rUux   这里有卖东革阿里 ~ http://amzn.to/2zweMoj

Traditionally, tongkat ali root was used as an aphrodisiac and remedy for age-related sexual disorders and symptoms of andropause. The root contains compounds that have repeatedly been shown in animal studies to stimulate libido, promote semen quality, and even support muscle growth.These effects have largely been attributed to increases in testosterone. In 2012, a study that consisted of seventy-six men, only 35% of whom had normal testosterone levels, was orchestrated. It was reported that after one month of supplementing with tongkat ali, the number of men in the group with normal testosterone levels jumped to over 90% A separate double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that men who consumed tongkat ali on a daily basis experienced improvements in erectile function, libido, and semen volume. Some even experienced fat loss. Tongkat Ali and Male Fertility Although not everyone who supplements with tongkat ali wants to increase their fertility, it is worth mentioning that tongkat ali’s hormone support benefits also promotes normal sperm quality. Sperm quality, measured by volume, concentration, and motility, can impact male fertility. In one study, seventy-five men who consumed tongkat ali every day were observed to experience significant improvements in sperm quality, improvements that lasted for months after the initial study. Almost 15% of the participants even reported new pregnancies.


神奇草药消山虎(伤寒草)的功效.Medicinal uses of” Vernonia cineria”.Manfaat Sawi Langit

拉丁名:Vernonia cinereaL.Less.



1. 抑菌作用:體外抑菌試驗,傷寒草浸膏58mg/ml116mg/ml232mg/ml三種濃度對乙型鏈球菌,116mg/ml232mg/ml對致瀉性大腸桿菌、變形桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌及乙型鏈球菌均有抑制作用。葉有弱的抗菌作用。種子可作驅蟲劑。 

2. 治腹脹:消山虎根15g,雞蛋1個。水煎,服湯食蛋。 
3. 治眼病。喉痛:全草20gm,水煎服。 
4. 專治飯匙槍蛇傷:絞汁沖酒服,渣敷患處。 
5. 治肺癰:取全草150gm,水煎服。 

Vernonia  for  sale ~这里有卖消山虎  http://amzn.to/2yE2GNe


你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

泰国柠檬强化记忆力、提高思考反应的灵活度。你听过吗?Benefits Of Kaffir LimeJeruk purut

桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.
thank you. leave message.hope  can help you a lot.

番石榴叶的功效与作用. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu .

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi
Chemical constituents of Vernonia cinerea:
The plant contains luteolin-7 mono- beta-D- glucopyranoside along with triterpene compounds like beta-amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate. The sterols- beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and alpha-spinasterol are available in the plant.

Medicinal uses of Vernonia cineria:  
  • The paste of the leaves and stem is prepared and applied over the wounds and localized swelling as treatment.
  • The decoction prepared from the root and stem of Vernonia cineria is administered in a dose of 40-50 ml to treat cases of renal calculi and burning micturition.
  • The cold infusion prepared from the root and stem of Sahadevi is given in a dose of 50-60 ml to treat fever caused due to indigestion.
  • The paste from the root of Vernonia cineria is applied externally over the area affected with Elephantiasis.
  • In cases of insomnia, the paste prepared from the root of Sahadevi is applied over the scalp region as part of treatment.
  • The decoction or cold infusion made from the root and leaves of Sahadevi is given in a dose of 50 ml to treat skin diseases and as blood purifier.
  • The decoction of root in a dose of 30-40 ml is administered to treat intestinal worms.
  • The cold infusion prepared from the leaves and root of Sahadevi is given in a dose of 50-60 ml to treat constipation.
Part used Whole plant, seeds and leaves.
Medicinal Properties Antispasmodic, antidotal. Whole plant: tonic, astringent, stomachic, febrifuge, diaphoretic, alterative. Seeds: anthelmintic and alexipharmic.
Medicinal Use The juice of the plant is given to children with urinary incontinence. A decoction of it is also given in diarrhea, stomachache and for cough and colic pain. Plant possess anti cancerous property. Seeds: Cures diseases caused by roundworms and threadworms, coughs, flatulence, intestinal colic, dysuria, leucoderma, psoriasis and other chronic skin-diseases. The seeds are made into a paste with lime juice and used for destroying pediculi. Leaves: useful in conjunctivitis, and in lacrimation, eaten as a potherb.

Apa Saja Manfaat Sawi Langit bagi Kesehatan?

Tanaman sawi langit sering dimanfaatkan sebagai herbal untuk membantu mengatasi demam, panas, disentri, batuk, hepatitis, kelelahan, dan insomnia. Di samping itu, manfaat sawi langit juga sebagai obat luar, misalnya untuk membantu menyembuhkan bisul, luka memar, luka digigit ular, dan keseleo. Berbagai kandungan zat yang dimiliki tanaman sawi langit berperan dalam khasiatnya sebagai herbal.
Seluruh bagian tanaman, yang segar maupun yang sudah dikeringkan, bisa dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keluhan kesehatan seperti yang dijelaskan berikut ini.

