
每天看到”金腰箭”,想不到在传统的加纳医学中拿它治疗癫痫!synedrella nodiflora uses(Horseherb)。Kegunaan Jotang Kuda。




你们的每一个赞 每一则留言 每一个分享 都是我拍影片的动力❤️💪 
敢敢按下那个红色的订阅按钮吧🚨 😜不用给钱的啦😅


木瓜葉的功效与作用。Papaya leaf  benefits . khasiat Daun batik.

諾麗果的功效,研究发现太好了!Noni plant benefits. .Buah noni.

魚腥草神奇功效實在是太多了!BENEFITS OF Houttuynia cordata (Lizard Tail)Amis Amisan。

生姜水,一定要看,太好用了!!Fresh Ginger。Halia.

山苦瓜的功效. momordica charantia benefits .Peria katak.

Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. (family: Asteraceae) is an annual herb that grows to about 60–120 cm high. It is a native tropical American weed, but now dispersed pan-tropically and occurring throughout the West African region. In Ghana, the foliage is eaten by livestock, whereas in Indonesia, the foliage is eaten as a vegetable by some indigenous tribes. The plant has also been extensively used in Nigeria for cardiac problems, wound healing, and to stop bleeding. In Malaysia and Indonesia, it has been used for the treatment of headaches, earaches, stomachaches, and as a liniment for rheumatism.In traditional Ghanaian medicine, the whole plant is boiled and the aqueous extract drunk as required for the treatment of epilepsy. The leaves are used for the treatment of hiccup and threatened abortion. The whole plant extract has been reported to possess potent anti-inflammatory activity and central analgesic effects.We have also demonstrated in our laboratory that the hydro-ethanolic extract of the whole plant possess antinociceptive effects possibly mediated via adenosine

rgic mechanisms.To date there is little scientific evidence to support the traditional use of S. nodiflora in the treatment of epilepsy and the possible mechanisms involved. This study tested the general hypothesis that the plant S. nodiflora has anticonvulsant activity. We undertook to systematically evaluate the actions of an extract of S. nodiflora on chemically induced seizures and muscle tone in rodents. The hydro-ethanolic whole plant extract, similar to that traditionally used, was used in this study.

Jotang kuda (Synedrella nodiflora
Seringkali kita menemukan tanaman ini di semak belukar tanpa menyadari khasiatnya. Tanaman ini tumbuh secara liar di sebuah pekarangan kosong dan dianggap sebagai tanaman gulma. Tanaman ini terkadang juga dijadikan sebagai lalapan di Jawa Barat. Nama latin Jotang Kuda ini adalah Synedrella nodiflora. Tanaman ini juga memiliki banyak nama, antara lain: babadotan lalaki, jukut genjreng, bruwan, gletang warak, legetan, gofu makeang, dan rumput babi.
    Bagian yang dimanfaatkan adalah seluruh bagiannya karena mengandung saponin dan polifenol. Penyakit yang bisa diobati adalah sakit perut dan rematik. Cara pemanfaatan ramuan ini yaitu:
·        Sakit Perut. Ambil 10-15 lembar daun muda Jotang Kuda dan tambahkan kapur sirih secukupnya. Oleskan pada perut yang sakit

·        Rematik. Ambil 10-15 lembar daun muda Jotang Kuda. Haluskan dan tambahkan minyak zaitun atau minyak habatussauda. Kemudian oleskan pada bagian yang terasa nyeri karena rematik.



香兰叶治痛风方法和种植方法.Pandan leaf.

你知道为什么那么多印度人和马来人喜欢香兰叶吗? 香兰叶也称为班兰叶(Pandan leaf),又名七叶兰,香林投、碧血树. 在东南亚一带,如:泰国,新加坡和马来西亚是很常见的食材,有一股澹澹的清香味道。很普遍,到处都可以买得到。 通常华人用它来煮糖水如:清汤,薏米糖水、番薯(红薯...