  • Membantu mengobati demam. Seluruh bagian tanaman sawi langit, yang sudah dikeringkan siapkan sebanyak 10-15 gram atau yang masih segar sebanyak 30-60 gram. Cuci sampai bersih kemudian rebus bersama dengan 4 gelas air. Biarkan mendidih sampai airnya tersisa setengahnya. Dinginkan air rebusan tersebut, lalu saring supaya ampas-ampasnya tidak ikut. Ramuan sawi langit untuk obat demam siap untuk diminum.
  • Membantu mengobati panas dan batuk. Seluruh bagian tanaman sawi langit, siapkan sebanyak 10-15 gram sawi langit yang sudah dikeringkan atau sebanyak 30-60 gram sawi langit yang masih segar. Rebuslah bersama dengan 4 gelas air dan biarkan mendidih sampai airnya hanya tersisa 2 gelas saja. Saring air rebusan tersebut dan bisa diminum setelah sudah tidak panas lagi.
  • Membantu mengobati penyakit disentri dan hepatitis. Siapkan semua bagian tanaman sawi langit yang sudah dikeringkan sebanyak 10-15 gram atau yang masih segar sebanayak 30-60 gram. Cuci sawi langit sampai bersih kemudian rebuslah dengan empat gelas air. Jika sudah mendidih, tunggulah sampai airnya hanya tersisa 2 gelas. Sesudahnya saring air rebusan dan dinginkan. Ramuan obat penyakit disentri dan hepatitis siap untuk dinikmati.
  • Membantu mengatasi insomnia dan kelelahan. Cara meramu atau mengolah tanaman sawi langit sama untuk membantu mengatasi problem susah tidur dan kelelahan, sama dengan cara meramu yang dijelaskan diatas.
  • Membantu menyembuhkan bisul, luka digigit ular, luka memar, dan keseleo. Siapkan tanaman sawi langit yang masih segar secukupnya. Cuci sampai bersih kemudian tumbuk tanaman ini sampai halus. Tambahkan sedikit air lalu aduk sampai membentuk semacam salep. Oleskan salep ramuan sawi langit ini ke bagian yang sakit.


叻沙叶(越南香菜)的叻沙叶功效与作用.Health Benefits of Vietnamese Coriander ~“laksa leaves”Khasiat dan Kegunaan daun laksa。

叻沙叶又名越南芫荽、越南香菜(学名:Persicaria odorata)
越南University of Natural Sciences的研究显示,食用越南香菜会使老鼠的精子数量减少,对于人类可能也有类似的效果。在许多越南的草药疗法中,会使用越南香菜来抑制性欲,在越南有一种说法是越南香菜,豆芽菜,意思是说越南香菜有降低生育的能力,而豆芽菜则有相反的效果。也有另一种说法是越南香菜可以消除性欲。 
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2:24 https://www.youtub你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

泰国柠檬强化记忆力、提高思考反应的灵活度。你听过吗?Benefits Of Kaffir LimeJeruk purut

桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.
thank you. leave message.hope  can help you a lot.

番石榴叶的功效与作用. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu .

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi
Health Benefits
Vietnamese Coriander is good for the digestive system. To cure indigestion, just boil the leaves in water, strain it and drink the water. It is also believed to cure dandruff. How this is done is to mash it and place it on your head. Wash your head after 3-4 minutes with clean water. Vietnamese Coriander is rich in beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals like  calcium and phosphorus. But people with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones should take especial caution in consuming this plant since it can aggravate their conditionDigestion
The reason why this herb is used extensively in soups and salads in South Eastern countries is because it helps in the process of digestion.The leaves of the Vietnamese hot mint can be taken to solve digestion issues like flatulence, stomach cramps and indigestion. It must be noted that the herb has anti-diarrheal actions as well.
Anti-Bacterial Actions
In a scientific study, it was found that the essential oils derived from the fresh and dried leaves of this herb displayed powerful anti-bacterial actions. The herb could be used against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli that are gram positive and gram negative bacteria respectively.
Excess Sexual Desires
In Vietnam, it is traditionally accepted that the leaves of the Vietnamese hot mint can be taken internally to repress excess sexual desires. It is speculated that Buddhist monks always have Vietnamese hot mint in their garden, as eating it frequently helps them to have a celibate life.

Pokok Daun Kesum atau Daun Laksa ialah sejenis tumbuhan yang banyak terdapat di asia. Nama saintifiknya Persicaria odorata.Persicaria Odorata, Daun Kesum (kesum leaves), Vietnamese Mint, Vietnamese Coriander, Rau Ram (Vietnamese), Phak Phai (Thai) or Pak Phaew (Laos). This is one of my favourite herbs!
Health Benefits

Daun Kesum is good for the digestive system. To cure indigestion, just boil the leaves in water, strain it and drink the water. It is also believed to cure dandruff. How this is done is to mash it and place it on your head. Wash your head after 3-4 minutes with clean water. Daun Kesum is rich in beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals like  calcium and phosphorus. But people with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones should take especial caution in consuming this plant since it can aggravate their condition


如何做~蝶豆花茶(藍蝶花茶)测试~一步一步做给你看.How to make butterfly pea flower tea.(Clitoria ternatea)

   蝶豆花 中的天然蓝色素,也是有疗效的。如果将其加入柠檬并调制成花茶饮品,就是保健心脏血管的绝佳饮料。

 butterfly pea flower tea  for  sale  
这里有卖蝶豆花   http://amzn.to/2z5mwxn    http://amzn.to/2xHfhdO
这里有卖蝶豆花  http://amzn.to/2z46DHw  http://amzn.to/2xHf2zL

How to make butterfly pea flower tea.(Clitoria ternatea)
Butterfly Pea Flower is a Southeast Asian flower that, when steeped, gives rise to a deep rich blue hue complimented with a relaxing earthy and floral aroma.  When we add our freshly squeezed lemons into the mix, it magically turns in a beautiful violet purple.
Behind its captivating appearance and memorable taste, this special flower supports a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the key health benefits of Butterfly Pea Flower:
Anti-oxidant rich – Containing healthy amounts of anti-oxidants, Butterfly Pea Flower helps boost the body’s immune system and prevents the harmful effects of free radicals.  These anti-oxidants allow for improved cellular health while decreasing the effects of pre-mature aging, cancer and other diseases.
Improving eyesight -Anti-oxidants in this flower are also known to improve blood flow in the capillaries of the eyes, improving vision and reducing the progress of cataracts.
Improving the mind – This amazing flower has shown to improve one’s memory and reduce stress and depression, allowing you to focus on the positive.
Anti-inflammatory properties – This tea is commonly used as a natural remedy for reducing inflammation and pain.
Healthy hair – Promoting healthy and luscious hair growth is a signature benefit of this flower.
 Butterfly Lemonade, an irresistible combination of steeped Butterfly Pea Flower and freshly squeezed lemon.  As always, we’re constantly looking to bring you new and innovative tea beverages, so keep an eye out for some new Butterfly Pea signature drinks in the very near future!

彩叶草~神奇的功效与作用.Health Benefits of coleus plant. AJAIB DAUN MIANA.

   英文名稱:Common coleus
   學名:Coleus scutellarioieds (L.) Benth. 
別名:小鞘蕊花、八卦草、變葉草、錦紫蘇、老少年、鞘蕊花、五色草,洋紫蘇、金蘭紫蘇, 肝炎草,一點紅、彩葉莧等。

这里有卖彩葉草减肥药  ~~~~  
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 for  buy Forskolin Natural Extract Weight Loss         goo.gl/Y3Fh86
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黑面将军治子宮肌瘤、防癌、抗癌、治癌。pokok pecah kaca Blac
2:24 https://www.youtub你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅
七星针。cactus leaf jarum tujuhPereskia bleo  
刺果番荔枝。天然的抗癌水果,可以有效殺死12類癌細胞。Soursop fruit natural cancer cell killerDurian belanda 

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh GingerHalia.

泰国柠檬强化记忆力、提高思考反应的灵活度。你听过吗?Benefits Of Kaffir LimeJeruk purut

桔子(橘子)治疗感冒,减肥法100% Benefits limesLimau kasturi

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.
thank you. leave message.hope  can help you a lot.

番石榴叶的功效与作用. Benefits of guava leaves.Daun jambu .

穿心莲(苦草)。90%回缩至正常!肝炎 和螺旋体病人一定要知道。Daun Hempedu bumi
  The coleus plant, a member of the mint family, is popular for its use in gardening due to its brightly colored leaves of green and purple. But that’s not all it has to offer—the root of Coleus forskohlii has been traditionally used as medicine since ancient times.
The root is rich in forskolin, a compound that increases the activity of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), a messenger molecule that helps regulate the metabolism of glucose, proteins, and lipids, as well as the function of hormones like adrenaline.

Liver protection
Coleus also contains many polyphenols, tannins, flavonols, and other biologically active compounds. It can thus act as a powerful antioxidant. Studies in rats have shown that coleus extracts can protect the liver from damage induced by toxins. This protective effect on the liver has many potential therapeutic benefits.

Forskolin is stated to set going a number of processes in the human body, which will favorably reflect on the health of a person. The most beneficial and best described by the scientists action of forskolin is activating the enzyme adenylate cyclase, which plays an important role in many body processes. Benefits achieved include increased activity of the thyroid gland, which starts to produce larger amounts of hormones; improved metabolism and burning of fats; blood vessels dilation and lowering blood pressure; lowering intraocular pressure; inhibiting allergic reactions; finally, improving pumping ability of the heart and blood flow to the brain.
Forskolin has antihistamine properties, due to which bronchodilation in patients with asthma is achieved. Its action in the digestive tract is to stimulate the production of gastric juices and improve digestion. Forskolin is believed to affect insulin production, increasing its amount in the body. The given element is also said to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Health Benefits
Coleus is an important herb in Aurveda medicine; thus it has been used by people in India for centuries. Historically, the plant was taken to treat gastrointestinal problems as abdominal pain, flatulence, and bloating; urinary tract infections; cardiovascular conditions, as hypertension and congestive heart failure; sleep disturbances and insomnia; and convulsions.

Modern uses of Coleus remedies include allergies, asthma, obesity, glaucoma, and skin disorders as psoriasis and eczema. The herb is sometimes used as an additional means to fight cancer.


Membantu Menyembuhkan Wasir 

Manfaat daun miana yang beriktunya yakni bisa menolong menyembuhkan wasir. Wasir atau ambeyen yakni satu diantara jenis permasalahan kesehatan yang seringkali tampak lantaran kondisi yg tidak disadari. Biasanya lantaran kurangnya perhatian pada kesehatan pencernaan, jadi penyakit wasir itu terlihat. 

-Siapkan kurang lebih 20 lembar daun miana serta satu ruas unyit. 
-Kemudian bersihkan, lantas lalu rebus beberapa bahan ini dengan menggunakan 5 gelas air. 
-Rebus sampai mendidih, lalu lantas dinginkan airnya setelah mendidih. 
-Cukup minum satu gelas ramuan saja setiap harinya, jadi hal sejenis ini akan menolong menyembuhkan wasir yang anda alami. 
-Untuk menyembuhkan wasir dapat pula menggunakan manfaat yang ada pada daun dewa, daun cocor bebek, lidah mertua, kefir, serta binahong. 

Membantu Menyembuhkan Demam serta Menurunkan Panas 

Anda demam serta panas? Jika demikian cobalah faedah daun miana yang satu itu. Ya, daun miana memilki manfaat serta fungsi yang begitu baik untuk membantu meredakan serta mengobati demam. Langkahnya juga begitu mudah. Berikut ini yakni cara-cara mengolah daun miana untuk turunkan panas dan demam : 

-Ambil batang serta daun miana 
-Rebus batang serta daun miana dengan 3 gelas air 
-Rebus sampai mendidih serta tersisa 2 gelas air 
-Minum 1/2 gelas ramuan ini, untuk membantu menyembuhkan demam serta menurunkan panas anda. 

Mengobati serta Memperingan Gejala Batuk 

Fungsi daun miana setelah itu yakni bisa membantu menyembuhkan serta memperingan tanda-tanda batuk. Daun miana memilki manfaat yang begitu sangat baik untuk membantu mengeluarkan dahak yang menempel pada tenggorokan, hingga begitu efisien untuk membantu memperingan gejala batuk yan ganda alami. 

Mengobati Diabetes 

Faedah daun miana yang lain yaitu untuk membantu sebagai obat diabetes. Ya, untuk anda yang mungkin saja memiliiki permasalahan diabetes, jadi daun miana sudah pastinya akan begitu bermanfaat buat anda. 

Langkah mengolahnya juga begitu mudah serta simpel. Anda hanya perlu merebus batang, daun serta bunga dari tanaman daun miana sampai mendidih. Lantas, anda cukup meminum rebusan ini secara teratur, untuk membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah anda. 

Sekarang ini obat herbal dari tanaman obat begitu diakui banyaknya orang mengobat berbagai penyakit satu diantaranya yakni diabetes. Selain tidak ada efek samping yang cukup berarti ramuan ini dapat juga menyehatkan tubuh serta bermanfaat untuk kesehatan dalam tubuh yang lain. 

Obat Sakit Perut serta Mulas 

Selain untuk menyembuhkan wasir atau ambeyen, manfaat daun miana yang lain yaitu sebagai obat mulas serta sakit perut. Ya, untuk anda yang rasakan sakit perut, terlebih lantaran ada iritasi maupun bakteri yang ada di lambung anda, jadi daun miana begitu baik untuk membantu menyembuhkan sakit perut yang anda alami. 

香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
